NEW from me in the @ajc: Judge McAfee 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 have the power to disqualify @FaniforDA or the @FultonCountyDA from the 2020 election interference prosecutions under the Georgia Constitution without evidence of an actual conflict of interest. #gapol…
A few brief highlights of my argument. The standard for prosecutorial disqualification is an 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘵 not the 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 of a conflict or an appearance of impropriety. Judge McAfee on February 15th suggested that the standard could be either.
Judge McBurney indicated this could be the standard when he disqualified the Fulton County DA's Office from investigating Burt Jones' role in the 2020 election aftermath while the Special Purpose Grand Jury was empaneled. Here is Judge McBurney's footnote.…
The question of prosecutorial disqualification is a matter of Georgia law. The appellate courts have not always spoken with a clear unified voice on the question of what the standard is.
Generally, they use an actual conflict. 𝘚𝘦𝘦 Ventura v. State, 346 Ga. App. 309 (2018), citing Whitworth v. State, 275 Ga. App. 790 (2005) ("such a conflict of interest requires more than a theoretical or speculative conflict. An actual conflict of interest must be involved.").
Sometimes the appellate courts have thrown in "appearance of impropriety" language in the mix. Greater Ga. Amusements, LLC v. State, 728 S.E.2d 744, 747 (Ga. Ct. App. 2012) ("district attorney may not be compensated [in ways that have at least the appearance of a conflict...").
The Georgia Constitution though and Georgia statutory history give us important context and guidance and should limit the standard Judge McAfee can use to the much higher bar: an actual conflict of interest. Under this standard, the motion to disqualify should be dismissed.
The Georgia Constitution establishes district attorneys as constitutional officers. The power to prosecute flows from the people of each judicial circuit through the district attorney's office. And the Georgia Constitution imposes an unqualified duty on district attorneys:
DA's must represent their constituents in 𝘢𝘭𝘭 criminal cases in superior court. Of course, there are limitations to that to the extent that defendants' due process rights cannot be trumped by the Georgia Constitution's otherwise unqualified mandate on the district attorney.
But the District Attorney is a constitutional officer; they can't be disqualified without a demonstrable conflict that prejudices parties. I discuss in the op-ed the kinds of things are obvious conflicts of interest that would mandate disqualification by any reasonable measure.
The Supreme Court of Georgia in 2014 in 𝘔𝘤𝘓𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘭𝘪𝘯 𝘷. 𝘗𝘢𝘺𝘯𝘦 explained the DA has a very important place in our state constitutional structure. This is also why if a DA has a conflict of interest, the entire office is disqualified. They aren't just any prosecutor.
"There is no law which authorizes any other person to act in his place in the superior court, except where he is 'absent or indisposed, or disqualified from interest or relationship,' and then the authority to act must come from the judge...." Butts v. State, 90 Ga. 450 (1892).
That is a case from the Supreme Court of Georgia explaining the relationship between district attorneys (then called solicitors general) and the standard for disqualification. There must be a ~conflict from interest or relationship.~
Where does this standard come from?
It was first codified in Georgia statutory law in 1860 and remains the language in O.C.G.A. § 15-18-5. Compare!
The long-and-the short of it (I explain in detail in the op-ed) is this standard is a codification of the common law standard for disqualification for judges that required an actual conflict of interest-- a showing that a judge would profit or had a close connection with a party.
Today, judges are disqualified under an easier showing of bias because they are supposed to be impartial adjudicators. But prosecutors-- and especially Georgia DAs-- are different. The statutory standard for them is buried but it has not changed since it was codified in 1860.
Between the Georgia Constitution and the common law roots for disqualification in the OCGA, I argue that Judge McAfee cannot simply believe Fani Willis and the DA's Office is dirtied up enough to undermine a perception of fairness, thus warranting disqualification.
Judge McAfee has entered to courtroom and we're on our way to hearing arguments on motions to quash subpoenas in advance of Thursday's motion to disqualify Fani Willis in the 2020 election case.
McAfee: The motions for quashal are procedurally ripe for review.
The evidentiary hearing is still necessary to establish a record on the allegations of a conflict of interest.
Anna Cross for the state: the witnesses from the DA’s office subpoenaed don’t have evidence to provide and even if the allegations were entirely true (which the state does not concede) the law would not require disqualification
Trump moves to dismiss the Fulton case because, he claims, trying him for election crimes in Georgia after the 2020 election violates Double Jeopardy: he was already impeached and tried in the Senate for inciting an insurrection.
This is so meritless it borders on the comical.
Let's turn to the Constitution:
First, impeachment is a political question. What constitutes an impeachable offense is essentially a political matter. So, too, is the judgment. And the Constitution's text reinforces the idea that a conviction is not a criminal conviction. So, too, it follow an acquittal.
The South Carolina secession ordinance states the reasons plainly. First, was the “increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery” and second was the election of Lincoln, which for the rebels, embodied the peak of that hostility:
Mississippi echoed South Carolina:
“Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth.”
Georgia: leaving the union is necessary to preserve the constitutional status of human enslavement:
“For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.“
It seems like Ronna McDaniel could be in some trouble in Michigan and Donald Trump may be facing a fifth set of charges. A promise was offered in exchange for an official act unlike in Georgia where the preferred method appears to have been limited to browbeating state officials.
And that’s before any other public corruption / election fraud conspiracy type crimes that could be well implicated.
The real issue is whether providing a lawyer is a “valuable thing.” On the one hand, it isn’t the kind of thing that we typically would consider as being offered as a bribe. On the other hand, it is a materially valuable thing offered in exchange for an corrupt official act.
Like all of the Civil War Amendments, the Colorado Supreme Court says that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is self-executing. Congress need not adopt legislation. Courts can do this work as they do for the 13th and 15th amendments and the remainder of the 14th Amendment.
The majority rejects an opinion from Chief Justice Salmon Chase, who issued an opinion against a self-executing Sec. 3 while riding circuit. (It should be worth noting that Chase had higher political ambitions that should caution against taking his views without a grain of salt.)
Good morning from Fulton County: I suspect we’ll see a motion to revoke Trevian Kutti’s consent bond for witness intimidation of Ruby Freeman within the next two hours and would not be shocked if she’s indicted again for an additional racketeering act by the Grand Jury. #gapol
Folks have asked why would she be much more likely to get remanded when Harrison Floyd has his bond conditions strengthened— his conduct, though plainly stupid, is nothing when compared to what Trevian Kutti appears to have done. These are different situations entirely.
Floyd mentioned Ruby Freeman by name when protesting the charges against him. He also made limited contact with witnesses via social media, again while protesting the sufficiency of evidence against him. Very poor choice and playing with fire but not the most obvious violation.