Illuminated manuscripts embody the extraordinary union of beauty and knowledge.
Though the art of making them disappeared with the advent of the printing press, the most spectacular manuscripts survived the ages.
Here are 8 masterworks of medieval illumination🧵
1. The Morgan Crusader Bible, 13th century
Commissioned by French King Louis IX, the Morgan Crusader Bible depicts events from the Hebrew Bible set in the scenery and attire of 13th century France—it puts a medieval twist on Old Testament stories.
Consisting of 46 folios, the manuscript displays illustrations accompanied by text written in either Latin, Persian, Arabic, or Hebrew. The vivid colors and attention to detail make it one of the most popular illuminated manuscripts.
2. The Black Hours, 15th century
The Black Hours is a book of hours (a type of prayer book) created in Bruges, Belgium. The style is in imitation of Wilhelm Vrelant, the most popular illuminator of the period, and constructed of vellum (calfskin) that’s been dyed pitch black.
Gold and blue paint overlay the dark background to create an almost otherworldly look. Written in silver and gold ink, the text lists the prayers to be said while depictions of Bible stories aid the reader in meditation.
3. Book of Kells, 9th century
Among the most iconic medieval manuscripts is the Book of Kells. Created in a Columban monastery, the text is the pinnacle of early medieval calligraphy and illumination.
The graphics are a blend of insular art (the post-Roman era style of art popular in Irish monasteries) and traditional Christian iconography. Plants, animals, Celtic knots, and biblical figures decorate the 680 page volume to tell the story of Jesus’ life.
4. Codex Argenteus, 6th century
Latin for “Silver Book,” the Codex Argenteus contains the four gospels written in Gothic, making it one of the world’s foremost sources for the now-extinct language. The book was likely written as a gift for Ostrogothic king Theodoric the Great.
The work is particularly striking due to its purple-stained vellum pages, metallic ink, and silver binding. Looks almost Tolkienesque…
5. Acre Bible, 13th Century
Another work commissioned by Louis IX, the Acre Bible was compiled shortly after the king’s release from captivity during the disastrous 7th crusade. Upon returning to France, he deposited the masterwork in his newly built Sainte-Chapelle library.
It contains 19 books of the Old Testament, and its illustrations are considered masterpieces of crusader art.
6. The Aberdeen Bestiary, 12-13th century
A bestiary is essentially an encyclopedia of animals and mythical beasts. They gained popularity throughout the Middle Ages as readers could learn about exotic animals or mythical creatures.
This one was owned by Henry VIII, and features a retelling of the Genesis creation story with fantastical images of creatures both real and imagined.
7. The Very Rich Hours of the Duke of Berry, 15th century
The best surviving example of the International Gothic style of illumination, it’s one of the most lavishly designed late-medieval manuscripts and contains well over 100 illustrations.
Despite beautiful scenes covering most of its pages, the work didn’t shy away from darker imagery.
8. The Berthold Sacramentary, 13th century
Commissioned by the abbot of Weingarten Abbey, this manuscript is a form of missal called a sacramentary used by priests for liturgical services.
A sacramentary gives the priest's readings and prayers for the Mass. This one is a paragon of Romanesque art.
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All empires repeat the same cycle, says 20th-century historian John Glubb.
He observed that for the past 3000 years every civilization has followed the same 6 stages before decline—what are they?🧵
Sir John Bagot Glubb was a British soldier and author who served as the commanding general for Transjordan's Arab Legion from 1939 to 1956.
In his later years he wrote about geopolitics and world history, and penned a succinct description of how civilizations rise and fall…
Glubb’s 1978 work, “The Fate of Empires and the Search for Survival,” is an idea-dense essay that argues all great empires follow an eerily similar pattern.
From observing 11 distinct cultures, Glubb draws some intriguing conclusions that have implications for modern society.
On May 20th, 1910, nine kings gathered at Windsor for the funeral of King Edward VII.
The photograph they took is a stark reminder of how drastically European leadership has changed—the men pictured remain symbols of a bygone era of monarchy.
Who were they?🧵
King Haakon VII of Norway (top row, far left)
Ruled from November 1905 until his death in 1957. After the 1905 dissolution of the union between Sweden and Norway, he became the first independent Norwegian monarch since Olaf II in 1387.
Tsar Ferdinand of the Bulgarians (top row, second from left)
Ruled as Tsar during the tumultuous First World War. After a series of military setbacks in 1918, he abdicated the throne in a bid to save the monarchy. His eldest son succeeded him, becoming Tsar Boris III.
Galileo called him “superhuman”. Tesla said he was the “ideal” inventor. And da Vinci was directly inspired by him.
Simply put, Archimedes was the greatest engineer and mathematician of the ancient world.
Here’s why...🧵(thread)
Born around 287 BC, Archimedes was an inventor, mathematician, astronomer, and engineer from the city of Syracuse in Sicily.
Very little is known of Archimedes’ life other than his discoveries and inventions, of which there were many.
The ancient historian Polybius was the first to reference Archimedes about 70 years after his death, describing various war machines that the inventor built including catapults, a giant crane that destroyed ships, and various stone-throwing machines.
Charles "the Hammer" — perhaps no figure deserves the title “defender of Western civilization” as much as him.
A warrior-statesman, he not only crushed foreign invasions but also laid the foundation for medieval Europe🧵
Born an illegitimate son to Pepin of Herstal, ruler of a few Frankish territories, Charles (c. 688–741 AD) enjoyed the youth of an aristocratic warrior, but was never expected to inherit his father’s rule.
Between royal courts and battlefields, he was trained as a warrior, receiving instruction in sword fighting, horseback combat, and military strategy.
Modern man has a severe case of amnesia—he’s forgotten the immense wisdom of the past.
Luckily, it can be rediscovered through great literature.
12 old books that will make you wiser… 🧵(thread)
12. Enchiridion, Epictetus
Epictetus never wrote down anything himself, but his student Arrian collected his teachings, recording them for future generations. His lessons enlighten the reader on matters regarding ethics and achieving inner freedom.
11. The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli
Machiavelli’s classic is a 16th-century handbook on effective governance. It’s an essential read for anyone who wishes to understand the motivations and reasoning behind great leaders from the past or savvy politicians today.