🧵In light of Israel’s UN meltdown today, here’s a great 1975 article found in Uri Avnery’s HaOlam HaZeh & machine translated:
The whole world is against us, as usual.
The UN institutions made an anti-Semitic decision by a large majority. Adolf Hitler’s spirit is haunting the glass house on the banks of the East River in New York. It’s a fact. So it is written in the press, alongside columns filled with swastikas.
The aforementioned resolution dictates ‘The ideology of Zionism is racist.’
Since Zionism is the official Torah of the State of Israel, it follows that Israel too is racist. Who would entertain such a baseless claim if not an outright anti-Semite?
Fortunately, it is very easy to refute this vile and despicable decision.
The nature of Zionism & consequently that of the State of Israel, are not determined by votes in New York, but by the actions of the State & its government, through the realization of Zionism on our land.
We have little influence over votes at the UN. There, any condemnation can be directed against us. But we have influence over the actions of the State of Israel. It is independent. It is sovereign.
No power in the world — certainly not the UN, can dictate what it should do.
Therefore, the Israeli government can easily prove that it’s neither racist nor nationalist. It can take actions that will slap the faces of the anti-Semites who’ve raised their hands for this wicked condemnation.
It can make them choke with anger & hide their faces in shame. It can turn them into a laughingstock in the eyes of any decent person.
How? Very easily. A few simple actions that speak for themselves would suffice:
If I were in charge of Israel’s public relations, I would compile a long list of such actions that could be implemented immediately.
For example, one of the accusations by Israel’s enemies is that in Israel, the personal lives of its residents are subject to racial restrictions.
They claim, for some reason, that the State of Israel denies its citizens one of the fundamental rights of modern man: to marry according to one’s heart’s desire, regardless of the race, origin, nationality, ethnic group, and (recently added) the gender of the partners.
Various publications around the world have claimed that in Israel, a ‘kosher’ Jew is not allowed to marry a woman unless she is of Jewish descent.
They argue that we scrutinize the family trees of the mother & grandmother, comparing this to the infamous Nuremberg Laws.
Globally, the ridiculous notion has spread that ‘blacklists’ like ones used in the Third Reich, slandering citizens’ backgrounds of being bastards, gentiles, half-breeds, & other definitions related to national, racial, or religious origin, have recently been discovered in Israel
How can we refute these claims by the anti-Semites? Very easily...
I suggest the Knesset immediately enact a ‘Basic Law: Marriage & Divorce’, which guarantees every person in Israel the unlimited right to marry and be married according to the free will of the partners. This law should ensure civil marriages & divorces for anyone who desires them
It must criminally prohibit any scrutiny of a person’s origin.
Such a law would be a knockout blow to all of Israel’s haters, proving that the Zionist State of Israel is devoid of any racism. It would embarrass the accursed Nazis at the UN assembly more than anything.
Another wicked claim by the anti-Semites is that the State of Israel, from its establishment to this very day, enacts a racist policy of land confiscation.
They insinuate that there’s a trend in our state to ‘Judaize’ the Negev, ‘Judaize’ the Galilee, ‘Judaize’ Jerusalem.
They claim, in other words: the development of the State of Israel is not aimed at improving the situation of all its residents, irrespective of religion and race, but is a guise for displacing non-Jews in favor of Jews.
According to these haters of Israel, Jerusalem is not being developed for its own sake, but rather with the intention of making it a predominantly Jewish city, while disenfranchising non-Jews. The Galilee is being developed not for the benefit of all its inhabitants but with
An aim to transfer it from Arab to Jewish hands. Bedouins in the Negev are being displaced to hand over their lands to Jews. For this purpose, it is claimed, more than a million dunams were confiscated from Arab villages that remained in our borders after the War of Independence.
Now, it is said, the gov intends to settle Jews in millions more dunams of Arab lands in the Galilee, confiscated w/ the help of both overt & covert expropriation laws.
This whole division between ‘Jews’ and ‘non-Jews’ is portrayed worldwide as an act of racism.
Why, these anti-Semites ask, are there no new Arab villages alongside the new Jewish ones?
Why isn’t there even one new development town where Jews and Arabs live together, side by side?
Why isn’t there even one Arab kibbutz or moshav in the country?
Why does a national scandal erupt when an Arab family from Lower Nazareth wants to buy a house in Upper Nazareth?
These wicked claims are very easy to refute.
We simply need to prove there’s no discrimination b/w Jews & non-Jews in developments from the Galilee to the Negev.
In the framework of development of the Galilee, existing cities and villages, whether Jewish or Arab, will be developed first. New industrial zones will be established within the territories of existing local councils, so they can benefit from the taxes and develop.
If new settlements are to be established, in order to utilize areas that are not currently cultivated, both Jews and Arabs will be settled in them, separately or together, with priority given to the existing population that is crying out for new sources of livelihood…
Imagine the faces of the anti-Semites at the UN when the Israeli ambassador presents photos of a new Arab village established as part of the Galilee development!
All the little Hitlers at the UN will burst with rage.
This same opportunity can also be used to refute another claim that has made waves around the world, aiding neo-Nazis to portray Zionism as a racist doctrine.
I’m referring to the case of the villages of Iqrit and Biram…
The anti-Semites insist that the residents of these two Arab villages were expelled from their ancestral lands, during peacetime, to hand them over to Jewish kibbutzim & moshavim…
Since these were Christian villages, this slander convinced many in the Christian world that Israel indeed is a racially & religiously discriminatory state, engaged in robbery of property for the benefit of Jew over gentile.
Here too, the solution is simple & straightforward:
What will the sallow-faced fascists at the UN say when it’s announced there that the residents of Iqrit & Birom have been returned, w/ great honor, to their villages?
They will die of shame when photos show Rabin greeting the returnees at the entrance to the church of Iqrit!
Of course, there are a few somewhat more complicated issues.
There is, for instance, the Law of Return, which grants special rights to ‘Jews’ as opposed to everyone else…
A Jew can immigrate to the land at will and becomes an Israeli citizen the moment their foot touches our soil. A non-Jew has to undergo various procedures.
The anti-Semites exploit this law to concoct allegations against Israel & Zionism.
They argue that the law grants a Jew from Brooklyn a right not accorded to an Arab born in Jaffa.
They claim that the definition of ‘Jew’ in this law, in its updated version as well, is racial (someone born to a Jewish mother) and also religious (‘or converted’).
Slanders have even been spread worldwide, as if the Israeli Minister of the Interior deported kosher Jews who were suspected of believing in Jesus, blacks who defined themselves as Jews, people whose Jewishness was doubted, etc…
How to refute these claims?
The Law of Return was originally intended to help refugees & persecuted individuals, victims of antisemitism.
Indeed, even before its enactment, several senior Israeli officials advised Ben-Guroon to waive it, since it could complicate the government with various entanglements.
There was no need for such a law since any government in the world can determine at any time whom it wants to let into its country & whom not.
Yet the law exists, and it’s not easy to explain its essence in the face of the slanders by the anti-Semites.
Hundreds of millions living across Asia & Africa see immigration restrictions based on origin as the pinnacle of white colonial racism. But here too, there is plenty that can be done to defeat the anti-Semites:
For instance, it could be determined that the Law of Return applies to anyone who sincerely wishes to join the Israeli nation and is ready to be loyal to the state. Definitions related to the mother & grandmother could be abolished.
It could be established that all who come to Israel are equal before the law when receiving Israeli citizenship.
It’s possible to adopt the Supreme Court’s recommendation from the time of the Shalit case & abolish the ‘nationality’ entry in identity cards.
It’s entirely possible to abolish the recording of origin, ethnic group, nationality & religion in all official documents - as Jews have demanded worldwide.
Such an act would deliver a blow to the Nazis in ties, the heirs of Dr. Goebbels, who poison the UN assembly.
I could present a long list of such proposals to the Government of Israel. I won’t do so for one simple reason, kept secret until now. It’s time to reveal it.
The terrible truth is that an anti-Zionist government has ruled the State of Israel since its first day to this day.
This government systematically acts to provide material for the anti-Semites, who seek to condemn Zionism as a racist doctrine. Otherwise, the decision taken at the UN could not have been made.
This government has decided just now to confiscate millions more dunams of additional Arab lands, to carry out the ‘Judaization of the Galilee’ (called ‘the development of the Galilee,’ as a transparent disguise)
The government has just this week confirmed that the blacklists of marriage ineligibles are, in principle, okay.
Just this week it was revealed that the government retracted its inclination, to return the displaced people of Iqrit and Biram to their villages.
When such anti-Zionists rule in Jerusalem, what is left to do in New York?
What can possibly be done?
@ireallyhateyou lmk if you caught any mistakes or missed jokes in translation — i noticed it tried to replace “Zionism is the official Torah of Israel” with “Zionism is the official doctrine of Israel” so I’m sure there’s some stuff lost in translation
btw, this same issue has a feature on how Shai Davidai’s El Al executive grandpa was a brutal union-buster lmao
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lol ok this is a lot but Davidai’s dad appears to have been in business w/ Alan Quasha since he brought Pepsi to Romania w/ Quasha’s money in the early 90s.
(Quasha is a very shady money man w/ ties to Bush, Clinton, the Saudis, US intelligence & the Marcos Dictatorship 🙃)
The corp Davidai’s dad helped run also makes award-winning parts for: landmines, AR-15s & “an explosive device made for a Department of Defense application”
5/13/22 📌 Paul Vallas & “pro-life” activist at big $ event by MAGA Jeanne Ives & Dan Proft.
Vallas announced his run for mayor a couple weeks later.
Is this ☝️ how Paul Vallas met Jeanne Ives donor & Dan Proft associate Ed Bacharach, who gave Vallas 25k shortly after her event?
Bachrach gave anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-immigrant Ives $18k.
Funny enough, before giving Vallas $25k, Bachrach worked with Proft’s “Liberty PAC” to sue the AG & BoE over campaign contribution limits apnews.com/article/d0c48c…