and so it begins: Israeli media makes the first shot, before Pramila Patten has even held her press conference, claiming she will present "circumstantial evidence" proving their atrocity propaganda hoax. Now wait for the entire Western media to follow later today
Reuters, following Jerusalem Post, is now doing the first Western media hit, demanding everyone in the media class better pay attention and repeat Pramila Patten's "vindication" of the hoax, and of course just shamelessly doing it via the Israeli regime's demands of it to be done
do you see how it works? YNet, Jerusalem Post, Reuters, soon BBC, CNN, New York Times, AP.
they started the push before she even held her press conference
and later today or tomorrow, you will see Jeffrey Gettleman, Anat Schwartz and Adam Sella use it to vindicate themselves
15 minutes ago, Times of Israel, premier Israeli propaganda outlet: "UN report EXPECTED to confirm evidence of sexual violence by Hamas on Oct. 7"
LOL they already know what it will say. This is all so transparent. They don't even bother hiding it
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the NYT hired recent comp lit grad food blogger Adam Sella to team up with his uncle's wife and avowed genocidal racist Anat Schwartz to fabricate its biggest hoax since Judith Miller, and now it allows him to launder his hoax via the UN report that explicitly debunks it. Insane
how are you allowing the recent college grad food blogger with zero reporting experience who fabricated your biggest hoax since Judith Miller to not only still report at all, but to report specifically about the topic of his own hoax? It's utterly deranged
it's so bizarre. I almost can't believe it. What the fuck does Adam Sella have over you. He's a fucking food blogger. Why are you destroying your entire reputation and whatever remains of your credibility for a fucking food blogger. Holy shit
BREAKING: Dr. Chen Kugel, Israel's chief forensic pathologist who heads its Abu Kabir Forensic Institute that handled all the bodies from October 7, said in early November that he personally saw "beheaded babies". But that is a proven lie, as Israel's own records have confirmed
in another much cited piece from an Israeli propaganda outlet in early November detailing the supposedly scientific forensic pathology discoveries of Israel’s Abu Kabir Center of Forensic Medicine, it's head Dr. Chen Kugel repeats the false claim that he saw beheaded babies
in the same piece Dr. Nurit Bublil, head of Abu Kabir’s DNA laboratory, is depicted with a seemingly blood-stained baby's mattress. She claims a "brutally disfigured" baby was killed, elsewhere saying the baby was stabbed. But again, records confirm no such baby exists
this is amazing. The first story on the BBC's front page right now is the UN report which they lie about by omitting its mandate and conclusion, and beneath it they link back to their own piece on the "mass rape" hoax from December which the report debunks
this is among the most deranged things I've seen. They're lying so brazenly and shamelessly, expecting that no one will notice because they won't bother actually reading the report itself. They'll just read the BBC using it to launder their own hoax it conclusively disproves
I said this would happen, that the media class who collectively fabricated the "mass rape" atrocity propaganda hoax months ago, BBC, AP, Reuters, Guardian, and of course NYT, would now use it to launder their own hoax. But it's even worse than I thought, because it debunks it
BREAKING: The Intercept went back to check one of the main sources used by the New York Times' Anat Schwartz, Adam Sella and Jeffrey Gettleman in their "mass rape" hoax, and have shown it to have been a fraud. Again, the biggest hoax in NYT history since Judith Miller
in the full report, it becomes clear yet again that Anat Schwartz, Adam Sella and Jeffrey Gettleman deliberately set out to fabricate this atrocity propaganda hoax, with no regard at all to basic journalistic integrity and ethics. And the NYT stands by it
earlier today the UN report the entire media class and the New York Times itself is deceptively touting as vindication of their mass rape claims, in fact did the opposite, and further exposed the hoax fabricated in the NYT by Getleman, Sella and Schwartz:
the UN report by Pramila Padden has definitely exposed the New York Times' atrocity propaganda hoax. It states that core "witnesses" they used, Yossi Landau and Shari Mendes, who spread the fetus ripped out of a pregnant woman and stabbed claim, are liars. It's over now
the NYT fabricated a hoax which it just recently said it fully stands by, which the UN's Pramila Padden has said is patently false and has contradicted, both in its particulars and its central claim about "systematic mass rape".
it is now an established fact, not just from Mondoweiss, Electronic Intifada, Grayzone, myself, The Intercept more recently, but also the UN's Pramila Padden, that the NYT allowed Jeffrey Gettleman, Adam Sella and Anat Schwartz to fabricate a hoax built on an empire of lies
buried on page 15 in its 23 page "report", the UN's Pramila Patten admits that all her information comes directly from the Israeli regime, and that it blocks UN agencies with an actual investigative mandate from doing independent investigations into their propaganda claims
after claiming in the beginning she will "verify information", even though she has admitted before and it's in her official mandate that she has no investigative powers or abilities, she finally admits on page 20, near the very end, "yeah, we don't have an investigative mandate"
after admitting there's no evidence of rape in the videos and photos handed to them by the Israeli regime, she admits she has to rely solely on "positions of bodies and clothing", which she admits earlier Zaka hoaxers constantly moved around, and "testimonies" by the same hoaxers