I keep saying Critical Immigration Theory is coming. What's that going to look like? What's it going to do? When will it really drop? Let's think it through.
Critical Immigration Theory is going to be a global-reach extension of Critical Race Theory, which is very American. The idea is simple. Illegal immigrants are "oppressed," and national citizens are "oppressors" through the system of national citizenship.
Communist Manifesto:
So specifically *illegal* immigrants and national citizens will be framed in an intrinsic conflict where the illegal immigrants are help up as unjustly excluded from the benefits of national citizenship by the system of national citizenship itself.
In that it will be a *Critical* Immigration Theory, the goal will be to find any pretext whatsoever to denounce the target, which is the system that it wants to change (cf. Horkheimer, below). Anything that can stoke conflict to fuel that denunciation will be fed.
The goal of a Critical Theory is to "imagine" a different system to replace the target system under denunciation. In this case, that new "ideal" system is clearly "global citizenship," which is embedded in SDG-4. un.org/en/academic-im…
The United Nations is extremely invested in this "global citizenship" agenda (and SDG-4), as even a casual investigation will show you. They have gobs of material on it including comprehensive plans to remake education around teaching it *everywhere*. un.org/en/chronicle/a…
What is a "global citizen"? It's a dangerous fabrication. It doesn't exist, but it sounds like someone who is part of "humanity" on the "globe." A citizen is a person in a political relationship with a sovereign, including rights and duties. There's no global sovereign, yet.
The idea behind "global citizenship" is to promote it like an even better kind of citizenship than local or national citizenship (where there are actual governments) to lure people into believing it's a "thing." They might one day ask to make good on the relationship, in fact.
Additionally, global citizenship is a psyops to be put up against the naturally inferior "national citizenship," in particular, which will be framed as antiquated, limited, problematic, and harmful. Just look at the "migrant crisis" it has created, for example!
Critical Immigration Theory will therefore attack the idea of (bourgeois) national citizenship, thus national sovereignty, through the concept of comparing it (liberated) global citizenship, which avoids all these crises and is more humane (or just "human").
The United Nations again pops up at the heart of Critical Immigration Theory's narratives, then, because the whole program will be framed in terms of "human rights," which are allegedly declared by the UN. In fact, the UN has a whole campaign for this. standup4humanrights.org/migration/en/i…
This UN campaign "Stand Up for Human Rights" has a bunch of Woke crap on it, but it has a whole toolbox for dealing with "migrants," their euphemism for "illegal aliens," who are the oppressed class in CIT. It outlines what CIT will look like in detail. standup4humanrights.org/migration/en/t…
Here's a sample of what Critical Immigration Theory will be built around: same as CRT, almost. Imaginary vision, narratives, storytelling, unification campaigns on the CIT standard only, and all the positive lies Communists can tell to sell their evil. This is just a glimpse.
What all this means is that the Critical Immigration Theory narratives and critiques will attack national citizenship and sovereignty as selfish, harmful, outdated, exclusionary (instead of inclusive), racist, xenophobic, and all the usual vectors we're familiar with.
It will claim that the outdated model of national citizenship and sovereignty (nations themselves, then) challenge the very concept of human rights, demanding global citizenship under a more unified global governance that is more inclusive and sustainable.
Every possible crisis or problem or sad story that arises from allowing huge numbers of illegal aliens into target countries (Europe, North American countries, Australia, New Zealand) will be exploited to create narratives of harms caused by exclusive (bourgeois) citizenship.
"Migrants rights" will be asserted to be every bit as equal and important as the rights of national citizens because of these harms and because "no human is illegal," which is hard to deal with. Migrants' Lives Matter! Blah, blah, blah.
Anyone who refuses to go along with this new "unifying" narrative that can solve the "crisis" will be framed as some kind of hateful bigot, selfish, etc. Xenophobic. Racist. Migrantphobic. Nationalistic. Something. Many things. Straight Maoist hatecraft: criticism and struggle.
The contours of Critical Immigration Theory will be very Woke and will combine FOUR current leverages: CRT, Postcolonialism (as with Gaza Floyd), "Third Worldism" (aka, Liberationism), and Climate Change, with this last bit being another strategic goal of the whole program.
Americans will find Critical Immigration Theory feels very much like Critical Race Theory but oriented toward illegals instead of "POC." They will blend intersectionally, but American racial minorities will lose to this new intersectional category of greater oppression.
The elements of Third World Liberationism will be less familiar to Americans, though the "Palestinian" thing is a taste. You'll find claims that the Global North and West have been dominant exploiters for far too long and owe Other people a place at their table.
Every manner of international strife, exploitation, and just sob story will be levied against the North and West and tied to "Eurocentrism" and "American Imperialism." Grumpy MAGAs and libertarians will say they have a point but aren't doing it quite right.
Behind this Liberationism, just like with Che, there will be the kind of violence advocated for by Frantz Fanon, that is, the decolonization project. This will feel even more like the "Intifada" stuff we're dealing with now, still not clear on its role in the bigger picture.
The dialectic between national and global citizenship will rage, keeping the door open to even more "immigration," typically under the name of "asylum," which is owed because of the devastation the West and North caused to the rest of the world through colonialism and imperialism
People on the "nationalist" side of this will be framed as racists and xenophobes and whatever other deplorable terms they come up with who just want to deny people human rights after being complicit in their exploitation, alienation, estrangement, and misery.
Concepts of national sovereignty will be portrayed as outdated relics of a pre-global world we can't go back to, one that creates innumerable "harms" like we see with the crises around "migrants." Global citizenship with global responsibilities could solve the problem.
We can't move into that new global unity on a new globalist basis, however, because the racist, deplorable nationalists refuse to let the old world die, no matter how harmful their old, selfish ideas are. They are the problem. HATE them. And struggle sessions will come.
One of the key ways the Global North and West have exploited and destroyed the rest of the world, necessitating and entitling them to asylum, is through ecological imperialism. They got rich by destroying the climate, and "Climate Change" is driving "migrants" to find relief.
The North and West OWE the "Third World" reparations of various kinds for these harms, mostly caused by fossil fuels and wars, so borders must be open, asylum must be free, rights and privileges must be granted without citizenship, wealth must be redistributed, etc.
Even more importantly, Critical Immigration Theory therefore becomes a bridge between Western Maoist Identity Politics and the Climate Change narratives they need to take global control. CIT will make Climate Change "personal" and "empathetic," rather than abstract.
So, when will this huge active measure be dropped? They're already building out not just the conditions but the narrative arcs for it now, but it won't take off without a reflexive movement following a crisis, perhaps a Jorge Floyd story, which they're already looking for now.
Eventually, something truly awful and tragic, or disgustingly opportune, is going to happen in this unfolding disaster that keeps growing. When one such story has the reflexive potential of George Floyd and goes viral, Critical Immigration Theory will mainstream.
If I had the time, it wouldn't be hard to write a book outlining what this will look like, even without consulting the sources on their side that already have attempted it (they exist). This thread should suffice, though, and may well look prophetic before the year is out.
PS: When I say Critical Immigration Theory "is coming," I know they've already developed all of the theory. I mean it will be deployed as the new popular mass line, like BLM Summer 2020. The threads of the theory itself are basically 50 years old.
PPS: I don't think it will be nearly as successful as the 2020 precursor. I also don't think that will stop them or that it won't be modestly effective and cause a protracted messy circumstance that drives people apart and creates myriad problems.
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Been working on the terminology to explain this, and I think I can do it justice now. First, intersectionality is Western Maoist identity politics. So it's based on Maoist identity politics. That's very important.
How did Mao's identity politics work? He separated the population into two classes, "red" (good) and "black" (bad). The goal was to make people adopt revolutionary red identities and denounce problematic "black" identities. "The people" and "enemies of the people."
ESG is getting whipped, but the demons pushing it think they're clever. They seem not to know that we're on to them and these stunts just harden our resolve now. fastcompany.com/91011216/at-wo…
They think they're going to be able to pull this one on us, and at the same time they say their theme is "Rebuilding Trust." Ha!
Here's a vague term that offers them even more blatantly arbitrary power: "Stakeholder Metrics." The "stakeholders" are the tyrannical council, and they'll measure whatever they want to improve their tyranny. This is just the new Soviet, and we all see it.
It was easier to explain the evils of Soviet-era and even Maoist Communism because those more or less openly attacked success as selfish. Woke Communism uses identity (white, straight, etc.) as a proxy for success and attacks success through it. This is more difficult to clarify.
In some sense, the key thing Communism always attacks is not just success but anyone who can succeed. It attacks not depending on the state, which is their state. By going through identity-based proxies, they can personalize the issue in the wrong ways and add mystification.
The attack is always directed at success, successfulness, independence, individualism (especially rugged), and not being dependent on the (Communist) state. Hiding it in proxies adds a kind of fog of war that makes it much harder to spotlight and fight back against.
It's not about white people, as much as some people (mostly the Left) want it to be. It's about getting the highest possible chance of hiring activists or people who can be turned into activists with plausible deniability.
The way Maoist identity politics works is more complicated than this, enabling human shields and the generation of resentment in the wrong direction. It doesn't split the population into two (good and bad) but into four (good tokens, good soldiers, bad tokens, bad problems).
I'm still working on the terminology for this, by the way. White people are bad tokens. Black people are good tokens. It's not really about them. They want activist classes, revolutionaries, allies, cadres, and the likes. Black people who aren't that aren't really wanted.
Here's how the Left thinks:
Society is the result of social conditioning, so control of the means of social production will make humanity into the people who will bring in the Leftist utopia. Marx called this "the inversion of praxis." The activism for seizing power is "praxis."
Ultimately, this is "the logic of the circle." Doing praxis (Leftist activism) brings about transformed conditions that become real (reified) through the inversion of praxis (forcing people to live that way). It's the snake eating its own tail. It trends only toward destruction.
The way Leftists undertake this process is outlined in this talk I gave in December 2022. They seize the means of production through praxis and then produce "new men" through the force of the "inversion of praxis," by which they mean totalitarianism. newdiscourses.com/2023/05/as-bel…
I know the controversy is coming, so I'll say that the reason we have venerated Martin Luther King, Jr., is specifically because he struck a perfect chord with the just principles underneath the Declaration and Constitution in his "I Have a Dream" speech, and almost nothing else.
The Left has wailed for years about this, that his more aggrieved writings have largely or completely gone ignored, even the next most famous thing, "Letter from a Birmingham Jail." Well, welcome to America. We celebrate what resonates with and speaks to our immortal principles.
MLK's politics don't matter. His behavior doesn't matter. His suite of views might be interesting but don't matter. None of it matters against his legacy, which is in America that on his most famous day he spoke our most cherished principles with remarkable clarity.