There has been many amazing #LongCovid studies recently I’ve just been mulling them over.
🏆 long covid patients get muscle NECROSIS with exercise.
N-protein in the muscles but ALSO controls.
We are going to find viral persistence everywhere, aren’t we?
No one wants to say it
‘Exercise-induced amyloid-containing deposit accumulation in skeletal muscle’
Why on earth are we telling these people to exercise?
So they can destroy their muscle tissue and deposit more amyloid and feel terrible?
There is a baseline of amyloid in pre pandemic samples but higher in LC patients and higher after exercise
‘The underlying reason…remains Elusive’
Amyloid was Expected to be found in capillaries. Repeating may work this out. ? Issues with lab technique.
impaired peripheral oxygen extraction (and relatively lower deoxygenation) and a higher concentration of amyloid-containing deposits in skeletal muscle,
Impaired peripheral oxygen extraction means your muscles just cannot work as well as those who do get oxygen.
This would explain why people who were fit and running marathons suddenly can’t walk round the house after Covid
No oxygen= no energy.
You cannot just correct your own damaged physiology..,
‘we found SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein in almost all patients and healthy controls’
Right ok, it could be viral remnants but body tends to mop things up.
Imagine all these healthy controls actually have viral persistence in their muscles? 😲
That is a horrifying thought.
‘Participants with an infection >6 months prior to study enrollment showed no differences in the abundance of SARS-
CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein, but we cannot exclude additional unknown asymptomatic infections.’
So it may hang about for more than 6 months. Ouch.
In year 5 of the pandemic we cannot tell people whether they have a virus that stays in their body. In their muscle. Organs. Blood vessels. Brain. In their kids.
Can we get a move on and find an answer?
It feels like some people don’t want to know the answer. it will come out.
Other things the study found:
Confirms peripheral impairment in skeletal muscle metabolism in long COVID patients
long COVID is associated with a lower skeletal muscle oxidative phosphorylation capacity.
See complicated diagrams
Imagine this is VERY difficult to fix.
Note these were long covid patients who could walk 4000 steps a day. Some cannot walk 10 steps. We need to also biopsy their muscles and
See if it is worse in those cases. Most long Covid and ME/CFS studies miss the most severe
What is good about this study- it not only nails the issues with long Covid with exercise and post-exertional malaise, it is relevant to EVERYONE. Every single person infected with Covid.
N-Protein in most of the samples- healthy controls or long Covid-we need to take seriously
Yes it does not 100% prove virus is remaining in the body ( viral persistence) but the indication it does means we should act quickly to ascertain if it does.
Before it is too late
Lastly, exercise in LC patients
‘CD3+ T-cells were absent in healthy controls, but present in patients with long COVID before induction of post-exertional malaise ‘
‘More long COVID patients had CD68+ macrophage infiltration in skeletal muscle compared to healthy controls’
There is an immune response to exercise in LC patients. Imagine not being able to exercise? Immune responses can make you feel
Really unwell.
Skeletal muscle after exercise in long Covid-
Figure 5( B)
Large areas of necrotic fibers were observed in 36% of patients with long COVID after exhaustive exercise.
Then they have to try and heal.
Moral of story. Long Covid is bad. We know healthy controls have nucleocapsid in muscles.
If you get Covid you can get long Covid and not be able to exercise. If you get Covid it might never go away. And we are letting it spread into people multiple times/multiple variants. Mad.
Will look at the other studies too. So much learning in the space of a few weeks. We cannot blame the science&researchers
For lack of medical
We cannot airbrush out long Covid because it is an inconvenient Truth
Multiple potential causes of #POTS including autoimmunity, mitochondrial cytopathy, diabetes, B6 toxicity, sjogrens.
We are not doing a good job in the UK of investigating for these,the US is miles ahead.
Read for some root causes of #POTS
Most people I see with (usually undiagnosed) POTS have got it after #covid
Covid seems to have a predilection for the autonomic nerves.
However, it was prevalent in #MECFS long before Covid.
Always check for POTs if symptomatic of post viral symptoms or ME.
This poster summary is super interesting as I don’t think we do always investigate underlying causes. I’m sure something would be said if I suddenly started testing everyone’s B6 levels. But if 10% have toxicity we should
If cardiology refuse to see a patient&they then get a private diagnosis of #POTS should they have to pay £100 a month for medications forever because it was diagnosed privately?(when they had no choice.)
Help me out here
This is different to the adhd situation since referrals are rejected by the NHS. So no NHS avenue.
Patients better on meds and back at work in tears because they can’t afford the medication.
There is similar situation for #mcas . Some of the main nhs mcas doctors have a policy that they reject ALL #LongCovid referrals. No reason given.
For those who say mast cell degranulation is not real I give you BASCULE syndrome.
19yo woman with POTS& gastroparesis
Developed itchy lesions on her legs associated with standing.
⚫️central urticaria-like lesions are secondary to mast cell degranulation induced by HYPOXIA
(Bier anemic spots, cyanosis, and urticaria-like eruption) syndrome. prescribed 20 mg of loratadine once daily and she reported an improvement in pruritis.
Why is it important 1- it looks itchy and painful 2- there are still many clinicians who don’t ‘believe’ in mast cell activation syndrome or for that matter, POTS. 3- can be associated with cardiac abnormalities such as prolonged QT syndrome- needs ECG.
1/This year 2024 we up
The pressure.
No MBEs for disassembling infection control.
No more should we have to sacrifice health for work&school.
The masses are about to find out about reinfection.
And they are going to start asking questions
Some of us have the answers.
3/ 2023 we found it’s even worse
‘If you’ve had Covid previously&dodged a bullet&did not get long Covid the first time around &you’re getting another infection now, you’re pretty much trying your luck again.
I hope those reinventing the wheel have looked at POSTEXERTIONAL MALAISE &why this makes these ‘activities’ potentially dangerous for those with #MECFS & #LongCovid
A link to PEM- you may be next…
Jn.1 appears to be hitting different. 10% on ECMO in ICU is huge.
Increased transmissibility + increased immune evasiveness + increased severity is always worse case scenario we don’t want with acute Covid. Do we honestly think we can positively think it into staying ‘mild’?
It’s not clear if more severe or more people just have it all at once. But keep spreading it like this and eventually, if not now, we will have a super variant. I really wouldn’t care what people did if it didn’t impact everyone else with their chains of transmission.
Here’s your receipt for the fact we are promoting a super variant. @WHO don’t wait until it’s too late. I love Christmas but it’s not worth being on ecmo for the office Christmas party….