This will be a first raw 🧵 to unravel the Hamas accusations of IDF troops firing at and killing civilians during a recent aid mission in to Northern Gaza. I’ve never put together a thread like this so hopefully it will work.
On the 29th of February, Al Jazeera (aka HTN or Hamas Television Network) reported on what they and the Hamas Ministry called a massacre that took place in Northern Gaza as a convoy of aid trucks went in from Egypt.
With many previous convoys being hit by Hamas where aid was forcefully looted and stolen by armed terrorists (anyone can feel free to add to this thread with the many videos showing Hamas attacking aid trucks), it was claimed by Gazans that gunfire was indeed heard as the aid convoy entered the North. What was not confirmed was who was behind the gunfire.
Two days ago I analyzed a video and showed evidence clearly seen in the video that Hamas terrorists armed with AK47s were firing at civilians and stealing the aid by looting the trucks and beating civilians who tried to take food aid.
The IDF have given a few statements about the incident, stating that their troops did NOT open fire on the aid convoy. They stated that at a later point further north, a group of civilians approached the IDF and the troops fired warning shots in the air.
The BBC reported in their BBC Verified article that they based their findings mostly off the Al Jazeera footage and testimony report (surprise surprise). So basically they may as well have just taken a statement directly from Hamas. In fact, all the mainstream media that covered this story (and there weren’t that many, published their articles based on the Al Jazeera story.
As you will see in the article by the BBC here, they use the Al Jazeera story and reference it frequently. The BBC clearly states that their verification is also based on witness testimony, so the following parts of this thread will look at these in more depth.
I will add the full Al Jazeera video report, which I will breakdown in this thread, at the end of the thread so everybody can reference each point. This Al Jazeera report, as I will show, makes up the single predominant source for all other MSM worldwide covering this…
Like the BBC, most other MSM sites used the Al Jazeera report as their sole or main source for their own reporting. CNN, CBS, SKY, and even Reuters make reference to the same video and stating that they themselves could not verify it.
Over the past few months, there have been dozens of reports of Hamas firing at and killing their own people, as well as looting aid trucks and stealing the aid, both for their own use as well as to sell at exorbitant prices.
Here is one example of Hamas firing at their own civilians
Here are a few examples many have already seen of Hamas looting aid trucks and stealing aid.
And some examples of Hamas firing at and/or killing their own people
Now let’s examine some of the testimony from the Gazans as per the Al Jazeera video report.
At around 00:52 in the video, the anchor makes the claim that the IDF shot and killed the civilians before it cuts to the first witness. This witness states that the IDF opened fire on the civilians with “tanks and war planes”. Now this is key to unraveling the truth of what really happened because it’s a claim stated by all the witnesses.
A second witness in this Al Jazeera story is featured at 02:27. He too claims that there was “sniper fire, tanks shelling, and drones”.
One of the most telling testimonies features at 03:03 in this video. It’s from a doctor at the Al Shifa Hospital.
Now for those who will remember, there was another hospital, Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, where Hamas and Al Jazeera claimed another “massacre” had occurred 4 months ago where the IDF was alleged to have launched air strikes at the hospital killing 500 people. That claim sent shockwaves around the world and was broadcast on BBC and other mainstream media as “verified”. However as we all now know, this was a fabricated story and was in fact a misfired rocket launched from nearby the hospital by PIJ which hit a parking lot and killed 20.
But just listen to this interview by the doctor. Within the first 10 seconds he immediately references the incident 4 months ago and still claims it was an IDF air strike and that 500 were killed (you can see the theme here by now)
All 3 video clips are attached here.
Now aside from the “credible witnesses”, another major feature you’ll find in abundance in this Al Jazeera video is… Pallywood. That’s right, our favorite “dead come to life then dead again” Gazans we’ve seen exposed over the last 3 days all claimed their fame from this Al Jazeera video.
Also I’m sure everybody remembers that just two weeks ago, the United Nations claimed that the Israeli Navy had hit an aid convoy with mortar shells, and the only image shown as “evidence” was a single truck stopped on the side of the road with a small section of its canvas ripped and torn and aid lay on the side of the road. No burn marks on the truck or canvas whatsoever.
Now having gone through dozens of articles. I came across one that mentioned testimony from the truck drivers of these convoys, usually Egyptian drivers. And here is one I found that is relevant and interesting in its description. This was reported by French Media France 24.
Furthermore, here is a video as well with testimony from the Egyptian drivers about how the civilians attacked their convoy.
Now going back to the testimony by civilians stating that IDF tanks and war planes opened fire on civilians, it’s important to note what tanks or armored vehicles opening fire really means. IDF tanks, mainly Merkava 4 and 5 tanks, have the main 120mm gun, a 60mm anti aircraft gun, two .50 caliber Browning M2 automatic machine guns and two 762 MAG automatic machine guns. To truly understand what this firepower would do to a human body, let’s examine this carefully. Here is a video of actual footage of allied forces firing a Browning M2 at an Isis terrorist in a real conflict zone. You will see how the sheer power of this gun lifts the body of the terrorist off the ground and rips his body to pieces, as well as destroys the walls of the building.
When one just runs a search for videos on YouTube of what a .50 caliber rifle can do to a ballistic torso, and similarly the high power 762, you’d see that there wouldn’t be carts carrying injured people or dead with small bullet holes, but rather just whatever remains of limbs and chunks of meat. Reports claim dozens of people were shot in the head by these weapons… so it’s important to note that the munitions used in the smaller caliber weapons create a small hole on entry, but a fist sized hole as the bullet exists. The fire was allegedly done at close range, which would have dismembered bodies.
Snipers usually use 0.50 rifles, which would just rip half a head off, if not worse.
Then when we look at war planes, the larger UAVs carry 0.50 caliber rifles, sometimes even 60mm, which would rip bodies apart. Some reports claimed gunfire came from fighter jets. These planes use 20mm explosive rounds that would leave no bodies left to collect.
Lastly, witnesses such as one further up this thread claimed tanks “shelled” civilians. So I’ve added a video of tank shells hitting a ballistic torso simply so everyone understands how ridiculous these claims are.
All the above simply make it implausible that the IDF opened fire with tanks or planes as claimed by witnesses. And it’s important to note that these were the testimonies used by Al Jazeera and the BBC and others as “evidence”.
The final piece I’ll add is enormously important and telling, and yet equally surprising. In the most recent press Q&A by the UN, the UN refused to assign blame or point a finger at Israel for this incident. The spokesman openly stated that the UN was NOT there to witness anything and so refused to simply take the word of Hamas. That in itself is a huge thing, especially since the UN and Hamas have pretty much been synonymous with one another throughout.
Here’s the video
And to end, here is the full Al Jazeera video report that was used to spark almost every anti Israel protest reaction because of this incident around the world.
Based on all the evidence and testimony from the Palestinian side and the IDF, if one was to be objective, it is the IDF version of events that are not only most plausible, but also match up with the actual evidence known. There is simply too much that is clearly fabricated from the Hamas side.
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A 🧵 expanding on the Memoirs of Haled al Azm, the Syrian Prime Minister in 1948-49.
I used a short quote from his book as a snippet of evidence that the Arab states pushed and demanded that the Arabs in Palestine flee their homes. Now let’s take a look at the full chapter he wrote which really sheds some astonishing light and detail on just what the Arab world did and how they treated these “refugees”.
Not only did the Arab states refuse to grant any “refugees” rights, but the author also acknowledges that this treatment of the refugees is what caused them to become aggressive, lazy, abusive, violent, jealous, and a hateful people
Yet again huge credit to @IbnAlwarraq 🙏🏽
So let’s begin:
“Of this type is the call of the Arab governments for the people of Palestine to evacuate and seek refuge in neighbouring Arab countries, after spreading panic among them as a result of the Deir Yassin incident.
The Jews were calmed by this mass escape and the matter settled for them without difficulty.
Let us imagine that if the people of Palestine, whose number exceeded one million, had remained in their country, what kind of fifth column would they have formed? And what constant disturbance would their presence have caused to the Jewish government?
We have been demanding since 1948 the return of the refugees to their homes, and we are the ones who forced them to leave. Only a few months passed between the call for asylum and the request for the United Nations to approve their return.” (Page 386)
“The Era of Independence in Syria:
Is this the wise and stable policy? Is this the harmony in the plan? We have eliminated a million Arab refugees by inviting and urging them to leave their land, homes, work and trade. We have made them homeless and unemployed, after each one of them had a job and a profession from which he could earn a living. We have also accustomed them to begging and being satisfied with the little that the United Nations distributes to them.
We have contributed to the decline of their moral and social level by housing dozens of women and men in one house, with no distinction between the bed of one family and the bed of another except for a curtain that does not protect any of them from falling into vices... Then we used the men among them in crime, by killing, burning and throwing bombs at homes and passenger cars full of men, women and children, all of this in service of political purposes in Lebanon and Jordan.“
So why did the Arabs flee their homes in the British Mandate of Palestine?
A 🧵 about the truth based on written testimony evidence.
I’ve researched and collected numerous articles and quoted testimony by Arab leaders, journalists and refugees during and after the exodus of Arabs which you can easily reference to rebut any propaganda. Each slide that follows will contain at least one quote.
A tonne of evidence exists demonstrating that Fakestinians were encouraged to leave their homes to make way for the invading Arab armies.
The Economist, a frequent critic of the Zionists, reported on October 2, 1948:
"Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit....It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades."
Time's report of the battle for Haifa (May 3, 1948) was similar:
"The mass evacuation, prompted partly by fear, partly by orders of Arab leaders, left the Arab quarter of Haifa a ghost city....By withdrawing Arab workers their leaders hoped to paralyze Haifa."
A 🧵 that shows just how little Arab states care for their own people when it comes to Israel. They would rather let their own people suffer and starve than allow Israel to help them improve their lives. Everything Arab states do is to harm the State of Israel, and the below will prove it yet again.
Huge thanks and credit to @IbnAlwarraq.
In January of 1960, a meeting took place between the ambassador of the Arab League and representatives of the United States Government including the assistant Secretary of State, G. Lewis Jones.
An official Memorandum of the discussion was written in detail and kept in the archives of the US State Department.
As you will see, the Americans had put a technical plan together to help Jordan with their dire water shortage. Israel had developed a way to pump water from Lake Tiberias and divert it to Jordan to assist their neighbors. This was originally accepted by the Arab technical experts however the senior political echelon of the Arab League got involved and killed the entire project purely because they wanted to harm Israel (their own words). By killing the project, it denied over 200,000 Jordanians from having land that could be cultivated and therefore from a living and creating sustainable agricultural land. But the Arabs didn’t care then, similarly to how they don’t care now. Today they’d happily sacrifice every single Gazan simply to hurt Israel.
The next three slides will show the full Memorandum of the Conversation.
Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington,
January 28, 1960
Washington, January 28, 1960
Saudi Arabian Démarche re Jordanian Waters
- His Excellency Sheikh Abdullah Al Khayyal, Saudi Arabian Ambassador
- G. Lewis Jones, Assistant Secretary of State, NEA
- Hermann F. Eilts, OIC, Arabian Peninsula Affairs,
Ambassador Khayyal said that following a meeting with his Arab colleagues on Israel's reported projects to divert water from Lake Tiberias, he had decided to call on Secretary Jones to ask that the United States use its influence to prevent Israel from going ahead with these plans. The Ambassador acknowledged that it was the intention of the Arab states to try to hurt Israel as much as possible and that stopping the proposed Israel project was part of this program. He thought the Arab-Israeli situation re the Jordan River should be "frozen." He hoped that the United States, as a friend of the Arab states, would take steps to stop the Israelis.
When we take a step back to look at all the different actors in the Middle East and the role they play today as well as over the past century, it becomes ever-clearer the agenda and true intentions of each.
I’ve written numerous posts about the fact that the entire Arab world uses the “Palestinian” cause as a political weapon against the state of Israel with the sole intention of its destruction.
This past 16 months has had so many revelations, but few more than the nefarious agenda and role of UNRWA, as well as the Arab League. October 7 was just horrific, regardless which country it would have happened to, but the very fact that it happened to Israel and the Jewish people brought out the true colors of the entire Arab world. It isn’t a case of silence. They’re pretty vocal. But as always, regardless how heinous the crimes were that were perpetrated by the Gazans, the entire Arab world still firmly stood by and stand by the Gazans against Israel. Not a single Arab state cares for the Gazan people. None have offered to give them refuge during the war. In fact the opposite. They all unanimously force their views that the Gazans should stay regardless their plight. Because their welfare isn’t and has never been of any importance. All the Arab League care about is continuing to use the Gazans against Israel to erode the Jewish state.
Thanks to my good friend and tag team partner, @IbnAlwarraq, we have a Memorandum of a Conversation that took place on November 21st, 1958 between the American government and representatives of the Arab League to discuss their views and demands regarding the “Palestinian refugees”.
Over the next few slides I will write out the transcripts of that conversation, and it is incredibly insightful.
Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington,
November 21, 1958
Washington, November 21, 1958
Palestine Refugees
-The Acting Secretary
Ambassador Abdullah
Khayyal of Saudi Arabia
-Mr. Ibrahim Muhtasib, Attaché, Saudi Arabian
IO- Mr. Walter N. Walmsley
NEA - Mr. James M. Ludlow
NE— Mr. David D. Newsom
Ambassador Khayyal said that the Arabs had the impression from a recent speech by the United States delegation at the United Nations General Assembly that the United States sought the cancellation of UNRWA in 1960 and was also suggesting a commission to look into the refugee matter?
The Ambassador said that, at a meeting of all Arab Ambassadors, he was selected to represent them in presenting their point of view and that of their governments in this matter.
He said the Arabs had noted the desire of the United States for good relations with the Arab world and that the Ambassadors had conveyed such expressions of desire to their governments. The abolition of UNRWA, however, would have bad echoes in Arab countries. The Arabs desired good relations with the United States and did not wish a repetition of past mistakes.
A 🧵about the left, lies, and the desecration of truth. This is one of the most important threads as it will focus on two of the most commonly used lies of the past 16 months:
Tantura and Ilan Pappe.
Over the past 16 months, I’ve lost count at how many propagandists and absolute idiots have thrown the Tantura and Ilan Pappe nonsense at me. And it really is insane to the point that the Fakestinians even produced a film about the Tantura event that was aired on Netflix and received global acclaim. And yet, ALL of it is a lie. Every single part of it.
When one thinks about the leftist ideologies and blatant lies, one would instantly think about the Democrats and everything currently being uncovered by @DOGE and @elonmusk. You’d think about DEI and Critical Race Theory and Wokeism and all the insanity that comes with it. You’d even think about illegal immigration and election fraud and other crazy policies that were used to destroy America over the past 4 years, and the horrific foreign policy that created a world at war.
But even with all of that, nothing can compare to the extreme far-left socialist movement in Israel and the lies manufactured to destroy the State of Israel, and the revisionist history that created the greatest lies ever told.
This thread will highlight just that.
The Backstory:
The formation of the Jewish state in its current incarnation began in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration (BD), the 1920 San Remo Conference (SRC), and the 1922 League of Nations decision to award the Mandate to the British (BMP). For 1900 years since many Jews fled the land and became the diaspora of Europe, Jews had always longed to return to their homeland. It didn’t matter where Jews lived, whether in Eastern Europe, or India, or America, or across the Middle East, every year on Passover they would end their prayers with the line of a return to Jerusalem. When Jews pray, they pray facing Jerusalem regardless where they are. The land of Israel has always been our home.
And the BD, SRC and BMP was about the return of the Jewish people to their homeland. But since the BD, the Arab nationalists had done everything possible to prevent the Jews from returning. Incredibly, some of the most powerful Arab leaders didn’t have an issue with the return of the Jews to their homeland, and in fact welcomed it and believed it was only right that the Jews can return and live on their land. But their issue with it was for the Jews to have the right to self determination. The Arabs were happy for the Jews to come back from all over the world to join the Jews already living in the land, and to bring their knowledge and science and expertise… and money. But they would only accept it and allow it if it was under Arab rule and for the Arabs to determine the laws and governance of the land. So the Arabs who are the actual colonizers of the land and who had done nothing with the land since the time they conquered it, and who didn’t even live on the land until after the Jews returned and transformed it, wanted to rule it and dictate to the Jews how they could live.
So after the SRC, the Grand Mufti, the British appointed leader of the Arabs and a hardcore Arab nationalist and antisemite, formed Arab militias to inflict the most brutal pogroms on the Jews, massacring man, woman and child. And if that wasn’t enough, after 15 nonstop years of pogroms, he then allied the Arabs with the Nazis, and together they worked to wipe out all Jews, not just in Europe to prevent them coming back to the land, but also the Jews already in the land.
Fast forward to Tantura:
In 1948, during the height of the war waged on Israel by the Arab states, a large part of the war was about dominating supply routes. One of the villages that played a key role for supply and logistics was an Arab fishing village called Tantura in the Haifa district.
Now what makes this story of Tantura so sensational is that it only became a story in the year 2000, and not 1948. And how it became a story will blow your mind.