In her speech at the European Parliament, Yuliia Navalnaya mentions Ukraine only once, says that arms delivery do not help (and "nothing works" from "rushing help" for Ukraine), but praises YouTube ads against Putin and says, Western lawyers and Russian citizens will defeat Putin
This is a continuation of Navalny's and his organisation's policy towards military support for Ukraine. Both Navalny and his aides repeatedly pledged against military support for Ukraine, asking for money for Navalny's YouTube campaigns.
If you are not agree to Navalny's team that Ukraine must be deprived of arms support as the latter does not work, you may donate for the 47th mechanised brigade of Ukraine, which is fighting at Avdiivka:…
A detail: for Navalny's lieutenant Volkov, Russia's unfolding aggression against Ukraine was only an attempt to draw attention away from Navalny's process.
Navalny himself called not to send Javelines to Ukraine in April 2022 (!) but fund his YouTube channel and anti-Putin advertising to influence the Russians. So the mindset is traditional for Navalny's team, and came from Navalny himself. Nothing new here.
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Finally this video from the frontline near Avdiivka arrived - after days of heavy fighting, the 47th mechanised brigade sent me this video of how 100 of our light drones reached them (and helped a lot). The amazing @BrennpunktUA community campaign helped to raise 160 drones... /1
Another 30 drones were donated to 25th brigade via @frontlinekit and its amazing leader Richard Woodruff, and... /2
@frontlinekit Another 30 drones were sent to another battalion of the heroic 47th brigade, via connection provided by @motytchak. But this is not all! /3
Germany's Chancellor Scholz says today #Taurus4Ukraine are "out of question". He arguments that for Taurus delivery German soldiers must be sent to Ukraine and this is impossible. Numerous experts say Chancellor lies. I agree. Let me remind the timeline of this disgrace THREAD /1
Taurus discussion takes place since Summer 2023 at least. To send Taurus, a decision must be taken by Germany's "Security Council" where Chancellor has saying. Arguments against sending Taurus have never been made public, but Scholz-near politicians dropped numerous ideas /2
Amid those, the fear of escalation was named, the need to program with Germany-delivered geodata, the need to send missiles together with other Western allies etc. (Some of them are dismantled in this interview: ) /3
Amid the shot down of a Russia's A-50 AWACS, I'd like to remind you a propaganda comic from 2012, designed by a pedophilia-topics-obsessed artist Zashtopik. It presented a number of situations which would go wrong if Putin would not be re-elected. Here is a story of a pilot /1
"This is Major Smirnov. He serves at an airbase in Kaluga region" (most probably Shaikovka, from where the Russian Nazis hit Ukrainian residential areas today. Note his blue eyes and blonde hair, stressed so much) /2
"Now it's fine! But some time ago it was a hard time. The military pilots were ignored. His family lived in a dormitory. He got no salary". (Note his Aryan blonde family, and sexualised wife. Remember, the artist loved to work with pedophile themes, just google Заштопик) /3
Agnieszka @agnieszka_mdb Brugger, top-defence expert of the Greens, denies answer if the German government means Taurus in the proposed vote, and immediately attacks the CDU for not having done enough before.
Liberal @MAStrackZi starts with quoting Navalny, pledges for defeat of Russia, says it is bad that Taurus is not being named in the text of the parliamentary proposition. She points out "linguistic fog" in the text and criticises "faction pressure" in decisive votings.
Gabriela Heinrich from the SPD in a perfect Dolores Umbridge posture lectures a CDU deputy on that it is not important if Taurus is mentioned or not, and than demands that he stops asking. She says that "the most important help for Ukraine is that Germany stays on her side".
THREAD As Ukraine continues to eliminate Russia's Black Sea fleet, and has destroyed today a Russian corvette "Ivanovets", I decided to re-post my old thread on why Russia has a century-long tradition of having a shitty Navy, capable only of killing civilians. Let's start. /1
According to RU historical tradition, RU Navy was founded by Peter I, an admirer of the West and the founder of Petersburg. Despite huge money and manpower investments, its only famous victory remains Gangut battle: 99 RU ships vs. 9 SWE (sic!) The fleet has rotten after Peter /2
Later 18th early 19th, 🇷🇺 fleet tried to control the Black Sea and Mediterranean. Admiral Ushakov was pretty effective against 🇹🇷 fleet, but was nothing against modern fleets. Facing 🇬🇧and 🇫🇷 amid Crimean war 1854, 🇷🇺 decided to just sunk its own fleet in Sevastopol. /3
Der ZDF-Typ spricht als ob man ihm Kalashnikov ins Rektum gesteckt hat. Wozu dieser Wannsinn, @zdf? "Es gibt keine einfache Antworte, nichts ist schwarz und weiß, wir bewegen uns frei, und jetzt erzähle ich noch von Budget-Ausgaben Russlands", pfui Teufel.…
Fuck, das @zdf erzählt im ernst, dass vor russischer Besatzung es verboten war, russisch im Theater zu spielen, und deswegen seien viele Menschen froh, dass Russland die Stadt besetzt hat.
Das ganze sieht als böse Parodie aus. Wenn jemand eine Satire-Stück machen wollte, warum wir keinen #OERR brauchen, hier haben wir einen brillanten Beispiel.