trans judeo-bolshevik Profile picture
☭ decolonial communist, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, anti-zionist, abolitionist, disabled 🕎(they/them) private @thesadvulture
Feb 12 6 tweets 1 min read
have made this point a few times but have seen a little bit of discourse on it so im going to reiterate it again—the idea of a “jewish diaspora” as it currently exists is 100% a zionist concept-it’s fundamentally rooted in the idea that jews have been dispersed from their ancestral homeland “israel”—which is deeply rooted in zionist notion that jews inherently belong in “israel”

now that all being said jews do very much have an actual history of expulsion, migration—forced or otherwise, and dispersal globally so the idea of “diaspora” should
Jan 27 14 tweets 2 min read
an incomplete list of companies that profited from the holocaust and how

allianz-provided insurance for concentration camps and ss officers

the ap—assisted and collaborated with the nazis on censorship audi—large scale slave labor in concentration camps and actively culpable in the murders of at least 4500 people

baccarat- produced propaganda for the nazis and vichy france
Jan 27 15 tweets 3 min read
(part 2) the overarching point though, is so much of the narrative of the holocaust is focused on the lens of german or sometimes eastern european jews, the stories of so many victims are intentionally erased, like many ppl don’t know muslims were killed, or the history of north african and greek jews in the holocaust, or how the holocaust literally happened on british soil in the channel islands and the systemic effort that’s been made to hide the true history of collaboration and mass death—as soon as the holocaust ended it was immediately weaponised
Jan 27 26 tweets 5 min read
“it happened, therefore it can happen again: this is the core of what we have to say. it can happen, and it can happen everywhere”—primo levi

as we honor the memory of the victims of the holocaust today, we must recognize that these words were intentionally not treated urgently holocaust memorial day in theory exists to honor the memory of the mass murder and annihilation of the victims of the nazi holocaust which include 6 million + jews, romani ppl, slavs, socialists/communists, queer ppl, disabled ppl, black ppl, muslims and so many others
Nov 2, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
okay so i hadn’t actually made an effort to look at it before but bc of recent events i wanted to take a look at what the green party’s platform on palestine actually was and holy shit i had low expectations but i was not prepared for just how despicable it actually is first of all “palestinian-israeli conflict”—major major red flag

if you’re even bringing up jewish “fear of non-jews” as a way to legitimise it in the context of palestine—that is explicitly sending dog whistles as to legitimising jewish supremacist tropes abt “demographics” Image
Oct 21, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read
okay holocaust education thread—i meant to do this earlier but i figured it’s still relevant now

so many ppl for years have made extremely poignant and necessary critiques of holocaust education and how it’s been inherently designed to manufacture support for zionism + genocide as well as perpetuating the myth of the uniqueness of the holocaust among many other things—and i’ll go back to this later in the thread—but one thing i want to start with is the well documented historical nazi collusion with zionists, there is the haavara agreement which
Oct 14, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
ok story time—so when my ancestors immigrated to the us—a lot of them on both sides of my family lived in new britain, connecticut—i didn’t grow up in new britain, i don’t speak as someone personally from there—but there’s a story to tell that rlly epitomises the west as a whole so in 2017–there was an effort by the lithuanian genocide and resistance centre to construct a monument for adolfas ramanauskas, a national hero in lithuania who was born in new britain, the speaker of the parliament of lithuania actually came to request it himself and this plan
Sep 21, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
as we reconcile with the jewish community’s culpability in perpetuating the zionist project and the annihilation of palestinians, that also requires us to understand jewish culpability in other colonial projects-this is the story of the little known jodensavanne colony as a result of the inquisition if they survived persecution—spanish, portuguese + sicilian jews and muslims were forced to flee-many jews fled to italy, north africa, the ottoman empire, the netherlands, among many other places—they also fled to growing colonies in the americas
Aug 14, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
this is going to be a long thread and may not go where you think but the recent discourse has left me quite frustrated bc of how so many of you intentionally or not are giving credence to bad faith actors and narratives which seek to distract and shield accountability i also want to first make clear i’m not saying don’t talk abt antisemitism at all but look at how much energy is being given to discussions about antisemitism vs anti palestinian racism and islamophobia like the fact that i even have to make this thread epitomises this exactly
Jul 20, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
i’ve been kind of unwell for the past week or so so i haven’t been able to respond to this thread but since i have a moment i wanted to respond/share my thoughts

first off—a lot of ppl are not going to take anything abt antisemitism seriously from ppl who view 10/7 as horrific and esp if they view 10/7 as antisemitic in of itself and i mean why should they i mean the ppl doing this are clearly bastardising the definition of the term so just as a baseline anyone who knows operation al aqsa flood was a liberatory revolt against a genocidal colonial
Jun 22, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
so i’m going to tell a story and it’s the story of someone the left esp the european left has very much forgotten and it’s the story of someone the jewish left has very much forgotten but i want to end the erasure of his legacy because he deserves to be remembered today would have been pierre goldman’s 80th birthday, he was born on june 22nd 1944 in paris, his father alter goldman was a polish jew who made his way to france in his teens and was an active member of the french resistance in wwii, his mother janine sochaczewska, was polish
Mar 8, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
so i’m glad to finally see that left jewish orgs are finally making an effort to protest synagogues but given all they’ve done, the fact that it took them hosting events where stolen Palestinian land is being sold for jewish left orgs to finally start protesting them is appalling the fact of the matter is that for years there has been an extreme reluctance of the jewish left to protest synagogues—while it certainly factors into the larger problem which i have spoken about at length of the fact that the jewish left has been unwilling to confront
Mar 4, 2024 19 tweets 3 min read
Why the Jewish left has completely failed to meet the moment (a thread) 1. The reaction to October 7th

On October 7th as the Palestinian Resistance launched Operation Al Aqsa Flood-the high majority of the Jewish left did not see it as a beacon of hope for the Palestinian people quite literally breaking the fences to return onto land stolen from
Jan 27, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
#HolocaustRemembranceDay thread (Part 2)

see thread below for Part 1

So Jewish life for the past 70+ years has been dominated by people who weaponise the Holocaust and Jewish persecution to justify their colonial project, Jewish anti-zionism has always existed but it has for a while marginalised to the point of not being meaningful at all, and one of the things october 7th so strongly revealed was just how many so called jewish anti zionists feel they can police Palestinian resistance, their antizionism exists to normalise the Zionist entity
Jan 27, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read
On Holocaust Memorial Day we remember the 6 million Jews and millions of Slavs, Roma, Communists, Disabled people, Queer people, Afro-Germans, and many others killed by Nazis and their collaborators (Thread Part 1 — additional Part 2 thread coming) But that’s all we do….we remember…and what do we remember exactly…the rise of hitler…the increasing restrictions against Jews…how europe itself was a “victim” of hitler (and not just as culpable in many ways) …all culminating in the genocide of europe’s Jews
Nov 30, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
thinking today of henry kissinger’s victims

3 million + vietnamese
2.5 million + cambodians
200,000+ laotians
3 million + bangladeshis
10,000+ indians
10,000+ pakistanis
15,000+ egyptians
3500+ syrians
6500+ cypriots
40,000+ chileans
30,000+ argentinians 10,000+ zimbabweans
60,000+ mozambiqueans
900,000+ angolans
11,000+ guinea bisseauans
300,000+ east timorians
1,000,000+ indonesians
20,000+ western saharans
1,100,000+ iraqis

and so so many more
Nov 23, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
So one thing that I honestly think communists especially in the west can take away from analysing the history of antisemitism in eastern europe is how communism alone did not totally get rid of it even on a systemic level

it’s important to remember prior to the soviet union Image there was massive massive antisemitism in eastern europe—poland itself was one of the safest places for jews in europe for a while but then there was the khemlytsky massacre where tens if not hundreds of thousands of jews were killed

there was the pale of settlement
Oct 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
i would argue it’s intentional-the Holocaust is not taught well for a variety of reasons but most Holocaust education is designed to emphasise “the unique singularity” of the Holocaust as a genocide

It is not designed to tie the Holocaust back to the genocides it was inspired by Holocaust education almost always does not include the ways Hitler was inspired by the mass murder of indigenous people in the americas “the volga will be our mississippi” and US race laws and jim crow

It does not include how the Germans had used concentration camps in the
Jan 27, 2023 26 tweets 10 min read
On Holocaust Memorial Day we remember the 6 million Jews and millions of Slavs, Roma, Communists, Disabled people, Queer people, Afro-Germans, and many others killed by Nazis and their collaborators (Thread) Year after Year we say “never again” to honor the memory of those who were murdered and prevent another genocide, but historical memory is a fickle thing which was long ago murdered too and there is very little interest for honoring the truth