One big reason for the Obama/Clinton regime's delicate handling of the Benghazi terrorist attack that killed 4 Americans was because they simply could not have it come out how Benghazi was being utilized to arm, equip & train ISIS for its attacks all over the Middle East.
Think of how many problems it would have created for the war mongering in the Middle East, the escalation of US forces in the region to help 'contain' ISIS as it took over vast swaths of real estate in Iraq and Syria if ISIS was traced back to our own CIA & government.
Think of how it coming out that NATO/Mossad/CIA were all instrumental in the creation of, the guiding of, equipping of, selecting targets for...ISIS would've really CAUSED A PROBLEM FOR THIS GAY MOTHERFUCKER in his helpless shrugging act about how ISIS just couldn't be stopped.
For going on 5 entire years, Obama pulled the stupid helpless shrugging act.
"Nothin's working folks. We just can't stop them. We are struggling to contain them. This will be a generational problem...hey we better put a SHIT-TON more use forces in the region, don't you think?"
[is everybody paying attention?]
...we were led to believe NOBODY could stop these slow-moving ISIS caravans traveling over the roads in cars and trucks.
A terrorist group with no air cover. Moving in caravans up and down those roads...
With no air cover whatsoever. I wanna emphasize that.
Slowly...oh-so-very-S-L-O-W-L-Y...gallivanting around and committing unspeakable atrocities hither and yon.
Butchered thousands.
And for 5 long years, as the ISIS 'threat' grew....
and GREW....
AND G-R-E-W...
and this gay motherfucker continued to insist he was DOING EVERYTHING HE COULD POSSIBLY DO to stop them...
...we sent more troops to Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
And the military industrial complex rejoiced.
All their plans!
Their entire agenda for the Middle East.
Their plans to continue to build up and use ISIS as an excuse to expand US military operations there.
This was unforeseen.
This was not supposed to happen.
Obama was supposed to make the handoff to HILLARY.
It was SUPPOSED TO BE Hillary.
So she could CONTINUE his stupid and fake-as-fuck HELPLESS SHRUGGING ACT when it came to ISIS.
And then do you know what happened next?
Do you remember?
What Trump did to their precious ISIS?
And how long it took him to do it?
When ISIS's slow-moving convoys amazing magical ability to get NOT GET BOMBED BACK TO THE STONE AGE from THE AIR was suddenly...lost?
ISIS had to STOP gallivanting about the region in slow moving convoys.
Suddenly they were PINNED DOWN in their strongholds & every time they stuck their heads up out of their holes they died.
**WHY** was Trump able to so quickly succeed where Obama and Clinton had failed for more than 5 years when it came to the ISIS 'threat'?
I submit that the reason Trump succeeded so totally and easily in 4 months is because the ISIS threat was never all that real to begin with.
ISIS was a NATO/CIA/Mossad Operation Gladio creation.
Trump knew once he **removed** the 'magical' shield protecting ISIS from being bombed from the air & removed the **barriers** preventing the Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC] from engaging ISIS directly, it wouldn't take long.
Remember how Fake News and the political establishment roundly and derisively mocked Trump and Melania for that 1st presidential trip to Saudi Arabia?
They didn't have the first fucking clue what they were watching unfold.
Trump destroyed the Operation Gladio infrastructure.
Trump got the reception he did in Saudi Arabia because he communicated **with clarity** to the national leaders in the region "Look, I know what's been going on. I know how you've been PREVENTED from acting on ISIS & other threats created by outsiders.
And I'm going to put a stop to it."
Now, I want you to think about this.
The same people who shaped the world's view of the ISIS threat and West's seeming inability to come to grips with that threat...
[and who were completely exposed by Trump]
same people, mind you...
who are...
...attempting to shape your view of CURRENT EVENTS going on in
the Ukraine/Russia conflict
the Israel/Gaza conflict
the China/Taiwan conflict
What **narrative framing** are they currently proffering to you these days, assuming you still pay attention to them?
Are these same people who provided cover for and excuses for the failure to destroy ISIS in a timely fashion currently strongly demanding INCREASED US MILITARY FORCES in certain regions of the world?
Why would they be doing that?
Is much of what you're being shown...real?
We've funded one of the most corrupt regimes to ever exist, one with actual Nazis embedded inside its military forces to the tune of over $100 billion in the past 2 years.
Who is it that is now stridently calling for more billions to be sent to that regime?
And threatening that hey, we might have to send American boys and girls over there to die if we're not willing to fork over the cash?
Once you start asking the right questions, you get closer to the right answers.
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...they NEVER lost track of ol' Ghislaine. For the 9 months she was supposedly 'in the wind' and 'missing', they'd **always known exactly where she was** and that they were 'keeping tabs on her'.
Now I know what you're thinking.
Oh, but its TRUE.
The FBI agent in charge at the presser came right out and said this.
I wrote it about at the time.
And nobody remembers it because 99% of the Fake News coverage and CON Inc. coverage of the Maxwell case thinks a MASSIVE COVER UP IS UNDERWAY.
Read this and see for yourself. I wrote about the startling statement that FBI SAIC William Sweeney made at that press conference in two different columns when I was at The Epoch Times:
They never lost track of Maxwell. They always knew exactly where she was because they were keeping 'discreet tabs on her'.
And who she was meeting with and in communications with, I'm sure.
And when they were ready, and pretty much had it all mapped out they swooped in snatched up up at "Tucked Away".
Really strange nobody ever seems to point this out, isn't it?
Instead of listening to the same people breathlessly telling you same clueless shit over and over about Maxwell and the 'black book', how about go back and study what actually happened?
I gotta admit...about a year and a half ago, even as I had already been seeing just how badly the federal gov't 'health' and 'science' agencies had been misleading and lying to the public about COVID-19 virus origins, and the C-19 vaccines, I hadn't realized yet just how much they ALSO mislead/lie/misdirect about something so foundational to our lives: FOOD.
Last June a visit from my stepmom forced me to reassess how I was eating in my attempts to lose weight.
I've been overweight since I was around 24 and now I'm 59. Several times I ballooned up to around 350 pounds.
I was very likely around 350 when this picture was taken back in 2018.
Got down to about 280 with the help of a personal trainer in 2019 but then COVID hit and I was soon fluctuating between 325 and 330.
Thing is, that entire time I was struggling to get my weight under control I was eating what I was told was the 'healthy' versions of bread, cereal, and other carbs.
I'd looked briefly into keto/carnivore but darn that didn't look like any fun. Give up all the bread, cereal, pasta, grains I was eating? BOOOOORING.
I now realize I was like an heroin addict looking at a drug free program and thinking 'how boring!'
He's seeing @atensnut, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones seated in the audience just yards away from him at the 2016 debate between Donald J. Trump and The Witch, Hillary Clinton.
Google those names if you don't know who they are.
This is the moment Bill Clinton realized Trump was SERIOUS about winning that election.
@atensnut Yup.
This actually happened.
Trump brought Bill Clinton face to face with some of his many victims at one of the debates with Hillary.
22 years ago our authority figures just CLAIMED TO US that they 'lost' 2 trillion dollars of our money.
And we believed them, and then were massively distracted by 9/11, in which a 'plane' flown by 'terrorists' from 'Al Qaeda' just happened by sheer cosmic coincidence to fly right into the side of the Pentagon where the accounting offices were located. You know, the same accounting offices tasked with finding out how this could've possibly happened.
Aw gee. Now we'll never know where any of that 'lost' money went.
You know what I assume was in those envelopes given to the Bushes at the GHW Bush funeral?
A picture of Barbara Olson.
Or perhaps The Falling Man.
What ever it was, it was an IMAGE and all of 3 of the Bushes who saw it, especially Jeb! **instantly** recognized what they were looking at and were stunned and HORRIFIED at the implications of it.
Outside chance: a picture of the Kennedy assassination in Dallas in 1963.
One led directly to the other.
W can't even look at them, won't make eye contact.
Stop telling me 'they'd never allow or even plan a 9/11 on their own country!'
You're lying to yourself.
Did you learn NOTHING from the past few years?
Are you sure about that?
That the people that extensively plan and launch Plandemics and introduce vaccines that injure and kill people the world over would NEVER do a 9/11?
The same people that have launched numerous wars using false flags and fake propaganda that in the last 50 years killed MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE?
Sure, they'd do THAT, but you tell yourself a 9/11 is a Rubicon they would never cross?
I know its hard. To face the brutal truth.
I put it off for 21 years.
But if you haven't been able to bring yourself to face it yet, eventually you're going to have to over the course of the next year.
Reminder, during the Revolutionary War, at a critical time that just happened to fall very late on the night of Christmas Eve, as Dec. 24 became Dec 25, George Washington and a bunch of patriots were paddling boats and crossing the river to give the Hessian troops and the British a big surprise.
Its why I'm up.
Remember: Q team told you what the KEY was that later unlocks the map.
They told us all in #11.
And in #14.
When you pay attention and ask the right questions, new vistas of understanding open up for you.
The BIG MISTAKE a lot of people have been making from the start is that they've been assuming since Trump and the Military Intelligence people behind him assumed full control after they somehow, by some MIRACLE still not fully understood, won the 2016 election, the civilian intel and LEO agencies have been in charge of everything, running everything, doing all the important stuff.
No, they haven't. You've been watching a fake movie.
You were TOLD who'd assumed command behind the scenes and why back in very late 2017. A very real and national crisis level emergency that involved the military intelligence and LEO apparatus taking over and achieving precedence from the civ 3 letter agencies.
Trump told you he was a wartime President.
That was not an exaggeration or hyperbole.
When the history of this time is written, this will be regarded as a key moment.
During the course of the coming year, its going to become evident why that is so.
They all came and stood behind him for exactly ONE KEY LINE of his speech.