If Gamer Gate 2 is going on can you gamers please make the leap to understanding that video games are the new Hollywood & if you understand how deeply corrupt Hollywood is, you can imagine combining Hollywood with Gambling & then imagine how much corruption could come from video games.
Video Games are the most important ground of youth socialization & indoctrination-- beyond public schools, video games represent the most determinative medium for political control in this era. Gamer Gate 1 stopped short of investigating the material networks of corruption in favor of grifting & grandstanding fake activism about "wokeness" -- launching the careers of myriad retards into the public arena-- please don't make the same mistakes.
I think the root of liberal psychosis is the notion that people are "irrational" -- or that people could be "irrational"-- when actually everything that is described as "irrational" by the liberal is perfectly rational from a higher plane of hermeneutics.
For instance, whenever the liberal says "These people are irrationally voting against their own interests" -- what they should instead realize is that they misunderstand the interests of those people-- because people are actually rational, their "irrational choice" is actually rational from a higher plane of hermeneutics.
The liberal describes "the rational" as a homogenous & monolithic thing-- there is only "one rational" -- a unipolar rationality-- there is "the rational" & "the irrational" -- the rational is single, the irrational is plural. It is not a coincidence that this "rationality" is the same thing as "the singularity" described by rationalist cyber-utopians.
Gotta admit that it’s pretty funny that it went from being “Yeah I’m cool with feminism or whatever” to “I’m not only a feminist, I am a woman.”
In the same way “masculine fashion” has gone from “beer guns sports” to “experimental hormone therapy raw meat sex trafficking”
If you think of western society as a eugenics experiment run by a min/maxxing AI for epigenetic sorting to create cyborg humanoid machines specialized to specific roles, like a mankind being warped into various strata of bees, this is what is occurring.
People are so stupid about this— Pitchfork was acquired by Conde Naste to do more vertically integrated lifestyle marketing, which meant getting paid big money to brand listening to Pop Music as being compatible with sophisticated urbane millennial hipsterdom, & it worked, & they made a lot of money for a while until social media destroyed the marketing/advertising utility of content farms. The Needle Drop has had a larger audience than Pitchfork in its entirety for years now.
Rock music still exists, there’s tons & tons of rock bands out there making great music, what doesn’t exist anymore is the “lifestyle brand” saturation of the 90s & 00s, of Rolling Stone, Spin, NME, Vice, & all the other assorted “indie rock lifestyle magazines” — there’s more money in the Taylor Swift fandom— who cares?
This just shows how metaphysically retarded people have become in thinking that editorial decisions are spawned by individual psychologies & not economic incentives— do you think the owners of Pitchfork would rather make more money marketing Beyonce albums or make less money marketing bands like Clap Yr Hands Say Yeah?
It’s very funny how the people who most hate “American Patriotism” are the biggest defenders of the American State.
It’s always some x-gen recent immigrant who is overcompensating for not being loyal to “the home country” but also not really being able to claim American Patriotism, the middle ground they can claim is absolute loyalty to the post-american globalist state.
It’s a means of being able to call americans who have been americans for over a century “unamerican” for criticizing the state.
I really don’t have anything to say anymore. I’ve been practicing not saying things. It’s much harder to just sit in silence, but it’s ultimately better. Whatever you say you’ll regret it.
There’s nothing being said on this ap that is worth your time. If you want to read books, read them— if you want to learn about something, learn about it— the only thing you can share in knowledge is a nod, “yup” or “nope” — “This book good.” “Yup.” “This book bad.” “Nope.”
There’s no need to engage in debate or discourse— if you see eye to eye, you say “do you see what I see?” & they say “yes.” If they say “no” — then there’s nothing else to say. People either see or they don’t— & the reasons for that transcend reason.
Utilitarianism "Effective Altruism" uniquely appeals to autists/socipaths -- as it is primarily about abstracting out of the particular reality of any given thing in order to standardize a univocal perspective upon things in general-- "avoiding bias" is rebranding what would otherwise be called myopic idiocy-- advocating for the interests of one class at the expense of another would be "bias" -- these days, advocating for the interests of humanity at the expense of "nature" is considered a "bias." Any proposition of "value neutrality" is always hiding a dogmatic assertion of value absolutism in the form of an abstract "equality" of valuelessness.
The word "arbitrary" is always tossed around in these circles to mean any recognition of a determinative particularity that actually distinguishes one thing from another thing, removed from the category of "things in general" -- to say "No actually this Thing is not the same as that Thing for non arbitrary reasons, but for absolutely determinative reasons" -- & they say "But that distinction is arbitrary" lol
"One man's absolutely meaningful determination is another man's trivia, & I am always the other man, as for me, everything is trivial. Humanity is but a blip in the uncaring void of the cosmos. We're space dust. We are a bridge to the AGI godhead which will move space dust around in its own arbitrary manner."