on October 10 Lisa Goldman, who is a contributing editor at New Lines Magazine, made a post which reached at least half a million people saying that she personally saw with her own eyes beheaded babies. No such photo exists. She intentionally spread genocidal atrocity propaganda
in October Matthew Gerz, who works at Media Matters, repeatedly spread the 40 beheaded babies hoax to millions of people, providing "progressive" covering to it given his background and position. Gerz has never acknowledged that he intentionally spread genocidal propaganda
after first repeating the 40 beheaded babies hoax from "reporters", Matthew Gerz then went back to later in October to "confirm" it via Dr. Chen Kugel, Israel's chief forensic pathologist, in a piece from an Israeli propaganda rag. But Chen Kugel lied:
now Matthew Gerz and Lisa Goldman, who both adamantly insisted that anyone denying the 40 beheaded babies hoax was an evil monstrous terrorist barbarian, have now moved on like nothing happened.
But I'm not going to let you move on, you depraved genocidal scumbags
I remember it like it was yesterday. Matthew Gerz came out with his screenshots from CNN reporters and Chen Kugel going "OOHH SO YOU STILL DENY IT?!?!?!? HOW DARE YOU DENY IT?!!? LISA GOLDMAN SAW THE PHOTOS WITH HER OWN EYES!!!"
that is how they laundered the Gaza genocide
hey @MattGertz, do you have any comment on this? Only one baby died on October 7 in crossfire, not beheaded. That is fact. So you willfully and intentionally spread and laundered genocidal atrocity propaganda to millions of people. Do you have any shame at all?
Lisa Goldman and Matthew Gertz are but two of many who repeated and laundered the 40 beheaded babies hoax. There are many more, and I have a list of them that I will soon publish to serve as a permanent public record of their genocidal depravity
I will not let you move on
btw do you know who else said he saw photos of beheaded babies repeatedly even after it was disavowed by his own White House?
the most grotesque depraved thing about the 40 beheaded babies hoax is that propagandist freaks like Lisa Goldman and Matthew Gertz fabricated, disseminated and laundered it so they could actually behead Palestinian babies en masse:
Matthew Gertz of Media Matters isn't responding to his intentional spreading and laundering of the 40 beheaded babies genocidal atrocity propaganda hoax, but he's crying about a Zionist maniac's literary essay being removed from some magazine. You can find him here: @MattGertz
people like Matthew Gertz are some of the most depraved scumbags alive. They hide their genocidal murderous Zionist depravity behind this veneer of liberal progressivism. "Look at me, I'm talking about how evil Trump is again for the 1000th time! Also kill all Palestinians!!!"
hey @MattGertz, you fucked up. You intentionally spread and laundered a genocidal propaganda hoax, browbeating everyone with it by waving around your "progressive liberal Media Matters" status, and thought you could just move on like nothing happened.
I won't let you move on
he's crying about Guernica magazine deciding to withdraw an essay from an Israeli Zionist freak who described bombs falling on Gaza as "good booms", but he hasn't said a word about the ongoing genocide and mass starvation he gleefully helped bring about and launder. You vile scum
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Why did the Israeli regime allow a Spanish celebrity chef do the bullshit "sea aid route" PR op for Biden as the Gaza genocide and famine is only getting worse?
Because that celebrity chef José Andrés fully backed the Gaza genocide and is now pretending to be a savior
José Andrés is one of the most depraved genocidal scumbags alive. He demanded Ione Belarra be fired for opposing the Gaza genocide, and now he's doing PR propaganda to deflect from the fact that the ever worsening famine is intentional Israeli and Biden policy
it's astonishing. They picked the guy who literally cheered on and demanded the genocide happen, smearing anyone who dared oppose it as an evil terrorist monster, to become the "Savior of Gaza". This is the Western media and political class with all its depravity on full display
Danny Cohen is one of the most crazed fanatical genocidal Zionists in the UK media class, writing endless tirades since October 7 demanding mass murder of Palestinians and claiming the BBC Is "pro-Hamas". Also the author of the Variety piece is their resident Zionist propagandist
Karen Yossman, Variety's resident genocidal Zionist, shamelessly churns out propaganda for her precious Israeli regime under the guise of "celebrity news reporting", and she's been doing it for months now, just openly and shamelessly
Karen Yossman loves repeating the "mass rape" atrocity propaganda hoax with "BELIEVE ISRAELI WOMEN!!!" Guess what she did before her Variety gig? She wrote a piece for Quillette arguing "MeToo has gone too far with BelieveAllWomen", defending Woody Allen
over the past months Destiny decided to do a "Israel-Palestine arc" to make money off of laundering an ongoing genocide, and he made millions from his deranged fans doing it. And what do they now say? That Norman Finkelstein is the grifter. This is a genocidal death-cult
that Timbah guy is a cunt who obsessively watched Destiny for years and now sees him as his parasocial best friend, and will follow him wherever he goes, including justifying an ongoing genocide. And he sees himself as a "progressive liberal". These are the lowest scum alive
that Timbah vermin cunt has made more money off his bullshit hack "OMG LOOK AT DAVE RUBIN LULZ LULZ" video essays than Norman has in his entire academic career, and he calls him a grifter. The man who was blacklisted from academia for his defense of Palestinians is the "grifter"
watched the full "debate" between Norman Finkelstein, Mouin Rabbani, Benny Morris and Destiny, and as expected it was a total waste of time aside from Norman and Mouin's parts. Morris is a deranged Zionist propagandist just spouting slogans, and Destiny just spouts Wikipedia:
Norman perfectly summed up the gusano grifter months ago, and it went exactly as expected. Quickly rattling off talking points from his pre-prepared Google Doc copy-pasted from Wikipedia to awe his cult redditor fanboys. A grotesque spectacle
it's so embarrassingly pathetic that they actually had a poll on who should debate Norman and Mouin and they came up with Benny Morris and Wikipedia-skimmer Destiny. Where is Ben Shapiro? Bari Weiss? Jake Tapper? Jordan Peterson? Bill Maher? They're hiding
the deranged hysterical push to ban TikTok is driven by the Zionist propaganda complex, the liberal and conservative media and political class, the national security state (CIA and FBI), and Silicon Valley Big Tech like Facebook and YouTube who are unable to compete with it
these are the same scum who claim the free market and competition are sacrosanct, as well as those grifters like Bari Weiss who have been whining incessantly about "online censorship" as they cheer on the banning of an entire social media platform. The entire ruling class united
the most grotesque thing about the propaganda is that Twitter is partly owned by the Saudi regime which uses it to arrest dissidents, and Facebook and Google actually spy on its users and infringes on their privacy and gives that data to the FBI and sells it on the open market
Bill Ackman has admitted the main reason he became obsessed with pushing Zionist censorship at colleges is because his daughter became a Marxist, likely also critical of Israel, while at Harvard. This is the nightmare of every Zionist: escape from their genocidal indoctrination
a key element of the Israel lobby propaganda network that includes Ackman is focused on colleges. This is the reason for their anti-"woke" hysteria, whining about DEI and affirmative action bringing too many blacks and browns into college who are more sympathetic to Palestinians
this is why the Israeli lobby and its agents like Bill Ackman and Bari Weiss want to turn colleges into a huge safe space for Zionism. Look how they react when they are confronted with anything that bursts their genocidal Zionist propaganda bubble: