Phil Godlewski- He is not legit (But his court papers are)
Qoute: A Pedophile?
"QAnon leader Phil Godlewski accidentally outed himself as an alleged child predator after filing a defamation lawsuit against a local paper that exposed old court records to public scrutiny, according to a report from The Daily Beast. Despite Godlewski and QAnon’s obsessive fixation with pedophile cabals running the government, it seems in this case the call is coming from inside the house." End qoute.
Phil you might as well be Buddy Israel from "Smokin Aces" the way you are being sought after from all corners of all points bulletin that has you marked with the red stick pin.
Michael Flynn "Digital Soldiers" was him creating a protective layer around himself.
Why do you think these are the 1st people to come to his aid the moment something to damaging gets out?
The Digital Soldiers was a counter psyop to Q'. Why do you think he no longer wants anything to do with them?
Why do you think he no longer supports "The Plan" in regards to the US Military taking down all the secret human trafficking tunnels?
Why do you think he is not trying to get down to the bottom of who assisted Joe Biden stealing 2020 election?
Why do you think he has nothing negative to say about Michael Aquino who is a Pedophile who raped and killed children when this is in court affidavits?
People are under the impression that I am writing this info as a potential protest for Michael Flynn not to he apart of Donald Trump's administration.
When will they ever learn? If it's a "Sting Operation" wouldn't it be smart for Michael Flynn to continue the crimes while under the impression that the Deep State is still in power?
Remember that Wes V vs EPA case? Did you no the 3 letter alphabet agencies no longer can dictate any policies in government? You know what this means? Michael Flynn & Ivan Raiklin no longer has protection. From FBI or CIA.
Which is why everything they are doing is no longer working.
M. Flynn Worked With Foreign Cyberweapons Group That Sold Spyware.
* Pegasus Spyware helped governments spy on opponents and journalists.
* ‘Surveilling reporters is designed to intimidate not only those journalists but their sources, which should be of concern to everyone.’
Did you know 100k was paid to M. Flynn before he became D. Trump National Security Advisor by the patent company of Israeli cyberintelligence company NSO Group which owns Pegasus Software?
So ask yourself why is everyone who claim to he working for your freedom all have ties back to Bibi Netanyahu who was behind 9/11?
Andrew Breibart
Steve Bannon
Michael Flynn
All these men work for Zionist. We already know Steve Bannon was caught stealing money for the Border Wall.
Adrian J Wells also has info on M. Flynn. Why do you think the human trafficking victims are silenced by all "The Digital Soldiers"? Why do you think the SRA survivors are not mentioned by any of the people you think are trying to get down to the bottom of Pizza Gate? (LC). And you alm think these people are doing all those fantastic projects to expose the players in the Deep State. How when you are getting all that information from me?
Do you all remember when Michael Flynn was a guest of honor at a dinner hosted by a former MI6 Spy Master Richard Dearlove? Who did I tell you was the most advanced Intelligence agency? Britain Intelligence right? Where did they train Allister Crowley? At Vauxhall London right? Guess who else M. Flynn was pictured with at that party? The head of British Intelligence Christopher Andrew.
All the people you seen come out against me all are in the Flynn network.
Lara Logan
Liz Crokin
Kaity Passe (@Realdefender45)
Bishop Larry Gaiters
Phil Godlewski
Guess what? All these people have me blocked.
Is that a big f*cking coincidence or what?
Well would you look at this.
Richard Dearlove
Christopher Andrew
Michael Flynn
You all wanted the receipts right?
Everett Stern, head of the Tactical Rabbit intelligence firm and a current Senate candidate, also revealed Flynn's allies reached out to him.
He reportedly provided evidence, which included text messages, emails, and other correspondence to support his claims.
The individuals he was in contact with included Velma Anne Ruth, along with two additional Flynn allies: Al Hartman, a real estate mogul in Houston, Texas, and former army Green Beret Ivan Raiklin, both of whom advocated for election audits in multiple states.
Two of Flynn's associates, who are said to be part of a far-right extremist organization known as the Patriot Caucus, were the first to approach him back in April of last year. At the time, they were reportedly part of a "scheme to seek potentially damaging information on two Republican members of Congress to prod them to back an audit of the 2020 vote that Joe Biden won." End qoute.
Do you see what you are up against my people?
Do you now see what Ivan Raiklin role is?
Do you now see how he uses the media to build a trustworthy profile like the faux 22 miles a day for 80 days straight for veterans stunt?
This is how they get you to buy into their image. It gives them this super hero aura that they are always out fighting on your behalf. And you all fall for it every time.
It's called "Public Relations".
The pictures, videos, messages, will tell you the whole story. Ivan Raiklin works directly under M. Flynn. Flynn basically works under British Intelligence which uses Benjamin Netanyahu as a honey pot.
These are the people you have to watch. This is why they are always doing all these podcasts, interviews, photo ops, press events, etc. This is how they keep the covert ops against the American people going. They have to keep showing their face because they made their image synonymous with truth just by their presence alone.
So when you see them you by default automatically think you are getting accurate info. But you ate getting their version and it is been passed to these "Plastic Pay-triots". Which is why you will only see them on those types of platforms because they will not ask them questions that will make them uncomfortable.
You need to look into these people and stop being scared of these Pay-triots. These people are in "The Circle". Please understand what Donald Trump is up against. Make the connections.
This is Ivan Raiklin & Velma Ann Ruth sitting at the same table in PA-(Pennsylvania). Do I need to tell you anything else at this point? Ivan Raiklin runs bribery & blackmail for Michael Flynn to get political figures to flip votes. This is how Joe Biden won. Do not be fooled by this guy.
Do you all want to know where all that talk about Donald Trump taking up the SOTH position came from? Ivan Raiklin.
He is the one that sends the talking points the to the "Plastic Pay-triots". This is why most of them are so smug.
Raiklin & Flynn have ties to Project Veritas.
Did you all know I. Raiklin was working directly with Maxine Waters? I have those messages.
Did you know Kathy Barnett worked with Michael Flynn?
She is the one who sent or organized the buses to attack the US Capitol. People were harmed because of her.
Jeremy Oliver works with M. Flynn.
Doug Mastriano works with M. Flynn.
James O'Keefe also works with M. Flynn.
You all do not know what you are dealing with. These psyops are designed to go after low hanging fruit to give the conservative an illusion that Project Veritas is getting the scoop and getting to the bottom of things.
Well if that is true why are you finding out about Kathy Barnett & Ivan Raiklin role in all of this from me?
There is one other person that is exposing all of this and he would agree to everything I am telling you. Look up Everett Stern.
More on this later.
This is Ivan Raiklin coming up with a grand scheme for Donald Trump who he never consulted with. The nerve. The Audacity.
Ivan Raiklin- The Scheme
The following is a theory from Ivan Raiklin on How Trump Could Become Speaker of the House and Impeach Biden:
The Steps Would Include:
1. Full exoneration.
2. Exposing everyone who conducted illegal activity against Trump
3. Reinstatement of Trump which would require, at minimum: Arizona Mark Finchem , Michigan Christina Caramo, and Pennsylvania Doug Mastriano decertifying their 2020 electors via their respective Secretaries of State appointed by Governors.
The Impeachment Managers:
Matt Gaetz
Joe Kent
Paul Gosar
How It Would Work:
1. When Speaker Trump is elected on January 3, 2023, he gets immediate immunity from the Department of Justice, FBI, raids, lawsuits, etc.
2. Trump appoints his Sergeant at Arms.
3. His Sergeant at Arms releases all 14,000 hours of January 6, 2021 tape to get the real story out and all communications at the Capitol and does criminal referrals on ANTIFA and BLM members who have yet to be arrested, and reconsider all peaceful/nonviolent attendees.
4. Impeachment hoax nullification hearings begin. During those hearings across all 30 committees that Trump is now the Speaker of, there would be 24/7 uncensored televised broadcasting on all CSPANS 1, 2, and 3, to expose the mainstream media, Big Tech, and the last 3 administrations (Bush, Obama, Biden, and Deep State crew) of all their illegal activities, and how the fake impeachment hoax occurred, all the way back to Crossfire Hurricane.
5. Afterward, the House votes to nullify Trump Impeachment Hoax 1. And then the House votes to expel impeachment managers who were involved in Impeachment Hoax 1.
6. Nullify Impeachment Hoax 2. Get all players who were involved or expelled out of Congress.
7. Introduce Articles of impeachment against Biden, which would include, at least: (1 ) Crossfire Hurricane (2) Unmasking General Flynn (3) Afghanistan withdrawal
8. Garrett Ziegler testifies on the Hunter Biden laptop.
9. The 60 former Intelligence officers who claim the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation would testify as witnesses. Give them 6 hours and if they don’t show up we’ll give them the Bannon treatment.
Do you see what you are up against? A mass psyop. Do you think This is something Donald Trump would want to be apart of?
No. But they tried to push this. Which wouldn't have mattered because we are under JAG/COG. We do not have a government. Aside from that go look at all the influencers who were rallying around putting D. Trump up for SOTH. Ivan Raiklin is behind all of it.
To be honest with you all I was not even going to share this. Until I was affronted by one individual who told me to "keep my f*cking mouth shut" about Ivan Raiklin. Now I am going to go all in and double down to let you all know your favorite Pay-triots are protecting those people inadvertently by their own refusal to check their background networks. They just want to replace your liberal media with cookie cutter conservative media.
I am not here to be in "The Club" or limited hangout to be social with these people just to decorate my media profile so I can can create a montage of sellouts to show my kids that these were the people changing the world for some annual patriotic dinner party with a bunch of card board cut outs positioned to ensure you don't go digging in taboo areas.
People listen as I have told you before all you have to do is listen to the military.
They are the ones who have to face these creatures.
There are thousands of video on the web where active duty and former military will tell you.
Go to Michael Salla channel on YouTube and listen to his interviews with JP.
The military has no reason to make this up. Forget listening to private citizens if what it takes are 1st hand experiences from those hired to do this.
JP covers various topics but he tells you what his missions were. And you will be hard pressed to find any holes in his stories as he has been very consistent with what his objective mission statement were/are.
He is even sick because of the interaction with certain entities and alien atmosphere that requires certain liquid to even enter certain areas. I told you all you are in the crazy part of this…
🚨Read This Info (Link Below)
They explain what I stated as to why everything was locked down and cameras were either shut off and confiscated along with parameters being created to control what was going on to contain the incident. This person gives you 1st hand account.
People listen to me. We are in the crazy part of this operation.
Do you all really want to know why all those what look to be hundreds of those police cars were in Miami? I have one former associate of mines who called me who I didn't hear from in 10 years on a private number.
Police Scanners
Phone Recordings
All of this is being confiscated.
They are as I type this scrubbing the web of all the people on social media trying to upload what they saw.
You all will not belive this. But I will not lie about something of this nature.
I will try to find a video 1st before I tell you. Because they are busy making sure this does not get out.
People heard everything on the scanners. It was wild.
This is what I am trying to get my hands on so you can hear it for yourself.
Damanhur's Underground Marvel: Where Ancient Myths and Modern Spirituality Converge
The Temple of Damanhur- This place beneath a suburban house in Northern Italy lies a massive underground temple built entirely in secret by a group of non-architects, working around the clock for 15 years. The size is a collection of nine separate underground temples, not a single one.
• 8,500 cubic meters: This translates to roughly 300,000 cubic feet, enough to fit several large houses inside.
• Five different levels: The temples span across five subterranean levels, offering a labyrinthine exploration experience.
• Hundreds of meters of corridors: Extensive hallways connect the different temples, adding to the sense of mystery and adventure.
But what's even more impressive is that Founder Oberto Airaudi claims the project is only about 10% complete, indicating the potential for the temples to grow even larger in the future.
The Temple of Damanhur is a composite of different religions and spiritual concepts.
Ancient Influences: Egyptian myths, Greco-Roman philosophies, and Gnostic traditions hold significance in Damanhur's worldview. Concepts like cosmic balance, self-discovery, and spiritual evolution resonate within their practices.
Christian and Judaic Traditions: Elements like the importance of community, ethical principles, and rituals reminiscent of both traditions find expression in Damanhur's practices, though reinterpreted from their own perspective.
Spiritual Ecology: Respect for nature and the interconnectedness of all living things are central tenets in Damanhur. Sustainable practices and a deep connection to the land permeate their way of life and reflect their belief in environmental harmony.
Personal Growth and Transformation: Inner exploration, meditation, and artistic expression are emphasized in Damanhur. Their focus lies on unlocking individual potential and contributing to the collective good through self-improvement and creativity.