Maarten Keulemans Profile picture
Mar 23, 2024 57 tweets 19 min read Read on X
I’m a Dutch science journalist, and I watched @climatethemovie.

It’s full of crap. 😂

Here’s my step-by-step walkthrough, translated by popular request! 👍

Enjoy the ride! 🧵 Image
2/ ...After a fairly ok summary "it was much warmer in prehistoric times than today" (sure, but who cares?)

Yup: first lie. ⚠️
This graph, of temperatures over the past 2000 years: Image
3/ ...It’s a well known reconstruction, by Ljungqvist. 👇

Except... it’s TWENTY YEARS OLD. 🙄
4/ ...Today, we know that the ‘warm’ Medieval and Roman periods from the graph were actually REGIONAL.

Current warming (right) is EVERYWHERE: Image
5/ ...Modern reconstructions of temperatures since the year zero AD look more like this:

(see: )…
6/ ...Plus, the documentary LEAVES OUT the last bit of
Ljungqvist's graph.

Today, it would look like this 👇: Image
7/ ...Hey! It’s the good old Central England Temp Record!

A classic, among climate skeptics. 🥳

Because it appears to show there has been *hardly any warming* since, say, 1650...

Until you take a closer look...📷 Image
8/ ...A few things aren't right.

First of all, the real graph VERY CLEARLY shows warming is indeed happening... Image
9/ ...And secondly: Central England is of course just a pinprick on the map. Lots of regional influence here.

Here’s the AVERAGE of measurements, on the Northern Hemisphere 😏: Image
10/ ...It doesn't get better than this. 🥳👇

Peak climate scepticism: "What we see is simply a recovery after the Little Ice Age". 🤷‍♂️

Um, nope.
11/ ...The Little Ice Age was probably the sum of several natural factors:
sun ☀️
volcanism 🌋
maybe sea current 🧜

And those factors are simply NOT doing the heavy lifting now.

Actually, the climate should cool DOWN a bit. 👇 Image
12/ ...Here's another nice one.

"In Central Park, temperatures haven’t changed since 1940! The normal temperature fluctuations are much greater." 🤔

No shit, Sherlock. 😂 Image
13/ It’s misleading. Central Park is hardly representative of the US.

Here's the national statistics.
Seems the world is warming up in the US too. 🥳 Image
14/ ...This also gives MORE temperature records.

Here’s a beautiful time series from @Datagraver 🏆, in my country. Of the number of daily temperature records.

Fewer and fewer COLD records each year. And more and more HEAT records... Image
(It's getting boring, I know. But hang in there! Just grab a nice tidbit here and there 🥳👍)
15/ ...Here's the next box to tick on the climate bullshit bingo card:

"The earth isn't warming up! It's just because the thermometers are more and more in the city!" 🥳
16/ ...Sure.
Then those buildings and parking lots have also been built… at sea? (blue) 🤔 Image
17/ (The fact that land masses heat up more than the sea is simply because the oceans cool themselves, by evaporation.)…
18/ ...And of course, scientists DO COMPENSATE for urban heat, by comparing their measurements with rural areas (green 👇).

Interestingly, it often doesn't even matter that much.

Urban weather stations are often located in parks, etc. Image
19/ ...Aaaaand, yes!! "CO2 is plant food" 🌿

Anyone Bingo yet? 🥳

(The point, of course, is that climate change is about the 46% of our CO2 emissions that is *NOT* absorbed by nature, and ends up in the atmosphere.)
20/ ...Even about something that is TRUE (plants absorb CO2), the documentary manages to get it wrong.

Wut? Did “all life nearly got extinct” during the Last Glacial Maximum? 🤔
21/ ...The mighty mammoth begs to disagree. 😂

(Not to mention all prehistoric life in the tropics back then) Image
22/ ...Plus, it’s not like we’re running out of CO2. 🙄

Here’s the CO2 over the past 800,000 years.
Currently, we’re at 420 ppm. Image
23/ Another classic:

"There is a correlation between CO2 and temperature, but the other way around: CO2 only rises after temperature." 🤔

This is actually true. But only PARTLY.
24/ ...Here’s CO2 (black) and temperature (blue), last 800,000 years. 👇

What usually happens:
Sun pokes up the system a bit => earth warms up => CO2 is released => warming accelerates. 💡

Often, CO2 is a *feedback*. Image
25/ ...But of course that does NOT mean that CO2 isn’t capable of warming the earth!

Just think of your house. Sun ☀️ often warms it up.
But that doesn’t mean your thermostat is useless.

There is simply *MORE THAN ONE WAY* to heat a house! 🥳 Image
26/ ...Probably the best geological evidence for warming by greenhouse gases: the ‘PETM’, 56 million years ago. 👇

Methane erupted from the sea => VERY fast warming. 🥳…
(Phew, almost half way through! Keep up!)
27/ ...Ok, another nice lie.

"Most of the warming occurred before 1940. And most of the CO2 emissions were AFTER that!"🤥

Not quite. 😏 Image
28/ ...This is because the left graph is simply WRONG (see this thread, 15-18).

And the right graph starts at 1750, giving the impression the line rises more steeply... Image
29/ ...Here are the actual data.

As you can see: CO2 emissions and temperatures rise nicely in tandem. Image
30/ ...Another classic: the 1930s were very warm! Dixit Steve Koonin.

Pants on fire. 🤥
31/ ...This was the case in *America* 👇, where due to poor land use there was the Dust Bowl drought... Image
32/ ...On a global scale, there wasn't much going on in the 1930s. Image
33/ ...Here's another one straight from the Climate Sceptic Bingo Card:
"It cooled down after the Second World War!" ✅

That's right. Except, it has nothing to do with CO2...
34/ ...The slight (!) decline was due to massive air pollution. Sulfur in particular blocks sunlight. Image
35/ ...Actually, I was surprised when I put the data together. 🤯

Top: sulfur emissions. Below: temperature.

The cool period EXACTLY matches the peak in sulfur emissions. 😳 Image
36/ ...And of course, this one is INEVITABLE.

"Climate models overestimate warming." 🥱 Image
38/ ...What they show you, is John Christy's infamous, misleading graph. 👇

(For a detailed explanation why it's misleading, see )
37/ ...Meanwhile, here's the reality. Actual warming vs models. (h/t @carbonbrief)
You can easily check this yourself.
39/ And there’s… John Clauser!

A Nobel Prize Laureate! 🏆

Ok, for research into… quantum entanglement. 😂
40/ ...When I recently seriously asked Clauser to substantiate his claim, he couldn't provide it.

Worse: it turned out he didn’t *have a clue* about climate science. 🤦‍♂️

Here is my report:
42/ Ok. So to summarize:

✅ There is no global warming;
✅ Global warming, which isn’t there, is NOT caused by CO2;
✅ CO2, which doesn't cause global warming that isn't happening, doesn’t come from humans. 🤔

So: what DOES cause this global warming that isn’t happening? Image
43/ “It must be cosmic particles creating extra clouds!” 📢

Well, no.
What they forgot to tell you is that the number of space particles actually DECREASES. 🙄

44/ “It's the sun!” 📢

Including an infamous, flawed sun reconstruction.

45/ ...So, here's the data from NASA.
They happen to do some solar science, every once and a while. 🙄

No connection there... Image
47/ ...Ok, extreme weather’s up next. ⛈️
It actually starts with a correct observation by @RossMcKitrick
48/ ...After which the documentary immediately falls back into Trick Mode again. 😖

"There used to be a lot more heat waves!" 📢

This was the US Dust Bowl, remember? Image
49/ ..."Summers didn't get warmer, winters got milder" 🙄

Hey, it’s the Middle England Temperature series again! Image
50/ ...Of course, if you zoom out to the ENTIRE Northern Hemisphere, summers are indeed getting WARMER. 👍 Image
51/ ..."The number of wildfires decreased this century!" 📢


But that’s because people (in the tropics in particular) BURN LESS NATURE, according to the study.
52/ "The number of US wildfires is decreasing!" 📢

You betcha. It’s the Dust Bowl again. 🔥

More relevant is the INCREASE in US wildfires over the last 50 years.
Due to, among others, longer fire seasons. ⚠️ Image
53/ "There’s no increase in hurricanes!" 📢

True, and as usual, misleading.

There are other increases. 💨
Such as faster increases in hurricane STRENGTH. Remember Acapulco?
54/ "Antarctica didn't get any warmer!" 📢

No, not OVERALL. 🤦‍♂️

But the *edges*, which prevent the ice glaciers from slipping away, became more unstable... 🙄…
55/ Only at the VERY END, the truth comes out. 👇

This documentary is NOT about climate science at all. 😐

It's about politics.

The boring, old stuff: right vs left. 🥱
56/ “No big government!”

Of course, feel free to debate this 👍
But shall we leave the SCIENCE out?🙄

Needless to say, many of these folks are involved in Big Oil...
(h/t @thedisproof)
59/ Anyway, (very) long thread short: lies, lies, lies. 🤦‍♂️

Putting out pathetic propaganda movies like this silly documentary just doesn't help. 😖

• • •

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More from @mkeulemans

Feb 13
De aanval van Trump-Big Tech op de controlerende machten gaat maar door... ⚠️

Nu weer: persdienst @Reuters onder vuur. 🙊
Zou geld hebben gekregen om de boel te manipuleren.

Maar na wat gespeur blijkt dat dit HELEMAAL ANDERS zit... 🧵
2/ ...Op eerste oog ziet het er inderdaad heel raar uit.

Reuters kreeg 9 miljoen van Defensie voor... 'active social engineering defense' en 'large scale social deception'???? 😳

Klinkt als: 'Overheid betaalde Reuters om de mensen te kneden' 🤔

MAAR! ⚠️ Image
2/ ...Let op de DATUM.

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Wut? 🧐 Image
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Paar bijpraattweets... 🧵 Image
1/ 💡 ...Wat er is gebeurd: CIA heeft rapport vrijgegeven, dat al in de maak was.

✅ "Alles overziend, achten we lab waarschijnlijker dan markt." 😳

Oeh! Maar pas op. ⚠️
Er zijn drie LEVENSGROTE maren. 🚩…
2/ ...Ten eerste:

🚩 GEEN nieuw bewijs of zo. CIA baseert zich op inschatting hoe men zich aan veiligheidsregels hield. NIET op waaráán ze werkten.

Erg indirect dus. Image
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Dec 12, 2024
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Nov 2, 2024
"Uit onderzoeken blijkt dat linkse mensen anderen niet begrijpen." 😳

Vreemde uitspraak van @wierdduk. 👇🤔

Toch eens uitgeplozen, hoe zit dit eigenlijk? 🧵

TL;DR: Wierd kleunt COMPLEET mis.
2/ ...Uitspraak komt van lollig, klassiek experiment van sociaal-psycholoog Jonathan Haidt. 👇…
3/ ...Haidt vroeg 2.212 Amerikanen (!) vragenlijst in te vullen, met vragen over morele kwesties. 📝

Bv: "Een dier iets aandoen is ergste wat er is" 🐶

Met cruciale instructie:
"Hoe DENK je dat liberals, dan wel conservatives dit zouden invullen?"
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Oct 18, 2024
Behalve dat het *niet klopt* dat 73% van de dieren is uitgestorven 👇, is er nóg iets mis met WNF-rapport.

Het is een klassiek geval van: klimaatframing. ⚠️

Kijk even mee. 🧵
2/ ...Op de kaft zie je het al.

Opwarming is de grote boosdoener van alles wat er mis is met de natuur. ⚠️🔥 Image
3/ ...Dat blijkt ook uit de malle framing: VIJF JAAR de tijd om totale instorting natuur te voorkomen. 🤔

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"Over 5 jaar passeren we de 1,5°C." ⌛️ Image
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