I didn't die but my life has been taken from me.
#BREATHTAKING watched through tears of recognition, reliving and remembering screaming on twitter, telling you all what was really happening.
In the absence of proper media coverage, I became a necessary whistle blower
Some of you know that this is not my first account and will remember me as Ziggy and you'll hopefully remember my screaming.
Some of you also know how and why I lost that account. It was in effect my pandemic diary. For that reason only I'm frustrated at no longer having
Watching @doctor_oxford brilliantly written drama not only brought back my experience, it was my experience. My pinned tweet explains that.
When I started to "whistle blow", I don't even think I realised that I was.
I saw it as part of my code of conduct,
my duty of care to let people know of the reality of what was happening in hospitals. To let you all know that the government was fcking it up at every step and that we were hindered, not helped by their chaos.
I suffered the vile abuse including death threats on here
because the truth had to be heard.
The narrative coming from idiots on here spilled into my department. Relatives were pulling oxygen masks off their loved ones because "covid wasn't real".
People demanding to see covid patients.
I even nursed a dying covid
patient who, while he could talk was telling me about Bill Gates' involvement. He had refused the vaccine.
My voice had become quite loud on here and as a result, I did several anonymous newspaper interviews and found myself becoming a regular caller on LBC after my very
nervous debut on James O'Brien's show.
The day after my call to him I was at work and one of our porters came up to me saying I heard you on the radio. My manager was stood behind him as he congratulated me. My voice, it seems, is very recognisable.
I'm stood there thinking "oh shit".
I gave my real first name, but wrong location.
My manager actually praised me for getting the truth out there. Not the traditional response I was expecting, but there was nothing traditional happening anymore.
We were all exhausted, we had all seen and suffered enough.
It no longer felt like whistle blowing. It felt like being freed from a coercive relationship. Everyone I worked with had reached breaking point.
I was and have never been disciplined.
More and more of us
were speaking out through social media and in the media.
A lot more brave than me have used their real identity which traditionally would have left them shunned and isolated.
That's the usual treatment for whistle blowing.
But that didn't happen. It didn't happen
because we were all living the same nightmare. Because we were all saying the same things, questioning the same things.
We trusted each other.
We did not trust our government.
And let's be honest, they've treated us like shit since.
Three of my friends died of covid.
Another friend committed suicide. She was working for an agency during the pandemic. She made a drug error and was suspended with no pay.
There was £70 in a fundraising account for her when she took her life.
A consultant I had worked
with for years lost his daughter to suicide. She was a junior doctor working on a covid ward.
I started this thread by saying I didn't die. I have had my life taken by long covid. It stripped me of my health, my career and my ability to carry out basic tasks.
My life
changed beyond all recognition in February 2022.
It had already changed when I lost my husband in a motorcycle accident 18 months before the pandemic.
Most of you know that I was taking a break from nursing to look after our 4 children, but returned to work as soon as
the pandemic hit.
I haven't paid the ultimate price like so many, but I have paid a price. My children have paid a price.
The government?
They should pay.
All I did was to do my best to save lives, to treat my patients.
All Boris Johnson,
Matt Hancock and Rishi Sunak did was about wealth. The desperation to build the economy in the middle of a fcking pandemic and the desire to make personal wealth.
Let's add Michael Gove to the shitlist. After all, he made millions for his mates with his
VIProfiteering fast lane to blood money.
While we were wearing bin bags and had no access to the FFP3 that we needed to protect ourselves and our patients, the likes of Michelle Mone were accessing your tax money.
Reputable PPE providers were ignored by government in favour
Of knicker factories, restaurant suppliers, pub landlords and any other greedy Tory donor who had Gove's email.
It's important to know that if all NHS staff were given FFP3 in all clinical settings, then the likelihood of hospital acquired covid would have been
reduced massively.
The likelihood of dying or being left disabled by long covid would have reduced massively.
We've learned from the covid inquiry that the government called NHS and care staff "canaries in the coalmine", but the truth is, they knew some of us
would die.
Even when we started dying, no action was taken. No mitigation. No investigations into any of those deaths. Just a round of applause on a Thursday night.
You were clapping heroes.
The government was clapping for cash for chums.
My friends all died because they were doing their job, because if we didn't, who would?
I'm left disabled. There are thousands of healthcare staff like me, who have suffered for years because we were doing our job. Because we cared.
Because we couldn't walk away.
I don't know if we'll ever get justice, and looking at other scandals, I doubt I'll still be here to see justice served, but as I've said before, as long as I have breath in my lungs, which has been in short supply for the last few weeks, I will continue to fight.
For my friends
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The post office scandal is something that private eye reported doggedly for years.
It's taken a drama to highlight the human cost and ignite a collective outrage.
As usual I want to talk about the pandemic PPE scandal. Do we really have to have a drama to highlight
the human cost to get it to resonate?
There are amazing people like @carolvorders who are looking at the Tory fast track PPE fraud, looking at the £billions of tax payers money that was fraudulently taken by Tories who saw an opportunity to profit from the pandemic.
It is criminal that our government didn't just allow pandemic profiteering, but they actively encouraged it. They ignored calls from reputable PPE providers and waved through their mates with a blank cheque book.
While we're all concerned about the eye watering
I'm gutted. I've just been on hold for 40 minutes to speak to @SangitaMyska.
So here's what I was going to say about Michelle Mone:
We have a self serving government, so of course when they opened the VIP lane, it attracted more self serving Tories who saw a
fast track to profiteering.
I wanted to talk about the human cost.
Over 1000 NHS and care staff lost their lives because the PPE was often substandard, it was one size fits all, it was a lottery of risk.
I lost three friends. All dedicated, previously healthy professionals.
Michelle Mone talked of the risk involved for her. The monetary risk to her business.
I am incandescent with fury because it was us who took the risk. The risk, the absolutely real risk of death.
Here's my story of risk...
For that, they work 12hr shifts, they hold lives in their hands, they wash, dress, medicate, feed, manually handle, clean incontinence and toilets. Yes, toilets that have been contaminated 1/
with bodily fluids that domestic staff aren't allowed to deal with.
They hold your hand as you receive a diagnosis and they talk you through it in terms you'll understand, they hold your hands when you take your last breath, they're the first on the scene during
an emergency, they're the ones who recognise a deteriorating patient and they're the ones who prevent catastrophe, they miss breaks to care for their patients, they are fully responsible and accountable for all actions they take, they take that worry home with them.
Usually coming up to election time, the Tories would place the NHS at the top of their manifesto.
This government have decided to vilify life savers, the talented senior doctors who have dedicated their lives to innovative life saving interventions.
From the first heart
transplant in 1979 to the miraculous work at reducing cancer deaths, to the groundbreaking work being performed by neurologists...
Those doctors that have extended life expectancy and have changed lives.
The government have decided to label these extremely talented
people as selfish, greedy, uncaring people who are actively killing you.
Why have they done this?
Because it's easier than sitting down and negotiating a solution?
For 3 months, Steve Barclay's door has been sealed shut.
The waiting lists were over 7 million
It was two rehabilitated former criminals who stopped the terrorist attack on London Bridge.
They were rightly recognised as heroes.
Meanwhile, on this platform a known prolific troll and racist has decided to launch an attack on @Depheruk.
We all have a past, and James
Has recognised his mistakes, taken ownership of them and apologised repeatedly. He dedicates his life to helping the "left behind" people of our country.
I'm not here to blow smoke up his bum, but I think it's widely thought that he's a modern day Saint. People would
have suffered and died if it wasn't for his amazing work.
The prolific troll who attacks him, does so because of his own pathetic inadequacies and because despite never apologising for his trolling and racism, he feels hard done by.
Please support the valuable work done by Depher
You've all heard the term staff shortages in the NHS.
There are 110,000 vacancies in the NHS.
So, what does that really mean?
A thread....
Let's look at nurses drug rounds...
Most trusts provide a tabard that says please don't disturb while doing medications
This is because full concentration is required.
We need to ensure the correct medication goes to the correct patient.
We are also accountable for any errors. That means we have to question prescriptions.
Even if the doctor prescribes the wrong medication, if we give
it, the responsibility and accountability for that mistake lies with the nurse who gave it too.
Now imagine that you're looking after double the patients than is safe.
The possibility of mistakes grows.
Now imagine that when doing the drug round, you have a patient