Why the Jewish left has completely failed to meet the moment (a thread)
1. The reaction to October 7th
On October 7th as the Palestinian Resistance launched Operation Al Aqsa Flood-the high majority of the Jewish left did not see it as a beacon of hope for the Palestinian people quite literally breaking the fences to return onto land stolen from
them 75+ years ago, but instead centered “Jewish grief” and concern about “Israelis”, additionally many of them peddled countless lies about the operation that Zionists perpetuated that have since been disproven. It was beyond clear that any solidarity with the Palestinian
resistance that they claimed to have was policed to the kind of resistance they deemed appropriate and certainly didn’t extend to fighting the Zionist entity by any means necessary.
2. Lack of Solidarity
Which brings me to my next point-the Jewish left in its construction esp
over the past few decades has rlly developed completely separately from the Palestinian liberation movement, as many Palestinian activists have so brilliantly written, these organizations have this perspective that they do not want to prioritise solidarity with Palestinians
by any means necessary at the forefront of their existence, they do not want to prioritise being within the Palestinian solidarity movement moreover in believing that Jewish resistance deserves its own separate structure away from the movement they have completely divided
themselves from existing solidarity efforts.
3. Not actually being anti-zionist
As is beyond clear right now, so many organizations on the so called Jewish left are either not explicitly anti-zionist or on the rare chance they are, their anti zionism is tepid and meaningless
There is no explicit support to the Palestinian resistance, there is no commitment to actual land reform, there is no affirmation that Palestinians have the absolute right to have full autonomy on the settler question, it is an antizionism that still tries to legitimise an unjust
peace built on a colonial genocidal structure. Many of these organizations are also either still actively led by zionists or they have zionists still active within them and they have not and will not root them out, and frankly an organization that is not committed to rooting out
all zionists is a zionist organisation.
4. Decolonial Judaism
If Judaism has any future it must be actively decolonial, and anti-zionist Jews of Colour need to be on the forefront of what that looks like, that means that they also need to be on the forefront and be in a
position to actively lead Jewish antizionist activism, and the fact of the matter is any Jewish org on the left that is actively led by white Jews almost certainly has a serious racism problem that actively alienates Jews of colour, orgs cannot claim to stand in solidarity
with Palestinians if they are fundamentally unwilling to address the culture of racism within them
5. Fighting Jewish institutions
The fact of the matter is that Palestinians have been asking Jewish organizations for years to actually work to fight the institutions
in our communities that have been aiding and perpetuating the zionist settler colonial genocide for over a century, and broadly speaking these organizations have been unwilling to do that. the fact of the matter is every jewish org, charity, synagogue, school, institution that
flies an “israeli” flag, perpetuates zionist propaganda, and especially if they are funding and actively encouraging the zionist project and the active annihilation of the Palestinian people—they all must be protested, they all must be actively challenged at every turn until
they stop or they are abolished, for far too long Jews on the left have been unwilling to protest synagogues even when nearly all fly the flag of the Zionist entity, this needed to stop yesterday, this has been no more evident than today when in toronto there were protests
at a synagogue that was actively having sales to sell Palestinian stolen land and it was reported that no Jewish groups that claim to stand in solidarity with Palestinians actually joined in on the protest.
6. Grifters
This is obviously not unique to the Jewish left but certainly recently there have been extremely unprincipled ppl who are either writing books about their antizionist activism that they’re trying to sell, or raising money for self aggrandising ventures to europe
among other things and the fact of the matter is at a time when Palestinians are struggling to raise money both to rebuild their community as well as to seek refuge out of Gaza, white Jews esp Jews who have a history of collaboration or are predators themselves
should not be trying to raise money/actively profit for their own personal ventures off of so called activism
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So Jewish life for the past 70+ years has been dominated by people who weaponise the Holocaust and Jewish persecution to justify their colonial project, Jewish anti-zionism has always existed but it has
for a while marginalised to the point of not being meaningful at all, and one of the things october 7th so strongly revealed was just how many so called jewish anti zionists feel they can police Palestinian resistance, their antizionism exists to normalise the Zionist entity
enough where they reject the idea of Palestinian resistance by any means necessary, they reject any sort of meaningful land reform, and they certainly reject giving Palestinians autonomy to decide what happens to settlers
On Holocaust Memorial Day we remember the 6 million Jews and millions of Slavs, Roma, Communists, Disabled people, Queer people, Afro-Germans, and many others killed by Nazis and their collaborators (Thread Part 1 — additional Part 2 thread coming)
But that’s all we do….we remember…and what do we remember exactly…the rise of hitler…the increasing restrictions against Jews…how europe itself was a “victim” of hitler (and not just as culpable in many ways) …all culminating in the genocide of europe’s Jews
what we remember of the Holocaust is not only primarily centered on a german lens but its one that is inherently centered on the specific experience of Jews primarily german Jews and also one that views germans as a whole as victims
3 million + vietnamese 2.5 million + cambodians
200,000+ laotians
3 million + bangladeshis
10,000+ indians
10,000+ pakistanis
15,000+ egyptians
3500+ syrians
6500+ cypriots
40,000+ chileans
30,000+ argentinians
10,000+ zimbabweans
60,000+ mozambiqueans
900,000+ angolans
11,000+ guinea bisseauans
300,000+ east timorians
1,000,000+ indonesians
20,000+ western saharans
1,100,000+ iraqis
and so so many more
they are more than just a number, they were people who had parents, children, families, hopes, dreams, pets, jobs who because of henry kissinger and the western foreign policy apparatus were murdered in the name of imperialism and white supremacy
So one thing that I honestly think communists especially in the west can take away from analysing the history of antisemitism in eastern europe is how communism alone did not totally get rid of it even on a systemic level
it’s important to remember prior to the soviet union
there was massive massive antisemitism in eastern europe—poland itself was one of the safest places for jews in europe for a while but then there was the khemlytsky massacre where tens if not hundreds of thousands of jews were killed
there was the pale of settlement
essentially an internalised ghetto within the russian empire where as the years went on there were significant significant restrictions placed on jews and from 1880-1920 hundreds of thousands of jews were murdered in pogroms and millions more displaced
i would argue it’s intentional-the Holocaust is not taught well for a variety of reasons but most Holocaust education is designed to emphasise “the unique singularity” of the Holocaust as a genocide
It is not designed to tie the Holocaust back to the genocides it was inspired by
Holocaust education almost always does not include the ways Hitler was inspired by the mass murder of indigenous people in the americas “the volga will be our mississippi” and US race laws and jim crow
It does not include how the Germans had used concentration camps in the
genocide of the Herero and Nama people
It doesn’t include what Césaire wrote how europe applied the same methods that hitler used in their colonial projects and only disliked hitler bc he inflicted them on europe-that “before they were its victims they were its accomplices”
On Holocaust Memorial Day we remember the 6 million Jews and millions of Slavs, Roma, Communists, Disabled people, Queer people, Afro-Germans, and many others killed by Nazis and their collaborators (Thread)
Year after Year we say “never again” to honor the memory of those who were murdered and prevent another genocide, but historical memory is a fickle thing which was long ago murdered too and there is very little interest for honoring the truth
There is this version of the Holocaust that ppl want to maintain-that it was solely a German genocide built out of blame of Jews for economic conditions after WWI and all the nazis who did it are dead and no one living has any culpability