How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App‘suggests that paediatric hepatitis of unknown cause is likely to have been related to postinfection inflammation. This may have involved complex causal pathways, involving SARS-CoV-2 infection&/or AAV-2 infection or reactivation in genetically susceptible hosts… her answer to the UK Covid inquiry she instead said that only a ‘small’ number of children come to harm and waffles about outcomes in the elderly.… seen many children with long Covid, lives in tatters ( if it happens before or mid A-level they have no exam results even if very intelligent). They are lost amidst a health service with little help. The worst are bedbound with tubes for feeding. we have no workforce left to look after the population, as they also get damaged from long Covid. was not the first. long Covid patients deserve care as much as anyone else activation may both contribute to endothelial dysfunction or represent a systemic inflammatory condition.