This is such an abelist way to framing of how long COVID affects a whole family. Rather than highlighting the systemic issues that lead to CV families lives becoming smaller, it frames the risk aversion of an LC affected person as 'anxiety'…
Here the partner/spouse of the person suggests that a 'compromise' is needed, where the 'compromise' is basically the person with LC taking risks that could disable them forever if they get re-infected. 'Eating in a restaurant' for example is presented as a reasonable compromise
As someone suffering with LC (and extremely grateful for a spouse on exactly the same page as me), I would never compromise on this- because I know that this could very easily lead to me ending up with even greater disability- which would impact our family massively.
Yes, LC is a family issue- but the response isn't to gaslight those who are disabled into accepting greater risks, but rather creating a society that we can all live in. Please don't put out abelist shit like this.
It's hard enough as disabled people living in this abelist world, without having our very legitimate risk aversion framed as 'anxiety' and lack of wanting to take risks as 'lack of compromise'.... people who do this can frankly f off...
honestly, if you cannot understand why your spouse may not want to become even more disabled than they already are, and you cannot support them as they are, and need to gaslight them, perhaps worth looking at your internalised abelism rather than writing pieces about it.
Honestly, if my spouse didn't care about my health, and did not respect my boundaries around risk, I'd conclude that at some level they didn't really care enough for me to accomodate my needs. And that would be a pretty big deal.
Don't expect disabled people to 'compromise' and take risks with their health and lives just so you can have your outings and feel things are 'normal'. Rather advocate for systemic change, so we can all live our lives fully.
Our 'fear' about our health is not the problem - this is legitimate & real. The problem is the systemic normalisation of mass infection and a world where clinically vulnerable are at high risk doing 'regular' things... we shouldn't need to risk our health to lead full lives.
There are so many accomodations partners & friends can make that are not onerous (e.g. eating outside at restaurants). I don't understand at all why a friend/partner would insist on eating inside a restaurant when they know the risks associated with infection for their CV partner
Our family live life pretty fully - but with very sensible precautions that we're all comfortable with. I don't understand why someone wouldn't accomodate someone they lived with, cared about, loved in this way. Why would you push them to do something harmful for them?
I know that there are CV and disabled people who are in difficult relationships like this - where they are constantly being gaslit and emotionally abused for wanting to protect themselves and are sadly not always able to leave for many different reasons. Let's not normalise this.
This is a really good piece that breaks down the major issues with this terrible article. Thanks @wafmctfa for sharing.
The public health situation in Gaza is dire -
>1/2 million at risk of famine.
16% of children <2 are malnourished- 70% have had diarrhoea in the past 2 wks
>300,000 cases of resp infection & >200,000 with diarrhoea (1/2 in children under 5)…
This is entirely man-made- forced starvation and lack of clean water, crowding - all imposed by Israel with support from our govts. Please please speak up. We cannot be silent. Every day more children are dying. And this will continue until Israel is forced to stop.
We cannot as public health professionals remain silent in the face of one of the worst public health crises - entirely preventable, and deliberately imposed on an entire population by Israel and our leaders.
As govts take aim at Muslims & immigrants with blatant racism, your regular reminder that the most dangerous entities responsible for the most suffering and death are capitalism, capitalist hegemony, austerity, fascism, and ecocide (all of which are linked with white supremacy).
It's odd that all those who speak about the 'impacts of immigration' or 'multiculturalism', never speak about the huge impacts of capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy on the world- it's hard to imagine anything that has had greater impact on humans & their environment.
I speak to people who talk about authoritarian countries and dictatorships, grateful that they live in 'democracies' with absolutely no concept that they are also controlled by hegemony rather than dictatorship- and that their democracies have not been functional for a long time.
The CDC refuses to learn from UK failures of public health. School absences remained very high when isolation was dropped. Those who were economically inactive due to chronic illness increased. Dropping isolation means more ill people- more absences. It's not rocket science.
Even if you want to serve capitalist interests and get the most out of your employees (let's be frank- that's all they care about)- this is a really 'shoot yourself (and everyone else) in the foot' strategy.
Mitigations are important for health of people - which is important for productivity. Productivity correlates with health. It's amazing how people think so short term, and can't see what the evidence clearly shows in countries that have made the same mistakes.
Wrong. Studies of N95+ masks show that these work really well when used consistently. The Addenbrooke's study showed near 100% reduction in infection! The authors of this study clearly say that they did not measure SARS-CoV-2 transmission, so this conclusion is incorrect.
If this study shows anything, it's that HCWs may need better training in donning and doffing. Also, would've liked to see quantitative rather than qualitative fit tests (one of the limitations that the authors acknowledge).
It's pure physics really- it's like saying parachutes don't work because sometimes people don't deploy them properly.... well, then teach them how to deploy them. Don't encourage people to jump without them!
It's been nearly a yr of long COVID: POTS, PEM, debilitating fatigue. Here's what I've learned about my illness in the past year👇
1) My body hates heat (despite growing up in a hot desert climate). My POTS is *so much worse* in the hot sun. Just a short trip dropping daughter to school & back can floor me. Humid heat is worse than dry heat
2) Sleep matters a LOT. Poor sleep really worsens the POTS, the brain fog and the fatigue, and my functioning. Unfortunately, I also think my long COVID worsens my sleep. Melatonin, and Nytol help with this.
I find it interesting that even as the ONS publishes figures about the highest levels of labour shortages due to chronic illness ever, JCVI are taking away the only preventative measure (even if only partially effective) against long COVID in place from much of the population...
It's totally antithetical to public health. Once again, one has to consider that this can only be based on ideology, not evidence. The CDC by contrast presented very clear evidence as to why the whole population needed boosters. The JCVI is consistent in it's imcompetence.
We're talking about a disease that's been proven to cause very high levels of persisting symptoms as per the ONS long COVID survey in the UK population (2 million with LC, and 1.2 million with LC>1yr). These are UK official figures. JCVI's decision will harm millions.