Stormzy Bunđź’™ Profile picture
32 years as an emergency nurse, then the Tories stole my life to make money. I will have justice. Troll me at your peril. I'm not a fucking grime artist.
3 subscribers
May 17, 2024 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
I wrote a thread the other day about how I was conned by three people when I was desperate to stop a deranged stalker.
Since then, all three have denied being involved using different methods.
So, let's start with Nicky.
@NicolaJames007 has written a tweet which
she has pinned.
She claims that she has never conned anyone.
The only problem is that she was heavily involved, some would say equally so.
2/ Image
May 14, 2024 • 21 tweets • 5 min read
I was desperate.
I'd been stalked and threatened for about a year on here by a deranged creep.
I had no help from twitter support and when I went to the police, their immediate response was to tell me to leave twitter.
As I appealed to everyone on
here for help, one name kept popping up.
Lots of different people told me about a man who'd managed to prosecute his stalkers.
His name was Jason Hunter.
He contacted me and was very charming and I felt like I was finally understood and more importantly, he offered to
Mar 17, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
For two days I've been speaking out about three large male accounts who have been getting away with abusing women for years.
As a result, I have too much adrenaline and a body too weak to do anything physical.
This has resulted in a high heart rate which has made
my breathing even faster than usual.
So, I'm taking the rest of the night off.
I am asking all women who are sick of being silenced and all men who are sick of these men giving a bad name to all men, to look at my previous tweet which names them, and do the right thing.
Feb 19, 2024 • 22 tweets • 5 min read
I didn't die but my life has been taken from me.
#BREATHTAKING watched through tears of recognition, reliving and remembering screaming on twitter, telling you all what was really happening.
In the absence of proper media coverage, I became a necessary whistle blower
Some of you know that this is not my first account and will remember me as Ziggy and you'll hopefully remember my screaming.
Some of you also know how and why I lost that account. It was in effect my pandemic diary. For that reason only I'm frustrated at no longer having
Jan 9, 2024 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
The post office scandal is something that private eye reported doggedly for years.
It's taken a drama to highlight the human cost and ignite a collective outrage.
As usual I want to talk about the pandemic PPE scandal. Do we really have to have a drama to highlight
the human cost to get it to resonate?
There are amazing people like @carolvorders who are looking at the Tory fast track PPE fraud, looking at the ÂŁbillions of tax payers money that was fraudulently taken by Tories who saw an opportunity to profit from the pandemic.
Dec 17, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
I'm gutted. I've just been on hold for 40 minutes to speak to @SangitaMyska.
So here's what I was going to say about Michelle Mone:

We have a self serving government, so of course when they opened the VIP lane, it attracted more self serving Tories who saw a
fast track to profiteering.
I wanted to talk about the human cost.
Over 1000 NHS and care staff lost their lives because the PPE was often substandard, it was one size fits all, it was a lottery of risk.
I lost three friends. All dedicated, previously healthy professionals.
Nov 22, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Jeremy Hunt wants to make hard work pay.

Nurses start on ÂŁ13.12/hr.

For that, they work 12hr shifts, they hold lives in their hands, they wash, dress, medicate, feed, manually handle, clean incontinence and toilets. Yes, toilets that have been contaminated

#AutumnStatement with bodily fluids that domestic staff aren't allowed to deal with.
They hold your hand as you receive a diagnosis and they talk you through it in terms you'll understand, they hold your hands when you take your last breath, they're the first on the scene during
Sep 22, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Usually coming up to election time, the Tories would place the NHS at the top of their manifesto.

This government have decided to vilify life savers, the talented senior doctors who have dedicated their lives to innovative life saving interventions.
From the first heart
transplant in 1979 to the miraculous work at reducing cancer deaths, to the groundbreaking work being performed by neurologists...
Those doctors that have extended life expectancy and have changed lives.

The government have decided to label these extremely talented
Sep 15, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
It was two rehabilitated former criminals who stopped the terrorist attack on London Bridge.
They were rightly recognised as heroes.
Meanwhile, on this platform a known prolific troll and racist has decided to launch an attack on @Depheruk.
We all have a past, and James
Has recognised his mistakes, taken ownership of them and apologised repeatedly. He dedicates his life to helping the "left behind" people of our country.
I'm not here to blow smoke up his bum, but I think it's widely thought that he's a modern day Saint. People would
Aug 26, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
You've all heard the term staff shortages in the NHS.
There are 110,000 vacancies in the NHS.

So, what does that really mean?

A thread....

Let's look at nurses drug rounds...

Most trusts provide a tabard that says please don't disturb while doing medications
This is because full concentration is required.
We need to ensure the correct medication goes to the correct patient.
We are also accountable for any errors. That means we have to question prescriptions.
Even if the doctor prescribes the wrong medication, if we give
Aug 19, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I was a third year student when Beverly Allitt committed her heinous crimes.
We had lectures based on lessons to be learned. We were told that the recruitment process would include psychological assessments.
I can't fathom how management deliberately ignored the
real concerns raised by so many senior staff members.
What I do know is that each NHS trust is geared towards performance targets, because not meeting targets has reputational and financial consequences.
In the case of Lucy Letby, the medics mantra of first do no harm
Jun 2, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I've spoken before about a nurse I worked with who got trapped in a toilet with a patient who proceeded to hang her with his drip.
She was lucky to live and she left nursing.
I recently found out that she did return to nursing, but during the pandemic she made a
drug error and was suspended.
She had no money coming in and so she set up a just giving page.
It had ÂŁ70 in it when she took her life.

She was an amazing nurse and a lovely woman💔🕯💙
May 26, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Now for my Boris rant...

After dedicating my life to nursing, after returning from bereavement leave following the death of my husband to fight the pandemic, I find myself applying for PIP.
I have long covid and have been left disabled, alone and penniless.
So, when I found out that Boris Johnson, the man whose piss poor decisions, whose jobs for the mates PPE travesty that led to my life being destroyed, was not only charging 6 figure sums to spout his ramblings to an American audience, but was using ÂŁ250,000 of
Apr 3, 2023 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
How twitter saved me, then nearly destroyed me.

A thread.
Police involved.

I joined twitter in 2019, crippled with grief following the sudden death of my husband, but determined to stop Boris Johnson (that went well🙄).
So, not having been on any social media, I tweeted.
It was better than screaming at the TV, and it seemed I was voicing the feelings of others.
My account began to grow and I met some truly wonderful people; a community that supported the same principles as me.
In a way, I became an accidental activist.
Feb 1, 2023 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
I was a hero.
I didn't feel like a hero, but Boris Johnson labelled nurses as heroes and so began the lie.
When the pandemic hit I was on bereavement leave. My husband had been killed in a motorcycle accident, leaving me to raise our 4 children alone. I have no other
living relatives, so when I say alone, I mean alone.
As soon as I saw what was happening in Italy, I signed straight back up to help.
I had 30 years experience of emergency medicine and I couldn't sit by and do nothing. I knew I was needed.
Nov 12, 2022 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
🧵 I've received five days of some abhorrent abuse.
Abuse for being a nurse. Well, actually a nurse who is trying to protect patients and the future of nursing.

If you support nurses and the NHS, please read and retweet this thread.
The level of abuse that I receive is more than most. This is because despite blocking and reporting to @TwitterSupport more times than I can mention @ TheRealJamieKay is behind most of my abuse.
He targets me for being an outspoken nurse and accuses me of trolling.
Oct 11, 2022 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
🧵Whilst a large part of the workforce received furlough for a year, nurses worked harder than ever before, facing a deadly virus.
The whole country was scared and so were we.
We all stood together knowing we were essentially entering a lottery. Our families also knew this.
Some, who had vulnerable family members moved out of their homes, only seeing their children through windows.
Nurses made these sacrifices because it was our duty. After all, if not us, who?
We had all seen what had happened in Italy and we could never understand