Chip Roy Profile picture
Husband, father, cancer survivor, Congressman from the Great State of Texas. Freedom works.
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Mar 21 4 tweets 1 min read
THREAD: Everyone should note the conservative groups who are scoring and those which are not. Right now, I am told @Heritage_Action @NumbersUSA @FAIRImmigration are scoring against the #SwampOmnibus. If there are others - advise. (1/x) So, @amrenewcitizen is loudly opposing, @GunOwners is scoring against, as is @EagleForum, @TPAction_ & @CatholicVote — #SwampOmnibus
Mar 10 5 tweets 1 min read
THREAD: The #SwampGOP doesn’t get it, as evidenced by the #SOTU debacle. 1) The GOP powers-that-be invite a radical progressive democrat & lawless potus (Biden) to speak, 2) the same week as passing the first 1/2 of a #SwampOmnibus w/ MORE Democrat votes than GOP… (1/5) …to give him MORE $$ to continue to his mass-release illegal aliens, many of whom have killed or harmed Americans like Laken Riley, whose name 4) they put on a bill that doesn’t focus on said “mass releases,” while 5) throwing a freshman Senator to the wolves by asking… (2/5)
Feb 26 13 tweets 3 min read
THREAD - The @HouseGOP promised to secure the border & to cut funding to Biden’s radical progressive Democrat agenda... this week, gov’t funding partially expires. WHAT’S THE STATUS? Short Answer: NO PLAN TO FIGHT. Here’s the longer form status update: (1/x)
#NoSecurityNoFunding …After passing 3 “continuing resolutions” (CR) for 5 mos. at Pelosi funding levels w/ promises to “fight,” an NDAA w/ token “DEI” policy wins & an extension of FISA spying-on-Americans, & no real border security wins, GOP leaders are poised to… INCREASE spending… (2/x)
Feb 5 14 tweets 3 min read
THREAD on the “War, Debt, and Open Borders” BILL: The bill is NOT well-intended. It is also not a border security bill. It is, however, a bill designed by Democrats to boost Biden against Trump by helping Dems blame Republicans for open borders… (1/x) #SecureAmericaFirst …a trap into which some GOP willingly walk in order to fund an insatiable desire for endless wars. The bill BORROWS some $118BB to fund $60BB for Ukraine, in addition to other Foreign Aid (Israel & Taiwan), plus $20BB for alleged “border security…” (2/x) #SecureAmericaFirst
Feb 2 5 tweets 1 min read
THREAD: Hypothetical question for @HouseGOP colleagues satisfied with “half a loaf” solutions & needing to “take seriously” the Senate border “deal”… Ok, Let’s say you have a city police & Mayor ignore laws & let homeless camp on your property… (1/5) #NoSenateBorderDeal …& they prohibit you from stopping it, notwithstanding drug needles, fights, break-ins, assaults, & other safety concerns. You complain & seek enforcement and/or new laws from city council to protect you. City Council says it will pass a new ordinance… (2/5) #NoSenateBorderDeal
Dec 12, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Someone explain this to me. @HouseGOP is being asked by @SpeakerJohnson to vote FOR this NDAA - a bill that forsakes virtually all reforms passed this summer in the House… all to ADD an extension of abusive FISA spying until April 2025… Let’s take them 1-by-1: (1/8) Image …1) the @HouseGOP would be voting FOR continuation of the unlawful taxpayer funded abortion tourism policies that @TTuberville fought against in the Senate… & scored against by @FRCAction @CatholicVote @Heritage_Action & others (still hoping for @sbaprolife). (2/8)
Sep 18, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
THREAD re: govt funding. In 12 days, funding expires. The question is what we demand to fund it. My position is we must get substantive wins on - among other things - the border, DOD wokeness, DOJ weaponization, & spending cuts to support funding. #NoSecurityNoFunding (1/5) On the table is a 30 DAY funding extension at an 8% cut to non-defense, non-veterans federal bureaucracy… something we’ve never been able to do… that would include, importantly an 8% cut to DOJ funding as a first step to stop its abuses… along with border security… (2/5)
Aug 17, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
For the @HouseGOP, there are 45 days to prove to the people the @HouseGOP will fight for Americans &, thus, is worthy of the majority. When govt funding expires on 9/30, we must agree only to fund a government that secures the blessings of liberty... (1/10) #NoSecurityNoFunding …we must reject decline & address existential crises making hard-working citizens doubt the American dream: inflation & spending, open borders & sex/fentanyl trafficking, unsafe communities & 2-tier weaponized justice, a woke military, CRT/DEI, & a war on reliable energy. (2/10)
May 28, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Turns out this chart is basically accurate. Will fill it in tomorrow more fully… but to best of our current understanding with NO text… 1) Debt ceiling set til 1/1/2025 - which means unknown debt increase - but $4 Trillion is a good estimate... (1/10) …2) Debt Ceiling “Deal” totally scraps the $131BB in cuts to return bureaucracy to pre-COVID levels in favor of what appears to be effectively flat spending (down or up a little) - at the bloated 2023 Omnibus spending level, jammed through in a rush in December… (2/10)
May 19, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
THREAD on #DebtCeiling. The @HouseGOP passed #HR2811 - the Limit, Save, Grow Act - that raises the debt ceiling $1.5 Trillion or until 3/31/24, for sensible, purposeful non-political reforms. Those reforms should NOT be abandoned - because they matter… (1/10) …Purposeful reform #1: Cut the federal bureaucracy to pre-COVID levels by limiting total discretionary 2024 spending to 2022 levels ($1.471 TR) -which constrains woke bureaucrats to help spur growth & freedom, & re-sets spending to save $131BB now, & 3.5TR over 10 years… (2/10)
Apr 29, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Things @JoeBiden wants to hide by fear-mongering that the @HouseGOP debt-ceiling plan to #LimitSaveGrow will “cut” veteran benefits & meals on wheels… A) the only ones talking about cutting veterans are Joe Biden & Democrats - we simple set a total spending cap… (1/9) …and B) we capped it at $1.471 trillion, the TOTAL spending number we were using literally less than 5 months ago, which allows Congress to choose how to spend it! e.g. if we keep defense at current level, we can fund the the remaining bureaucracy at pre-COVID levels… (2/9)
Apr 3, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
The @HouseGOP is working to save America from the double-barreled disaster of stagflation while Dems fiddle. We offer to do what we said - spending reforms, not a blind increase of Govt borrowing. What’s possible? THREAD: (1/7) #ShrinkDCGrowAmerica… 1st, we return discretionary spending to 2022 levels (i.e. what we were spending 4 mos ago) to fund defense at 2023 levels (beat China) & simply cut weaponized bureaucracy to pre-COVID 2019 levels, which is exactly 2024 levels in Obama’s last budget! (2/7) #ShrinkDCGrowAmerica
Mar 15, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Ron DeSantis for President of the United States #NeverBackDown #DeSantis2024 The next President of the United States must be a vibrant and energetic leader with the faith, vision, and courage to chart a new course.   America needs a leader who will truly defend her and empower the people against the destructive force of unrestrained government and..
Dec 28, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
BORDER THREAD: A) Title 42 is NOT border policy & should not be treated as such. Too many GOP use it as cover for weak border efforts when we should not perpetuate the myth of on-going pandemic (see, e.g., student loans); B) We can & should fix the border w/ #HR7772… (1/6) … the principles laid out in the #TxBorderPlan & we must do these things precisely b/c Title 42 is not an actual fix but a bandaid; C) Now, of course Title 42 can be aggressively used for duration of ANY concurrent federal “pandemic” mandates being used against citizens… (2/6)
Dec 21, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: 21 Senators voted to proceed to the $1.7 trillion omnibus - & to spend billions we do not have, empower Biden bureaucrats with no fixes, & block us from securing the border for at least 9 mos. Some are friends, one my former boss.. but unless… (1/13) #StandUpForAmerica …they change their vote on final passage, I don’t care & will oppose their bills/priorities - & not for revenge, but b/c it’s the only tool I have to pressure them to stop doing this to us. This vote is indefensible, & damaging to Texas. It takes away our leverage to… (2/13)
Sep 27, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
To “Make the Economy Strong,” we must COMMIT to 1) balance the budget in 10 yrs & appropriate to it (stop spending $ we don’t have); 2) unapologetically expand reliable nuclear & gas energy by opening federal lands & permitting… (1/13) #StandUpForAmerica #CommitmentToAmerica To “Make the Economy Strong,” we must COMMIT to… 3) end subsidies distorting toward unreliable energy; 4) use federal investment power & SEC regulatory power to end the anti-free enterprise woke “ESG” constraint on capital. (2/13) #StandUpForAmerica #CommitmentToAmerica
Sep 26, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
This is right by @mirandadevine, as we have said for 2+ months (incl. @StephenM). @GOPLeader is correct, but ALL @HouseGOP must be pressed & @SteveScalise must whip it. @LeaderMcConnell must demand it of @SenateGOP. THREAD: (1/6)… The following 42 House members & 14 senate members have pledged to AT LEAST oppose any “omnibus” spending bill OR “CR” into a lame duck… hardly a big lift, when we SHOULD be holding up funding to force border security... (2/6) #StandUpForAmerica #NotOneMorePenny
Jun 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
At 930AM, the @SenateGOP on the Armed Services Committee began debate (in private) on the #NDAA. There will likely be an amendment, again, to draft our daughters. Last year, several GOP Senators voted yes. That was asinine. They should not do it again… (1/5) Those voting no last year:
James Inhofe
Wicker, Roger
Cotton, Tom
Hawley, Josh
Rounds, Mike

Voted YES (or Not Present) last year:
Fischer, Deb
Ernst, Joni
Tillis, Thom
Sullivan, Dan
Cramer, Kevin
Scott, Rick
Blackburn, Marsha
Tuberville, Tommy

Apr 22, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Thread on corporate America. Too may conservatives are caught up in a 1990’s business school view of laissez-fair economics assuming those corporations are acting to maximize shareholder value as opposed to advancing an agenda & are acting removed from corporate cronyism… (1/8) …Instead, corporate America is - across multiple industries - using massive market power combined with government-corporate cronyism to impact negatively - in real time - the lives, liberty, & ability to pursue happiness of the American people… (2/8)
Mar 10, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: @PressSec - having refused to apologize for accusing @CBP agents of whipping Haitians… extends lies to oil: “What additional permits do they need? …The leases are there, the permits are there. I don’t think they need an embroidered invitation..” (1/x) #EnergyFreedom This is stupid, a lie, or both: Oil is around $120 a barrel; do you really think companies don’t want to drill right now? They can’t because of the administration’s assault on reliable American oil & gas. #EnergyFreedom (2/x)
Mar 9, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
#SWAMPSPENDING THREAD: 1) We were sent vote times & “Omnibus” spending bill at 230AM. 2) It is 2700 pages & we vote at 1000AM. 4) Top-line spending appears to be $1.512 Trillion. 3) We are told it is a 6% increase year-over-year, NOT counting Ukraine or COVID Supp… (1/6) … 4) We can’t identify their “baseline” for saying 6% increase, it appears higher, but we cannot tell. 5) We are aware of zero actual changes to USA Oil & Gas restrictions. 6) We are aware of zero changes to COVID vax mandates… (2/6) #DefundTyranny #DefundVaxMandates