For example, the Twelve Olympian Gods, Twelve Titans of Greece, etc. Some Gods had twelve sons, and some sun gods had twelve disciples, but, as the Hermetic Principle states As Above, So Below.
As Within, So Without.
The Twelve Disciples of Christ's Ministry are symbolic of the Twelve Cranial Nerves which correspond to the Twelve Zodiac Signs which influence our day to day life.
"The Zodiacal Influences should not be regarded as having the compelling power of FATE, but as power furnished man for guidance in his Pilgrimage thru the Lower Worlds towards his Father's House, the mastery of each influence constitutes one of his Twelve Great Labors."
Manly P. Hall continues, "The Twelve Disciples actually represent the Twelve Attributes of the Logos, or the Sun, both visible and invisible; and should be considered the parts of one being, rather than twelve separate beings, each with an arbitrary interpretation of its own."
The Cranial Nerves are extremely important to our day to day life, we have discussed the Vagus Nerve in prior threads which is better known as the WANDERING NERVE.
It is known as the "Wandering Nerve".
This is because it has multiple branches that diverge from two thick stems rooted in the Cerebellum and Brainstem WANDERING to your Abdomen, touching your heart and most major organs along the way, and the Vagus Nerve reaches the very base of the SPINE.
This is where the Kundalini rests like a Coiled Serpent.
In Ritual Sodomy, the Initiated penetrates the Victim at an upward angle, so it strikes the Vagus Nerve in the Base of the Spine which causes a White Light, a Temporary Neurological Paralysis AND a Shift in Consciousness.
This Violation causes the Coiled Serpent to violently UNCOIL & RISE up the Allegorical Tree of Life, aka the Spinal Column, often times causing the Victim's Mind to Splinter into an ALTER or, even, BREAK permanently.
But, what if we are MISSING the most IMPORTANT Cranial Nerve?
The ZERO NERVE or Nervus Terminalis was discovered in Humans in 1913.
The terminal nerve appears just anterior of the other cranial nerves bilaterally as a microscopic plexus of unmyelinated peripheral nerve fascicles in the subarachnoid space covering the gyrus rectus.
But, why do we never hear about the SECRET 13th CRANIAL NERVE?
The ZERO Nerve has been dubbed SEX and the Secret Nerve. It is believed this little-known cranial nerve could be the route by which human pheromones turn us on. It had been dubbed the SEX NERVE.
The nerve is either vestigial and relates to the sensing of pheromones. The Terminal or ZERO Nerve projects to the medial and lateral septal nuclei and the preoptic areas, all of which are involved in regulating sexual behavior in mammals AND Humans.
Well, as the Hermetic Principle states: As Above, So Below, then, this Cranial Nerve must correspond to not only regulating the Sexual Behavior in Humans but a certain Zodiac Constellation?
This may awnser another often asked question.
Why is their a HIDDEN Thirteenth Zodiac House?
The Occulted Thirteenth Zodiac Sign is Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer, Ophiuchus (Inner G) falls between Sagittarius, which controls the Thighs, and Scorpio, which controls the Genitals, in the Ecliptic of the Zodiac.
In most ancient Astronomical Treatise, Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer steps on Scorpio the Deadly Scorpion's Claws are the SCALES of LIBRA, another reminder to keep Balance. Yin & Yang. Ida & Pingala. Male & Female. Positive & Negative.
Ophiuchus is the Shining One, the Philosopher's Stone. The Hebrew word for Serpent or Nachash, literally means "Shining One."
The metaphysical concept of Ophiuchus carrying or conquering thr Serpent symbolizes the activation of the Kundalini Energy which is simply the SEX FORCE.
The Reason Ophiuchus is HIDDEN is because of it's relation to the ZERO NERVE, the Occulted Sex Nerve.
The Heirarchy Enslaving You (THEY) use your Sexual Desires to CONTROL and MANIPULATE YOU!
OF COURSE, they are going to hide the Cranial Nerve which regulates the Sexual Behavior in Humans.
It makes PERFECT SENSE. This is the Same Reason Ophiuchus is Hidden, once the Zodiacal Influences of Ophiuchus, the Sex Force, are Mastered, true Self Mastery Begins.
Like John 3:14 states, "And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up."
In Hebrew Gematria, Messiah and Serpent equals 358 it should not go unnoticed that the numbers of that verse are the First Three Digits (3.14) of π (Pi).
The ZERO Nerve is the PERFECT NAME, the symbol for ZERO is a Circle, which contains ALL and Everything in it. It is the void of creation, which all there is comes from, it is the ZERO POINT.
The Ancients used a Circle to symbolizes BALANCE but, also, MOVEMENT.
The movement of the Kundalini Energy from the Base of the Spine to it's place in the Land of Pineal.
It is sometimes known as the Terminal Nerve, the word terminal means ending or finished. It is the Final Frontier before Self Mastery hidden from the Occulted Eyes of the Masses.
Infinity ♾️ is simply ZERO with a TWIST.
Learn this and more about the Art of Sexual Alchemy NOW in my NEW BOOK, "The Cup of Hermes: A Beginner's Guide to Sexual Alchemy"
Special Thanks to Carrie Love.
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The Norse All-Father Odin, or to the Teutonics Wotan, is the ONE-EYED King of the Gods.
In the Land of the Blind, the One Eyed Man is King.
Odin is the Ruler of the Aesir and his day is Wednesday.
Written as "один" in Russian, ODIN means "ONE".
Odin is UNITY. He is ONENESS.
In the Germanic Eddas, Buri is an Androgynous Being, a GIANT, who in turn generates Bör. Bör, joining the offspring of Imir, fathered three sons (Wotan, Wile, We) who killed the giant Imir, “they carried off his body into the EMPTY SPACE between Muspilheim e Reflheim”(FIRE & AIR)
Thus in the Havamál (139), Odin states, "I know, I was hung up to the trunk whipped by the wind for nine whole nights, wounded with a spear and handed over to Wotan, myself to myself, on that tree (Ygraadil = Cosmic Tree of Life) that nobody knows where from the roots it rises."
MEDIA was an ancient country located in northern Iran, which corresponds to the modern regions of Azerbaijan. It was the HOME of the Royal Art of Mind Control.
It is not a coincidence that MEDIa and MEDIcal have the SAME first four letters.
"The Art of Mind controlling you to self-sabotage your own success and your own potential is very old, This is not new."
Our modern MEDIA is named after this ancient country because this is where the ancient mind control tactics on the masses originated.
Jason Christoff writes, "What did the Meads in Media know about humans?
Humans are programmable!
This is the Royal Art the Meads used to teach other Kings and Queens from around the Mediterranean."
"It's an open secret in Hollywood. These people have their own religious, spiritual, social and moral teachings and frameworks. They have their sacred texts - they are sick - and they couldn't be more at odds with what America stands for."
Hollywood is the New Ministry of Propaganda. The ideas made on Movie REELS become REAL.
The Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, Monster Inc. and Labriynth are all example of Children's Film that are presented as sweet, fun & wholesome but beneath the surface are about much darker concepts.
These darker concepts include Child Abduction, Adrenochrome AND Pyschic Parasites.
In the movie, Monsters Inc., there exists in a parallel universe, a MONSTER FACTORY which harnesses and harvests the screams of human children for ENERGY (INNER G).
The term Sacred Secretion is commonly used to describe a Pyscho-Active SEED, an Endogenous Essence or Sacred Oil, that is produced in the human body, influenced by shifts in the magnetic lunar energies.
This SEED is likened to DMT, the Spirit Molecule.
This Holy SEED is produced in the Human Body MOONthly.
The Moon circles one full turn around the Earth in approximately Twenty Eight days. As it does, it passes through each Zodiac House for about to two to two and half days.
When the Moon is in your SUN SIGN, this SEED is released or SECRETed from your PINEAL and Pituitary Gland down your Spinal Column, the Pineal Gland releases a Masculine ELECTRICAL Portion ("HONEY") and the Pituitary Gland releases the Feminine MAGNETIC portion ("MILK").
What if our Reality is an AI Generated Simulation, an Energetic Prison, that has been built, manipulated and controlled since the BEGINNING of TIME?
What if the goal of our Human Farmers is to hide this HARSH TRUTH?
BUT, even if someone did tell YOU: would YOU even beLIEve THEM?
It was Aristole who said, "The worst thing about Slavery is that eventually the Slaves begin to ENJOY it."
In the 1999 Classic "The Matrix", Thomas Anderson has a feeling that something isn’t right with his world.
Mr. Anderson (Later dubbed NEO) works for "METACORTEX" which literally translates to "transcending the boundaries of the brain". Little does NEO know this is precisely what HE is destined to do after awakening from his beign exsistence.
What if our Reality is an Energetic Prison, an AI Generated Simulation, that has been built, manipulated and controlled since the START of TIME?
The Goal of our Human Farmers is to hide this HARSH TRUTH. BUT, would YOU even beLIEve THIS?
"The worst thing about Slavery is that eventually the Slaves begin to ENJOY it."
In the 1999 Classic "The Matrix",
Thomas Anderson (later dubbed NEO) has the feeling that something isn’t right with the world.
His Computer glitches: "The Matrix has you. Follow the White Rabbit"
Neo starts the Fool's (Orion) Journey when he sees a tatoo of a WHITE RABBIT, symbolic of the Constellation Lepus which is constantly chased by Sirius the Great Dog (God) Star.
Neo meets TRINITY (Tri-UNITY: Father, Mother and Divine Child) who introduces NEO to MORPHEUS.