Snarkish Danno 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Yall know. If you dont, you will ;) Been at this since early ‘18 on the official front. Been researching for 40+ years now….
15 subscribers
Feb 21 16 tweets 5 min read
Building a thread as I go here today, so Give it an hour or so before you jump in and read, as it will probably take me that long, or longer to get it all together.

This is about Tobacco/Nicotine, Mail in voting, COVID, and WA state, and how it ALL ties together.

This will also showcase the long term planning that the Deep State executes.

So lets begin. This initially started out as a thought problem for me, as to why they would kill the tobacco industry. For the Deep State, it was a perfect thing: It was socially cool, it killed many people, and was wildly profitable for them, and an effective way of transferring wealth from the general population and middle class specifically, to the hands of the Deep State.
Dec 29, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
Since CYM and Cemex have both popped up this past week, figured I would supply my information that I have that combines them all geographically.

First off, the locations of the CYM "camps"

@NativeTexan_17 @NoogaJack @TheParasiteGuy Image This is a map of the Cemex plants in the USA. Image
Jun 22, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
So, the following is predicated on the fact that we are watching a movie, and Patriots are in full control. Which I believe they are, due to hitting so many deltas so spot on. Full control is the only way that can happen.

With that said, there has to be a way to speed up or retard the advance of the Awakening, and certain topics specifically. Think of our reach on here as a control mechanism. Things seem to be slowing a bit, so all of a sudden a bunch of topical posts go viral.

People getting to far ahead? Dial that reach back so the time table doesn’t get upset.
May 22, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
So this got posted and deleted yesterday. Obviously not before I got a cap of it. Obviously the question is, is this current? If so, the Truth is right there. I’ll post a second picture that fills in the blank if you don’t know what you are seeing here… Image Now, a search for Trump Oval Office brings us this image Image
Apr 27, 2024 21 tweets 7 min read

Its going to be long. And its going to go many places. As usual, lol. I will be bringing 3 of my previous threads into this one, and linking some of the info in each. I highly recommend you read them all. I will also be bringing sources so that you can study what I have figured out yourself.

Youll appreciate the biohazad caution later.. lolImage As usual, I am doing this on the fly, so expect a couple oops's and backtracks for something I forgot to add in. My apologies beforehand. On something this big and complex, its easy to get it messed up, and I didn't want to take the time to pre-write this. Time is precious to me anymore.Image
Apr 7, 2024 25 tweets 7 min read
Consider this the Earthquake and Eclipse thread. I will try to cover most of the major thoughts on this in this thread. Some will be debunking, others supporting. Lets start with my source information/maps so that everyone is on board.
First, the infamous Space Command Patch Image Next, the paths of the 23 and 24 eclipses. Image
Mar 26, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
After looking at and collecting information all day about the ship and bridge incident, I have come to some conclusions that I believe are pertinent. First off, please scroll through and see this compilation thread that I have been putting together today. It has everything I will be bringing forward in it.

First off, I want to address a couple of "theories" and dismiss them out of hand.

First, terrorism. Nope. Sorry. Happened in the early morning hours when the bridge was at minimum traffic. Terror would have made sure the bridge was packed full, IE daytime rush hour.
Mar 26, 2024 28 tweets 6 min read
A point to add to all the bridge stuff. It’s not nearly as deep as one would imagine there
Feb 24, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Border security and crossings. Is the southern border the real threat?

Lets take some time and examine this. I feel like there is this huge hole in our assumption pattern that we need to address quickly. Image Lets gander at the US-Mexico border first, as it is the one that tends to get the most attention. And upon first glance, rightfully so. But, over half of that length is the Rio Grande river, and while it might be passable in some areas, in many areas it is not easily passed. So it acts as a natural barrier to maybe 25% of this border lengthImage
Feb 24, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
Antarctica related content. Very excellent watch as always. Please take the time to watch the whole thing. I will add a few goodies of my own below to help more fully illustrate a few things mentioned in the video. I would also highly recommend watching his other related videos and books. All great reads/watches. The info I will provide comes from outside his works as corroboration and fill in. First off, Operation High Jump and Admiral Byrd. There is no doubt it was a military operation. This first map is of NeuSchwabenland. Next post will illustrate why I can say for certain it was military beyond the composition of the force. Image
Feb 17, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
As promised, here is my take on the current earthquakes vs DUMB's situation in the USA. I have done this particular thing a couple of times in the past 5 years, so I had much of this already to go. All it took was grabbing the past 2 months of EQ's from the USGS website in KML format and putting that on my GE so that we can play overlay and see things directly. I also happen to have faultline info, which you will see in bright green and orange. Earthquakes are in the .01-4.5 range since 01-01-24. Depth marker on the far left there. Id rather it be finer in the shallow end, as that would be more telling, but its what is available.Image Here is the same as above, but with the US Earthquake hazard map overlaid. This will tell us a LOT. If earthquakes are happening in a red or orange zone, then thats not something to raise too many eyebrows. BUT! If you have a pile of quakes in blue or even grey zones, then its time to dig in a bit.Image
Jan 28, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Some FYI, the spelling of the Ark of the Covenant very well COULD BE ARC of the Covenant. A short thread Image This book, that I have had for nearly 20 years, points out that the Biblical construction of the Arc means that it would be a electrical storage device. Going one step further, the Cheribum on the Mercy Seat very well could be static electricity collectors.

Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark: Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of Gold
Jan 13, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read

Time for a 5 month parasite cleanse update. I used SSG's Protocal B for the first 2 months, and then protocol A for the third month. When I do it again, I will reverse that. A initially then to B.

Anyway, here are the benefits that I have noticed since I started.. Immediately I noticed more energy
My cravings for certain foods disappeared ( more on this later, I have theories lol )
My gout occurrences diminished greatly.
I slept better and needed less sleep to feel rested. Still need 6-8 hours, but I dont NEED 10+ anymore.
More alert, less brain fog.
I had a little fibrous cyst on my leg that softened and has pretty much disappeared. Ive had it for 20+ years.
Sep 10, 2023 37 tweets 12 min read
Antarctica, part Deux.... the Pyramids.
I have found 9 separate, and 2 groupings of pyramids down there. A couple arent well documented at all, and a couple are VERY famous. Some REALLY look like pyramids, and others not so much, but they are called that anyway. Join me as we look at each one....
Image Lets go mostly alphabetically. Ill save 3 for the end because they are the special and unique ones with more than just basic info.
First, Anderson Pyramid. This one is probably only pyramidal from one side, the others dont look like they do pyramid very well based on the overhead view.
Sep 2, 2023 34 tweets 11 min read
Ok going to buckle down and start writing and posting my Antartica stuff this afternoon. Am doing part 1, maps and anomalies. I will be building and writing as I go, so give me time, and I will post when I am done so that you can do the thread reader etc. Part of the delay is sorting through my literally hundreds of pictures, captures and documents for the piece I am looking for, so bear with me, and we will get this done.
Aug 30, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Resurrecting another old thread from the old account that got nuked by request. This one is about the SES, or the Senior Executive Service. This is their "flag" and symbol Image Now you might ask, what exactly IS the SES? TLDR, they are the unelected people in OUR Government who end up making most of the decisions. They write the 1400 page bills that no one in Congress reads, including the Senator who sponsors the bill. And so much more. Image
Aug 27, 2023 34 tweets 11 min read
Warning on this thread. First, it goes everywhere. We will be hopscotching across a bunch of disciplines, time, religions etc. Like some of my past threads, it will take a bit to get to the point of where I am going with this. But believe me, it’s a mind bending, life changing path and destination. Second, put your preconceived and lifelong held ideas, beliefs and thought processes on hold. This is going to challenge them. Aggressively. If that is not something that you can handle, then I suggest you stop and go no further. Image
Apr 23, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
For those whining about the 2024 election integrity, let me first remind them of 2016.
Stop and think for a second. HOW did they make sure 2016 was clean?
The Military.
Let’s take this to the logical next step then shall we? So, if you haven’t followed or been paying attention to @rattletrap1776 I STRONGLY suggest you do so. You might want to catch up on his ideas and theories and just who he’s been hanging with before you continue on with where I am going. Go ahead, it’ll be here when you get back.
Apr 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Ok I’ve been fairly quiet about Laura Loomer and her games, but I think I just figured out her and her 🤡 handlers long term plan…. First, a picture that seems to get forgotten often… showing you who she really is. Image Today she tweets this. Yes, it’s a screen shot. I don’t direct link because #1 tracking/and AI, but two the tweet can be changed after the fact. Image
Apr 4, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Ok someone else’s thread prompted me to put something together real quick. Figured I’d do it’s own thread on it…. Look at the pictures. Ashley Biden, Young Naomi Biden, and 15 year old Naomi Biden…. But wait! There is more!!! Blue and white striped dress, does it have meaning? ImageImageImage Well, I dunno Carl, what do you think? @TheReal40_Head would love your Alleppo thread about now brother… and for those reading along, keep going, this is only going to get more intense…. ImageImage
Apr 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Going to post some videos of a YT guy I follow. If you are into pew pews and other such things, a great follow. The vids I will be posting are about gear setup etc for survival in a potential combat situation. One vid per post, in order.