At least @ChrisVarcoe mentioned the climate crisis concerns this time.
"The oil and gas industry is the largest emitting sector in Canada. The Liberal government has introduced a series of policies as concerns around climate change mount" 2/
But this is sloppy and "news release" journalism:
"CAPP noted emissions from the conventional oil and gas sector fell by 24 per cent, while production grew by 21 per cent between 2012 and 2021."
Neglecting oilsands emissions in its entirety. 3/
"@trevortombe said it’s clear the effect will be significant, hitting one region of the country much harder than the rest."
Well yeah. Because we have the industry with the highest amt of GHG emissions. That continues to grow. With no check on it. and no interest in doing so. t/
How many ways does this article anger me?
Let me count the ways...
(although, honestly, fighting @calgaryherald on climate issues is rather pointless, in the past @ChrisVarcoe has often been better than this)
1) I realize I'm like a broken record. But having an article, on a climate issue, without mentioning the word "climate" once, is not cool. Of course people don't want to do hard things, unless they know why they need to do it. (see search in upper left corner)
2) Zero interviews from anyone, aside from the federal government, as to why this cap is necessary. All industry or industry-adjacent voices.
People have been wondering why I have been posting on the COVID lableak theory recently.
It's increasingly clear that the WIV in Wuhan was the source of the pandemic, and that copious efforts to covering this fact up have come from the US, China, and elsewhere. 1/
It's also evident that a vocal group of virologists are trying to thwart any efforts to regulate Gain of Function viral research. Research which is incredibly dangerous to all of humanity, as the risks greatly outweigh any possible perceived benefits.
Want to learn more? Read through the recent US Right to Know Freedom of Information releases.
A very short thread summarizing the studies on Paxlovid in COVID.
Since it seems to be getting some very bad press these days.
And, in my mind, is widely underprescribed for those at high risk. 1/
Study 1: 89% RRR (6% ARR or NNT of 17) in bad outcomes (hospitalization/death). zero deaths in the active arm, vs. 13 in the control arm.…
study 2: *Omicron
50% relative risk reduction in hospitalization. 75% risk reduction in inhospital deaths.
(worked for vaxx people too)
Paxlovid associated with decreased hospitalization rate among adults with COVID-19 - United States, April-Sept 2022
A short thread on the mysterious world of new energy thinktanks supporting the fossil fuel industry, popping up around Canada recently.
#debunktionjunktion 1/
Prompted by this article I read this am in @globeandmail.
Containing the phrase "the newly formed think tank called Energy Futures Initiative" spouting off a pro-natural gas narrative. 2/…
Here is the passage.
So I got curious, what is this amazing think tank? Filled with what plethora of deep thinkers? 3/
A short thread on the contents of this article:
"Kids cared for in hallways as viral illness overflows ER at McMaster Children’s Hospital" 1/4…
I think, unfortunately, that article is the death knell for immunity debt. This our second year of RSV being above normal levels. The "debt" should have been paid by now. there is no immunity debt, only dysfunction. 2/
Again, these staffing shortages exist through a combination of 1) acute infection 2) chronic disability, commonly from longCOVID 3) Burnout, due to moral distress and tired of gaslighting. All three can be mitigated via honesty about viral transmission and universal N95 use 3/