The way I see it, we are at a paradox, a crossroads in the Great Awakening.
We all know about the generational vampire cult of satanic ped0philes that run the world
We all know the Rothschilds are at the very top of the pyramid and the head of this cult
We all said we wanted to ‘save the children’
Yet the modern state of Israel was literally created by the satanic Rothschilds as their final project, their 'keystone' as the headquarters for a one world government. Today, it is a known safe haven for pedophiles, human traffickers, war criminals and tyrants that are massacring Palestinian children and civilians by the thousands.
Yet many of you are deafeningly silent about it.
Roths gained control of the entire world with central banking usury debt slavery.
The Rothschild created state of Israel used Epstein style sexual pedo blackmail ops to gain control of world governments and their leaders
Israel used false flags like 9/11 as the pretext to get the US and other nations to fight their wars. They were involved in 9/11 (Dancing Israelis); they killed JFK to stop him from inspecting their illegally acquired nuclear sites and forcing them to register AIPAC as a foreign lobby.
Nearly every single theme in the Q drops ties back to Israel: JFK, 9/11 inside job, central bank tyranny, Epstein, generational vampire cult of satanic pedophiles, the globalist New World Order agenda, all of it. It’s plainly obvious by now that Israel is the ‘keystone’ and the head of the snake.
Yet, so many of you still “stand with Israel.”
Understand, this does not mean innocent people of Israel, of course, as brainwashed as they may be, because people are not their corrupt governments, but the modern state of Israel was founded by satanic Rothschilds) this is a fact.
Now, after the blatant inside job of October 7 gave them the pretext to falsely justify it, Israel is brutally massacring and depopulating an entire Nation of CHILDREN (as they’ve done before and used the US to do in all of their other illegal wars) but now at a brazen level never before seen, live-streamed to the world.
They’re so arrogant that they got away with the 9/11 cover up that they are now live streaming a genocide to the world with impunity.
Yet, so many of you are silent about it.
Even the biggest shill for Israel, Alex Jones, now finally admits it’s a genocide. Denying they’re targeting civilians at this point is completely delusional. How much horrific footage do you need to see? It’s been everyday now for 5 months straight.
Everyone said they wanted to “save the children” until it was thousands of Palestinian children being slaughtered at the hands of Israel.
“It’s not my country” some of you will say, but then feign concern for the trafficked children on Haiti and elsewhere while our tax dollars fund the g-nocide and murder of children Palestine.
You claim to want to protect the children from trafficking, abuse and worse, but the horrific murder of children at the hands of the Rothschild created state of Israel is being live streamed to the world and so many are silent about it, pretending not to notice.
Did it only matter to you when it was sexual abuse done by elite pedophiles like Skippy and Killary?
Does it not matter when children are being massacred by the thousands? How does this kind of hypocrisy make any sense?
Yet this is exactly what the Rothschild created state of Israel is doing, massacring children by the thousands, and so many are shamefully silent about it.
So many became neocons overnight supporting Israel’s wars again with the same Bush/Cheney brain-rot mentality.
Many Trump supporters and anons are understandably just confused and hesitant to speak about it because Trump/Flynn (seemingly) “stand with Israel" (despite the MANY comms suggesting otherwise that nothing is what it seems.)
Many others are silent about it because of Zi0nist religious beliefs (which is another Rothschild project originating from the Scofield Bible and isn’t even required as part of your faith, as devout Christian OG anons like @DrC_IET17 prove to be true.) Sadly, many of these types are too far gone and impossible to reach with reason.
Yet for some reason, we were still able to think for ourselves when it came to the vaccine.
Because logic and reason DEMANDED us to
We all heard Trump’s cringe comments about the vaccine but knew better because we can think for ourselves and we are even able to step back to see the bigger picture, that warpspeed stopped the fema camps.
We face a similar paradox today
Israel is literally killing babies and committing mass g-nocide. By now, this is an undeniable fact.
Where is the red line for you?
Is war crimes killing children not crossing the line for you?
Our logic/reason SHOULD DEMAND us to think for ourselves, say NO to the g-nocide and blatant war crimes despite what our admired political leaders say.
Trump has called for peace.
When will you?
Seeing Trump and General Flynn publicly “stand with Israel” is as painful to watch as Trump’s vaccine comments.
Yet we already know nothing is as it appears
We were able to see and understand this with Trump’s vaccine comments, as cringe and painful as it was to watch; it was a tactical strategy to stop a far worse fema death camp total depopulation agenda.
I believe it’s similar to this Israel situation. We must realize that in high level political positions, you’re limited on what you can say publicly for diplomatic and NATSEC reasons (it is a nuclear state/offical “ally”) but also a large majority of Christians in this country, (the largest voting block), have sadly been brainwashed into being zi0nist by the Scofield Bible, (a Rothschild project), so for Trump/Flynn to speak openly against Israel could risk loosing large swaths of voters from the Christian base.
For this exact reason, also to bypass the fake news media, Trump/team created ways of communicating through back channels with plausible deniability. This is why we have Q.
Nothing is what it appears
Trump knows.
It’s a sting operation; you have to move strategically
Which administration finally took down Epstein?
Trump is the poison pill for the Z0G but cloaks it in Z!0nism so they can’t say shit but they know; that’s why they’re desperately trying to stop him.
He’s surrounded by Z!0nists, think confidential informants.
He appointed Acosta and shortly after took down Epstein and Acosta resigns.
Major blow to M0S.
They’re saving Israel for last because it is the head of the snake.
The ONLY people who get a pass for being Zi0nist/silent on this are Trump/Flynn and perhaps those in their *very close* inner circle and those who work with them, but this is ONLY because of the sting operation taking place with Q.
Everyone else has no excuse.
We were already told “POTUS will not be addressing any of these issues… and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons.”
It’s our job to say the things our Patriots in high positions like Trump/Flynn cannot…
…so, SAY IT.
Rothschild created state is clearly the “very dangerous animal”
A lot of the people that were talking about ‘saving the children’ are deafeningly silent about children in Palestinian being slaughtered by the tens of thousands.
⚡️ROTHSCHILD & co just confirmed the late “Sir” Evelyn de Rothschild, advisor to the “Queen” of England, left the bank after reports of sexual abuse in 2003.
Bankers held a meeting to admit this, saying there would be “MORE TO COME” and there are “skeletons in every cupboard”
⚡️Trump just reposted a video explaining that the wars in Iraq and Syria came from Netanyahu
Netanyahu “is STILL trying to get us to fight Iran to this day”
“He’s gotten us into endless wars and because of the power of all of this in the U.S. politics, he’s gotten his way”
This is the same Jeffrey Sachs that explained the “Greater Israel” agenda on Tucker Carlson and that the wars in the Middle East happened because Israel controls US foreign policy.
@BsauceSays Dr. John Trump describes looking through Tesla’s possessions after he died, on behalf of the United States, looking for evidence of a “secret weapon”…
…where he found letters from Tesla to the Czar of Russia explaining that he was the inventor of a secret weapon.
Their original plan was to slow roll a vaccine after 10 years of lockdowns, involuntarily detaining people into quarantine camps. When the vax was finally released, it would’ve been mandatory and dissenters would be detained in the camps.