Democrat, Environmentalist, & the establishment Profile picture
The establishment just means you been around long enough to have actually done something of note.
Mother of a #BlackManChild Profile picture Joshua Cypess Profile picture rootwoman123 Profile picture Catherine the Grateful Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jun 30 11 tweets 2 min read
Again -- for the all the people who can see this.

You cannot replace a candidate in a national race Realized something that hadn't clicked before: many campaigns strategist lack knowledge about the process. They drive the car but don't maintain it. Aspects such as delegate selection, finance and coordinating with states for ballot access they know nothing about
Jun 26 5 tweets 2 min read
In full disclosure, some of my NY family voted for Bowman

But he was always going to lose because he came across as a joke to the voters -

When. Bowman became an MOC the profile was that of a highly educated educator What they wanted to out is this Squad prankster, who was casting performative votes and part of the National embarrassment

They didn't want any part of this anymore…
Jun 23 8 tweets 3 min read
So, I posted this a few days ago- and ppl cited well what about the decline of unions in the United States being an indictment on Democrats.

Yes- talk about this.

Because -your genuine interest or pseudo-intellectual cool must be addressed 1. Union membership worldwide has decreased. The nature of work is changing, moving away from traditionally unionized sectors.

There is a push to unionize new sectors, the pace is slower compared to the previous unionization trade and manufacturing…
Jun 19 6 tweets 2 min read
Let me share.

I've been involved in policy advocacy since the age of 17. So hearing the 'Twitter mafias', portray ideal progressive policies as just one popular presidential decision away.

I am screaming, my war wounds are screaming, I am PTSDing that is not reality. I talk openly about losing the fight for faster implementation of renewable energy in states--because a version of AARP moonwalked over my ass.

Good ppl but the idea of investment cost clashed w/ their fixed incomes, and their voting power convinced Dem/Rep law makers alike.
Jun 18 8 tweets 2 min read
Some people, without any sense of irony, claim that Hillary Clinton wasn’t a good enough candidate to attract them but then praise Jill Stein and Marianne Williamson.

This isn't a discussion about quality; it's about their desire for highly customized candidates.

🧵 Expecting a candidate to be your perfect match may work in dating apps, but it doesn't work in democracy, where winning requires a majority vote.

In any group of even 10 people, choices involve compromise and give-and-take.
Jun 14 11 tweets 3 min read
Many countries have different forms of universal healthcare.
Single-payer systems are among the least common. Nations that begin w/ a single-payer base often transition to hybrid models, where the government provides guarantees and the private sector enhances service delivery. Just to make this clear.

We need to have a universal healthcare system

No person should have to factor cost into wether they can and should have life saving treatment
May 5 14 tweets 3 min read
One of the things I do on this app is to try to interject in the conversation a sense of political reality in a place that political bubbles can exist

Here is a reality- nothing these students are doing helps or even could help the reality in Palestine or Isreal We are dealing with two sovereign nations and a large geopolitical ecosystem that have large weight

The Egyptians, Qatar what matters and what will make a difference is different in this case than 1980s South Africa
Apr 23 8 tweets 2 min read
Karen Attiah is completely wrong in her interpretation of the Civil Rights movement

I didn’t quote tweet to say that- I quoted tweeted to say its odd I have to say it.

The CVM activists explicitly explained the how and the why. These people wrote books

There are documentaries capturing their living testimony on the who, the what, the how and the why

Some are still alive

Others wrote extensively in their own words a play by play
Apr 14 5 tweets 1 min read
Said- but not said.

I think so many of you - think so little of black people - that you don't want to give them the strategic credit of orchestrating the civil rights movement. It fits within your world view - that it was this tribal spontaneous movement of anger that rose to the top and shocked the conscience of benevolent white people

So that is what you seek to emulate. And despite that never yielding a positive outcome, you are going to continue
Apr 14 5 tweets 2 min read
Each watermelon activist sees themselves as Rosa Parks while engaging in these actions, which are the least Rosa Parks-esque things one could do. 🧵
Apr 6 5 tweets 1 min read
If the Rock choose not to endorse this time, I don’t think anybody would’ve noticed

But to say you sitting on the fence after J6 after other Republicans have decided that was a divisional line and reset to neutral takes a special kind decision making ie “like a steer” You are basically saying

I heard of Project 25 as a black man and that has nothing todo with w/ me

I am okay as long as people like me enough to buy tickets
Apr 6 7 tweets 2 min read
This type of help =no help

I’m going to tell you why.

Countless daily decisions shape climate policy, yet rebellious climate activists are missing from each one. State assembly meetings on how much investment into renewable energy, the timetable and how equitable implementation

Are these guys there- no

We often lose these fights daily

With utility pushing to slow down the timetable

And “affordability” advocates helping fhem
Feb 2 10 tweets 2 min read
Everyday - with the same wording someone now jumps into my account to talk about replacing President Biden as the Democratic nominee.

Some don't try to hide they don't live in the U.S. and everyone is currently from Michigan or Pennsylvania.

A thread Being able to run for president - means being able to run in

56 states- Yes that number is correct #.
Having large staffing, and infrastructure at your disposal
And a good enough name ID

That narrows things considerably
Jan 29 5 tweets 1 min read
If you think the word cease-fire means the fighting stops - of course you are for it.

But the additional info -that one side vows to keep fighting - drops support for this by a lot But from the week in October, a troll told me - what he wants from the U.S. “ to step aside while they bomb Israel”

That is the goal

So a one sided stop fighting is what they want and that is Not a ceasefire
Jan 27 18 tweets 4 min read
This is a great question and I don't understand why I have never made a thread about the nomination process. An independent candidate on this app once contemplate “ joining a party”

The contrarians on this app strongly encouraged her not to

In the end she pointed out anyone running for office needs hundreds of people to get elected

That is the short form explaination of a party
Jan 20 8 tweets 2 min read
I get this question a lot on podcast, family meetings etc

If more than 70% of Americans want someone other than President Biden and Donald Trump how come it looks like we are heading into another matchup with both of them.

The answer is really simple There is NO Consensus replacement person

Every other Democrat that could replace President Biden--ready to lead- Like Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer and Madam Vice Pres Harris have signal digit support. MVP is the only one in double digits. but low double digits
Jan 7 21 tweets 3 min read
Thread on Black Republican.

As a DC Politico - I meet a lot of Black Republicans.

I have been friends w/ several. They give different reasons:

1. Conservative Christian values
2. Diversity of political organization
3. Needing to be in the membership of the party of the financial power ( this is the number 1 actually)
4. Dems paternalistic approach to ethnic minorities
Jan 5 17 tweets 4 min read
Let me talk about " blind hiring" before I speak about diversity in hiring
While it has some mix outcomes on actual hiring -blind hiring consistently show women and minorities doing better in the early screens than traditional hiring that is network based… But lets be honest.
Most jobs, 70% are never even published meaning the vast majority are found and filled through recruiters, employee referrals, and other forms of networking. Source HR Online

Additionally, Americans have racialize homogenized networks…
Jan 2 10 tweets 3 min read
More frequently than not, I come across American voters thinking neither President Biden or Trump will be the nominee

Surprisingly it happens even among former campaign staffers

So I am curious if there is something specific abt the process not clearly understood

A 🧵 I am going to tag some national campaign staffers to keep me on track w/ this info sharing
@reesetheone1 @RealRichWilkins @Sallying_Forth as accuracy is the most important
Dec 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
My opinion

On "authentic candidate" and let this standard die a slow painful death.

Would you be your authentic self -at a job interviews
Or for a PhD defense or capstone?

Foremost you would respect the moment to be prepared Ever since the takedown of Hillary Clinton

Led by the likes of " Late Night Bros" like Jon Stewart and Trevor Noah- wanting someone who wings it and makes for good TV.

We have had more idiot candidates.
Dec 18, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
A Thread About Schools

This will talk about race- American competitiveness and global competition.

I am not going to make friends today- jump off at this point. We have had two Presidential election campaigns and have not spoken about K-12 school systems as a national topic or discussion.

Yet every late fall we passionately discuss the victimhood of children failing to secure the less than 1,500 spots at elite schools.