Who built the Pyramids? How could the Byzantines burn Saracen fleets with liquid napalm? What was the Laser Beam of Archimedes? How was a giant statue levitating in Alexandria?
From the indestructible Roman concrete to the intricate mechanisms of the ancient Hellenic world, these ten ancient technological curiosities stand as samples of the ingenuity and creativity of our ancestors.
Join me on a journey through the sands of time to explore some extraordinary feats of ancient engineering and innovation, each with its own unique purpose and legacy:
1.Antikythera Mechanism - Invented by Ancient Greek scientists, possibly including Hipparchus or Posidonius, the Antikythera Mechanism is an ancient analog computer used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendrical and astrological purposes. It is estimated to be more than 2000 years old.
2.Greek Fire - While the exact inventor is unknown, Greek Fire was an incendiary weapon used by the Byzantine Empire in the 7th century. It was a closely guarded secret and its composition remains a mystery, but it was highly effective in naval warfare.
The ability to project Greek fire from ship-mounted siphons provided the Byzantines with a decisive tactical advantage in sea battles.
3.Chinese Compass - The Chinese compass, also known as the "south-pointing chariot," was invented during the Han Dynasty (2nd century BC). Although its exact inventor is debated, it was used for divination and navigation, employing the magnetic properties of lodestone.
The key component of the Chinese compass was a lodestone (a naturally occurring magnetic mineral) or a magnetized iron pointer. This magnetic element would align itself with Earth's magnetic field, pointing in a north-south direction.
4.Giant Structures: Ancient giant structures still baffle engineers as to how they were built. The Egyptian pyramids served as monumental tombs for pharaohs, demonstrating their power and ensuring their transition to the afterlife. These giant structures are enduring symbols of ancient Egypt's civilization and architectural prowess.
Another example is the Colossus; erected on the Greek island of Rhodes in the 3rd century BCE, the Colossus of Rhodes was a giant bronze statue depicting the sun god Helios. While its exact purpose remains uncertain, it likely served as a symbol of Rhodes' power and wealth.
5.Maya Calendar & Mathematics - The Maya civilization developed a sophisticated calendar system, including the Long Count calendar, which was used for tracking time over long periods.
While not attributed to a single inventor, and in fact a combination of multiple calendars, it was a product of extensive mathematical and astronomical knowledge among Maya scholars.
The “Long Count” calculated time in terms of "baktuns," each of which is equivalent to 144,000 days. Therefore, one baktun in the Maya Long Count calendar spans approximately 394.26 solar years.
Another Great example of inexplicable astronomical knowledge is how the primitive tribe of Dogon (Africa) knew details about Sirius (the star system) that scientists (re)discovered in the 21st century.
6.Greek Hydraulic Systems - Ancient Greeks, particularly in cities like Athens, Alexandria and Corinth, developed sophisticated hydraulic systems for public works projects such as fountains, baths, and irrigation. These systems utilized water pressure and gravity to perform various tasks.
Dinocrates, working for Alexander as the architect of Alexandria, worked with Cleomenes of Naucratis and Crates of Olynthus, an esteemed hydraulic engineer, to built the waterworks for the city and the sewer system demanded by the low-lying site.
7.Roman Concrete & Aqueducts - Developed by the ancient Romans, Roman concrete was a remarkable building material that enabled the construction of durable structures such as aqueducts, bridges, and the Pantheon. Its precise composition, which included volcanic ash and lime, allowed it to harden underwater.
They also engineered an extensive network of aqueducts to supply water to cities, baths, and agricultural lands. While individual inventors are not credited, Roman engineers employed advanced techniques in hydraulics and surveying to construct these marvels.
8.The Baghdad & Egyptian Batteries - Discovered in Iraq and dating back to around 250 BCE, the Baghdad Battery is a curious artifact consisting of a clay pot, an iron rod, and a copper cylinder.
While its exact purpose remains uncertain, some theories suggest it may have been used for electroplating or generating small amounts of electricity.
There are also Egyptian hieroglyphics and depictions of such devices, also connected with something eerily similar to light bulbs.
9.Archimedes' Laser Beam and Giant Claw: During the Siege of the Greek city of Syracuse in 214–212 BCE, Archimedes designed various war machines to defend the city.
One of these devices, known as the "Claw of Archimedes," was a large grappling hook attached to a crane, allegedly used to lift enemy ships out of the water and then smashing them through dropping them back down.
Another great one was the Archimedes' Heat Ray: While not a laser beam, legend has it that Archimedes devised a system of mirrors or reflective surfaces to concentrate sunlight and set enemy ships ablaze during the Siege of Syracuse.
10.The Levitating Statue of Alexandria: The Levitating Statue of Alexandria, also known as the "Magnetic Statue," was a remarkable ancient curiosity reportedly constructed in the city of Alexandria, during the Hellenistic age of the Greek Pharaohs.
Its exact purpose and mechanism remain shrouded in mystery, with some accounts suggesting it was powered by magnets to create the illusion of levitation.
It was said to be placed in the temple of Helios (Sun in Greek) and that it weighed several tons and stood at an impressive height.
While most of these mysteries of the ancient world remain unsolved, our journey of exploration continues, fueled by curiosity and a desire to unlock the secrets of the past.
Part of why I keep consuming history, directly from the sources – when possible, is because most of this knowledge is understated, downplayed and discredited; it is doomed to be forgotten and the irony is that our power as a species lies in our past.
This is not because our ancestors were smarter but because we can learn from them. As we forge ahead into the future, may we draw inspiration from the achievements of those who came before us and strive to leave our own mark on this galaxy.
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We all know a tale with a scary wolf; in such tales we hear about terrible beasts that terrorize villages and eat children. But what if I told you that one of those stories is actually true?
I have a story of a werewolf that forced the French king to mobilize his army..🧵⤵️
The tale of the Beast of Gévaudan is one steeped in terror, mystery, and historical intrigue, set against the backdrop of rural 18th-century France.
This is historically documented and the terror this beast caused, forced the French king to mobilize the army to hunt it down.
In the mid-1760s, the forested region of Gévaudan, in southern France, was a place where life was hard with isolated villages, surrounded by dense woods. It was the perfect stage for a tale that would haunt the collective memory of France.
3000 years ago, the mysterious “Sea People” swept across the Mediterranean, toppling entire civilizations and causing a Dark Age with the Bronze Age Collapse.
Their identity remains one of history’s great enigmas but I may know what really happened; here's the story..🧵
"Sea Peoples" are a group of seafaring invaders who impacted the Mediterranean region during the Late Bronze Age, particularly around 1200-1150 BC. They raided and brought collapse across Greece, Egypt and the Middle East. Their origin is one of the great enigmas of history.
Various theories suggest they could have come from places around the Mediterranean. However, there's no consensus, with interpretations varying widely among historians and archaeologists.
“From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli"
US Marines are now deploying in the south to protect America, as duty commands. But did you know they once battled Ottoman pirates in Africa?
Here's the story of America’s first victory abroad, with Greek support..🧵
The Barbary Wars, in 1801 to 1805 and 1815, were a series of conflicts between the US and Tripoli, Algiers, Tunis, and Morocco.
These states were under Ottoman influence but operated with significant autonomy as pirate havens, preying on Mediterranean shipping.
These weren't your run-of-the-mill pirates; they were state-sanctioned corsairs who had been extorting tribute from European nations for centuries.
They captured merchant ships, enslaved crews, and demanded ransoms or annual tributes to not attack. But the U.S., freshly independent, wasn't about to start paying for the right to navigate the seas.
Many claim that a Golden Age dawns for America. But have you ever wondered how many times has humanity seen a Golden Age?
Let’s go over 10 such periods when civilizations expanded and humanity progressed..🧵⤵️
Golden Age of Athens (5th Century BC): Under Pericles, Athens saw the peak of democracy, philosophical exploration & achievements like the Parthenon.
This era was a cultural zenith, influencing Western civilization profoundly with its advances in thought, art, and politics.
Hellenistic Period (323 BC - 31 BC): After Alexander the Great, Greek civilization spread widely. This period was marked by the blending of cultures, advancements in science, and the establishment of the Library of Alexandria as a knowledge hub.
Have you ever wondered why witches are often depicted dancing naked under the moonlight in forests? Have you thought why an evil goat is always around?
What if I told you this eerie imagery has roots far older and deeper than you think? ..🧵⤵️
In Greek mythology, the lore surrounding nymphs often paints them as benevolent figures intertwined with the natural world and human life. Nymphs, ethereal beings, are typically depicted with a deep connection to nature, embodying the essence of the landscapes they inhabit.
They are known for their kindness towards humans, often appearing in stories as helpers or guides, offering aid, wisdom, or even love.
Consider the story of Egeria, a nymph associated with a spring near Rome. She was not only a source of clear, life-giving water but also a wise figure who advised Numa Pompilius, one of Rome's ancient kings.
Egeria helped Numa with his laws and religious rituals, showcasing the benevolence of nymphs in fostering human civilization and spirituality.
Many claim Alexander was the greatest conqueror; others say Rome was the greatest empire in history.
I believe it was someone else who came and made this world His forever, becoming the King of kings. Here’s how: ..🧵
(Tap & Hold the Map to load in 4K)
Jesus and His teachings had profound cultural and political influence, changing the world forever. Christianity, with 2.4B adherents is the largest religion today. It's divided into branches like Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism.
But how did it conquer the world?
Christianity's spread during its early days involved complex factors, social and political; crucial during the early days was the work of the Apostles and the socioeconomic framework that existed in the Greco-Roman world (Roman Empire and the Greek language)