I said two months ago that a vicious and large scale assault on the truth was about to hit, and now it's here.
You've seen it, haven't you?
The main messages are those old chestnuts:
That the mitigations were worse for us than the disease (🚨false)
That the ongoing ill health problems are caused by the mitigations (🚨false)
That Covid is over (🚨false)
All three are important, but the first one is the most important right now.
And I say 'right now' deliberately.
There is a huge sustained concerted effort across media platforms across the world to blame 'covid' for the ongoing problems, health, economy, education, you name it, people in papers everywhere are blaming 'covid'.
But they're not talking about the infections.
It's a cunningly vague use of language.
Headlines now deliberately single out the word 'covid', then subheaders and articles unpack 'covid' to mean 'the pandemic' and then unpack them further to mean "the things we did during the period of time we're now referring to as 'covid'".
They are forcefully driving the message that 'Covid' is the *era* not the disease.
And they blame 'covid', meaning 'the era of Covid', to blur and confuse.
And it works, because the stress of the last four years, plus the actual brain damaging infections, means that everyone's memory is shot to shit.
I watched a TV show yesterday in which a woman gaslights her husband into half believing the lie that his ex-girlfriend only had one hand.
It was a hilarious observation about how we aren't really that aware of reality and how we can be so easily tricked and manipulated into believing something that we know isn't true.
How well can you remember what happened a year ago today.
Two years ago today.
Four years ago today.
Here in the UK, the government deliberately kept changing the rules on what you were and weren't allowed to do, week after week, month after month.
It was part of the destabilising and terrorising process *designed to make you hate the mitigations*.
And what's worse, the mitigations themselves were impractical, nonsensical, and often were ineffective to stop transmission of an airborne virus.
Meanwhile they deliberately concealed and manipulated data about how many people were dying from *covid infections*.
And they still do.
So you were bullied about what to do in response to a problem that was being downplayed.
*meanwhile* (and I speak mostly about the documented events here in the UK, I'm not speaking for other countries, but I presume it happened elsewhere) friends of government ministers were profiteering from emergency contracts.
Profiteers making staggering amounts of money from poor or pathetic provision of services or goods.
Vast multi billion pound/dollar corruption.
So we have an era of:
Hidden and minimised death and disability.
Confusing and nonsensical public health orders.
Government sanctioned corruption and fraud.
The current reality is that despite governments pretending that 'covid' is over... it isn't.
Well, it is by their definition of 'covid' being 'the mitigations'.
But it's not in terms of the virus infecting people's bodies and brains and doing damage.
Covid, the infection, the virus, is very much alive (as far as a string of replicating proteins can be alive), mostly because of the decision that governments made to have *everyone* endlessly infected with the flipping thing.
Why is this relevant to the assault on the truth... why is this relevant to the revisionism being applied to the history of 2020 and 2021...
Because covid infections causing disease, disability, and death now, reveals the 'covid is over' message to be a lie.
This gets confused by another layer:
Infections after vaccinations or earlier infections are less likely to cause catastrophic acute infections - you're less likely to die straight after catching it.
.... but you're more likely to develop long term health problems the more times you catch it.
Long term health problems make you less healthy.
(I know that's obvious, but it needs spelling out)
If you have a million people, and you make them all less healthy, the super healthy ones will only be very healthy, the very healthy ones will only be healthy, the healthy ones will become unhealthy, and the unhealthy ones will become very unhealthy.
You apply a virus like covid across the board, and even though it can take some people from very healthy to very unhealthy in an instant, it mostly just takes EVERYONE down a peg.
And when you take everyone down a peg, some drop off the ladder.
And that's what has happened.
A wave of disability.
Germany admitted that the wave of sickness and disability tipped them over from growth to recession.
The UK has just gone into recession, with worse health problems than Germany.
A massive growth in the number of people who have become long term sick.
So... back to the assault on the truth...
They can't blame ongoing covid infections for the wave of disability, because that would mean admitting error, and it would mean admitting covid infections are still a problem, so they blame...
'Covid', which, again, they are using to mean 'the restrictions'.
They call them lockdowns but that's a very poor term for the restrictions. There was mass movement. Shops were open. Schools were open to a huge number of kids. A huge proportion of people kept working in their places of work.
And they are taking a battering ram to the truth when they blame these mitigations for the damage to health and the wave of disability, that is very clearly being documented as being caused by the widespread repeat covid *infections*.
It's a blunt heavy hammer to the skull of the truth.
So there's one layer of lies that says that it's the restrictions of the past that are causing the current problems, but the oxy-acetylene gaslighting is the lie that the restrictions were worse than the disease.
I'm going to use the example of the UK, because I know the data and the story here, but I'm sure the same applies elsewhere.
The lie being blared from every news organisation here this week is that the ongoing problems - schools, economy, healthcare - are caused by 'the lockdowns', and that we should never have had them, that the cure was worse than the disease.
That's a brutal, vicious, and insidiously dangerous lie.
If Covid had been allowed to let rip in 2020, the fabric of society would have been what ripped.
We would have suffered 800,000 deaths from Covid infections that first year - directly, during the acute stage of infection.
The burden of Long Covid would have been tenfold what it was.
The burden on healthcare would have been so staggering that hospitals would have failed entirely.
Businesses, imports, exports, supply chains, supermarket distribution, all would have been savagely hit to the point of failure.
You think that lockdowns caused missed cancer appointments?
Rampant Covid spread pre-vaccine would have wiped those cancer patients out, you dumb fecker.
Let it rip Covid would have caused such phenomenal social harm and upheaval.
We would have literally instantly decimated a generation.
The damage to this country would have been monumental.
And now, the assault on the real history is on.
Why now...
Well, partly because the harm caused by ongoing covid infections is escalating, and the cumulative damage to society and economies is becoming evident, so their first instinct is to hide the damage they've caused and blame something else.
But there's another looming problem.
There's the WHO talking about Disease X, and the let-it-rippers want to get their retaliation in early.
They want to kill any idea of lockdowns ever again.
That's literally what they say.
And while Disease X may be looming nebulously in the future, there are more pressing problems.
There are government planning groups in the UK right now shitting themselves about measles.
I know it may not seem like a big deal right now, because you're not paying full attention to it, but behind closed doors, there are civil servants who are genuinely squirming.
They're caught between a pressing public health issue and political masters who have doubled down on vax and relax as the solution for an increasing number of issues.
Distraction, confusion, corruption, evasion.
And, so, the assault on truth becomes more urgent - pressed from both sides:
the truth is that covid infections now are causing a massive wave of ill health and disability, that they're causing the problems in schools, economy, healthcare
there are potential new threats on the way.
And, meanwhile, 'Covid' is over in the sense of health measures, but 'Covid' is not over in the sense that it's infecting endless waves of people and screwing up their bodies.
Taking healthy people a peg down the ladder.
And dropping some people off the bottom.
And at scale that has a huge effect on society.
And that's the truth.
...meanwhile, the government here is burning the *one* last mitigation in place here in the UK.
This year they're only going to be available for free to over 75s and a tiny proportion of other vulnerable people.
They're not going to be available for free to healthcare workers or care home staff or social workers any more.
The government are following the journey of steadily becoming fully anti-vax.
And don't say 'oh, they're just following the JCVI's recommendation' - the JCVI is packed by politicians full of incompetents who are going directly against scientific recommendations and WHO guidance.
And so the government *here* goes full antivax, and without even having to say it out loud, they start to blame the vaccines for the ongoing health problems.
After all, if the vaccines are safe, why aren't the government giving them out?
The government don't even need to publicise their lie, they just need to sit back...
... and wait... because they think that covid, whether it's the mitigations or the infections, will all just fade away, just as they will, into their new jobs in finance and trade and business.
But for now the assault on the truth must fight against the truth that:
Ongoing covid infections are causing the wave of sickness and disability that is harming whole nation's economies.
And they do that by shouting and shouting that the problems of today were caused by trying to solve the problems of yesterday, and that is a lie so big that it will sink whole countries.
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I've got a nebulous thought around belief and covid and climate and politics that has been ringing round my head for a couple of weeks and won't properly coalesce or congeal, so I think it's time to just start writing and see what comes out.
In a nutshell, I think too many people are living by habit and hope.
Habit is just doing things the way you've always done things.
None of the people who pushed for widespread repeat covid infection predicted that we would be entering into a period of such widespread long term illness that it would effect whole national economies.
They said everything would go back to normal.
None of the people who pushed for widespread repeat covid infection predicted that we would be entering into a period of such widespread immune dysfunction that diseases like TB and fungal infections and mycoplasma pneumonia would surge.
None of the people who pushed for widespread repeat covid infection predicted that the disregard of sensible public health precautions would lead to the risk of, among other things, a massive measles outbreak.
I get asked why I wear a mask by two groups: people who have known me for ages and have finally built up the courage, and people who have just met me.
Today someone I've known for ages asked, and because I'm really tired and a bit pissed off I said it was because I had a medical condition, and they looked quizzical, so I added "it's because I have cells throughout my body that are vulnerable to covid".
"It's because I have cells." I added seriously in further explanation, as if this answered their inquiry.
I'll write a big old thread about them at some point, but for now:
I've read a lot of history.
I studied it at uni, and read it for fun.
I don't read it so much for the details as for the flow.
Life in any era is always good for some and bad for others.
This dingbat troll... it's probably a troll farm bot, so there's no point arguing with it...
But my point has never been that everyone is going to get badly affected by Covid.
My point has always been that the damage covid infections cause to *some* people is going to be enough to put a dent in our society that is the difference between thriving and struggling.
Take a look at the opinion out of Germany - that illness has been the difference between growth and recession.
20 days off sick across the year across the population.
That's the difference between growth and recession.