🇮🇪 Covid Inquiry- my comments didn’t all make it into @Independent_ie today 🧵 1/
“Over 9,600 people have died from Covid-19 in Ireland, including one hundred & forty one in the weeks since Christmas… independent.ie/irish-news/pub…
..involving 31 residents. The pandemic is not over. An estimated 10% of those infected suffer long-term effects, & this burden of illness continues to grow.
Therefore, it is likely too soon to evaluate much of Ireland’s response. Decision-making is in the same hands… 2/
However there are meaningful questions that can be asked to improve current response & future-proof Ireland against repeat of this crisis.
Firstly the scientific failure –then & now– to acknowledge how the disease spreads.
Covid-19 is airborne & no amount of hand-washing.. 3/
..will suppress it. This basic fact was used to control meat factory outbreaks in 2020 & mitigate spread in schools in 2021. Yet while the expertise & knowledge are available, still in 2024 this is not communicated in public health information 4/
A balanced multi-disciplinary approach is needed to overcome silos & dogmas, just as in the past with clean drinking water and hand hygiene were resisted by doctors.
Secondly, the question of human & disability rights & rights of children… 5/
In 1989 Ireland ratified to the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) including steps for “prevention, treatment & control of epidemic, endemic and occupational diseases”.
Yet, there is an ongoing failure to ensure that schools, hospitals.. 6/
.. workplaces & transport have the clean air that is now mandated in law.
This is a barrier to people accessing education, work and healthcare.
Thirdly, information is our most powerful tool. Yet, data gathering has been wound down & we are flying almost blind. 7/
The inquiry needs to be transparent & evidence-based to give the political impetus to finally take the actions needed to move forward from this time. We have the tools”
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(from 2021): “growing body of research on COVID-19 provides abundant evidence for the predominance of airborne transmission. This route dominates under certain environmental conditions, particularly indoor environments that are poorly ventilated” 2/ ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
“These viruses can be spread by an infected person simply by breathing. And like cigarette smoke, these viruses can linger in the air for hours in poorly ventilated spaces”
[Thread] a short story about pandemic misinformation & biased reporting
On 1 April 2021 I was contacted by a newspaper journalist.. 1/
..the journalist attached the reply received from HSPC (who collect Covid data)
It DID NOT say 1 in 1,000 cases
It gave very limited data about *42 outbreaks* investigated by HSE
It reads as someone being helpful guessing at what might be outdoors (construction, sport etc) 2/
..vast majority of Covid cases are not connected to outbreaks..& capacity to investigate outbreaks is also very limited
The journalist took a guess at *42 outbreaks* (262 cases) ..& erroneously related it to total number of cases at that time (236,600 cases, 1 April 2021) 3/
No two schools are same & conditions vary from room to room & from hour time hour
Statistically there’s an infectious child in EVERY class now, so a classroom has same risk as an isolation ward in a hospital. This is a very high risk to manage 1/
🚦 CO2 (carbon dioxide) monitors are in schools to measure exhaled air. (They don’t measure virus)
..the more people breathing, the more CO2 build up
.. the more exhaled air, the more chance of inhaling virus particles
So more clean air & fewer people reduces the risks 2/
🚦@Education_Ire guidance suggests >1500ppm is ‘poor ventilation’ but in a pandemic this is too high (3% of every breath is not clean air)
Recommended is <800ppm (<1% of every breath is not clean air)
Hope #3 -that immunity from prior Delta infection holds up for Omicron
Indications are that immunity from previous infection isn’t reliable & isn’t lasting (people can be reinfected with Covid within months) irishexaminer.com/news/arid-4076…