Mandaeans, Yezidis, Yarsanis, Druze. The donning of a prominent Moustache among Religious Men, and not ordinary men in tribal fashion, is a part of esoteric symbolism and isn't coincidental. The Moustache is a religious statement in of itself.
The practice trails back to Manicheanism, Mani's Religion, hereticated by Zorastrians and Muslims as Zanadika. They were the Esoteric Gnostics of Persia, writing in Babylonian Aramaic. In Abbasid times, Zanadika practiced outward Islam, but kept their Esoteric beliefs.
The Zanadika were known to don prominent Moustaches in semblance to their Prophet Mani often depicted with one. Islamic Sharia had commanded احفو شواركم, Trim your Moustache, to separate Muslim Clerics from others(Persians/Syriacs). Salafis extreme Exoterics shaving it entirely.
Thus the antagonistic statement of proclaiming you did not Submit to Sharia and kept your old beliefs was the opposite, growing the Moustache out. The lips and esoteric truth concealed. Where in the Exoteric the Foundation(Chin) is concealed, but Lips/Sharia revealed.
As all gnostic religions listed have inspired from Manichaeism and ancient Persian Yazdanism. One can also find in the Moustache the symbolism of the Faravahar. Which is Ahura Mazda, the Mind/Light, Guardian Angel. The Mind for the Druze is also the Phoenix the Prime Masculine.
Genetically Kurdish and Levantine phenotypes promote thick moustaches naturally. And the Stache usually protrudes by its own merit. Without intentional beard-scaping. The Stache has also developed tribal affiliations with Honor and Masculinity. Donned by Chieftains as well.
Thus any Eastern Gnostic must wear his Moustache with pride, knowing what it symbolizes.
A symbol of defiance and resistance and stubbornness in the face of tyranny or forced conversion.
Also the guardian angel wings of the Mind, and faith to the original light, Gnosis.
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🟥 في نقض نظرية "حماة الثغور" الركيكة و المهينة للدروز.
🟥 تكرر العائلتان الغير درزيتان هذه النظرية ان الدروز هم حماة ثغور الأمة الإسلامية لتبرير قضاياهم المستوردة و الغير درزية.
🟥 أصل هذه النظرية من المؤرخ صالح بن يحيا التنوخي. و سنضعها تحت المجهر التاريخي.
🟥 أولا في البداية نرى من السطحية أن يحدد دور جماعة بما كانت عليه ما بين القرن الحادي و الثالث عشر. و كأن الظروف و الجماعات لا تتغير. و خاصة ان هذا الدور المزعوم ليس صحيحا تاريخيا.
🟥 صالح بن يحيا التنوخي كان يشيد بدور عائلته أمام حكام المسلمين في ال 1400 و بنفسه و غزواته البحرية
فهو ليس بمؤرخ محايد او موضوعي بأي شكل من الأشكال و في كتاباته الكثير من التناقضات و المبالغات الواضحة.
🟥 اذا راجعنا تاريخ التنوخيين مئة سنة اضافية الى الوراء نرى انهم قبائل شمال الجزيرة اعتنقت المسيحية و أشرس من دافع ضد الفتح الإسلامي و كانوا السد الأول بوجه الخلفاء الراشدون.
🟥The Druze venerate many Jewish figures as sages, including Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Reuben, Benjamin, David, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel...
Solomon and Jethro are highlighted as manifestations of the Universal Mind.
🟥 The Hexagram or six pointed star is very significant to Druze as well, and is often portrayed in books of Exegesis. It is understood as the Seal of Solomon, but also for its pre-Judaic ancient symbolism, as a symbol of the Union of Opposites.
🟥Druze shrines in Carmel and Galilee echo the ancient Jewish shrine tradition, i.e. natural stone mound. Some are architecturally Jewish tombs, with descending staircases into caves.
A Sheikh's striped cloak and the multicolored flag are said to resemble the coat of Joseph.
Despite little contact, there is a lot that ties the two indigenous and ancient faiths together. From their mountain dwelling, to their esotericism, to their belief in reincarnation and overall gnostic influence. To their dress code and genetics.
One remarkably convergent feature among Druze and Yazidis, is the reciprocal kiss handshake, which is practiced among the religious of the two groups identically. The practice is to promote equality between brethren, and strengthen solidarity.
Both Druze and Yazidis believe in cyclical time, Dawr/Dewr, which is inspired from the Gnostic Aeons and Archons.
During which Holy Sages reincarnate to guide the divine light into the hearts of believers. Druze hold 8(5+3) Reincarnating Bounds, Yazidis 7 Angels.
🟥رسالة طارئة من دروز لبنان الى شيخ الفضل و حفظ الإخوان
شيخ الجزيرة موفق طريف
تحية توحيدية و بعد الى الرئيس الروحي لأهلنا في الكرمل و الجليل و الحامل الأمين لوصية وليّنا المرحوم أبا يوسف أمين طريف. نراسلك كما راسل بعضهم الموحدين الأوّلين لإخوانهم في الدين مستنجدين.
و قد رأينا في سلفكم الصالح القدوة و التقوة. و هو الرؤيوي الحكيم و كالراعي الصالح في مزمار داوود الكريم. الذي يأخذ رعيته من وادي ظلال الموت الى السهول الخضراء فلا يهابون شرا او بشرا. و بناء على هذا نبعث اليكم همّنا و الجَور علينا في لبنان والخطر الوجوديّ الذي حلّ كالشوكة في ظهرنا
و لا نشكو اليك يا شيخنا موحدين او مؤمنين و هؤلاء مثلنا في هذا الجور مظلومين. بل نشكو اليك متزعّمين من خارج النسيج و الدين و على أهل الدين متآمرين.
ننقل اليكم متأسفين ان الدروز في لبنان تحت الأسرِ و جاز التعبير. وقد أودى بهم الساسة الى حافة وجودهم وقلعة صمودهم في جبل لبنان.
Why Tribal Archetypal Morality is superior to Universal Morality 🧵
With some marshmallows here accusing us as a Right Wing of being tribal, retrogressive, and of believing in "man-made religion", it is vital to illustrate why we don't fall for the deceit of universal morality.
To begin the Universal Morality/Love perspective, or Humanism, is only a perversion, secularization and abstraction of Protestantism. Stripping it of all sanctities except its sanctity towards love and forgiveness. This absolute love is impossible to practice, backfires shortly.
One main issue is that there is always partiality in love, no matter the claim to universality. Humanists will always play the magnifying game in the meta with clear preferences: Who to love more? Resident or the refugee, the cis or divergent.. more often falling for the Other.
While the Qaf is a staple in Levantine Mountaineer Pronunciation, especially among the Druze and Alawites. There is little discussion beyond it being a letter. Here I survey its historical, religious, cultural depths-
Heritage wise, the Qaf, previously known as the Qoph, has a far reaching heritage from Phoenician and Aramaic. The Phoenician Qoph in particular was drawn in the shape of the Axe.
The Royal Axe being the symbol of the 22nd Scottish Rite of Freemasonry the Prince of Libanus-
Symbolizing the Phoenician favor to King Solomon, through the cutting of Cedar wood to build Solomon's Temple. The Architect being Hiram Abiff.
Masons wrote this as the origin of the term Bani Maaruf, or Sons of Favor, designing their 22nd rite in the qualities of a Druze Prince.