As promised, here is my take on the current earthquakes vs DUMB's situation in the USA. I have done this particular thing a couple of times in the past 5 years, so I had much of this already to go. All it took was grabbing the past 2 months of EQ's from the USGS website in KML format and putting that on my GE so that we can play overlay and see things directly. I also happen to have faultline info, which you will see in bright green and orange. Earthquakes are in the .01-4.5 range since 01-01-24. Depth marker on the far left there. Id rather it be finer in the shallow end, as that would be more telling, but its what is available.
Here is the same as above, but with the US Earthquake hazard map overlaid. This will tell us a LOT. If earthquakes are happening in a red or orange zone, then thats not something to raise too many eyebrows. BUT! If you have a pile of quakes in blue or even grey zones, then its time to dig in a bit.
As you can see, Texas specifically has some interesting things. OK does as well, but I have found that those usually align with fracking. We can zoom in on those specifically and see if they are over oil fields in a minute.
So now, we will do the same thing that was done in the video that came out earlier this week, but better ;) Because this has the earthquakes located EXACTLY on GE. So the overlay of the Schnider map should give us some good info. Again, we are focusing on Texas and OK, as all of the other quakes were happening in already quake prone areas. And trust me, Ive been watching this for years, what you see on the West Coast, and in that hotspot in the SE, has been going on for a very long time. Its nothing new or noteworthy. The Schnieder map doesnt lay out perfect, so there is some slight error in the locations, but as you can see, most of it does NOT line up very well..
But not all is lost, because you see I have DIFFERENT map of the DUMB system that not many people have seen or used ( Unless you have seen me do this before lol ) that is more complete, and doesnt match the Schnider map fully either, but based on my observations it tends to align better with underground events across the country. Here are the two overlaid to see the comparison between them.
Now, lets look at just the new DUMB map with the EQ info and see what that tells us.
FYI this overlay also happens to almost exactly match the human trafficking hotspot info as well...
With that said, the cluster in OK makes more sense, as does the stuff down by San Antonio. The grouping in West Texas is still a bit off, we can zoom in on those and see if we see any evidence of oil drilling there.
This grouping is grid like in nature... Lets zoom straight in and see what we see...
Hmm, looks like some sort of activity... lets zoom in closer
Look at those tanks, guessing this is a fracking setup.
So, the bottom line is this, not ALL Earthquakes point to DUMB's. You have to look at depths, magnitudes, faultlines, etc. Once you rule out the "normal" quakes that DO happen daily, especially on the West Coast, then you can start looking closer. In this case we did find some that were definitely lined up with known DUMB locations. Others that werent. In zooming in on the non-DUMB locales, we see that drilling/fracking for oil was happening in the exact center of a big cluster. So there ARE multiple reasons for things.
As always, digging, discernment, and logical deduction. FYI I was a DUMB denier initially until I dug into it enough like this that I had to admit that SOMETHING was going on underground, and in such a way as to not be explained. All at similar depths as well. So yes, absolutely DUMBs are out there. Yes they are being "destroyed" in some shape or form. Do I think every EQ is a DUMB detonation? Nope, not even. But some sure are....
As always, thank you for reading. If needed, I can append some of my earlier work onto this thread for depth, but honestly its pretty much similar to what we see here.
OH! I will add this one. Human trafficking hotspot versus my DUMB map that I use... This is the first overlay that I did that really got my attention. As you can see, the correlation is undeniable.
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Some FYI, the spelling of the Ark of the Covenant very well COULD BE ARC of the Covenant. A short thread
This book, that I have had for nearly 20 years, points out that the Biblical construction of the Arc means that it would be a electrical storage device. Going one step further, the Cheribum on the Mercy Seat very well could be static electricity collectors.
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark: Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of Gold
Now when we talk about atmospheric static electricity, what name comes to mind? Teslaโฆ.
Time for a 5 month parasite cleanse update. I used SSG's Protocal B for the first 2 months, and then protocol A for the third month. When I do it again, I will reverse that. A initially then to B.
Anyway, here are the benefits that I have noticed since I started..
Immediately I noticed more energy
My cravings for certain foods disappeared ( more on this later, I have theories lol )
My gout occurrences diminished greatly.
I slept better and needed less sleep to feel rested. Still need 6-8 hours, but I dont NEED 10+ anymore.
More alert, less brain fog.
I had a little fibrous cyst on my leg that softened and has pretty much disappeared. Ive had it for 20+ years.
The biggest thing, is that my "full" trigger started working. I havent had a full trigger as long as I can remember. I always felt hungry, even when I knew that I was stuffed.
Antarctica, part Deux.... the Pyramids.
I have found 9 separate, and 2 groupings of pyramids down there. A couple arent well documented at all, and a couple are VERY famous. Some REALLY look like pyramids, and others not so much, but they are called that anyway. Join me as we look at each one....
Lets go mostly alphabetically. Ill save 3 for the end because they are the special and unique ones with more than just basic info.
First, Anderson Pyramid. This one is probably only pyramidal from one side, the others dont look like they do pyramid very well based on the overhead view.
Ok going to buckle down and start writing and posting my Antartica stuff this afternoon. Am doing part 1, maps and anomalies. I will be building and writing as I go, so give me time, and I will post when I am done so that you can do the thread reader etc.
Part of the delay is sorting through my literally hundreds of pictures, captures and documents for the piece I am looking for, so bear with me, and we will get this done.
As my first post of the Antarctica megathread, I will start with what utimately is probably the most complete map done of the area. When I first started this over 5 years ago, I was looking for a map that showed me just the bases down there. While I was able to find the coordinates of all of the bases, I was not able to find an actual MAP with them shown.
Resurrecting another old thread from the old account that got nuked by request. This one is about the SES, or the Senior Executive Service. This is their "flag" and symbol
Now you might ask, what exactly IS the SES? TLDR, they are the unelected people in OUR Government who end up making most of the decisions. They write the 1400 page bills that no one in Congress reads, including the Senator who sponsors the bill. And so much more.
Warning on this thread. First, it goes everywhere. We will be hopscotching across a bunch of disciplines, time, religions etc. Like some of my past threads, it will take a bit to get to the point of where I am going with this. But believe me, itโs a mind bending, life changing path and destination.
Second, put your preconceived and lifelong held ideas, beliefs and thought processes on hold. This is going to challenge them. Aggressively. If that is not something that you can handle, then I suggest you stop and go no further.
If you have read my stuff before, you know that I am not afraid to challenge ANY idea or dogma, no matter how long standing or apparently blasphemous it is. I go where the data and information leads me. We KNOW that we have been lied to about everything. EVERYTHING. There is nothing that survives scrutiny.