As promised, here is my take on the current earthquakes vs DUMB's situation in the USA. I have done this particular thing a couple of times in the past 5 years, so I had much of this already to go. All it took was grabbing the past 2 months of EQ's from the USGS website in KML format and putting that on my GE so that we can play overlay and see things directly. I also happen to have faultline info, which you will see in bright green and orange. Earthquakes are in the .01-4.5 range since 01-01-24. Depth marker on the far left there. Id rather it be finer in the shallow end, as that would be more telling, but its what is available.
Here is the same as above, but with the US Earthquake hazard map overlaid. This will tell us a LOT. If earthquakes are happening in a red or orange zone, then thats not something to raise too many eyebrows. BUT! If you have a pile of quakes in blue or even grey zones, then its time to dig in a bit.
As you can see, Texas specifically has some interesting things. OK does as well, but I have found that those usually align with fracking. We can zoom in on those specifically and see if they are over oil fields in a minute.
So now, we will do the same thing that was done in the video that came out earlier this week, but better ;) Because this has the earthquakes located EXACTLY on GE. So the overlay of the Schnider map should give us some good info. Again, we are focusing on Texas and OK, as all of the other quakes were happening in already quake prone areas. And trust me, Ive been watching this for years, what you see on the West Coast, and in that hotspot in the SE, has been going on for a very long time. Its nothing new or noteworthy. The Schnieder map doesnt lay out perfect, so there is some slight error in the locations, but as you can see, most of it does NOT line up very well..
But not all is lost, because you see I have DIFFERENT map of the DUMB system that not many people have seen or used ( Unless you have seen me do this before lol ) that is more complete, and doesnt match the Schnider map fully either, but based on my observations it tends to align better with underground events across the country. Here are the two overlaid to see the comparison between them.
Now, lets look at just the new DUMB map with the EQ info and see what that tells us.
FYI this overlay also happens to almost exactly match the human trafficking hotspot info as well...
With that said, the cluster in OK makes more sense, as does the stuff down by San Antonio. The grouping in West Texas is still a bit off, we can zoom in on those and see if we see any evidence of oil drilling there.
This grouping is grid like in nature... Lets zoom straight in and see what we see...
Hmm, looks like some sort of activity... lets zoom in closer
Look at those tanks, guessing this is a fracking setup.
So, the bottom line is this, not ALL Earthquakes point to DUMB's. You have to look at depths, magnitudes, faultlines, etc. Once you rule out the "normal" quakes that DO happen daily, especially on the West Coast, then you can start looking closer. In this case we did find some that were definitely lined up with known DUMB locations. Others that werent. In zooming in on the non-DUMB locales, we see that drilling/fracking for oil was happening in the exact center of a big cluster. So there ARE multiple reasons for things.
As always, digging, discernment, and logical deduction. FYI I was a DUMB denier initially until I dug into it enough like this that I had to admit that SOMETHING was going on underground, and in such a way as to not be explained. All at similar depths as well. So yes, absolutely DUMBs are out there. Yes they are being "destroyed" in some shape or form. Do I think every EQ is a DUMB detonation? Nope, not even. But some sure are....
As always, thank you for reading. If needed, I can append some of my earlier work onto this thread for depth, but honestly its pretty much similar to what we see here.
OH! I will add this one. Human trafficking hotspot versus my DUMB map that I use... This is the first overlay that I did that really got my attention. As you can see, the correlation is undeniable.
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Building a thread as I go here today, so Give it an hour or so before you jump in and read, as it will probably take me that long, or longer to get it all together.
This is about Tobacco/Nicotine, Mail in voting, COVID, and WA state, and how it ALL ties together.
This will also showcase the long term planning that the Deep State executes.
So lets begin.
This initially started out as a thought problem for me, as to why they would kill the tobacco industry. For the Deep State, it was a perfect thing: It was socially cool, it killed many people, and was wildly profitable for them, and an effective way of transferring wealth from the general population and middle class specifically, to the hands of the Deep State.
But then, thanks to many Anon's, this set of facts begun circulating. Nicotine can block the ability for Covid to transmit. Meaning users of nicotine products, of which tobacco had a ton of, were less likely to easily contract Covid than non users.
So, the following is predicated on the fact that we are watching a movie, and Patriots are in full control. Which I believe they are, due to hitting so many deltas so spot on. Full control is the only way that can happen.
With that said, there has to be a way to speed up or retard the advance of the Awakening, and certain topics specifically.
Think of our reach on here as a control mechanism. Things seem to be slowing a bit, so all of a sudden a bunch of topical posts go viral.
People getting to far ahead? Dial that reach back so the time table doesn’t get upset.
And believe me, there is a time table. It’s also a full script of the Movie. It’s in code though, so you don’t know what’s next really until it happens. Future proves past.
That’s right, the Q drops are both a time table of when, but also the Movie script of the what and how.
So this got posted and deleted yesterday. Obviously not before I got a cap of it. Obviously the question is, is this current? If so, the Truth is right there. I’ll post a second picture that fills in the blank if you don’t know what you are seeing here…
Now, a search for Trump Oval Office brings us this image
So, same room, same carpet. IE that’s the REAL Oval Office, though I see the Resolute desk is not there right now. I seem to recall that Trump preferred a regular desk for working. Anyway, the implications are staggering here…
Its going to be long. And its going to go many places. As usual, lol. I will be bringing 3 of my previous threads into this one, and linking some of the info in each. I highly recommend you read them all. I will also be bringing sources so that you can study what I have figured out yourself.
Youll appreciate the biohazad caution later.. lol
As usual, I am doing this on the fly, so expect a couple oops's and backtracks for something I forgot to add in. My apologies beforehand. On something this big and complex, its easy to get it messed up, and I didn't want to take the time to pre-write this. Time is precious to me anymore.
Ok, on to the topic. First, lets visit where I laid out that Vampires are a real thing. Its part of a long thread that I did on Luciferianism, and honestly, I really recommend you read the whole thing if you havent. TONS of great info in there that applies to the here and now.
Consider this the Earthquake and Eclipse thread. I will try to cover most of the major thoughts on this in this thread. Some will be debunking, others supporting. Lets start with my source information/maps so that everyone is on board.
First, the infamous Space Command Patch
Next, the paths of the 23 and 24 eclipses.
After some zooming, rotating and cropping, here is what I ended up with off the patch as a view of the US with the space command patch on top of the eclipse path.
No, they do not match. Not even close. I even tried to get Texas aligned as close as possible in both as that is where they cross in reality. Again, not close. Looks like in the space command patch they cross near the 4 corners area of AZ,NM,CO and UT.