Raccaniello is arrogant enough to the extent to reject an accurate scientific hypothesis on twitter and his TWIV podcast to the detriment of the public, without knowing enough about the subject It was completely irresponsible
Many people are discovering the paradox of how T cells are driving the harm- pathology- in covid-19
This was part of my publication in 2020, I gave the opinion that T cell effector function was harming organs and that it would remain significant on reinfection
Can you all appreciate how much I was attacked for saying the T cells were harming and responsible for harm? It was relentless. Every Professor with Dunning Kruger went on attack-mode.
What's interesting is that when I am vindicated, it comes in titles from high-impact journals
This one is Science
For some reason the tiniest bit of what some people would call "creative imagination" sends people into a rageful frenzy. Perhaps they lack imagination themselves?
People rightfully chafe when sars cov 2 is compared to HIV
The problem is you have allowed denialism to dominate public discussion
When you deny the obvious, you create a vacuum that can be filled with conspiracy theories
4 papers show infection of T cells by SARS 2 1/5
Even though this is well-published in nature family journals and eLife, empty suits that promised herd immunity by infection deny such a thing is possible.
I am talking about Marc Veldhoen and Antonio Bertoletti
We can see the profound lymphopenia that can occur
Indeed, T cell differentiation and death was my specialty, and it has become taboo.
Not only that, we have news publications that say "Covid does not harm the immune system*"
As we are hit with yet another Covid wave, I want to reflect on the promises of herd immunity by infection, with special consideration of claims that pre-existing cross-reactive T cell immunity to other coronaviruses was aiding in achieving the herd-immunity threshold
These two circumstances are not unrelated. The reason we are having constant reinfection with sars cov 2 is because we gave the virus the keys to the kingdom: enough replication to enable evolution to escape key parts of our immune systems
In 2020, I warned that resting hopes of herd immunity on T cell immunity was perilous and a bad idea. I said it would enable mutations and evolution of the virus to the extent to facilitate reinfection. Now, this is our reality.
For their benefit, I will list the publications that prove my thesis correct:
The first is how T cell responses derived from vaccination are superior to those derived from infection. T cell functions after infection were harmed. The publication is below: