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Official Twitter of Mark Kern, CEO & Designer. Former Team Lead for OG World of Warcraft. Producer, Diablo 2, Starcraft. Chrono Trigger is best game.
Hecate's Crossroad #QVArmy Profile picture 🇬🇧DR.Renton🐸🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐PM-Elect✝️🇧🇷🇮🇹⌛️🥓🤣🐶 Profile picture kiddphunk Profile picture Faeryl Profile picture fche Profile picture 15 subscribed
Jul 17 18 tweets 4 min read
The Cancel Culture history lesson in gaming is still growing, but I've compiled all my examples so far into one thread. Just read through replies.
Jun 19 4 tweets 5 min read
Something big happened yesterday and most people missed it. Every theory we had about the uglification of women in AAA gaming turned out to be true.

Look at what happened to Jean Grey from @insomniacgames Marvel's Wolverine from these leaked early screenshots of the first, beautiful model, to the masculine, world weary version we have today. They are ruining @Marvel

And yes, Marvel's Wolverine is a Sweet Baby Inc. game.

We were told it was the difficulty of scanning actors, or just tricks of light and bad screencaps. We were told we were incels for even questioning it. As a game dev, I knew this was BS. As gamers, YOU knew it was BS from comparisons with Asian games.

Yesterday, we found out.

A Principle Artist (read this as lead) at major studios including Naughty Dog, Rocksteady and Respawn told the truth...

(con't) 🧵Image
Yesterday, a Principle Artist (lead) at major studios such as @Naughty_Dog, @RocksteadyGames and @Respawn talked about his frustration at trying to get his designs for beautiful female characters approved at AAA studios.

Every time he concepted the, every time he pitched them, every time he brought it up at meetings, he was ignored.

Inexplicably, each character went from beautiful to "grocery store aunties." Each revision worse than the last.

This is no fan of gamers or GG2, this is a liberal, woke dev, with seemingly a lot of talent, who is bringing you this information. And he hates to have you use it, but he feels strongly enough that even he has to say something.

This is no myth. This is no conspiracy theory, this is happening in AAA and you were RIGHT all along.

Why is this happening?

May 23 7 tweets 6 min read
Something is happening with Homeworld 3 @HomeworldGame published by @GearboxOfficial

- Gamers are being banned for asking about the story or DEI or SBI involvement.

- The story has been changed.

- The Managing Director of Narrative Properties for Gearbox has vanished.

I asked @TArchcast if I could summarize his excellent videos here. A thread. 🧵Image Moderators on the game's official boards have started to hand out bans for anyone criticizing the story, or asking if DEI or Sweet Baby Inc. was involved in any way.

Fans reached out to myself and @kabrutusrambo who has placed the game on his DEI detected website.

While Sweet Baby Inc. does not appear to be involved. Kabrutus's community sent him receipts of other DEI involvement (con't)Image
May 17 7 tweets 6 min read
I have a love for miniature gaming, even if I collect minis and books more than I play.

So I'm sad to hear about a Warhammer alternative grim-dark project that just Self-Destructed through needless woke knee-jerk reactions by the dev team.

Let's talk Trench Crusade @TrenchCrusade 🧵Image Trench Crusade is a miniature game where Templars discover and unleash demon hoards, are corrupted, and the Church now has to wage a crusade against the corrupted Templars.

Sounds really cool.

It started to take off. Gamers started to back it and talk about it on social media.

And as soon as it started to get popular (as always), the cultural marxists moved in.

But it turns out, the game was already infected. (con't)Image
May 4 4 tweets 4 min read
The Helldivers Community Team is the worst I've seen in gaming.

They are also extremely political, woke, and hate gamers.

Let's take a look at the lead first, Baskinator.

I've written about Baskinator before, and since then she both removed the flags in her bio but has since replaced them, as if we wouldn't notice.

She is a DEI advocate and appears to hate men, gamers, and white people.

Next up, Spitz. (con't) 🧵Image
Spitz ignited the PSN backlash with (his?) mocking of people who complained about the PSN policy. This extremely unprofessional approach to legitimate game issues that block thousands of gamers in non-PSN countries made the problem much worse for Arrowhead.

He is also a reddit mod, of course, and appears to be very anti-gamer

And next up is Misty (con't)Image
May 4 4 tweets 4 min read
Helldivers 2, what happened?

A summary of the current PSN controversy for people just coming up to speed. A thread. 🧵

On May 2, at 11:30pm PST, the official @helldivers2 X account posted a requirement that all Steam players on PC must create and register a Playstation PSN account to continue playing the game, or be locked out.

PC players, who had been playing for months without this requirement, took to social media in droves to protest the new change.

The controversy is one of the biggest in recent gaming news and there were several reasons why players were upset: (con't)Image PC players wanted nothing to do with having to create an account on another platform in order to continue enjoying their favorite game.

- Players felt this was a data grab move to bolster Sony PSN numbers and harvest their information.

- Players did not want to support Sony, and felt that their data was at risk due to several large profile @Playstation data breaches

- Joining PSN required agreement to PSN's TOS, which many viewed as more restrictive and arbitrary than Steam's TOS, giving Sony too much power to ban or regulate their accounts for the game.

- The game was sold on Steam in 190 countries, but 120 of these countries do not allow or have access to PSN, locking out a huge number of players who are unable to comply but had paid for the game.

- Even though PSN was listed as a requirement on the sales page of Helldivers 2, it was not enforced due to what @ArrowheadGS claimed was a technical issue. Players felt this was a bait-and-switch tactic, as many said they would have never bought the game had they known of the requirement.Image
Apr 26 10 tweets 5 min read
The 8 step plan to #FreeStellarBlade

Show them gamers win. Restore the original game to what was promised.

A thread 🧵 Image Step 1:

reached out to Kim Hyung Tae, creator of Stellar Blade. While we have had some casual DMs before, I sent him this, this morning. Launch day is very busy. He will not be in the office for some time, or if he is, it will be in meetings. So I don't expect to hear back. That's not the point. The point is to get the ball rolling.

Apr 19 6 tweets 6 min read
Part 2:

How one Community Manager stole all of Battletech.

Meet Rem Alternis, the new Community Manager and Marketing Director of @catalystgamelab and owner of diverse and inclusive content consulting company @RemAlternis

Over the past year, she engineered a literal Marxist takeover of every fan community for Battletech and made it her own.

According to an interview with Sarna, she has played a sum total of two games of Battletech.


(Thanks to @mage_leader and @RAZ0RFIST for details)

A thread.🧵Image
There were 2 main fan community hubs for Battletech, subreddit, and the Demo Team. She went after the subreddit first.

The fan owned and run subreddit r/Battletech used to be very active. They had a Helldiver's like "no politics" rule.

When the fanfic "Battletech Pride Anthology" was posted, mods took it down, similar to how Helldivers took down posts about pride capes in their own game. The rule was fair, it cut both ways.

But this didn't sit well with Rem, the pride authors, or with r/sigmarxism, a well known extreme left hive that pushes politics into Warhammer and other tabletop games. They complained, loudly.

Rem, with Catalyst, started a new "official" subreddit and started to officially promote the Pride Anthology.

Apr 15 9 tweets 6 min read
Games Workshop @warhammer LIES about CUSTODES and RETCONS LORE, gender FLIPPING them in the new 10th edition codex for woke points (and possibly to prep for larger changes ahead...aka rumored female Space Marines).

I'll PROVE it in this thread. (con't)🧵

Warhammer 40k is a grimdark sci-fi tabletop game that is the #1 miniature gaming IP in the world.

The Adeptus Custodes are the Emperor's inner guard and much stronger, better in every way than space marines.

Introduced in the Rogue Trader rules in 1987 as MEN from the VERY START.Image
Apr 11 8 tweets 3 min read
WE can fix AAA games. YOU can fix AAA games.

My foolproof plan you can take action on TODAY.

A very short plan 🧵, because it's simple! Image AAA Games are overrun with woke politics, lousy live service where it doesn't belong, $130 dollar Ubisoft AAAA games and ugly female characters for no reason!

There are TWO main causes for this:

1) ESG based funding.
2) Fleets of activist game devs.

It's hitting from top to bottom.
Mar 28 7 tweets 4 min read

Microsoft @Xbox mandates changes at studios, hire @SweetBabyInc, erases white characters.

I spoke to ex-devs at two different studios who say DEI is ruining and altering games and studio culture.

Changes happened after Xbox meddling.

I have reasonably confirmed that the devs I spoke to used to work at the studios in question, @AvalancheSwede and @CompulsionGames.

Both Studios are also listed on the Sweet Baby Detected website.

(con't) Image
Mar 27 8 tweets 6 min read
SBI style consulting company @blackgirlgamers threatens legal action over That Park Place gaming website over "defamatory allegations."

They go to say they will pursue legal action against ANYONE who links to That Park Place's article or spreads it in any manner.


Black Girl Gamers claims that they were falsely claimed to have been employing discriminatory hiring practices. by

A quick check reveals that the article states BGG "appears to be discriminating in their hiring practices..."

Link here:

I verified that the BGG post "Looking for Black Women Content Creators" was made on Feb 19 and is still up on their X account at this…Image
Mar 23 6 tweets 4 min read
Kotaku Editor Alyssa Merante (@Alyysa_Merc) has a weird grudge against @MelonieMac and wants to fight her.

Now she has convinced @Kotaku to let her write a hit piece on Melonie, calling out to anyone with rumors for ammo.

This is not journalism, it's anger, and a power play.🧵 Image Kotaku's editor-in-chief resigned, leaving a power vacuum at the top.

Alyssa and Carolyn Petit are the only editors left and would be next in line for the EIC promotion.

Alyssa has convinced G/O Media to let her continue to write "news" while Kotaku pivots to gaming guides.

She cites how her prior hit-piece on @KabrutusRambo was the 2nd highest traffic article on Kotaku. She likely leveraged this to get G/O Media to agree.Image
Mar 21 8 tweets 4 min read
Proof Sweet Baby Inc. ruins games:

SBI game Flintlock by @a44games has been overrun by woke:

"I used to work there. Flintlock was a good project with lots of potential, then it was ruined."

🧵(Con't) Image Before I go further, please note this is rumor from a source that seems very knowledgeable about the studios inner workings. Take that as it is. If others would like to verify, please DM me anon.

The CEO and COO at a44 are no longer with the company, but the damage seems to have been done.

The good devs at a44, I tell you how to fix it at the end of this thread.
Mar 16 10 tweets 5 min read
Okay, lets talk about @MattWalshBlog . I'm going to upset a lot of conservatives with this but it's important to go in with eyes wide open.

Matt Walsh is a net benefit, but he's using you, and everything has a cost.

What Matt is doing here is called "framing," specifically by setting up a straw-man argument. Framing puts an issue into a new perspective favorable to the persuader and changing the discussion to their benefit.

Gamers are upset with Matt about slamming games, but he carefully reframes it here as the victim "I'm not allowed to talk about games." And it conveniently changes the topic (because of his reach), and ignores the facts of what started it all.

Gamers aren't saying he can't talk about games, they are saying he has been playing both sides: hating games and deriding them, then riding the publicity wave opportunistically, for profit (which is not bad in my book, just don't be naïve).

This is similar to how Journalists treated SBI by omitting the triggering event from their stories, and tried to reframe it as "harassment by gamers" (a falsehood). They are trying to get you to forget and talk about it in a new "frame."

Different topic, same technique. (con't) Back in Gamergate 1, Gamers were also upset about journalists re-framing the issue of corruption in journalism as a "hate campaign" by falsely reporting, omitting facts and gaslighting. The gaming journalists and activists succeeded in that sense and the Wikipedia entry forever enshrines a falsehood.

If you want to see the real story of gamergate, just look at the Chinese version, which portrays the real facts without omission, buzzwords or editorializing.Image
Mar 5 8 tweets 3 min read
Legobutts from Sweet Baby Inc., Zoey Quinn's "PR person" and Sarkeesian, worked hard to hide the real reason Gamergate happened.

Wikipedia, a woke hive filled with Cancel Pigs, was complicit. Compare the US version to the Chinese version where they had less influence:
US Game Journalists, who considered themselves "valuable allies" more than truth finders, actively lied and obfuscated and smeared gamers for an entire year.

These false articles, of course, were now referenced by Wikipedia as factual sources. The circle of lies was compete.
Jun 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Blizzard would never ship Starfield at 30fps on consoles.

Today’s question: Starfield, is 30fps good enough?

What would OG Blizzard do?

Since I wrote the system specs for WoW, you’re about to find out why. Image First, let’s address the elephant in the room.

WoW was not a 60 fps title at launch.

In fact, we were happy with 20 fps on our min spec hardware, and even that was tough to do.

Why then, do I say we should have never done less than 60fps if we made Starfield for consoles? Image
May 27, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Modern game dev sensibilities.

I’ve seen this attitude a lot.

So many devs have forgotten the gamer is why we make games.

This dev thread makes it quite clear his master is the investor amd himself, not the game experience for gamers.

Narcissistic to the core. I used to do theater, and the director used to always remind us that audiences paid good money for their seats so we damn well better put on a good show.

She warned us that acting for ourselves was just an act of self indulgence.

I’ve carried this idea to the core of the games……