It should be more than clear by now to all that the U.S. is not pursuing the policy of Russian military & political defeat. It was never the plan. It should ALSO be crystal clear that DC never intended for Kyiv to achieve even military battlefield victory in Ukraine.
The United States has never created the conditions for Ukraine to retake and liberate all Ukrainian territory, never mind resounding battlefield victory. They have created the conditions for ongoing Russian extermination of the Ukrainian nation and people.
The U.S. has never given Ukraine everything it needs to enjoy military victory on its own territory, deliberately holding back weapons essential even for this goal. They have deliberately shackled Ukraine's LEGAL right to self-defence against Russia's ILLEGAL aggression.
The U.S. has prevented Ukraine from doing what is essential to protect Ukrainian territory, civil and nuclear infrastructure, as well as the lives of Ukrainian civilians from Russian missiles.
It must finally be said unambiguously that the US is pursuing the policy of PROTECTING RUSSIA. And this heinous and grotesque policy is about far more than merely "avoiding direct confrontation with Russia". This is about the US selfishness, greed, immorality, and delusion.
They really believe their short-sighted political interests are paramount, so much so that they are knowingly, willfully, and deliberately harming and sacrificing MILLIONS of Ukrainians lives, Ukrainian territory, statehood, international law, intl security & stability.
It is delusional to believe that the U.S. is so powerful Russia dare not attack US interests. It's delusional to think that Ukraine can be the sacrificial lamb for broader peace. It is delusional to think the US is too big to fail, and that RU isn't pursuing this objective.
It is abhorrent beyond words that the United States can claim status of "leader of the free world" when it is serving Ukraine on a platter to Moscow, allowing genocide, allowing the obliteration of the post-WW2 security architecture, and putting the free world in peril.
And every single "have not" NATO member should be shaking in their boots about being another nation that can be sacrificed for fleeting political interests of the United States. If a nation of 45 million can be thrown to the Russian wolves, why not a nation of 3 million?
Every nation should be asking itself whether they truly believe that the U.S. won't be obstructionist when Moscow attacks their capitals, and threatens their existence. American citizens should be asking themselves why they are allowing their government to SELL THEM OUT.
The U.S. should be grateful to Ukraine for all the sacrifice Ukrainians have made to help keep the free world safe from Russia. Trump and his admin can go piss up a rope with their demands of "gratitude" for insufficient aid, trickled in, and extortionist demands for payment.
And let's stop ignoring the obvious: From 2022, the Trumpist Republicans were actively promoting Russian propaganda lies about Ukraine, and maliciously blocked essential and critical military aid to Ukraine in 2023-24. It was calculated.
The Trumpist pro-Russian disinfo campaign against Ukraine was designed to diminish public support against UA & Ukrainians - "Don't support those corrupt ingrates who don't even have a clear plan!" And withholding aid was clearly designed to help RU launch a counteroffensive.
Trump wants Canada because of its abundance of natural resources -from water to minerals & lumber- & all that access to the Arctic. I hope that those who think he's just a "tough business talker" today see that he isn't. He's a dangerous bully colluding with fascist Russia.
Trump isn't making idle threats. He is telling us very clear what he wants and intends to do - annex Canada. The one thing I do NOT believe is that he isn't prepared to use military force against us if economic warfare won't suffice. I have good reason for this:
On February 13, directly echoing the LIE narrative that Putin used to justify invading Ukraine in 2014, Trump said, 'They [Canadians] don't have military protection, and you take a look at what's going on out there, people are in danger [and] they need our protection.'
Reality: Europe is not opposed to forcing Ukraine into a negotiated agreement with Russia - which I must again emphasize necessarily entails making concessions to Moscow. EU just wants to be part of the process to ensure it serves not only US interests, but also its own.
For all the talk of "just and lasting peace" for Ukraine, Europe on the whole is STILL focused not on helping Kyiv defeat Russia mitarily and politically, but on achieving some mythical "containment" and "deterrence" as though it will be just, durable, or even achievable.
It's true that European nations are prepared to help Ukraine fight longer than the US is. But the objective of weakening tbe Russian army "to put Kyiv in the best negotiating position" is nothing but using Ukraine to make Russia less threatening for European security.
A Russian military aircraft violated Polish airspace over territorial waters. Russia flew 6.5km into Poland and Poland did nothing. "Not one inch of NATO territory" really means, "many kilometres and we'll still do jack shit."
Polish officials confirmed they were in contact with the Russians, which said the airspace violation was due to a "navigation system failure". Will they use the same "navigation system failure" BS excuse when they drop a bomb on Polish territory?
People need to get their heads out of the sand. Nazi Germany didn't stop after the Anschluss of Austria. Russia is not going to stop with Ukraine, either. Russia is mobilized, in a war time economy, and ramping up for more war. RU is testing all limits.
NATO has as its members nations which are overtly PRO-RUSSIAN. Slovakia and Hungary are working AGAINST the interests of NATO and the EU. Meanwhile, Ukraine is doing NATO's job for it and is still not even invited to be a member of the alliance. 1/5…
NATO recognized Russia as a threat. Slovakia and Hungary are ACTIVELY undermining the security of their NATO allies.
Slovakia & Hungary are ACTIVELY undermining the principles upon which NATO is supposed to be built on, namely democracy, the rule of law, respect for intl law.
Hungary has PUBLICLY announced that it will not go to war against Russia. This should be read for what it is - if NATO country is attacked by RU, Hungary is not going to honour Art.5.
Today, they work politically to Russia's benefit, but tomorrow it could be militarily.
The Biden admin didn't choose Russia advisors for their wisdom, accuracy, or ethics. The WH chose people who push Russia-favourable policies in order to rationalize and spin their pre-determined policy of protecting Russia from the legal consequences or its heinous crimes.
It has NEVER been the plan to save Ukraine or preserve international law. The plan has always been to save Russia from the consequences of its actions, and to keep Russia alive as a counterweight power to the United States.
The United States has knowingly, willfully, and deliberately severely restrained Ukraine from exercising its LEGAL RIGHT to self defence against Russia's ILLEGAL GENOCIDAL WAR OF AGGRESSION. DC knowingly prevented Ukrainian victory and Russian defeat.