THREAD - The @HouseGOP promised to secure the border & to cut funding to Biden’s radical progressive Democrat agenda... this week, gov’t funding partially expires. WHAT’S THE STATUS? Short Answer: NO PLAN TO FIGHT. Here’s the longer form status update: (1/x)
…After passing 3 “continuing resolutions” (CR) for 5 mos. at Pelosi funding levels w/ promises to “fight,” an NDAA w/ token “DEI” policy wins & an extension of FISA spying-on-Americans, & no real border security wins, GOP leaders are poised to… INCREASE spending… (2/x)
…& likely fund Ukraine’s border…
This despite a year of hard-fought negotiating that gave us spending caps IN LAW we can enact simply with a CR thru 9/30 to cut total spending, leave defense & veterans untouched, & cut 10% ($73BB) of Biden’s non-defense bureaucracy… (3/x)
…But the current “plan” is to pass GOP-negotiated funding bills we haven’t seen yet (they say we’ll “have 72 hrs. to review”) that will give $30BB MORE than Pelosi’s FY23 omnibus to Biden & progressive Dems by embracing spending “side deals” that are NOT even in law… (4/x)
…thus publicly taking shutdown off the table (i.e. no leverage).
Worse, we are told that because there is war in Ukraine & China is dangerous, a CR that doesn’t “increase” defense spending “doesn’t meet the moment.” That’s why they aren’t leveraging spending caps in law! (5/x)
…We are told “we can’t risk shutdown,” but must eat HIGHER spending than Pelosi & temper expectations on so-called policy riders (sight unseen) to only “singles & doubles” (not “homeruns”), which means no real wins on, e.g., border policies to end releases, student loans… (6/x)
…transgender surgeries, climate/EV mandates, DOJ & Jack Smith or FACE Act prosecutions, reforms to COVID tyranny, and more… which tracks because the @HouseGOP told Senate Dems in January there was a “deal” for HIGHER spending with no policies locked in… (7/x)
…& we are told there is no alternative that can get 218 GOP votes. Yet, I’ve not seen an official “whip” (vote count) on any possible alternative packages that we could try to get 218 – despite having successfully done so multiple times last year, and… (8/x)
… it is notable that the current “deal” will fall way short of 218 Republicans, & like every other significant bill passed in recent months, will likely pass with MORE Democrat votes than GOP, & very well might end up with less than even a majority of GOP supporting… (9/x)
We are told leadership has been robbed of leverage on policy negotiations because we have failed to pass all GOP rules… ignoring the fact that leverage is actually lost WHEN YOU DEMONSTRATE NO INTENT TO USE IT… (10/x)
…like the Speaker’s own admission “we can’t risk a shutdown,” & “flat defense spending does not meet the moment.” (11/x)
Beyond capitulation on spending & most policies in the bills, there's no mention of a plan to:
-secure the border
-truly reform FISA (ie, clarity on warrants/other protections in a future bill)
-hold line on Ukraine either entirely or at minimum until the border is secure (12/x)
Bottom line: Republicans are putting out the same tired excuses that we’ve been telling our voters for decades.
We can't let the swamp dictate the terms.
If we want to achieve something different, we have to do something different.
Pick a fight and win it. /End
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THREAD on the “War, Debt, and Open Borders” BILL: The bill is NOT well-intended. It is also not a border security bill. It is, however, a bill designed by Democrats to boost Biden against Trump by helping Dems blame Republicans for open borders… (1/x) #SecureAmericaFirst
…a trap into which some GOP willingly walk in order to fund an insatiable desire for endless wars. The bill BORROWS some $118BB to fund $60BB for Ukraine, in addition to other Foreign Aid (Israel & Taiwan), plus $20BB for alleged “border security…” (2/x) #SecureAmericaFirst
…funding which will ensure MORE border traffic, not less. The border “crisis” is a crisis not of resources or lack of authority, but rather the result of abuse of law by the President - the willing disregard of the text & spirit of laws designed to maintain operational… (3/x)
THREAD: Hypothetical question for @HouseGOP colleagues satisfied with “half a loaf” solutions & needing to “take seriously” the Senate border “deal”… Ok, Let’s say you have a city police & Mayor ignore laws & let homeless camp on your property… (1/5) #NoSenateBorderDeal
…& they prohibit you from stopping it, notwithstanding drug needles, fights, break-ins, assaults, & other safety concerns. You complain & seek enforcement and/or new laws from city council to protect you. City Council says it will pass a new ordinance… (2/5) #NoSenateBorderDeal
…notwithstanding existing laws & common sense… & drafted secretly & without lots of time to review before passing it… that says “well, we will cap the number seeking to come to your property at 20 (instead of the current, but fluid, rate of 40) & we… (3/5) #NoSenateBorderDeal
THREAD: Someone explain this to me. @HouseGOP is being asked by @SpeakerJohnson to vote FOR this NDAA - a bill that forsakes virtually all reforms passed this summer in the House… all to ADD an extension of abusive FISA spying until April 2025… Let’s take them 1-by-1: (1/8)
…1) the @HouseGOP would be voting FOR continuation of the unlawful taxpayer funded abortion tourism policies that @TTuberville fought against in the Senate… & scored against by @FRCAction @CatholicVote @Heritage_Action & others (still hoping for @sbaprolife). (2/8)
…2) the @HouseGOP would be voting FOR continuation of taxpayer funding of transgender surgeries at the Pentagon... all while we see the enormously disastrous consequences of these surgeries on mental health and well-being… (3/8)
THREAD re: govt funding. In 12 days, funding expires. The question is what we demand to fund it. My position is we must get substantive wins on - among other things - the border, DOD wokeness, DOJ weaponization, & spending cuts to support funding. #NoSecurityNoFunding (1/5)
On the table is a 30 DAY funding extension at an 8% cut to non-defense, non-veterans federal bureaucracy… something we’ve never been able to do… that would include, importantly an 8% cut to DOJ funding as a first step to stop its abuses… along with border security… (2/5)
…in the form of most of HR2 (The Secure the Border Act) & spending riders to implement it. Recall that this bill resulted from our efforts in the spring to accomplish what we’ve NEVER done (including 2018 with all GOP control)… pass a security-only border bill… (3/5)
For the @HouseGOP, there are 45 days to prove to the people the @HouseGOP will fight for Americans &, thus, is worthy of the majority. When govt funding expires on 9/30, we must agree only to fund a government that secures the blessings of liberty... (1/10) #NoSecurityNoFunding
…we must reject decline & address existential crises making hard-working citizens doubt the American dream: inflation & spending, open borders & sex/fentanyl trafficking, unsafe communities & 2-tier weaponized justice, a woke military, CRT/DEI, & a war on reliable energy. (2/10)
1. We must establish fiscal security, a small step toward which would be pre-COVID spending levels for the federal bureaucracy, our original agreed upon total of $1.471 trillion. To stop inflation, we cannot keep spending recklessly to fund a tyrannical bureaucracy. (3/10)
THREAD: Turns out this chart is basically accurate. Will fill it in tomorrow more fully… but to best of our current understanding with NO text… 1) Debt ceiling set til 1/1/2025 - which means unknown debt increase - but $4 Trillion is a good estimate... (1/10)
…2) Debt Ceiling “Deal” totally scraps the $131BB in cuts to return bureaucracy to pre-COVID levels in favor of what appears to be effectively flat spending (down or up a little) - at the bloated 2023 Omnibus spending level, jammed through in a rush in December… (2/10)
3) Debt Ceiling “Deal” abandons work requirements for Medicaid (3/10)