Did you know that if you want to build a new single-family home or even renovate one in Dallas, Texas, it has to be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations Agenda 2030 or the contractors won't sign off on it?
Let's have a look!
In order to do home building or renovations in the City of Dallas, you have to ensure that, among other things, your building is up to energy code, which since last year is based on the requirements of the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code. Sus. dallascityhall.com/departments/su…
Immediately we should be asking ourselves, why are international regulations in use on local building construction? We kinda know why, so I guess we have to do the next best thing and ask what those codes are based on.
I would like to build on this sentiment because it's crucial to directing our efforts toward building momentum. I'll start off by noting its Biblical basis in Matthew 10:14. Jesus instructs that to those who won't listen, move on and shake the dust from your feet.
When you tell people the truth, a lot of people aren't reading or willing to hear it for a wide variety of reasons. There are biases toward normalcy, social factors, psychological factors like being embarrassed to have been consequentially wrong, entrenchment, and more.
To keep from getting discouraged, you need to calibrate your expectations. Out of every 100 people you talk to, you really should only expect to reach three or four, seriously. Mathematically, that's two applications of the power law. Similarly, two thirds won't hear you at all.
Have you heard of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism? It's some kind of conglomeration of colluding large corporations and other entities doing 21st Century Communist activism for "sustainability" and "inclusion," the two biggest watchwords of tyranny. inclusivecapitalism.com
"Inclusive capitalism" is, of course, a Communist fabrication. It isn't capitalism; it's a synthesis of capitalism and Communist principles branded with words like "sustainability," "inclusion," "equity," and "diversity," seeking to establish a "well-being economy."
About a year and a half ago, I explained the foundation of this synthetic monstrosity, at least on the so-called Western Marxist (neo-Marxist) side of things, indicating that Herbert Marcuse fundamentally retooled Marx's historicism to bring us here. newdiscourses.com/2022/10/riddle…
The sun is shining in East Tennessee, and that's a great reason to remind you that Christian Nationalism is 10000% an op.
Since I'm incredibly accused of not backing up this assertion, let's have a thread, not of arguments but just to show off some of the ways the media sees it.
Berkeley says Christian Nationalism is a "threat to democracy." Big surprise. "Christian nationalists are casting aside the core values of democracy, the scholars said." news.berkeley.edu/2022/09/20/cri…
There's so much in this Berkeley article that it's difficult to summarize without a thread of its own. Here's a sample, though. While from the red pilled perspective, this makes Christian Nationalism look great, it's throwing the whole book at the movement to scare normies.
Let's talk about the Woke weaponization of "empathy," which, we will see, is way more evil than we've already understood it to be. When they say "empathy," they're talking about adopting a brainwashed perspective. All of Social-Emotional Learning is implicated.
When the Woke talk about "empathy," they don't mean caring about other people or identifying with their situation. They mean identifying with the struggle of the oppressed, and ONLY those coded as oppressed, and taking their side. They mean "their struggle is *my struggle*." 👀
That much is really obvious to anyone paying attention lately, but what is Woke "empathy" really about? When we start peeling this onion, the magic keyword we find is "perspective taking." Social-Emotional Learning is meant to teach "perspective taking." Sounds good; isn't.
Last night, prompted by a superchat question, @timcast indicated that he doesn't really like it when I talk about Operation Christian Nationalism because he doesn't think it's relevant or important because Biden has power or something. This is a common misconception. Thread.
Probably the most common misconception about Operation Christian Nationalism is that we shouldn't pay it attention because it's small, fringe, "a boogeyman," not real, not going to get power anyway, etc., but this all misses the point. It's straight not knowing what's going on.
Operation Christian Nationalism is happening, real, and significant, not because it's huge or likely to gain power but because of what it's designed to do as a set of political warfare operations against our nation. It doesn't have to be big to be extremely effective.