SBI game Flintlock by @a44games has been overrun by woke:
"I used to work there. Flintlock was a good project with lots of potential, then it was ruined."
Before I go further, please note this is rumor from a source that seems very knowledgeable about the studios inner workings. Take that as it is. If others would like to verify, please DM me anon.
The CEO and COO at a44 are no longer with the company, but the damage seems to have been done.
The good devs at a44, I tell you how to fix it at the end of this thread.
Did you know the protagonist of Flintlock used to be white?
When COO (and Casting Director) Andrea Topps Harjo joined the studio, her first actions were to change the character to hire Sweet Baby Inc. and change the main character to a PoC.
This marked the beginnings of the problems with the game and studio.
Audrea Topps-Harjo is rumored to have used the company's funds and manpower to power her personal agenda and projects, on initiatives not related to the game or even the studio itself.
One such initiative that I found is InclusionFX, a VFX company and advocacy company with shades of Sweet Baby Inc. Here is the bio from the company.
She held this position at Flintlock at the same time she ran InclusionFX.
I asked and confirmed:
"Yea, I have witnessed our UI artists making art assets for its website as their sprint tasks."
Aside from working with Sweet Baby Inc. and making changes to the game, Audrea also directed numerous changes in HR in her role as COO.
In 2021, most developers were denied raises, and evaluations were postponed for at least 6 months. Audrea told HR to inform anyone who complained or asked questions that the reasons is "Is because I said so."
She also ordered the HR department to HIDE the salaries of the top execs of the company.
HR tried to help, but were unable to get past this. The team was worried about the studio finances.
Meanwhile, the new hires and changes to the game resulted in a project where "These people know nothing about how a video game is made"
After nearly 2 years of these DEI changes at a44, the damage had been done.
At this point the studio was purchased for $175m (an unusually high sum for a small studio, btw) by Kepler Interactive in Sept of 2021, a gaming collective fund whose founder also founded the Kowloon Knights gaming fund.
It was at this point that Audrea, the COO, left the company. Perhaps this was the start of a clean-up of the game's troubles?
The state of the game is unknown at this time, but is believed to be in shambles after this 2 year round of DEI changes.
As we now know, a44 reached out to Kabrutus to refute SBI's involvement, saying they are no longer involved and all their changes reversed.
But when Kabrutus asked for proof, they refused to speak to him any further.
Here is my advice to Kepler and the good folks left holding the bag at a44:
- You reverted the SBI changes. Good! Announce that you have terminated services with SBI and watch your PR soar. Gamers will flock to you. Don't try to hide it.
- Keep your MC a PoC but don't tokenize the character. Make it a great character with quality writing, one we can all love.
- Remove any sermons or preachiness or anti-white, anti-male racism and sexism from the game if it still remains. Don't lecture your audience.
Embrace the gamer, and they will embrace you.
Good luck and my genuine best wishes.
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X is pretty good for gaming news, but could be better. Instead of starting a new website for gaming news, it would be cool to be able to build a hub on X.
One feature that would be neat is if you could create a "landing page" for your account that let you tile and arrange your current X posts and articles, almost like a front-page.
I think this would be useful for getting the top stories you cover on X and establishing your profile brand at the top.
The best trust is your own eyes. That's why video is the number one way that people form their opinions on games. They want to be able to see the gameplay and judge for themselves, rather than have it filtered by an article.
Even if there is commentary, people can see the game and tell if they agree or disagree with it.
The other thing that needs to happen is the removal of access journalism. Game companies offer too many perks, favors and early access to a carefully chose group of streamers and youtubers.
An incentive structure would have to be in place to encourage free and honest speech about games without threat of publisher reprisal by cutting off access.
A modest plan to preserve the purity of Warhammer 40k.
I know many 40k fans are disheartened and angered by the gaslighting female Custodes debacle, and now there is more and more pressure to make 40k female Space Marines and Emperor knows what else.
Games Workshop continues to entertain the destruction of their lore and their game to satisfy the mythical, non-existent “modern audience” while spurning and even disparaging their core tabletop audience, who buys thousands of dollars worth of minis, codexes and supplements, by calling them all sorts of nasty names.
I also know that you love the hobby and many are loath to abandon it or are unable to resist the plastic crack to do anything like a full boycott (I’m there with you, but I have a technique).
You don’t have to.
For over a year, we’ve run a successful campaign in video games to push back against the mind virus ruining our hobbies.
We did it by voting with our wallets and being very vocal. Now, giant companies like Ubisoft are on the edge of folding, and medium and small publishers are embracing gamer feedback and sentiment. You can do this too, and you don’t need to swear off 40k to do it. You just need the mantra “underperform expectations.”
A short thread 🧵
Games Workshop is a public company. They are very sensitive to their stock price and investors sentiment.
They are also expected to deliver results quarter after quarter, year after year. If a single quarter shows a decline, it’s a big headache for management.
You must rally and time your activities to these quarters, which often have major releases to try to “goose the numbers” and show demand, which increases the stock price. It’s like when rent is due at the end of the month, except on a stock basis.
GW will issue “stock guidance” which is their prediction of sales and how well they will do based off sales predictions.
If they fail to meet their guidance, the stock market punishes them heavily.
This is why you don’t need an absolute boycott to win. You just need them to “underperform expectations.”
This is exactly what happened with Star Wars Outlaws and Dragon Age Veilguard. They still sold over a million copies, but they missed internal targets. For a public company, underperforming, even while selling well, is enough to cause and emergency panic with shareholders.
I received exclusive information from someone who has completed the game which clears up many rumors.
(Note, game director Daniel Vavra JUST posted clarification, he is 100% telling it to you straight)
According to this player, who wants to clear the air so the game can succeed, this is the exact content of the game’s main storyline (not all side quests completed):
A thread (con't)
- Yes, Henry can romance other characters in the game.
- Henry can romance another male, however, this is not forced upon the player in any way.
- Similar to how Bioware did romance checks, you must a) Initiate the dialog and b) pass around 5 dialog choice romance checks without missing one in order to unlock this romantic partner. You have to go out of your way to do this and do it over the course of half the game.
- The dialog options for the male romance are treated very secretive, VERY taboo and in line with the historical times.
- The romance scene is extremely brief, and entirely skippable. 5 seconds of kissing total and 5 seconds of them on the bed naked: “No one is hanging dong and they are just on top of each other kissing. The other cutscenes with Henry and women are much more vulgar haha.”
They are trying to cancel Notch and Minecraft 2 all over again, including using AI run accounts to do it.
I dissect the playbook here and how they go after targets.
This post went viral attracting the creator of Minecraft through distortion, false implications and outright lies.
I've seen these tactics before, they've been used to try to cancel myself, and I can't stand to see it being used against Notch just because he is making Minecraft 2.
A thread🧵 (cont')
The first attack is to falsely correlate Notch's sale of the company with some bad event.
This is untrue, as Notch corrected himself.
He is no longer with Minecraft not because of "bad rerasons" but because he sold it...for 2.1B (Billion) dollars in 2014. This is a great success story and has zero to do with any controversies or "bad things" as the attacker is trying to imply here.
In fact, at the time, the mainstream press wasn't busy cancelling him and held him up as the success he is, giving him full credit and lauding how he awarded staff with huge bonuses at the time of the sale.
This is what I call a timeline fallacy. Notch was cancelled later in 2019, many years afterwards. But when doing a timeline fallacy, what they do is to imply causation even when the dates are flipped or do not support the argument. They try to imply a later event is what drove some earlier event to make it seem like a bad thing.
(con't) 🧵
The attacker then uses the JK Rowling attack against Notch.
They made up broad claims about your thoughts, positions and character, wildly misrepresenting your stance, by claiming you "said things" that you actually didn't, never posting the original tweets.
Here the poster is claiming that Notch posted transphobic and racist "shit" but never cites the actual posts. The JK Rowling attack is where you claim someone said X and Y or believes Z, but never cite the actual text, often wildly taking things out of context, or blowing them up out of proportion, or "mind reading" the author.
Well I was there on X when he made them and this is out of line.
Notch has never been against people being trans. What he was against was the persecution and control of everyone else that the trans and woke movements were doing. You can decide for yourself:
- Notch, like Rowling, stated "No, they feel like are" in response to a post that said "trans women are women."
- Notch called feminism a "social disease" during the GG1 days.
- The big one, the one that got him cancelled? He posted "It's okay to be white."
After he tweeted it's okay to be white, the cancellation crowd swooped in and Microsoft caved. They removed him from the title screen, and snubbed him by not inviting him to the 10th anniversary celebration. This was at the height of cancel culture in 2019.
Polygon, and the mainstream media, including Variety, repeated the attack, once again telling you what they thought he said, vs what he *actually* said.
Mouthwashing. The popular indie psychological horror game, is embroiled in controversy. A summary of what happened and how Asmongold triggered one of the devs who went off on a rant about how the "anti-wokes" have found the game and are not welcome to play.
Mouthwashing is a short but well received indie game that went viral.
Everything was going great until some very sensitive people started to harass artists for making fan drawings of one of the characters, Anna.
They were upset her breasts were drawn larger, or put into more revealing clothing.
The harassment got so bad that one artist was forced to apologize. It was the usual twitter mob that goes after artists whenever they do a fanart "wrong."
(con't) 🧵
Source: Art by SpoiledMuffin, Rakusakugk, and USA.
One artist was bullied so hard that they felt forced to apologize to the trolls.
It was then that the developers took a great stand and condemned the harassment.
The fervor died down, but was brought to light again by @Asmongold, who made a video praising the developer response.
This, it turns out, did not sit well with one of the developers of the game.
It was then that @siarate, one of the game's sound designers and composers, went off on how the anti-woke crowd had found the game, and that this was making him "sick to his stomach."
He blasted Asmongold, but also, earlier, had made a tweet about myself and how I was "not welcome at the table." (I had never commented on the game at the time).
When confronted, he doubled down, saying that Asmongold's comments meant "anti-woke means anti-gay and anti-me as a dev" and that he does not want Asmongold playing because it was "making me feel like absolute sh*t".
DnD creators, Gygax and others, are erased and slandered at the same time.
WoTC and Hasbro just released the new Players Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide, as well at the 40th Anniversary "Making of DnD" book whose foreward slams the original creators and attempts to distance themselves.
I spoke with one of the original creators, Rob Kuntz @threelinestudio , about the problem.
One of the main issues, cited Rob, the last surviving member of the OG crew, were the "DnD Historians" who write books and articles about the hobby and are left-leaning and continually slam the "problematic" creators and early books.
The problem? Not once did they ever reach out or ask to interview Rob or many other original creators.
Rob met Gary Gygax when he was a teenager, and joined the company soon after. He co-authored "Deities & Demigods with Jim Ward (whom I had the pleasure of playing in his recreation of the Greyhawk campaign. He is greatly missed.). Rob also assisted Gygax with the creation of the Greyhawk campaign setting.
Rob was so upset by the foreward in "Making of DnD" that he posted a rebuttal on his X account.
There are a few big lies in the Forward to the official WotC DnD history book:
- DnD promoted slavery.
- DnD made evil dragons female to be misogynistic.
- DnD culturally appropriated Deities and made players fight them in an act of (deliberate) disrespect.
These claims were "backed up" by DnD "historian" @BenRiggs_ in his viral thread attacking OG DnD creators, and were echo'd and amplified by others, widely spreading the lie.
The first claim is largely based on the module "Slave Pits of the Undercity", but one glance at the cover shows that the players are fighting AGAINST slavers and called them "the forces of evil."
But that didn't stop Ben or the Foreward from claiming that DnD was "making light" of slavery in his foaming attack thread.