Jason Foster Profile picture
Founder, Empower Oversight (@EMPOWR_us), formerly Chief Investigative Counsel @SenJudiciary for @ChuckGrassley. RT ≠ ♥️ https://t.co/Iqu0zW9e7i
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Jul 18 5 tweets 3 min read
Our new court filing opposing @TheJusticeDept's effort to impose permanent secrecy on how it sought to hide the collection of my phone and email logs—along with the records a dozen other attorneys for oversight committees in Congress. ⬇️🧵

Image 1. Did @TheJusticeDept fail to alert the court the phone and email logs it sought belonged to Congressional oversight attorneys?

2. Did it also fail to alert the court that sought to renew the gag orders on @Google even after the leak probe that supposedly justified the subpoenas was closed?Image
Jun 11 9 tweets 4 min read
Forcing employees to rat out their co-workers for expressing political opinions the bosses don't like is unAmerican. Full letter to @JusticeOIG and documents are available here: empr.me/FBISecDQs
May 22 6 tweets 3 min read
Chairman Smith: “New documents provided by the whistleblowers show that Hunter Biden repeatedly lied to Congress in his February deposition to distance his involvement in what should be considered a clear scheme to enrich the Biden family.” gop-waysandmeans.house.gov/chairman-smith… Image
May 14 9 tweets 3 min read
🚨New @JusticeOIG memo on the @FBI's failure to follow the law when suspending security clearances in retaliation for #whistlelbower disclosures.

I can confirm that one of the cases the OIG describes in detail w/o naming him is our client #MarcusAllen.

May 2 14 tweets 4 min read
Highlight 🧵for our motion to intervene and unseal @TheJusticeDept arguments for hiding its broad subpoenas for phone and email logs of attorneys advising congressional oversight committees. ⬇️ Image In 2017, when @TheJusticeDept and @FBI were resisting aggressive congressional oversight of FISA abuses, they secretly launched what looks like a broad retaliatory effort to target attorneys for their congressional oversight committees. Image
Feb 27 6 tweets 4 min read
NEW FOIA: Two weeks ago, we sought documents on the @FBI's #whistleblower retaliation against Marcus Allen by denying him the ability to work while suspended w/o pay—for the last two years

Now, we are seeking documents on @FBI's claim that his family is not allowed to accept charitable contributions from the public to meet basic living expenses.

Press Release:
Full Request PDF:

🧵1. Highlights below...👇 cc: co-counsel, @ACLjohnempr.me/4bTP7sQr
🧵2. A successful @GiveSendGo campaign raised thousands of small-dollar donations to help the families of Marcus and other @FBI #whistleblowers like @GOBactual.

But, a politically motivated #WarOnWhistleblowers pressured @TheJusticeDept and @FBI to block the charity.

Jan 23 10 tweets 4 min read
New Filing: FBI is Breaking the Law in its 2 Years' of Retaliation Against FBI #Whistleblower Marcus Allen

Press release:

New complaint to @JusticeOIG and OPR:
(full PDF)

🧵1. ...with highlights below. empr.me/48Nezyi
🧵2. The @FBI has forced Marcus Allen's family to deplete their retirement savings by suspending him without pay for the last two years while it delays any resolution with every trick in the book.

Yanking his clearance violates PPD-19.

Yanking his paycheck violates 5 USC 2303. Image
Dec 5, 2023 12 tweets 7 min read
🧵1. Highlights from the 77-page report released today by the House Judiciary, Ways & Means, and Oversight Committee
Image 2. Early examples of preferential treatment. Just to open a case and start investigating, there was a higher bar than for the average person.

By the time investigators were ready to start interviewing witnesses, President-elect Joe Biden's transition team got tipped off.
Oct 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
True. Not just me, but also other House and Senate staffers, both Democrat and Republican.

An outrageous fishing expedition to gather intel on the comms of attorneys for cmtes doing DOJ oversight.

Here's the grand jury subpoena @Google provided. The red redaction is mine.
Sep 27, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
A link to all new IRS #whistleblower docs the House cmte voted to release today is below along with @tristanleavitt's highlight thread. 2. The first one listed on the cmte website is an affidavit from IRS #whistleblower Joseph Ziegler.

It summarizes all the other new documents he provided and the cmte released.

Sep 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Aug 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🙄 Solution below ⬇️🧵…

Do this *now*, @Jim_Jordan, @RepJamesComer, @RepJasonSmith, @SpeakerMcCarthy, @HouseGOP

Before any contempt votes, so that the threat of contempt has some teeth.

Before any funding for the next fiscal year is considered in Sept….

1/ Simple solution.

No executive branch agency or court could stop you.

The Senate can’t stop you.

House rules are none of their business.

No one can make you consider any bill in order that funds the salary of officials defying your subpoenas. Period.

And why would you?

Aug 21, 2023 14 tweets 8 min read
1🧵Nothing in the Constitution grants prosecutors or “special” or “independent” counsels immunity from congressional oversight.

2🧵 @tristanleavitt and I personally led congressional probes related to ongoing law enforcement matters and obtained info on pending criminal matters.
Aug 1, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
House Ways & Means Cmte Chair @RepJasonSmith Opposes Biden Lawyers' Attempt to Seal IRS #Whistleblower Materials

Biden family lawyers continue to smear the IRS WBs w/ false claims that their protected disclosures were criminal.

Full filing here:

1/🧵 https://t.co/rLAwjIIvtyempr.me/456PITK

2/ IRS SSA Gary Shapley and Hunter Biden case agent Joe Ziegler made protected disclosures to Congress. Congress voted to release them to the public and filed copies with the court considering the Hunter Biden plea.
Jul 25, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Holding a public hearing just to confront the Delaware U.S. Atty would be a mistake.

Interview witnesses first. Sit them beside Weiss at the witness table to call B.S.

Bring in the IGs.

Cmtes “grilling” a sole witness rarely works.

As explained here: https://t.co/Y9Hu9DERNq https://t.co/IS59JsWS1dempr.me/fix-ovrsght

Jul 13, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
When @JacksonLeeTX18 attacked FBI #whistleblower Marcus Allen, she smeared her own constituents’ son after ignoring their plea for help.

Marcus grew up in her district.

His parents are registered Democrats there.

His mother contacted her office months ago asking for help. 🧵
Image 2. Marcus Allen’s mother sought help with the @FBI’s unfair treatment of her son, but her Rep, @JacksonLeeTX18. never responded.

Instead of serving her constituent, the Congresswoman falsely accused Marcus of being paid $250k for his testimony.
Jul 6, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵Of all the falsities hurled at Congress & IRS #whistleblowers in Biden atty Abbe Lowell's 10-page temper tantrum last week, one is really interesting.

—especially in light of the @washingtonpost's no-comment, complicitly leaving its readers to seek truth in the Darkness. 2. Lowell falsely claims that the sources for @DevlinBarrett and @PerryStein's 10/6/22 "illegal leak" story about the Hunter Biden probe "could only be from law enforcement."
Jul 1, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵ICYMI, the IRS issued threats meant to silence any other #whistleblowers on the Hunter Biden case.

1. The 2nd IRS whistleblower, the case agent, sent an email to the IRS Commissioner @DannyWerfel, reporting misconduct and mismanagement by IRS and DOJ officials. https://t.co/gAVKMU9w4T

How did the IRS respond to this heartfelt request to address the improper handling of the Hunter Biden case?

The case agent was told to shut up and follow orders—oh, and that he "may have" committed a crime. (He didn't).
Jun 24, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Congress has the inherent constitutional authority to impose fines.

Fact check: TRUE, just like a court does. Obviously.

Otherwise, it would have to rely on other branches to enforce its subpoenas—which it has unwisely chosen to do in the modern era.

How's that working out? .@mirandadevine, @tristanleavitt, @SpeakerMcCarthy, @Jim_Jordan, @RepJasonSmith, @RepJamesComer

Jun 22, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Link to full transcript of IRS SSA Gary Shapley:

https://t.co/OfD4h3GTdD https://t.co/Saxf9EEM2Rwaysandmeans.house.gov/wp-content/upl…

This AUSA needs to spend some quality time with Congressional investigators and a court reporter.

Jun 8, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
IRS guidance to its employees should not pretend that the laws protecting the right to blow the whistle to Congress do not exist.

@DannyWerfel needs to comply with the law and provide complete, accurate info, per @ChuckGrassley and @SenRonJohnson:

grassley.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/… ImageImage Context: