Since 2014, 2022 and more recently winter 2023, Ukraine has been building a huge defensive system. The multilayered “Donbass Line” composed of many trench network is quite similar to Russian Surovikin system.
🧵THREAD on Ukrainian in depth defenses⬇️
When we talk of defensive trench network, the huge Surovikin line is the first thing we think about: trenches, bunkers, mines, dragon teeths…
This particular system, sometimes compared to the Maginot line was one of the assets that stopped Ukrainian summer counteroffensive.
Since it is already mapped by many, it is not useful to talk about it.
However, I’ve also mapped pre-2022 Russian defenses. It is interesting to see that these particular trenches system can still be used in case of a Ukrainian breakthrough.
Let’s talk about Ukrainian defensive lines I called “Donbass line”.
Donbass line is quite different and more complex than Russian Surovikin system: it is composed of highly defended fortified system, separated by fields.
Zoom in⬇️ 4/
If we take the example of Ukrainsk-Muraka line (facing south near Kourakhove), we can see on this Sentinel-2 imagery that each system is separated by a kilometer at least.
Each fort can defend itself from every direction: you have to take all of them to advance.
Contrary to Russian line, Ukrainian one is composed of many forts that are defending each other.
The 2014-15 Popasna-Luhanske line is a good example: to breakthrough, you have to assure that no other fort has fire control on you. (This particular line was however abandoned)
The line 0:
This was the 2014-2022 line, it was composed of 2 systems near Marioupol (overrun in a few days because of the lack of personal), 2 lines near Popasna (Ukr retreated to the city) and one line between Marinka and Horlivka, with some part still standing.
The really first line built from February to June 2022, preparing the retreat of Sievierodonetsk was built from southern Bakhmout to Siversk, passing through Soledar
This defensive system had 2 lines, both were overrun in Bakhmout and Soledar but are still standing in Siversk. 8/
At the same time, Ukrainians built lines 1, 2 and 3 in northern Donbass. Today, they are still building these lines.
Line one: Siverski-Donets river/Tchasiv Yar/Toretsk. 9/
Line two and three are the defenses of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk: 2 lines are protecting Sloviansk from the North, an anti tank ditcj and 1 line protecting the twin cities from the west.
+ 2 lines protecting Kostiantinivka/Droujkivka.
Now, as some may ask themselves, the defenses after Avdiivka are already prepared but non-sufficient: main line is 17km from the city.
This line is however behind a river and lakes, making it a natural barrier.
The final objective of the Russian offensive may be to reach Pokrovsk, the last big city and industrial center of Ukrainian Donbass (with Kramatorsk).
The Ukrainian Armed Forces have built a two layered trench system all around the city. 13/
Support lines:
Donbass is a thing, but there are 3 other fronts: Kherson, South (Zaporijia) and Louhansk/Kharkiv.
Apart from Mykolaiv defense network and old Russian Kherson defenses, I haven’t found any Ukrainian line in the oblast. 14/
In Zaporijia oblast, there are at least 2 main defensive lines, plus a line defending the city itself. In Louhansk frontline, we have the Lyman-Borova line quite impressive. There is also a line near Izioum.
Currently, I’m investigating Ukrainian defenses on Russian border: the Koupiansk-Vovtchansk line, the Kharkiv defenses and border defenses in Sumy and Tchernihiv oblast.
For now I havn’t find many things, suggesting it is just the beginning.
How does those systems look like? This image is a high resolution one (from google earth pro): you can see part of the western Sloviansk defense.
A Ukrainian trench is never linear, and it is not always linked to avoid loosing a whole line if one part has fallen.
Ukrainians made fun of Russian anti-tank ditches and dragon teeths, but they are now using it. You can also see this new basement to protect soldiers from artillery and FPV shells.
To geolocalise these trench network, I used 4 elements:
-Google earth updates (from June to august 2022)
-Sentinel-2 imageries, most of them until may-july 2022 (since it is the best time to see trenches)
-Geolocated Videos showing trenches (Kreminna forest)
-Esri Imageries
Since some may ask, this work is not helping Russia. Why?
-We mapped Russian positions and defenses before
-Russia has satellites, and IA that can detect these lines
-For most of it, it is now nearly 6-month-old
-The map is indicative and non-exhaustive
I’ve been mapping Ukrainian and Russian defensive lines since nearly 2 years, this is the first part of my final project, it will be updated and improved many times in a row.
Here is the link to have it on your computer. Please credit me when using it!
Keep in mind that when I’m using Sentinel-2, I can’t be precise, and there may be errors since it is sometime really difficult to know if there is a trench or not.
I will improve the map with updates of Maxar imageries in Google Earth.
Here you can find the link for my interpretation of the lines. Since it is not a continuous defensive system, it is only an interpretation of hundreds of trenches. As tweet #21, you can download both trenches and defensive lines.
Since some people have already asked me, if you want to buy me a coffee for my volunteer work (tens of hours of work in my free time), you can here:
Thank you
This is the end of the thread
If you like it, you can repost the first tweet. Make sure to follow both my account @clement_molin and my think tank @atummundi
I will do a French version soon.
@escortert @Pouletvolant3 @frog_of_war @wolski_jaros @guillaume_ancel @Michel_Goya @ObsDelphi @CartesDuMonde @AudrandS @Black_BirdGroup @emilkastehelmi @GeoConfirmed @UAControlMap @Stevius21 @Danspiun @Tatarigami_UA @NOELreports @IntelCrab @egea_blog (some that may be interested)
C'est l'angle mort de ces derniers jours, un arrêt total de la progression russe dans l'axe de Pokrovsk (avec une continuation plus au sud à Andriivka et Velika Novosilka.
On parle ainsi d'une armée ukrainienne qui reprend du terrain sur les flancs de Pokrovsk.
Ce retardement de la progression russe pourrait même avoir un impact plus grand encore si l'armée ukrainienne parvient à progresser à l'ouest de Shevchenko, village important à l'entrée sud de Pokrovsk, pour éventuellement provoquer un retrait à l'ouest.
Left : Kyivskyi district of Donetsk, reportedly "bombed" during 10 years by Ukraine 🇺🇦.
Right : Bakhmut city, bombed during 8 months by Russia 🇷🇺.
New satellite images expose russian lies over claimed "genocide" against russian speaking people.
🧵THREAD🧵1/19 ⬇️
This is the Kyivski district of Donetsk city, the nearest point from the frontline during the 8 years of Donbass war and 2 years of full scale invasion.
We will take a look at satellite images and compare destruction with other ukrainian controlled cities.
This is the most destroyed part of Donetsk city, the Donetsk airport terminal, bombed by russian and pro-russian forces in 2015, when they broke the ceasfire to take controll of it.
The area around is the one that suffered the most in Donetsk.
Ukrainian 🇺🇦 forces retreated from half of the territory they controlled in Kursk and are still leaving the territory east of Sudja after Russian 🇷🇺 infiltration
Russian forces are nearing both supply roads of Sudja, 7 months after they began counter-attacking.
In september 2024, Russian army, after amassing around 50 000 soldiers in Kursk oblast, began counterattacking the 1 000 square kilometers of territory they lost in august 2024.
This was the first of numerous counterattacks.
In october and november, russian forces continued their counter-offensive, finally gaining ground north-west of Sudja in december, thanks to large infantry assaults by both russian and north korean soldiers (mixed units).
Dans le Nord-Ouest de la #Syrie 🇸🇾, une contre-révolution menée par les loyalistes à l'anciens régime inquiète Damas qui riposte.
Des centaines de civils ont été massacrés au milieu des combats, la Syrie alaouite s'embrase.
🧵THREAD🧵1/23 ⬇️
Depuis la prise de pouvoir d'Hayat Tahrir Ash Sham à Damas en décembre dernier, la guerre en Syrie s'est poursuivie, partout dans le pays, engageant différentes factions rivales.
Le nouveau gouvernement, largement mené par HTS tente de contenir les insurrections.
Ce gouvernement a mis en place un grand ministère de la défense, chargé d'encadrer les groupes. Cette tâche est difficile, parce que l'armée est hétéroclite, ethniquement et politiquement.
Il est donc très difficile de contrôler cette armée.
La Russie 🇷🇺 est l'ennemie de la France 🇫🇷 et de l'Europe 🇪🇺
Lors de sa dernière allocution, le président Macron a pour la première fois désigné très clairement Moscou, non pas comme un adversaire, mais un ennemi.
Ce changement de paradigme est à suivre.
A la fin de la guerre froide, l'Empire Soviétique, défait, s'est disloqué en une multitude d'Etats ethniques, tandis que la Russie a constitué la continuité juridique de l'URSS.
Beaucoup d'Européens ont essayé d'arrimer l'Etat Russe à l'Europe.
Cependant, l'Etat russe s'est enfoncé dans une doctrine institutionnelle complètement opposée à celle de l'Europe, une démocratie autoritaire virant progressivement vers une dictature.
Comment Zelensky a battu indirectement la République Oligarchique.
Depuis 1991, l'Ukraine 🇺🇦 s'est illustrée par une corruption endémique et une oligarchie surpuissante, que l'on peut comparer à d'autres pays de l'ex URSS.
Celle-ci a désormais quasi-disparu
🧵THREAD🧵1/20 ⬇️
L'indépendance des 14 Etats de l'URSS a ouvert la voie à un capitalisme débridé et sauvage dans tous les pays, sauf les pays baltes.
L'Ukraine a été le plus touché et en subit encore aujourd'hui les conséquences.
En Russie, après 10 ans de capitalisme sauvage, Poutine prend la main et fait disparaître l'oligarchie concurrente. Il garde ses proches, l'oligarchie russe n'a donc pas disparu, elle est juste bridée.
Au Bélarus: pas d'oligarches, dictature de Lukashenko.