🧵2. The @FBI has forced Marcus Allen's family to deplete their retirement savings by suspending him without pay for the last two years while it delays any resolution with every trick in the book.
Yanking his clearance violates PPD-19.
Yanking his paycheck violates 5 USC 2303.
🧵3. After the @FBI yanked his paycheck with no due process, Marcus asked to take another job while waiting for the FBI's security review.
@FBI ignored his request until it was too late and has also asserted the authority to stop his family from accepting charity.
🧵4. Why? It all starts with the @FBI Director Wray's testimony to the U.S. Senate, where he left the impression that the FBI had not infiltrated groups involved in the J6 Capitol riot.
🧵5. Mainstream outlets like the @nytimes raised doubts. So did @DarrenJBeattie, @RevolverNewsUSA. Marcus forwarded all these articles to his superiors @FBI and raised the issue to their attention, which was part of his job.
🧵6. His bosses called Marcus on the carpet. But one of them later admitted to @FBI Security Division (SecD) that Marcus "was likely influenced by his knowledge [Charlotte Field Office] did have a source at the Capitol, who was reporting as the events unfolded on January 6."
🧵7. Marcus is a decorated Marine combat veteran with excellent evaluations and a spotless record.
His bosses admitted his Qs were reasonable and raised no questions about his loyalty to the U.S.
Still, @FBI grasped at straws to smear him as "hostile" to the U.S. govt.
🧵8. @FBI thinks it can do whatever it wants as long as it uses the security clearance process as the pretext.
But, in this complaint, we are not challenging the security clearance decision itself (which still isn't final) but rather yanking his pay to pressure him financially.
🧵9. By denying his right to take other work and preventing from accepting charitable donations, the @FBI has put him in a box.
It's perfectly designed to force a resignation, so that the @FBI's unlawful retaliation gets swept under the rug.
Proven high performers before they blew the whistle on the @TheJusticeDept taking a dive in the Hunter Biden case.
Everything changed. Isolated. Frozen out of career advancement. Scrutinized relentlessly, looking for anything to hang them with. Work life became hell.
The double standard was there from the very beginning. Just to open the case, the bar was higher "for a political family like" the Bidens.
The protected disclosures internally within the IRS started from the very beginning too.
3/🧵Don't just take our word for it. We provided ample evidence to Congress about weaponization of the security clearance process to target the employees for political beliefs rather than legit security risks. The @JusticeOIG has testified about it.
Permanent bureaucrats have zero authority to hide information about the operation of their agencies/how they spent taxpayer money from officials acting on behalf of any duly elected president or congress.
That’s a clear neutral principle that should be obvious to all.
This is not about the balance of power between Congress and the President. Both have democratic legitimacy in our constitutional republic.
It is about the imbalance of power between career bureaucrats and our elected leaders in the two politically accountable branches.
After 20 long months, the staff at @US_OSC told us that the IRS could not support its decision to remove IRS SSA Gary Shapley and SA Joe Ziegler from the Hunter Biden case.
That removal happend, of course, shortly after the IRS learned that they were blowing the whistle to Congress.
Their work life has been changed ever since. Look how far the IRS management will go.
One recently altered the date on document to hide slow walking on another ongoing law enforcement operation, apparently trying to falsely paint Shapley in a bad light.
Remember when you orchestrated the firing of an IG for a buddy of Pres. Obama and made false statements to Congress about it after your effort to intimidate the IG into quitting failed?