Has capitalism left it too late to avoid hellish 1.75/2.25°C of global warming and rising?
Can we adapt?
Has the scientific community issued major consensus reports indicating political-economic systems changes are mandatory?
Will journalists reveal this?
1. The UN/IPCC and mass media journalists continue to mislead the public with the notion that the current economic system - or any system - can avoid 1.5/2°C (when adaptation starts to become/becomes impossible).
2. The two major scientific bodies, the IPCC and the IPBES, have issued major reports indicating current political-economic systems must be changed as they are causing biodiversity destruction, extinction, ecosystem collapse, and extreme climate change.
3. Even the consensus science (which is challenged by Dr James Hansen and many other great scientists because it doesn't reflect the reality of catastrophic and accelerating climate change properly) reveals it may be too late to avoid 1.75°C and 2°C. nature.com/articles/s4324…
4. The IPCC implies adaptation is still possible at 1.5- 1.9°C, however major ecosystems and biomes are being bulldozed and heated to collapse at 1/1.5°C.
Change this Extinction Economy now while it's still too late to protect species and everyone.
7. 'Nature-based solutions – such as coral reefs, mangroves and marshes, all of which can help adaptation efforts – will likely reach hard limits of their own as the planet warms beyond 1.5C, the report says.' carbonbrief.org/in-depth-qa-th…
8. Adaptation at 1.75/2.25°C?
Given the catastrophic consequences of 1.25/1.75°C, non-climate factors, and the fact we must anticipate far worse at today's 427 ppm of atmospheric CO2 and rising fast, survival for many/the majority species is in doubt.
* hard/impossible to survive
* hard/impossible to prevent
* likely by 2069-2092
* plausible by 2045
* just one of many existential threats that mean a total rethink of economic growth is mandatory to protect species and everyone
Capitalism has set up the early deaths of billions of people.
Has capitalism left it too late to avoid unsurvivable 2/2.5°C of global warming and rising?
Has the scientific community issued major consensus reports indicating only political-economic systems changes may end biodiversity destruction and limit abrupt climate chaos?
The factory food, fossil fuel, and arms industries are all thriving. Cement, plastics, steel.. This capitalist Extinction Economy is the worst-case scenario. It won't stop emissions. It has condemned us to essentially unsurvivable warming at 1.9-2°C and rising by 2029-41. 🧵
1. Mass media journalists are silent on 2°C by 2032-41 as warming hits 1.38-1.5C increasing by 0.35-0.45C per decade.
'12 months after the peak of the El Niño event and global temperatures are still exceptionally high'
BREAKING: World Meteorological Organization issues Red Alert to humanity as accelerating global warming of 1.4-1.7°C and rising heralds essentially unsurvivable conditions within years not decades 🧵
1. The January –September 2024 global mean surface air temperature was 1.54°C (with a margin of uncertainty of ±0.13°C) above the pre-industrial average boosted by a warming El Niño event according to an analysis of six international datasets used by WMO.
BREAKING: scientists hold back tears and shake their heads sadly as they explain utterly compromised COP29 climate conference was meant to be the last chance to organise rapid and deep emissions cuts for any chance of staying well below essentially unsurvivable 2°C 🧵
1. Time has run out to avoid 1.5°C (now sure to hit in the 2020s) and avoid the worst impacts of climate change. 1.75°C will be exceeded soon after with dire 2°C expected by 2030-2050
2. Abrupt climate change is just one compounding factor in extinction catastrophe.
Biodiversity destruction is a core part of the reality of industrial capitalism.
Change this Doom Economy now while it's still too late to protect species and everyone.🧵⬇️