Clinical characteristics of 4,520 paediatric patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant, in Xi'an, China
❗Single-center study(1 December to 31 December 2022 4,520 paediatric patients, 85% outpatients)
➡️"COVID-19 initially presents with “flu”-like symptoms"
➡️"The most common symptom in children is a significant increase in the number of convulsions. If there is a high or ultra-high fever and progressive disturbance of consciousness, it is necessary to be alert to the occurrence of encephalitis, which can progress to life-threatening systemic inflammation and multi-organ dysfunction"
➡️"Acute necrotising encephalopathy and pneumonia with comorbidities are the main causes of death in children with SARS-CoV-2 infection"
➡️"High incidence of febrile seizures is a typical clinical characteristic"
➡️"This indicates that nervous system damage in children with SARS-CoV-2 infection is more significant"
➡️"It is significantly different from that in adults who die of respiratory distress syndrome (white lungs)"
🔥Unbelievable that some still downplay paediatric C19, not even taking possible LC into account!
COVID-19: post infection implications in different age groups, mechanism, diagnosis, effective prevention, treatment, and recommendations
Again, Interesting review article, but now with an in-depth and detailed point analysis, worth your time and this 🧵👇
“This review offers a comprehensive understanding of the persistent effects of COVID-19 on individuals of varying ages, along with insights into diagnosis, treatment, vaccination, and future preventative measures against the spread of SARSCoV-2”
• COVID-19 induces long-term effects in individuals of both genders of various ages.
• Artificial intelligence-based COVID-19 diagnostic tools are efficient.
• Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments reduced the long-term impacts of
• All vaccines significantly reduced the persistent effects of COVID-19.
• No vaccine provides lifetime protection against COVID-19.
• Protective measures greatly limit SARS-CoV-2 transmission 1/n
Sarscov2 introduction 2/n
Long-term effects of COVID-19 on the human systems
Pulmonary system 3/n
❗️Excellent new CardioVascular Autonomic dysfunction(CVAD) overview:
For one: "As well as global circulatory disturbances, CVAD in post-COVID-19 syndrome(LongCovid) can manifest as microvascular and endothelial dysfunction, with local symptoms such as headache, brain fog, chest pain, dyspnoea and peripheral circulatory symptoms, including skin discolouration, oedema, Raynaud-like phenomena, and heat and cold intolerance"
➡️ Your N. Vagus at work!😰…
➡️ "CVAD arises from a malfunction of the autonomic control of the circulation, and can involve failure or inadequate or excessive activation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system" 2/n
➡️"Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction (CVAD), in particular postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and inappropriate sinus tachycardia, are among the most frequent and distinct phenotypes of post-COVID-19 syndrome; one-third of highly symptomatic patients can be affected" 3/n
SARS-CoV-2 reservoir in post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC)
Lets dig into 1 of the 8 mechanisms that could cause LongCovid in this excellent study illustrating the importance of possible vagus involvement:
“SARS-CoV-2 reservoir may alter vagus nerve signaling”
“A SARS-CoV-2 reservoir could also contribute to nonspecific PASC symptoms including fatigue, trouble concentrating, muscle and joint pain, sleep dysfunction, anxiety, depression, loss of appetite and autonomic dysfunction. These symptoms overlap with the sickness response (called ‘sickness behavior’ in animal models) that reflects the subjective and behavioral component of innate immunity and is largely mediated by signaling of the vagus nerve” 2/n
“Tens of thousands of afferent vagus nerve branches innervate all major trunk organs with chemoreceptor terminals, which collectively act as a sensitive and diffuse neuroimmune sensory organ for the CNS. These branches can detect highly localized paracrine immune signaling such as cytokine activation even in the absence of a systemic circulating immune response, triggering glial activation and neuroinflammation on the brain side of the blood–brain barrier and the sickness response. The persistence of a SARS-CoV-2 reservoir in body sites densely innervated by the vagus nerve (for example, gut, lung and bronchial tubes)—or direct infection of the vagus nerve as has been shown in autopsy studies—might activate localized paracrine signaling, leading to ongoing sickness response symptoms in infected individuals” 3/n
Why so little attention in #Belgium(=new red zone) for our well performing neighbor, Germany(Green zone)? They certainly seem to have their act together, surely they could be instrumental to learn from! #Thread#covid19 1/n @alexanderdecroo@JanJambon@eliodirupo
FREE testing everywhere, with results in 15 minutes , to be stopped Oct 11, to further push unvaccinated to get their shot.
Mandatory tests in schools(2-3x/w) and all employers have to provide them for the employees at work. 2/n
3G rule:
For many places only admittance for vaccinated/post-covid starting 23 Aug
Only to be suspended when incidence reaches a 7D stable below 35! 3/n