Mother. Wife. Forever a Soldier. Feisty as hell and not afraid to write what I think. Proud Jew. Haters can hate all they want.
21 subscribers
Mar 10 • 14 tweets • 7 min read
This is going to be one of the most eye-opening 🧵 I’ve ever posted. In full disclosure, I didn’t author this. The person who deserves full credit and praise is the phenomenal @IbnAlwarraq.
This is the must-read thread of them all, and I encourage and implore everyone to share it. The last 3-4 slides are the most mind blowing revelations everyone needs to know about, especially about the involvement of QATAR.
To @DefiyantlyFree and @ACTBrigitte and @marklevinshow and the many others who have been speaking up about the Muslim Brotherhood and the Qatari involvement in global terrorism and education indoctrination, this is definitely for you.
So let’s begin…
The unbroken chain of writers and ideologues of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Jamal al-Din al-Afghani: 1838-1897
Muhammad Abduh: 1849-1905
Rashid Rida: 1863-1935 Hassan al-Banna: 1906-1949
Sayyid Qutb: 1906-1966 Muhammad Qutb: 1919-2014
Abdullah Azzam: 1941-1989
Omar Abdel-Rahman: 1938-2017
Yusuf al-Qaradawi: 1926-2022
To understand Islamists in general and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular, one has to go back to the late 19th century to one of the founders of the Pan-Islamic movement, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani who believed in overthrowing individual rulers who were lax or subservient to western powers, and that it should be done by revolution from above following the example of
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab in his war against the Ottomans.
Mar 10 • 25 tweets • 10 min read
A 🧵 about this much abused and false term of the “right of return”.
This thread is also in honor of the amazing @EinatWilf who is a leading expert on this subject, as well as my wonderful friends @Shoshana51728 and @IbnAlwarraq.
Did you know that there is actually a UN resolution that disputes it and makes clear the position on this?
Well I’m going to show you.
***Please take note especially of slide 4, slide 16, and slides 19-25 (especially slide 22)***
Israel couldn’t simply agree to allow all “Palestinians” to return, as it’s a far more complex issue in reality, but Israel did consistently seek a solution to the refugee problem.
Israel's position was expressed quiet clearly by David Ben Gurion on August 1, 1948, two and a half months after we declared Independence:
“When the Arab states are ready to conclude a peace treaty with Israel, this question will come up for constructive solution as part of the general settlement, and with due regard to our counterclaims in respect of the destruction of Jewish life and property, the long-term interest of the Jewish and Arab populations, the stability of the State of Israel and the durability of the basis of peace between it and its neighbors, the actual position and fate of the Jewish communities in the Arab countries, the responsibilities of the Arab governments for their war of aggression and their liability for reparation, will all be relevant in the question whether, to what extent, and under what conditions, the former Arab residents of the territory of Israel should be allowed to return.”
Mar 5 • 7 tweets • 7 min read
Hello Zachary Foster,
So I’ve read your reply to @noatishby and I thought it only right that I reply to you. In fairness I had to read your reply a second time because I was just laughing too much with the replies from the flock of imbecile sheep who wouldn’t know facts or history of it was tattooed to their forehead.
So I’m going to go point by point and happily fill in the gaps and details you intentionally omitted. I’ll delete the irrelevant parts of your reply that are as meaningless as your claim to being Jewish. I assure you I’m not intimidated by any of you pretend academics, whether that fraud Pappe, or Morris, and certainly not youđź¤
❌ But I'm not a Zionist. Zionism was an ideology that said, let's create a Jewish state in a country that's 90%+ non-Jewish.
âś… Zionism is the belief that Jews have the right to finally return to their homeland they were forced to leave centuries ago, and the right to have a Jewish homeland where all Jews may feel safe and protected.
❌ That's why, when Zionists bought land in Palestine from the 1900s-1948, they uprooted the people living on the land because they weren't jewish.
âś… This is just blatantly false. Jews began to acquire land from as early as 1901, while it was still the Ottoman Empire. They legally acquired land from the Ottomans as well as wealthy land owners who were not living or utilizing the land and were happy to sell. Jews always paid well above market value for the land. It was the Arab owners who removed any tenants who had not paid their rents due to a lack of income caused by infertile soil and malaria being widespread.
❌ That's why, when Zionists created cooperatives in Palestine in the 1910s, 1920s and 1930s, they insisted on "Hebrew Labor", i.e., "Jews only" -- no Arabs allowed.
✅ Again this is blatantly false. There were few Arabs living in the land in the 1910’s, as the land was arid, infertile and stricken with malaria. The Arabs who were there had done nothing with it and many began to leave to other Arab states to find jobs and arable land. It was Jewish migrants that came and invested in building new cities from desert and sand such as Tel Aviv. It was the Jews who used science to rid the land and swamps of malaria, and turn the infertile soil into lush green pastures. It was the Jews who undertook the largest afforestation program ever known. In the late 1910’s, Arabs would work on these new Jewish lands. In 1917, the Balfour Declaration was announced and it caused significant tensions between the Jews and Arab nationalists who had felt betrayed by the British.
In the 1920’s, the Grand Mufti Amin Al Husseini who was a diehard Arab nationalist, became angry that Jews began to have so many numbers through migration and wanted to thwart the Jews from ever having a state of their own. The San Remo Conference had ratified the intention of the creation of the Jewish state, so Husseini formed large groups of Arab militias who began 15 years of massacres and pogroms against the Jews, starting with the Jaffa massacre of 1920 and Jerusalem massacre of 1920 and 1921. Entire Jewish communities were burned down and many Jews slaughtered. In 1925, Husseini became enamored with another person who would ultimately become his ally and lead to the worst genocide in modern history… Hitler. In 1929, we then had the Hebron Massacre which is well documented.
Enter the 1930’s, and due to higher Jewish migration and more land development, the economy began to boom. This saw a huge influx of hundreds of thousands of new Arab migrants who came to find work with the Jews, and with the intention to ensure that there would always be more Arabs than Jews. Becoming more frustrated, Husseini then declared the Arab uprising where all the Arabs went on strike and Arab militias attacked Jewish communities killing many. This is when the British brought more soldiers to the land to crush the revolt, and Husseini was finally exiled to Syria.
❌ That's why, in the 1930s, Zionists expelled Palestinian Arabs from working at Jewish companies and business. (Think "whites only", but with the Zionists it was "Jews only.")
✅ Nope. False again. As above, it’s because of the Arab revolt and the constant attacks on Jewish communities that the British came in numbers to crush the uprising. But the Arabs still attacked, and for the first time, in 1937, Irgun took defensive action and attacked the Arabs to protect the Jewish communities. It is because of the constant Arab attacks on Jews that are very well documented and evidenced in history that the trust between Jews and Arabs were strained and many Jewish communities rejected Arabs from working in their businesses. Similar to what happened on October 7, where Gazans who were given work in the southern towns and kibbutzim were feeding plans and information to Hamas and then turned on the Jewish communities and slaughtered them.
❌ That's why, in 1948, Zionists militias ethnically cleansed 750,000 Palestinians from their homes.
✅ You honestly just regurgitate bullshit Zach. Firstly, there weren’t 750,000 Arab refugees. Even the UN reports of 1948 and 1951 stated the numbers at 300-360k. Furthermore, it wasn’t the Jews who expelled the Arabs. The Arab armies from neighboring states instructed them to leave so that the armies could come in and wipe out the Jews so that the Arabs could then return and rebuild the land as Arab land clean of Jews. This was after the UN published their Partition plan of 1947 in end of November and the Arabs rejected it and waged the civil war that lasted until Israel declared independence in May 1948.
I wrote an entire thread on this
Your above statement is the fabled Nakba which was false and never happened.
I will attach my various evidenced threads to the next pages below and then continue answering the rest of your utter garbage.
Mar 1 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
A 🧵 about a forgotten Islamic war against the west.
Everyone knows about the Yom Kippur War of 1973. That two and a half week war was brutal, the third war in 35 years, where multiple Arab states waged a genocidal war against Israel with the intent to wipe out the Jews.
But very few people remember a different kind of war waged against the West immediately after the Yom Kippur War…
The 1973 Oil Embargo.
There is a reason I’ve been so outspoken about Saudi Arabia being one of the heads of the snake. They’ve always been the main driver behind seeking the destruction of Israel.2/
After Israel defeated the Arab nations again, and with Israeli forces still in the Sinai and Golan Heights, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was incensed at yet another Arab defeat. He wanted to punish every single country that assisted or armed Israel during and after the war leading to Israel’s victory and their leverage in post-war peace negotiations.
Feb 27 • 10 tweets • 10 min read
This is going to hopefully be my most eye-opening 🧵 I’ve written to date. I only regret that like all my other threads, this will never be seen by those who need to see it. I wish the big accounts would share it so the reality and truth can be seen by everyone. There are so many people I wish I could tag and who would read it and share it, because it’s a history few talk about today that is so important and so frighteningly identical to everything that’s happening today.
And incredibly, it has nothing to do with Israel and the Jewish people. It has everything to do with the United States of America. When you read this thread, you’ll understand, and you’ll instantly be able to see events of today being identical to events from back then.
If you are true to yourself, true to truth, you will see that the hero today in our modern times is @POTUS @realDonaldTrump, @netanyahu and their administrations, including@SecRubio @PeteHegseth @PamBondi @elonmusk. If you see otherwise, then not only are you unAmerican, but you’re simply not serious about truth.
This thread has been written in conjunction with my wonderful friend, @IbnAlwarraq, and as I mentioned, it touches on what @TulsiGabbard said earlier in the week, and on information stated by @StealthMedical1 and @DefiyantlyFree a few weeks ago (and I’m a massive fan of both).
So let’s begin the journey to a time in history that tells the story of how it all began… the first ever:
In the early days of the United States, shortly after America became independent, the second president, John Adams, began to expand his mission of American trade with the world.
One of the key regions the young United States focused on was Africa and the Middle East. America had no issue with any country or people or religion. It was a young nation wanting to work with the world and befriend everyone. It was at a time when the US was still fragmented, it had not finished its constitution, and it was not yet a unified Republic. But nothing forced the country to become more united than this.
The young US wasn’t like its European peers. It was a secular country rather than seeing itself as a Christian nation. But what was to come Unified’s the churches of the US, and those around the world.
Feb 27 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
A 🧵 about the BBC documentary making headlines:
So I watched the hour-long BBC documentary which was removed, and I will offer my honest review of what I saw and noted per request of my wonderful friend @GAZAWOOD1:
✳️ This documentary has the who’s who of Pallywood actors featuring throughout. Several actors who featured in dozens of faked videos, especially the child actors, were in this documentary.
Feb 27 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Iran is now weeks away from enriching enough 90% Uranium-235 to build a nuclear weapon. It is developing warheads at the Parchin complex.
If not stopped, Iran could conduct its first nuclear test in 2025. Both Netanyahu and Trump are aware of this. 2/
The IAEA has now exposed that Iran possesses 275 kg of 60% uranium-235. If further enriched to 90%, this could provide enough uranium for up to six nuclear bombs. Iran has over 10,000 centrifuges. The first ~40 kg batch needed for a bomb could be ready in 22 days.
Feb 16 • 25 tweets • 8 min read
Once upon a time, a group of Arabs attacked Israel to wipe the Jews off the map… 2/
But Israel won…
Feb 16 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
A 🧵 expanding on the Memoirs of Haled al Azm, the Syrian Prime Minister in 1948-49.
I used a short quote from his book as a snippet of evidence that the Arab states pushed and demanded that the Arabs in Palestine flee their homes. Now let’s take a look at the full chapter he wrote which really sheds some astonishing light and detail on just what the Arab world did and how they treated these “refugees”.
Not only did the Arab states refuse to grant any “refugees” rights, but the author also acknowledges that this treatment of the refugees is what caused them to become aggressive, lazy, abusive, violent, jealous, and a hateful people
Yet again huge credit to @IbnAlwarraq 🙏🏽
So let’s begin:
“Of this type is the call of the Arab governments for the people of Palestine to evacuate and seek refuge in neighbouring Arab countries, after spreading panic among them as a result of the Deir Yassin incident.
The Jews were calmed by this mass escape and the matter settled for them without difficulty.
Let us imagine that if the people of Palestine, whose number exceeded one million, had remained in their country, what kind of fifth column would they have formed? And what constant disturbance would their presence have caused to the Jewish government?
We have been demanding since 1948 the return of the refugees to their homes, and we are the ones who forced them to leave. Only a few months passed between the call for asylum and the request for the United Nations to approve their return.” (Page 386)
Feb 15 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
So why did the Arabs flee their homes in the British Mandate of Palestine?
A 🧵 about the truth based on written testimony evidence.
I’ve researched and collected numerous articles and quoted testimony by Arab leaders, journalists and refugees during and after the exodus of Arabs which you can easily reference to rebut any propaganda. Each slide that follows will contain at least one quote.
A tonne of evidence exists demonstrating that Fakestinians were encouraged to leave their homes to make way for the invading Arab armies.
The Economist, a frequent critic of the Zionists, reported on October 2, 1948:
"Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit....It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades."
Feb 15 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
A 🧵 that shows just how little Arab states care for their own people when it comes to Israel. They would rather let their own people suffer and starve than allow Israel to help them improve their lives. Everything Arab states do is to harm the State of Israel, and the below will prove it yet again.
Huge thanks and credit to @IbnAlwarraq.
In January of 1960, a meeting took place between the ambassador of the Arab League and representatives of the United States Government including the assistant Secretary of State, G. Lewis Jones.
An official Memorandum of the discussion was written in detail and kept in the archives of the US State Department.
As you will see, the Americans had put a technical plan together to help Jordan with their dire water shortage. Israel had developed a way to pump water from Lake Tiberias and divert it to Jordan to assist their neighbors. This was originally accepted by the Arab technical experts however the senior political echelon of the Arab League got involved and killed the entire project purely because they wanted to harm Israel (their own words). By killing the project, it denied over 200,000 Jordanians from having land that could be cultivated and therefore from a living and creating sustainable agricultural land. But the Arabs didn’t care then, similarly to how they don’t care now. Today they’d happily sacrifice every single Gazan simply to hurt Israel.
The next three slides will show the full Memorandum of the Conversation.
Feb 14 • 11 tweets • 8 min read
A 🧵 about a conversation that really says it all.
When we take a step back to look at all the different actors in the Middle East and the role they play today as well as over the past century, it becomes ever-clearer the agenda and true intentions of each.
I’ve written numerous posts about the fact that the entire Arab world uses the “Palestinian” cause as a political weapon against the state of Israel with the sole intention of its destruction.
This past 16 months has had so many revelations, but few more than the nefarious agenda and role of UNRWA, as well as the Arab League. October 7 was just horrific, regardless which country it would have happened to, but the very fact that it happened to Israel and the Jewish people brought out the true colors of the entire Arab world. It isn’t a case of silence. They’re pretty vocal. But as always, regardless how heinous the crimes were that were perpetrated by the Gazans, the entire Arab world still firmly stood by and stand by the Gazans against Israel. Not a single Arab state cares for the Gazan people. None have offered to give them refuge during the war. In fact the opposite. They all unanimously force their views that the Gazans should stay regardless their plight. Because their welfare isn’t and has never been of any importance. All the Arab League care about is continuing to use the Gazans against Israel to erode the Jewish state.
Thanks to my good friend and tag team partner, @IbnAlwarraq, we have a Memorandum of a Conversation that took place on November 21st, 1958 between the American government and representatives of the Arab League to discuss their views and demands regarding the “Palestinian refugees”.
Over the next few slides I will write out the transcripts of that conversation, and it is incredibly insightful.
Feb 14 • 12 tweets • 9 min read
A 🧵about the left, lies, and the desecration of truth. This is one of the most important threads as it will focus on two of the most commonly used lies of the past 16 months:
Tantura and Ilan Pappe.
Over the past 16 months, I’ve lost count at how many propagandists and absolute idiots have thrown the Tantura and Ilan Pappe nonsense at me. And it really is insane to the point that the Fakestinians even produced a film about the Tantura event that was aired on Netflix and received global acclaim. And yet, ALL of it is a lie. Every single part of it.
When one thinks about the leftist ideologies and blatant lies, one would instantly think about the Democrats and everything currently being uncovered by @DOGE and @elonmusk. You’d think about DEI and Critical Race Theory and Wokeism and all the insanity that comes with it. You’d even think about illegal immigration and election fraud and other crazy policies that were used to destroy America over the past 4 years, and the horrific foreign policy that created a world at war.
But even with all of that, nothing can compare to the extreme far-left socialist movement in Israel and the lies manufactured to destroy the State of Israel, and the revisionist history that created the greatest lies ever told.
This thread will highlight just that.
The Backstory:
The formation of the Jewish state in its current incarnation began in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration (BD), the 1920 San Remo Conference (SRC), and the 1922 League of Nations decision to award the Mandate to the British (BMP). For 1900 years since many Jews fled the land and became the diaspora of Europe, Jews had always longed to return to their homeland. It didn’t matter where Jews lived, whether in Eastern Europe, or India, or America, or across the Middle East, every year on Passover they would end their prayers with the line of a return to Jerusalem. When Jews pray, they pray facing Jerusalem regardless where they are. The land of Israel has always been our home.
And the BD, SRC and BMP was about the return of the Jewish people to their homeland. But since the BD, the Arab nationalists had done everything possible to prevent the Jews from returning. Incredibly, some of the most powerful Arab leaders didn’t have an issue with the return of the Jews to their homeland, and in fact welcomed it and believed it was only right that the Jews can return and live on their land. But their issue with it was for the Jews to have the right to self determination. The Arabs were happy for the Jews to come back from all over the world to join the Jews already living in the land, and to bring their knowledge and science and expertise… and money. But they would only accept it and allow it if it was under Arab rule and for the Arabs to determine the laws and governance of the land. So the Arabs who are the actual colonizers of the land and who had done nothing with the land since the time they conquered it, and who didn’t even live on the land until after the Jews returned and transformed it, wanted to rule it and dictate to the Jews how they could live.
So after the SRC, the Grand Mufti, the British appointed leader of the Arabs and a hardcore Arab nationalist and antisemite, formed Arab militias to inflict the most brutal pogroms on the Jews, massacring man, woman and child. And if that wasn’t enough, after 15 nonstop years of pogroms, he then allied the Arabs with the Nazis, and together they worked to wipe out all Jews, not just in Europe to prevent them coming back to the land, but also the Jews already in the land.
Feb 13 • 16 tweets • 8 min read
A 🧵 to finally debunk a piece of propaganda and revisionist history that has been used more than almost all others by propagandists- the story of Deir Yassin.
This will be a long thread, but I assure you it will be well worth it.
Personally, because of the stature of the libellous lies told by propagandists on this topic, I would love millions of people to be able to read this. How? I have no idea. But it’s time to once and for all bring the truth, the whole truth, to the masses.
**All research below is cited as referenced on the last slide**
So let’s start…
The United Nations resolved that Jerusalem would be an international city apart from the Arab and Jewish states demarcated in the partition resolution.
The 150,000 Jewish inhabitants were under constant military pressure… the 2,500 Jews living in the Old City were victims of an Arab blockade that lasted five months before they were forced to surrender on May 29, 1948.
Prior to the surrender, and throughout the siege on Jerusalem, Jewish convoys tried to reach the city to alleviate the food shortage, which, by April, had become critical.
Meanwhile, the Arab forces, which had engaged in sporadic and unorganized ambushes since December 1947, began to make an organized attempt to cut off the highway linking Tel Aviv with Jerusalem — the city's only supply route.
The Arabs controlled several strategic vantage points, which overlooked the highway and enabled them to fire on the convoys trying to reach the beleaguered city with supplies. Deir Yassin was situated on a hill, about 2,600 feet high, which commanded a wide view of the vicinity and was located less than a mile from the suburbs of Jerusalem. The population was 750.
Feb 13 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
A 🧵 about the Nazi Islamist alliance, both then and now.
H/T to @IbnAlwarraq
We all now know that the Nazis and Muslims of the Middle East were close allies before, during and after World War Two. We know Hitler implemented his “final solution” for the Jewish people. And we know that the Arabs, especially Amin al-Husseini, wanted to implement the final solution through the Middle East too.
But did you know that it was actually made a policy of the Nazis and Islamists to wipe out all the Jews across the whole world, and it was the policy of the Nazis and Islamists to “destroy the Jewish homeland, I
i.e. Israel? And that this policy continues to this day with the alliance between Islam and the Woke Socialist leftists?
Now in my previous thread on Husseini and Hitler, I showed letters from Husseini where he stated that Goebbels had confessed that the Nazis had already massacred 3 million Jews by the beginning of 1944.
But I will now present two further letters from Husseini… the first was to Heinrich Himmler who was the Nazi Interior Minister, and the second was to Joachim Von Ribbentrop who was the Nazi Minister for Foreign Affairs.
These letters show the intricate and intimate alliance between the Muslims and Nazis, and their shared ambition and goals to wipe out the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland.
It also shows the intricate links between Egypt and the Arabs in British Palestine, mostly because the Arabs in British Palestine are in fact themselves Egyptians.
Feb 12 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
A 🧵 from the heart.
Israel is our home. It’s not just about the fact that it’s our ancestral home, but for now 10 million of us, it’s our home, our life, and the land we have put blood, sweat, tears and our lives into building for all of the people of this nation. Not just for the Jewish people, but for all our Israeli people regardless of faith, color or ethnicity.
Yes, a few million came from Europe and the US. But even more came from other countries in the region. Far more in fact than our European brothers and sisters. My family have been here in this land since the 1860’s from Lebanon, and they were one family out of many who have been returning to our land since the 9th century. And even before that, many Jews didn’t leave even when the Romans forced most to do so. This land has had Jewish communities living on it and nurturing it and calling it home uninterrupted for over 3000 years.
Now I’ve read and heard all the propaganda out there. I’ve read and heard all the wild claims and stories of canaanites and DNA and Nakbas and all of it. But unlike all those pushing those stories, I’m one of the many who know the truth. And the truth is that all these stories are just stories. Even the Arabs themselves states so for decades.
But taking all the stories and propaganda and blood libels and all rest to one side… this is our home. And for 76 years without interruption, the entire Muslim Arab world has waged war after war on us with the sole purpose of wiping us out. We endured pogrom after pogrom well before we became an independent state. We endured pogrom after pogrom well before Zionism in its political form ever existed.
And you know what? There was a short period of time when it could have been so different.
Emir Faisal, the son of Sherif Hussein, the leader of the Arab revolt against the Turks, signed an agreement with Chaim Weizmann and other Zionist leaders during the 1919 Paris Peace Conference supporting the implementation of Balfour.
It acknowledged the “racial kinship and ancient bonds existing between the Arabs and the Jewish people” and concluded that “the surest means of working out the consummation of their national aspirations is through the closest possible collaboration in the development of the Arab states and Palestine.” Furthermore, the agreement called for all necessary measures “…to encourage and stimulate immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale, and as quickly as possible to settle Jewish immigrants upon the land through closer settlement and intensive cultivation of the soil.”
Before the main mass of Jews came to the land, there wasn’t this huge bubbling Arab population. The land was mostly desolate and barren. There are dozens of reports well before even the Balfour Declaration proving so.
The Report of the Palestine Royal Commission quotes an account of the Maritime Plain in 1913:
“The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts…no orange groves, orchards, or vineyards were to be seen until one reached the Jewish village of Yabna…Houses were all of mud. No windows were anywhere to be seen… The ploughs used were of wood… The yields were very poor… The sanitary conditions in the village were horrible. Schools did not exist… The western part, towards the sea, was almost a desert… The villages in this area were few and thinly populated. Many ruins of villages were scattered over the area, as owing to the prevalence of malaria, many villages were deserted by their inhabitants.”
Feb 11 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
🧵about land acquisition.
We’ve all read the false stories by the Arabs about how the Fakestinians were forced out of their homes and lost their land. And for almost 18 months several of us, including @Shoshana51728 and @IbnAlwarraq and I, have stated, with evidence, that not only is this a false claim, but the Arabs themselves sold their land and homes to the Jews for inflated prices because they wanted money.
The conflict has nothing to do with the Arabs losing their land. They sold it. And now they continue to cry simply because they don’t want the Jews to have a state of their own.
So let’s delve into a little bit more history that proves the Arabs sold their land… in their own words.
Thanks again to @IbnAlwarraq
In 1934, the Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini gave a speech where he openly condemned the Arabs for selling all the land to the Jews.
The irony of his speech is that al-Husseini himself, together with his family, brutally forced many many poor Arabs to sell their land and homes to him at ridiculously low prices, and then he sold these to the Jews at heavily inflated prices. He wanted to be rich, and then raise an Arab army from across the entire region to wipe out the Jews and take it all back.
Here’s his speech (translation to follow)
Feb 11 • 28 tweets • 9 min read
A 🧵 about where we are today.
So Gaza is this… 2/
And these guys…
Feb 10 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
In July of 2006, the brilliant Thomas Sowell @ThomasSowell wrote an article titled “There is no Middle East 'peace process'”. It is as relevant today as it was 19 years ago because the similarities are so striking. So I thought I’d post it here:
Now that Israel has responded to rocket attacks and the abduction of its soldiers by terrorists by making military strikes into areas controlled by those terrorists, much of our media are deploring another "cycle of violence" in the Middle East. For reasons unknown, some people seem to regard verbal equivalence as moral equivalence — and the latter as some kind of badge of broadmindedness, if not intellectual superiority. Therefore, when Palestinian terrorists ("militants" in politically correct newspeak) attack Israel and then Israel responds with military force, that is just another "cycle of violence" in the Middle East to some people. The "cycle" notion suggests that each side is just responding to what the other side does. But just what had Israel done to set off these latest terrorist acts? It voluntarily pulled out of Gaza, after evacuating its own settlers, and left the land to the Palestinian authorities.2/
Terrorists then used the newly acquired land to launch rockets into Israel and then seized an Israeli soldier. Other terrorists in Lebanon followed suit. The great mantra of the past, "trading land for peace," is now thoroughly discredited, or should be. But facts mean nothing to people who are determined to find equivalence, whether today in the Middle East or yesterday in the Cold War. Since all things are the same, except for the differences, and different except for the similarities, nothing is easier than to create verbal parallels and moral equivalence, though some people seem to pride themselves on their ability to do such verbal tricks. Centuries ago, Thomas Hobbes said that words are wise men's counters but that they are the money of fools. Regardless of fashionable rhetoric, there is no Middle East "peace process" any more than trading "land for peace" has been a viable option. Nor is a Palestinian "homeland" a key to peace.
Feb 5 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
Part 3 - A🧵about the records held showing the migration of Arabs and non Arabs to both Jordan and what Arabs call Palestine over the past 1000 years of Islamic rule, again proving that the people in that land, other than the Jewish people, are NOT indigenous. (Part two is attached to this slide)
The main twist will come in slide 7 of this thread, and it will reveal a far more interesting and sinister history and story of what is going on.
If you want to understand who is really behind keeping the “Palestine” narrative alive as a weapon against Israel and the Jewish people, you’ll find out in this thread. To make Islam the dominant and only religion, they need to destroy Judaism and Christianity in the West, as well as Hinduism in the East.
Again, huge credit to my wonderful tag team partner @IbnAlwarraq for his exceptional research and discovery.
In a book written in 2020 called “Noble Families in Jordan and Palestine: A Look at the Legal Records”, and authored by Jordanian author Omar Ahmed Al-Zoubi, the author provides numerous actual documents and records of some of the Noble families that migrated to the region from Arabia and other Arab lands.
Below are two different original covers of the same book. This book is widely available online today.
Feb 3 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
A 🧵 about how the parallels between everything we’re seeing around us, and how it relates to historical events:
I’m going to start this thread with a statement…
The World will thank Donald Trump @realDonaldTrump @POTUS for what he is doing today.
When one studies the history and events of World War Two and how the Nazis operated, you can quickly begin to see how events of today are actually connected in many ways.
We’ve all heard about Joseph Goebbels and his infamous propaganda machine and how it indoctrinated the children of Germany. The entire curriculum of German schools was designed to teach children what to think rather than the usual math, science and languages.