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🔜Urban Moving Systems⚖️🇺🇸RT by President Trump 18 times (Q+) Freehand drawing/painting, not digital or Ai TruthSocial: @kagdrogo ᚺᛖᚦᛖᚾ Heathen
21 subscribers
Feb 8 4 tweets 2 min read
⚡️ROTHSCHILD & co just confirmed the late “Sir” Evelyn de Rothschild, advisor to the “Queen” of England, left the bank after reports of sexual abuse in 2003.

Bankers held a meeting to admit this, saying there would be “MORE TO COME” and there are “skeletons in every cupboard” Article: theguardian.com/business/2025/…Image
Jan 8 11 tweets 3 min read
⚡️Trump just reposted a video explaining that the wars in Iraq and Syria came from Netanyahu

Netanyahu “is STILL trying to get us to fight Iran to this day”

“He’s gotten us into endless wars and because of the power of all of this in the U.S. politics, he’s gotten his way”

This is the same Jeffrey Sachs that explained the “Greater Israel” agenda on Tucker Carlson and that the wars in the Middle East happened because Israel controls US foreign policy.

Nothing is what it seems. Trump KNOWS this but can’t say it outright

Nov 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read

Trump reposted my comment pointing this out: Image “They’d never do that!” they said.

“FEMA camps are just a CoNsPiRaCy tHeOrY!!” they said.

Meanwhile, the CDC:

from family members, loss of freedom and personal interactions may require additional psychosocial support”
Nov 11, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Bigger than you can imagine. Video by @BsauceSays
Nov 3, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Their original plan was to slow roll a vaccine after 10 years of lockdowns, involuntarily detaining people into quarantine camps. When the vax was finally released, it would’ve been mandatory and dissenters would be detained in the camps.


WATCH: ⚡️A film by @davidjsorensen from StopWorldControl.com
Oct 6, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Trump had the song ‘None Shall Sleep’ performed LIVE at the rally today

Don’t miss the significance of what this is

It’s not just when traitors were executed in the film ‘Sum of All Fears’

The plot of the film was how Q told it was Israel

This is when Q told us it was Israel.🧵
Oct 3, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
It’s completely understandable if you didn’t have time to invest researching Q.

“How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction?”

If you ever see a harsh tone from me about this, it’s not for you

This is directed toward those who trash Trump non stop, are chronically online researching but refused to ever look into Q based on false assumptions and preconceived notions.

Blind denial of new information without even looking for yourself is the same sheep mentality that got us into this mess.

It is a mark of intelligence to be able to consider an idea without accepting or rejecting it.

The lsraeI situation is being weaponized against Trump the same way the vax was, even though warpspeed stopped the fema camps. (This should be easy to see for anyone who didn’t just find out about the NWO in 2020.)

If you ever see these kinds of comments from me, and don’t know about Q yourself, please know it’s not directed at you.

That is all, carry on. For anyone who’s interested,
You can read the drops here: (you’ll have to hit the “sort” button with the arrows to read from the beginning, otherwise you’ll be reading them backwards.)

This short film is a good introduction but much has changed since it was made:tryandstopus.news
Sep 12, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
The only suspects arrested on 9/11 were Israeli

5 ‘Dancing Israelis’ were arrested after seen celebrating the WTC attack

2 were confirmed M0SSAD

They drove vans from the same ‘Urban Moving Systems’ co. as Israelis who were arrested with vans packed full of expIosives on 9/11

Two of them lived next door to one of the alleged high jackets Muhammed Ata

Ex M0SSAD agent and counter terrorism advisor to U.S. Congress, Juval Aviv, confirmed that Urban Moving Systems was a M0SSAD front company

The owner of Urban Moving Systems fled to lsraeI and was never investigated

Many more Israelis were arrested for spying, but all were quietly deported even after failing lie detector tests. The two confirmed M0SSAD agent Dancing Israelis failed lie detector tests after refusing to take one for 10 weeks

There is so much more to this, like Larry Silverstein, the Israeli “art students” and it was all covered up with the help of traitors in our G0V

It wasn’t just an inside job

Israel did 9/11 Never forget the Israeli “art students” who were seen at WTC just before 9/11 with controlled demolition fuses, just happened to be lDF expIosive experts & had unrestricted access to 89th-95th floors of the WTC for 4 yrs leading up to 9/11, named E-Team & GELATIN (blasting jelly)
Aug 28, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵How do you know this ‘Q thing’ was actually coming from the Trump admin?

I’m glad you asked
Let’s look at one example:

Q’s first mention of ‘White Squall’ in June 2018

First mention of “Where we go one, we go all” was 6 months before in January

Why is this relevant?

THREAD Image Then, the day after Q says “White squall”, they drop a link for the ‘White Squall’ movie trailer, which happens to say “calm before the storm” and “Where we go one, we go all” in the trailer/movie. Image
Aug 17, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
🔥Candace Owens GOES OFF on Israel and the HYPOCRISY of male conservative commentators that stay SILENT about things like Israel protecting pedophiles.

“Your nation is being held hostage by a foreign power”💯

Absolutely required viewing
Full video in comments

@RealCandaceO Candace Owens goes off on Israel🔥
Absolutely required viewing.
Full video:
Aug 15, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
What if I told you it’s not what you think it is

What do you notice? Image
Aug 14, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
What if I told you lran has joined the world wide Aliance with Russia, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and President Trump to stop lsraeI from menacing the world

“This is not easy to accept nor believe” Necessary to form WW alliances to defeat
Aug 14, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
👀👀👀 Trump posted his Twitter space yesterday at 19:47 Military time

Q Post 1947 refers to setting a trap for Google to be regulated

TODAY news breaks that Google’s search engine monopoly is being pushed by the DOJ to be broken up after a landmark antitrust ruling

QImage Ht @kellyannelu

I’ve been trying to avoid aggregator drop number/timestamp correlations but this is too big to ignore.
Jul 23, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Trump is going to meet with Netanyahu

“these horrible, deadly Wars, and violent Conflicts must end.
Millions are dying”

Trump knows.

“We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.”

TRUMP: “I never mentioned the word or the name Israel.”
“Clown Agency>No Such Agency.
RIP JFK - we will succeed.
Pyramid will collapse.
Think shell.”
Jul 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Now that many have noticed the song ‘None Shall Sleep’ from ‘Sum of All Fears’ that Trump played at the end of his RNC speech

Recall that the film was based on the book by Tom Clancy

Clancy was business partners with Steve Pieczenik, who the character, ‘Jack Ryan’, was based on

Pieczenik practically described the Q operation a year before they ever posted and said Trump’s presidency was a counter insurgency with Julian Assange against the deep state crime syndicate

Pieczenik has also been calling out Israel’s involvement in 9/11 and their control of Congress with AIPAC for some timeImage Steve Pieczenik has been very vocal against Israel, about Israel being behind 9/11, employing Epstein and the warcrimes being committed in the Gaza genocide.
Jul 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The song “None Shall Sleep” (Nessus Dorma) was sang after Trump’s speech last night.

The song was featured in the film
“The Sum of All Fears.”

What was the plot of Sum of All Fears?

They were telling us the entire time.

Consider all that has been happening.

Image The VERY NEXT drop after this confirmed it
Jul 19, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Didn’t want to go there considering the circumstances but at this point... this is some real looking glass time travel type stuff Image Upside down gun ☝️

Trump evened said “boom, boom, boom” in his speech last night Image
Jul 10, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
World Jewish Congress wants to put people in longterm prison sentences for “antisemetic remarks”

This now includes criticizing Israel or claiming a Jewish Mafia runs the world

The FOUNDER of the World Jewish Congress said “Jews” chose Palestine for “World Control”
Everyone beginning to see the picture?
Jun 28, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
If you think Trump really supports Israel then you aren’t paying attention

Nothing about Trump will make sense until you come to terms with the fact Q is real and then read/understand the posts

BRICS is ‘the Plan’ to take down the Z0G

Enormous scale of events currently ongoing
Image Expand your thinking.
Jun 21, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
👀Trump will release JFK files right away

He says it wasn’t released because people who worked for him said it needed “a little more time”

(Aerial view of JFK’s grave is a Q)

Israel killed JFK

Last for a reason

ScofieldBible is why the majority wasn’t ready to learn this yet

Samson Option is why Israel is completely out of control and can’t just be ‘stopped’

Now the satanic Rothschild banking mafia state of Israel has been baited onto the world stage for everyone to see the evil of their regime as they live stream the mass murder children to the world

The amount of noticing happening today is unprecedented; people will be ready to learn this now.

Objective [end]: checkmate king
Do you attack the king at the beginning of the game?
Do you attack and remove pawns first?
Do you attack and remove bishops, rooks, knights next?
Do you attack and remove queen mid-to-end?
Is the game being played public or private?
Do emotions affect critical thinking?
Add: important king control pieces [elim rogue elements]?
Add: how do you set the stage [board] re: public opinion [optics]?
“At this time.”

“We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.” JFK was going to inspect Israel’s nuclear facilities because they provably stole nuclear technology from the U.S.

(US military signature 97.7% enriched uranium has been found in the flora around Dimona)

JFK was trying to get AIPAC to register as a foreign agent

They killed him

AIPAC is now the only foreign lobby that doesn’t have to register as a foreign agent and they completely own/control the U.S.
Jun 10, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
It’s happening. Last time Stephen Baldwin posted a video like this, it was with a Punisher skull and shortly after, Diddy was raided.

Confidential informants?

Ghosts in the Machine? 👻