(Chapter NINE of "The Cup of Hermes ⚚: A Beginner's Guide to Sexual Alchemy")
Let's be completely CLEAR, the ORIGINAL SIN of our first parents was the crime of SPILLING the Cup of Hermes, "scientifically" known as spilling the semen.
Animalistic Fornication is the reason man was exiled from EDEN.
When man returns to the starting point, that is when he re-establishes the sexual system of Eden, the sacred serpent Kundalini will again rise victoriously in order to convert us into Gods.
But those who willing spill the Cup of Hermes are properly recognized as Black Magicians.
There are MANY Benefits to Semen Retention, keeping the Cup of Hermes FULL.
Friedrich Nietzsche understood the positive benefits of not spilling the seed, better known as Semen Retention.
Nietzsche writes, "The Reabsorption of Semen by the Blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other favor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of ALL forces toward the overcoming of resistance, the thirst for contradiction and resistance."
According to Muhammad Ali's biography, his trainer stated his biggest secret was Sexual Control. Many athletes understand the benefits of Semen Retetion. Sex is nature's most useful therapeutic force.
Spilling the SEED depletes the magnetic energy and leads to many adverse health affects: Lack of Enthusiasm, Sex Drive, Sleep Aliments and more. But, once controlled, it gives the person the quality of Animal Magnetism, Sexual Control is your God Power, YOU must simply unlock it.
It keeps the nervous system charged with energy needed to maintain the body. Semen Retention sharpens the mind, imagination and creativity.
Sexual Energy is the finest energy of the infinite cosmos. Sexual Energy can convert us into Angels... or DEMONS.
SEX should be viewed as a Holy Sacrament, a Sacrament of the Will. But, NOT of DESIRE.
It is imperative to understand DESIRE is the ROOT of ALL EVIL.The "I" is DESIRE. THE EGO feeds upon our Animal Desires. Animal Desire & Sex Magick are incompatible.
DESIRE and Raising the Sacred Serpent are as opposite as Hot and Cold, Yin and Yang, Electric and Magnetic, Male and Female, LOVE and HATE.
Samael Aun Weor wrote, "Where there is desire, there cannot be love, because LOVE and DESIRE are incompatible."
Aun Weor continues, "Not only does one fornicate physically, but fornication also exists in the Mental and astral worlds. Those who engage in lustful conversations, read OR watch pornographic films and magazines waste enormous reserves of energy."
Aun Weor continues, "Those poor people utilize the finest and most delicate substance of sex, wasting it miserably in the satisfaction of their brutal mental passions."
There are many adverse affects by consuming Pornography and giving into our Animalistic Desires.
When you engage in these adverse activities and your mind is in that state, it opens up the subconscious to all sorts of harmful effects and negative psychoactive chemicals. You are literally susceptible to being programmed by ANYTHING and ANYONE.
It's not a coincidence that One Company, aptly called MIND GEEK, owns the majority of the GloBAAL Porn Industry. Do NOT fool yourself: Porn is one the darkest, most vile forms of Black Magick.
Pornography is a FORM OF MIND CONTROL.
It is FREE because YOU are the PRODUCT.
Pornagraphy is used to manipulate the senses, turn people into slaves and rob them of their Creative, Sexual Energy. It pollutes your mind and conditions your perception of sex.
It injects the analogy into your subconscious, thus creating a society where everyone views everyone as an Object, a Sex Object. People become SLAVES to their desires, their minds are conditioned for instant gratification and quick dopamine hits.
People have become programmed to have no control or Mastery over the Sex Force, never learning the Art of Transmutation.
The mainstream world controls you by controlling your SENSE: Junk Food, Porn, Television, Shopping, Materialism, etc.
When you learn to feed the SOUL instead of the SENSES, then you are ready to attain Mastery of the Self.
These are the People of the Abyss, ENEMIES to the Holy Spirit.
GET Your Copy of "The Cup of Hermes ⚚: A Beginner's Guide to Sexual Alchemy' NOW:
Follow the Red Cross: The Formation of the Knight's Templar, Switzerland and the Central Banking System (Part ONE)🧵
In order to find the the HIDDEN HAND, you must simply follow the CROSS, but not any cross, the RED CROSS.
Why the Color RED? RUBEDO (REDNESS) is the fourth and final major stage in the Alchemical Opus. Both Philosophical Gold and the Stone of the Philosopher are associated with the color red, as rubedo signaled the alchemist was successful. To the Greeks, the Rubedo was referred to as Iosis. Take the "O", the 360° Circle, out of IOSIS, we are left with the ISIS, the Great Egyptian Mother Goddess of the Mystery Traditions.
Rubedo is represented in alchemical artwork as BLOOD, a phoenix, a rose, a crowned king, or a figure wearing Red Clothes. This will be significant later in this thread.
So where to begin to look?
The American Red Cross or ARC (What an interesting Acronym they chose) is a nonprofit humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness education in the United States.
Most are familiar with the Logo of the Red Cross, it is the Literal flag of of Denmark and Switzerland 🇨🇭 . This must be a coincidence, right? No.
Let's focus on the Swiss, everyone has hear the phrase "I Am Switzerland" as in "I am Neutral". Oh, how misleading and, straight up, deceitful. Although, I mustGreat ( Propaganada) Marketing, though, I must admit.
Quick History Lesson on Switzerlan (Agaunum): The Descendants of the Ancient Pharaohs of Khem (Egypt) after being conquered, displaced and humbled, went into hiding. During that time, they began to form sleeper cells in order to stay organized, although displaced and no longer in power, there goal was always to RULE again, and not just Egypt, but the the Entire WORLD. So, they decided to play the long game and convertly displace governments and city states through different strategic tatics, the Art of War 101. They decided why act out in the open when they can simply do just as much damage in the shadows.
Chess, not Checkers.
In the 3rd Century, approximately 286 AD, the Theban Legion or the Martyrs of Agaunum were a group found by these Pharaonic Bloodlines. The Pharaonic Group need to make a statement, they needed Martyrs. All GOOD Church's are built upon the RED BLOOD of Martyrs. The Martyrs of Aganunum (now Switzerland) was Roman Legion from Egypt of "six thousand six hundred and sixty-six men" led by Saint Maurice.
At Agaunum (Switzerland) Orders were given to (Saint) Mauritius but the Legion had refused to Sacrifice to the Emperor, to "Decimate" the Legion by putting to Death a 1/10th of its Men at a time, repeated Twice before the entire Legion was slaughtered.
You see? Switzerland was born from the BLOOD of Martyrs.
In 1119, The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon was formed by these Pharonic Bloodlines. They were better known as the Knight's Templar. They developed innovative financial techniques that were an early form of banking building a network of nearly 1000 commanderies and fortifications around Europe and the "Holy Land" and arguably forming one of the world's earliest multinational corporation. The Templars were FAR from a Monastic Order of Monks, they were purveyors of Usury and helped create th Debt Slave Model of today. It's an open secret the Templars established Switzerland, the Templars were being persecuted in France by King Philip IV of France and they fled EAST directly to where today is Switzerland.
On Friday the 13th, 1307, the Templars were burnt at the Cross for practicing Witchcraft, this is the accepted reasons by many but the truth is the Templars forcefully set up a banking (Usury) system in the Name of Jesus. The ones who survived went in to hiding with all their riches,any settled in Switzerland and continued to covertly build a worldwide Central Banking Systems; creating a spider web of control and deceit.
Follow the Red Cross: The Jesuits, Helena P. Blavatsky and Freemasonry (Part Two)
The Jesuits taking full control of the Vatican, helping to form the Jesuits, Black Nobility and Knights of Malta.
The "Founder" of the Jesuits, the Society of Jesus, was Ignatius of Loyola who simply a Puppet of Francis Borgia, who, of course comes from these Ancient Pharonic Bloodlines. It must never understood. They believe the Goyim (Masses) are no better than the dirt underneath their shoes, our blood is tainted AND they are superior, even, some viewing themselves as God's on Earth.
But Remember: Follow the RED CROSS, the Rosy Cross, another society that was infiltrated was the Rosicrucians. You can still find the Red Cross, not only the American Red Cross but the Salvation Army, another Jesuit plot to act as good Samaritan while using addicts and others for cheap labor.
The Jesuits, of course, began to set out on missions across the world in the Name of Jesus, oh, the DUPLICITY. The Society of Jesus is a Military Order thru and thru with the Same Goal: WORLD DOMINATION.
HPB writes, "Loyola proposed to his six chief companions that their Order should be a militant one, in order to fight for the interests of the Holy seat of Roman Catholicism. Two means were adopted to make the object answer; the education of youth, and proselytism (apostolat). This was during the reign of Pope Paul III, who gave his full sympathy to the new scheme. Hence in 1540 was published the famous papal bull – Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (the regiment of the warring, or militant Church) – after which the Order began increasingly rapidly in numbers and power.”
HPB writes, "The Jesuits have practised not only Occultism, but BLACK MAGIC in its worst form, more than any other body of men; and to it they owe in large measure their power and influence.”"
The Jesuits infiltrated every organization that could possibly oppose them in the future. For example, Freemasonry.
Helena P. Blavatsky writes, "The Jesuits . . . To give one instance of their success in throwing dust into the eyes of ordinary individuals to prevent their seeing the truths of Occultism, we will point out what they did in what is now called Freemasonry. This Brotherhood does possess a considerable portion of the symbolism, formulae, and ritual of Occultism, handed down from time immemorial from the primeval Initiations. To render this Brotherhood a mere harmless negation, the Jesuits sent some of their most able emissaries into the Order, who first made the simple brethren believe that the true secret was lost with Hiram Abiff; and then induced them to put this belief into their formularies. They then invented specious but spurious higher degrees, pretending to give further light upon this lost secret, to lead the candidate on and amuse him with forms borrowed from the real thing but containing no substance, and all artfully contrived to lead the aspiring Neophyte to nowhere. And yet men of good sense and abilities, in other respects, will meet at intervals, and with solemn face, zeal and earnestness, go through the mockery of revealing “substituted secrets” instead of the real thing.”
The Society of Jesus is “the insatiable monster feeding on the brain and marrow of humanity, and developing an incurable cancer on every spot of healthy flesh it touches".
Dr. Kenneth Mackenzie writes, "Their spies are everywhere, of all apparent ranks of society, and they may appear learned and wise, or simple or foolish, as their instructions run. There are Jesuits of both sexes, and all ages, and it is a well-known fact that members of the Order, of high family and delicate nurture, are acting as menial servants in Protestant families, and doing other things of a similar nature in aid of the Society's purposes. We cannot be too much on our guard, for the whole Society, being founded on a law of unhesitating obedience, can bring its force to bear on any given point with unerring and fatal accuracy."
Follow the Red Cross: Helena P. Blavatsky, the Jesuits and the Formal Rejection of the Theosophical Society (Part THREE)🧵
It must be mentioned when HPB was busily engaged in writing “The Secret Doctrine,” a member of the Roman Catholic Church (Jesuit Agent) was sent to offer her 25,000 Francs (a tremendous amount of money in those days!) if she would agree not to say anything about Christianity and the Church in the book. Obviously, she declined the offer or, more correctly, the BRIBE. Helena P. Blavatsky found the Theosophical Society with the intention of finding and understand one thing: TRUTH.
But Blavatsky knew, "The time may come, when their wealth will be violently taken from them for the poor, and they themselves mercilessly left to be destroyed amidst the general execrations of all Nations and peoples. There is a Nemesis called KARMA, tho’ often it allows evil-doers to go on successfully for centuries. Meanwhile, who has ears – “let him hear."
Now, it is speculated by René Guénon that Blavatsky had acquired all her knowledge naturally from other books not from any supernatural masters, he claimed HPB was nothing more than a Master Plagiarist.
Guenon points out that Blavatsky spent a long time visiting a library at New York where she had easy access to the works of Jacob Boehme, Eliphas Levi, the Kabbala and other Hermetic treatises.
Even if Blavatsky learned this knowledge from different sources, who didn't? That's how information spreads. But what is interesting after Blavatsky's death the later leaders of The Theosophical Society such as Annie Besant, C. W. Leadbeater or Alice Bailey, who went on to found her own organisation, the Lucis Trust, NEVER spoke out against the Catholic Church, Black Nobility or the Jesuits. Perhaps, they took the bribe.
Indeed, these three even spoke favourably of Catholicism, with Leadbeater eventually co-founding a so-called Theosophical church known as the Liberal Catholic Church (complete with confession and absolution of sins by its priests and an affirmed belief in the apostolic succession of the Church of Rome!) and announcing the impending Second Coming of Christ and Alice Bailey informing her readers that the “Master Jesus” was planning to eventually travel to Rome in order to become the new Pope, whereupon a glorious new era could begin for the Catholic Church, not to mention the almost enforced Christianisation of the Adyar Society and its literature by Annie Besant under Leadbeater’s dominating influence.
All the while H. P. Blavatsky had previously written in Isis Unveiled, “The present volumes have been written to small purpose if they have not shown . . . that the apostolic succession is a gross and palpable fraud.”
In December 1887, Blavatsky printed an open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Primate of England. This editorial letter gave proof to show that "in almost every point the doctrines of the churches and the practices of Christians are in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus.
You see she BELIEVED in Jesus Christ but just not the Roman Catholic Jesus Christ. HPB writes, "He is a deified personification of the glorified type of the great Hierophants of the temples, and his story, as told in the New Testament, is an allegory, assuredly containing profound esoteric truths, but still an allegory."
Eternal Way: The Origin and Problem with the Abrahamic Religions 🧵
During the Jesuits Mission to Japan, (Saint) Francis Xavier, was welcomed by the Shingon Monks since he used Dainichi, the Japanese name for Vairocana, to designate the Christian God.
Vairocana, the Primordial Buddha, is the embodiment of the Concept of Śūnyatā (Emptiness/ Voidness/ Nothingness), the closest thing thst it could be compared to was the Kabbalistic Ain Aun Soph or the Egyptian Nun.
As Xavier learned about the nuances of the world, he substituted Dainichi to Deusu, derived from Latin Deus, which can arguably be linked to the Greek King of the GODS, Zeus.
But, who are the Secret Societies who have used this pyramidal structure to control the docile masses?
Eternal Way: The Origin & Problem with the Abrahamic Religions 🧵
"Of all the races on earth, the Aryans alone preserve the memory of their divine ancestors in their noble blood, which is mingled with the light of the Black Sun. All other races are the progeny of the Demiurge."
Miguel Serrano taught that the Aryans were the Descadents of the Mythical Hyperborean Divyas or Demi-Gods. Serrano believed the Hyperboreans and their descendants, the Celts, had dominated the whole world in the ancient past.
While Frederick C. Grant casts the Jews in the role of the Adversary of the Aryans, "Jews were regarded as the special people of the Demiurge and as having the special historical role of obstructing the redemptive work of the High God's emissaries."
The Way of the ANKH: The Numerical Doctrine of the Ancient Egyptian Serpents of Wisdom 🧵
Misconception: Ancient Egyptians Believed in Multiple Gods.
Truth: Each Deity was an aspect (avatar) of the ONE, the ONE who Remains NAMELESS: Each were Personifications of Cosmic Forces.
Herein lies the issue: There were MANY Different Creation Myths depending on the Nome (City-States) but each myth had similiar and unifying elements.
The Biblical Story of Genesis echoes the Hermopolis Creation Myth of the the Ogdoad of Khmunu, the original great gods of Iunu.
In the Hermopolis Version, the Priest Class believed that before the world was formed, there was a watery mass of dark, directionless chaos, a Great Cosmic Egg, if you will. In this chaos lived the Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis). These were four frog gods and four snake goddesses.
In Toltec Culture, Shamans were called Naguals meaning 'Awakened Ones'. Interestingly, Nagual, also, is the word for the Life Force Energy, the divinity within ALL. The Nagual taught of Seven Barriers to Awareness or Seven Gates of Dreaming.
The Toltec Shamans taught that there are Seven Gates which some correspond to the Seven Chakras (Energy Centers) of the Human Body. Dreamers must open ALL Seven of them, ONE at a time. These are the Entrances (IN+TRANCE!) & Exits to the Energy Flow of the Universe.
In Greek Mythology, Morpheus is the god of Dreams. He is the god who awakens others still SLEEPING in the DREAM (or 'The Matrix).
Not by Accident, the 2nd Tarot Card labeled Number ONE (or NEO) is 'The Magician' ('Dreamer') who positions his hands in the same manner as Morpheus.