NESARA is not a name it's an acronym that none of you are looking into.
N- National
E- Economic
S - Security
A- And
R- Reformation
A- Act
Now ask yourself what countries around the world are doing in order to join the BRICS Nations? They are doing what to meet the requirements neccessary? Changing their NATIONAL ECONOMY by doing REFORMS in the banking & economic system through ACTS they are passing through congress for SECURITY & STABILITY of their country.
You get it now?
The Gold Standard is going to remove the Federal Reserve. Which is one of the main points of N.E.S.A.R.A.. You are watching the process in real time. This was something that was never going to be announced on any mainstream platform alternative or not.
When you break down the acronym then you will understand you have been under NESARA for years. It officially started when the Fed-Reserve was absorbed by the US Treasury in March of 2020.
Abolishing income tax is also apart of that correct? Can you tax precious metals? No. So what will the IRS do once we are on the Gold Standard? Cease to exist.
This is why you all should consider converting some of your IQD into Gold and purchase your home using it. Why? Because Uncle Sam can not touch you when you do.
Skye Prince put out an alert on her Facebook page that these were the Med-Beds available to the public and that you should book an appointment immediately. 🤣
The prop/picture cryopod was from the 2016 movie "Passengers".
This is her trying to justify charging people for something she doesn't even have access too.
She actually uses stock photos of Med-Beds as if it's real. Please stop trying to defend these scam artists.
Have I shown you enough as to how this game is played?
Do you remember the pictures with Dom Lucre and Roger Stone?
This is how the military industrial complex works.
They get behind and support certain platforms they think they can use to silence smaller accounts.
This is how they are able to get these shows.
I do not follow none of these channels. Guess what?
All of them followed mine's.
What does that tell you?
Dom Lucre recently unfollowed me. (For obvious reasons)
M. Flynn is trying to gather all of the "Social Media Influencers" in the MAGA movement to control the info flow.
Do not be surprised when Dom Lucre will be tasked at attacking this channel when the word is given. He chose his team.
Roger Stone was on Jeffrey Epstein.
Roger Stone was apart of the Jan 6th set-up.
Roger Stone is directly connected to Keith Renier.
Do you see what we are dealing with now?
Once you start mingling with this circle it's basically over for you.
Dom Lucre recently did an interview with Manny Waks about child exploitation. The only problem is that Manny Waks never spoke to or met D. Lucre. As a matter of fact his response to the video is below this post.
Kari Lake remember when you attended the Drag- themed baby shower?
Do you remember when you invited a Drag Queen to perform for your birthday while children were present?
Do you remember you were kicked out of a Drag Queen bar because you were too intoxicated?
Do you remember when you started ignoring calls from your Drag Queen friend Barbra Seville once you switched over to "The Maga Movement" so you could hide that you are actually a liberal?
"The Current Wartime President Trump is our Retribution for High Treason and Democide by corrupt rogue government element, WHO — This is the total Obliteration of the globalist Deep State" End qoute.…
How many times have you all been told EO 13912 made Donald Trump a Wartime president?
"All Humans reading this disclosure should be prepared for an unprecedented shock period. It is crucial to trust our military, as they are now the Guardians tasked with restoring law and order and protecting our respective Constitutions. The aftermath of this Democide will bring about a completely new way of life, for which words fail to adequately describe the magnitude. However, the film produced and released on October 19th, in collaboration with Dr. Astrid Stückelberger, a loyal compatriot and friend from Switzerland, has become one of the fastest-growing Documentary shorts in terms of view count. Since its release, it has garnered over 500 million views, a testament to its impact". End quote.
People this is from mainstream news. Did you know CNBC also published this on their website?
This is what you all wanted right?
This is what you all said was never going to happen right?
This is what you consider alternative news that will never be reported by mainstream news right?
Now you understand how serious this is.
You actually thought these people were going to walk away?
People once something of this nature hit mainstream publications the military is already gearing up for this at anytime given we are still under a national security.…
Michael Flynn "Digital Soldiers" was him creating a protective layer around himself.
Why do you think these are the 1st people to come to his aid the moment something to damaging gets out?
The Digital Soldiers was a counter psyop to Q'. Why do you think he no longer wants anything to do with them?
Why do you think he no longer supports "The Plan" in regards to the US Military taking down all the secret human trafficking tunnels?
Why do you think he is not trying to get down to the bottom of who assisted Joe Biden stealing 2020 election?
Why do you think he has nothing negative to say about Michael Aquino who is a Pedophile who raped and killed children when this is in court affidavits?
People are under the impression that I am writing this info as a potential protest for Michael Flynn not to he apart of Donald Trump's administration.
When will they ever learn? If it's a "Sting Operation" wouldn't it be smart for Michael Flynn to continue the crimes while under the impression that the Deep State is still in power?
Remember that Wes V vs EPA case? Did you no the 3 letter alphabet agencies no longer can dictate any policies in government? You know what this means? Michael Flynn & Ivan Raiklin no longer has protection. From FBI or CIA.
Which is why everything they are doing is no longer working.
M. Flynn Worked With Foreign Cyberweapons Group That Sold Spyware.
* Pegasus Spyware helped governments spy on opponents and journalists.
* ‘Surveilling reporters is designed to intimidate not only those journalists but their sources, which should be of concern to everyone.’
Did you know 100k was paid to M. Flynn before he became D. Trump National Security Advisor by the patent company of Israeli cyberintelligence company NSO Group which owns Pegasus Software?
So ask yourself why is everyone who claim to he working for your freedom all have ties back to Bibi Netanyahu who was behind 9/11?
Andrew Breibart
Steve Bannon
Michael Flynn
All these men work for Zionist. We already know Steve Bannon was caught stealing money for the Border Wall.
Adrian J Wells also has info on M. Flynn. Why do you think the human trafficking victims are silenced by all "The Digital Soldiers"? Why do you think the SRA survivors are not mentioned by any of the people you think are trying to get down to the bottom of Pizza Gate? (LC). And you alm think these people are doing all those fantastic projects to expose the players in the Deep State. How when you are getting all that information from me?
Do you all remember when Michael Flynn was a guest of honor at a dinner hosted by a former MI6 Spy Master Richard Dearlove? Who did I tell you was the most advanced Intelligence agency? Britain Intelligence right? Where did they train Allister Crowley? At Vauxhall London right? Guess who else M. Flynn was pictured with at that party? The head of British Intelligence Christopher Andrew.
All the people you seen come out against me all are in the Flynn network.
Lara Logan
Liz Crokin
Kaity Passe (@Realdefender45)
Bishop Larry Gaiters
Phil Godlewski
Guess what? All these people have me blocked.
Is that a big f*cking coincidence or what?
Well would you look at this.
Richard Dearlove
Christopher Andrew
Michael Flynn
You all wanted the receipts right?
Everett Stern, head of the Tactical Rabbit intelligence firm and a current Senate candidate, also revealed Flynn's allies reached out to him.
He reportedly provided evidence, which included text messages, emails, and other correspondence to support his claims.
The individuals he was in contact with included Velma Anne Ruth, along with two additional Flynn allies: Al Hartman, a real estate mogul in Houston, Texas, and former army Green Beret Ivan Raiklin, both of whom advocated for election audits in multiple states.
Two of Flynn's associates, who are said to be part of a far-right extremist organization known as the Patriot Caucus, were the first to approach him back in April of last year. At the time, they were reportedly part of a "scheme to seek potentially damaging information on two Republican members of Congress to prod them to back an audit of the 2020 vote that Joe Biden won." End qoute.
Do you see what you are up against my people?
Do you now see what Ivan Raiklin role is?
Do you now see how he uses the media to build a trustworthy profile like the faux 22 miles a day for 80 days straight for veterans stunt?
This is how they get you to buy into their image. It gives them this super hero aura that they are always out fighting on your behalf. And you all fall for it every time.
It's called "Public Relations".
The pictures, videos, messages, will tell you the whole story. Ivan Raiklin works directly under M. Flynn. Flynn basically works under British Intelligence which uses Benjamin Netanyahu as a honey pot.
These are the people you have to watch. This is why they are always doing all these podcasts, interviews, photo ops, press events, etc. This is how they keep the covert ops against the American people going. They have to keep showing their face because they made their image synonymous with truth just by their presence alone.
So when you see them you by default automatically think you are getting accurate info. But you ate getting their version and it is been passed to these "Plastic Pay-triots". Which is why you will only see them on those types of platforms because they will not ask them questions that will make them uncomfortable.
You need to look into these people and stop being scared of these Pay-triots. These people are in "The Circle". Please understand what Donald Trump is up against. Make the connections.
This is Ivan Raiklin & Velma Ann Ruth sitting at the same table in PA-(Pennsylvania). Do I need to tell you anything else at this point? Ivan Raiklin runs bribery & blackmail for Michael Flynn to get political figures to flip votes. This is how Joe Biden won. Do not be fooled by this guy.
Phil Godlewski- He is not legit (But his court papers are)
Qoute: A Pedophile?
"QAnon leader Phil Godlewski accidentally outed himself as an alleged child predator after filing a defamation lawsuit against a local paper that exposed old court records to public scrutiny, according to a report from The Daily Beast. Despite Godlewski and QAnon’s obsessive fixation with pedophile cabals running the government, it seems in this case the call is coming from inside the house." End qoute.