Angry Woke Democrat Profile picture
Most Democrats are moderate, its past time to return to the center. Reclaiming the original definition of "woke" Watch any Spike Lee movie from the 90's to FAFO
4 subscribers
Nov 20 6 tweets 2 min read
Overheard in the DC

Tech: Mike Tyson made $20 million for just 16 minutes of work.

Client: No, he made $20 million for 40 years of being “Iron Mike”. After this loss, he won't see that kind of money again.

The value of reputation and branding Every time I look around, it seems like we're attempting to promote a new direction for the Democrats based on someone who consistently loses. It’s as if Bernie was never rejected—he hasn't just lost once, but in every election cycle since 2016.
Sep 9 4 tweets 1 min read
If you can sense the tone of my tweets, my patience for this nonsense is long gone. I’ve been politically active since I was 16—back in high school, I’d give friends birthday cards with a voter registration application attached.

So I have decades of working with new voters. There is a difference here. The advent of the internet - created the sense - that this is the American civics' square.

It is not. You need to canvas, go to a townhalls, listen to voters--meet people where they are.
Sep 3 9 tweets 3 min read
Greens- Democrats prevent Green party candidate by blocking ballot access

Me- That is the rhetorical argument of the dog ate my homework
Democrats lack the capacity to block Green Party candidates from every Alderman, City Council, and State representative position. Despite these opportunities, Green Party representation is scarce, suggesting laziness as the likely reason.

Not that they are being prevented
Aug 29 4 tweets 1 min read
To My Friends in the Media

Descending into name calling, bullying and dog whistles because the Vice President won't validate your sense of importance -is making her point that your inclusion in her campaign is not necessary.

Self Awareness is to recognize 2016 - was not long ago. We are Americans - a free and fair press is the cornerstone of our Democracy

But lately, you look bought and tainted --in 2016 while you failed to vet Trump you over emphasize Sec Clinton's emails well after that story legally relevant Image
Aug 24 9 tweets 3 min read
I fell for it and clicked (@patrickhealynyt
Patrick Healey of the @nytimes @DougJBalloon knows damn well he has never spent one day working to win a campaign. He wouldn’t know what it would take to win for a PTA opening.

He define her as “not being tested”

The current Vice President @jayjay827 @patrickhealynyt @nytimes @DougJBalloon A woman who has two decades of elected office to progressively higher positions he is trying to say is untested

A woman who orchestrated a month long rollout in a flawless maneuver- showing she learned from her previously mistake
Jul 26 5 tweets 2 min read
Trump support is baked - his floor and his ceiling don’t seem to move much.

Whoever said the VP pick doesn’t matter didn’t canvassed after McCain picked Palin.

A very old man with a tenous hold on life made his back up a person w/ very little experience. All they did was focus on that, Compared to JD Vance’s credentials, Sarah Palin seems like Margaret Thatcher.

That leaves personality as his only appeal, and he's still on backorder

His statements suggest he envisions The Handmaid’s Tale as a goal.
Jul 22 9 tweets 2 min read
This is a conversation with my very far left- whose allyship sees police as the enemy and prosecutors as evil.

Let's discuss because while your intentions come from a good place- they are toxic and paternalistic. My dream, as any other American dream is to find a home and a community that is prosperous, safe, beautiful and filled with people who are engaging and kind.
Jul 21 10 tweets 2 min read
When Jamie says these are not our rules,

We must legally adhere to the process outlined by our regulations.

This is a fundamental part of securing ballot access across states.
. Image What people don’t clearly understand but they are signing these replacement fantasy scenarios with their law credentials is

For months, each state Chair had collaborated with government counterparts to go over the process part
Jul 13 12 tweets 2 min read
The last two years of questioning Pres Biden's age has been about hoping to knock Madam Vice President off.

This thread is going to be a love letter to her and the strongest argument for Pres Biden to stay. It's not accurate to say she isn't strong electorally, especially considering her 2020 profile.

When MVP Harris announced her candidacy in 2020, she had the highest in-person turnout for her launch, the highest-rated town hall, and was one of the largest fundraising draws.
Jul 7 11 tweets 2 min read
Fetterman has sharp political instincts, contrast that to the lack of brains in prominent Dem- Im shocked. Both our political donors and the media fail to grasp the electorate or the political machinery. Worst many made irreversible statements that tarnish their reputations. He understood what @MarkWarner @RepRaskin, @EricHolder didn’t clearly get you never want to go on record speaking ill of a voting process for a back room process even if the rules say you can- which no one is sure you can
Jun 30 11 tweets 2 min read
Again -- for the all the people who can see this.

You cannot replace a candidate in a national race Realized something that hadn't clicked before: many campaigns strategist lack knowledge about the process. They drive the car but don't maintain it. Aspects such as delegate selection, finance and coordinating with states for ballot access they know nothing about
Jun 26 5 tweets 2 min read
In full disclosure, some of my NY family voted for Bowman

But he was always going to lose because he came across as a joke to the voters -

When. Bowman became an MOC the profile was that of a highly educated educator What they wanted to out is this Squad prankster, who was casting performative votes and part of the National embarrassment

They didn't want any part of this anymore…
Jun 23 8 tweets 3 min read
So, I posted this a few days ago- and ppl cited well what about the decline of unions in the United States being an indictment on Democrats.

Yes- talk about this.

Because -your genuine interest or pseudo-intellectual cool must be addressed 1. Union membership worldwide has decreased. The nature of work is changing, moving away from traditionally unionized sectors.

There is a push to unionize new sectors, the pace is slower compared to the previous unionization trade and manufacturing…
Jun 19 6 tweets 2 min read
Let me share.

I've been involved in policy advocacy since the age of 17. So hearing the 'Twitter mafias', portray ideal progressive policies as just one popular presidential decision away.

I am screaming, my war wounds are screaming, I am PTSDing that is not reality. I talk openly about losing the fight for faster implementation of renewable energy in states--because a version of AARP moonwalked over my ass.

Good ppl but the idea of investment cost clashed w/ their fixed incomes, and their voting power convinced Dem/Rep law makers alike.
Jun 18 8 tweets 2 min read
Some people, without any sense of irony, claim that Hillary Clinton wasn’t a good enough candidate to attract them but then praise Jill Stein and Marianne Williamson.

This isn't a discussion about quality; it's about their desire for highly customized candidates.

🧵 Expecting a candidate to be your perfect match may work in dating apps, but it doesn't work in democracy, where winning requires a majority vote.

In any group of even 10 people, choices involve compromise and give-and-take.
Jun 14 11 tweets 3 min read
Many countries have different forms of universal healthcare.
Single-payer systems are among the least common. Nations that begin w/ a single-payer base often transition to hybrid models, where the government provides guarantees and the private sector enhances service delivery. Just to make this clear.

We need to have a universal healthcare system

No person should have to factor cost into wether they can and should have life saving treatment
May 5 14 tweets 3 min read
One of the things I do on this app is to try to interject in the conversation a sense of political reality in a place that political bubbles can exist

Here is a reality- nothing these students are doing helps or even could help the reality in Palestine or Isreal We are dealing with two sovereign nations and a large geopolitical ecosystem that have large weight

The Egyptians, Qatar what matters and what will make a difference is different in this case than 1980s South Africa
Apr 23 8 tweets 2 min read
Karen Attiah is completely wrong in her interpretation of the Civil Rights movement

I didn’t quote tweet to say that- I quoted tweeted to say its odd I have to say it.

The CVM activists explicitly explained the how and the why. These people wrote books

There are documentaries capturing their living testimony on the who, the what, the how and the why

Some are still alive

Others wrote extensively in their own words a play by play
Apr 14 5 tweets 1 min read
Said- but not said.

I think so many of you - think so little of black people - that you don't want to give them the strategic credit of orchestrating the civil rights movement. It fits within your world view - that it was this tribal spontaneous movement of anger that rose to the top and shocked the conscience of benevolent white people

So that is what you seek to emulate. And despite that never yielding a positive outcome, you are going to continue
Apr 14 5 tweets 2 min read
Each watermelon activist sees themselves as Rosa Parks while engaging in these actions, which are the least Rosa Parks-esque things one could do. 🧵
Apr 6 5 tweets 1 min read
If the Rock choose not to endorse this time, I don’t think anybody would’ve noticed

But to say you sitting on the fence after J6 after other Republicans have decided that was a divisional line and reset to neutral takes a special kind decision making ie “like a steer” You are basically saying

I heard of Project 25 as a black man and that has nothing todo with w/ me

I am okay as long as people like me enough to buy tickets