ArianaGic/Аріянॳць Profile picture
Writer, activist, political and legal analyst. Director @DI_IntCentreUA. Senior Advisor @ceed_toronto. Sanctioned by Russia.
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Jul 16 12 tweets 2 min read
We need to paint an honest picture about reality.

On the current trajectory, the Western vision for Ukraine's "victory" will at best lead to a nation plagued by debt, with a totally decimated economy, with no infrastructure, no hospitals or schools. No health or education.
🧵1/ There will be no children and no youth to speak of. It will be a nation of elderly with no one to care for them. A nation of amputees, with adults and children having suffered traumatic injuries from the front lines or missiles on their beds.
Jun 25 8 tweets 2 min read
The White House says "there are more effective ways to hold Russia accountable for its actions than designating them as a StateSponsor of Terrorism," citing "downside effects" as reason for not doing so

The US is protecting US companies which continue to do business in RU🧵 Image If the US were to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism - something @RomanSohn, @HopkoHanna, and I have been calling for publicly for years (see quoted tweet from 2020) - then American companies would have to leave Russia.

Jun 22 9 tweets 2 min read
Powerful and truly outstanding piece by @calxandr calling for full and robust support to help Ukraine in its legal right to self defence to defeat fascist Russia.

I urge all to read this piece. I support and endorse each and every word.… While I could quote tweet the entire article, I will highlight only some of the points which are rarely made by people of Mr Alexander’s status and are, tragically, not part of main stream discussion, as they ought to be.
Jun 8 4 tweets 1 min read
Great research by @Textyorgua_Eng proves with hard core data what has been denied by many - that there's been a massive campaign in the US to turn public opinion from an originally positive attitude to supporting Ukraine toward anti-Ukrainian sentiments.…
Image The research clearly identifies who the main driving forces of that campaign anti-Ukraine have been.

Public support for Ukraine in the US didn't just dwindle because people got "fatigued from war". It was intentionally driven down by those pursuing their own malicious agenda.
Jun 2 10 tweets 2 min read
“Russia wants to destroy us. Our only hope of remaining whole and at peace, especially after agreeing to denuclearize, is to be part of NATO. PLEASE accept us into the defensive alliance.”

“Okay. Sounds good. One day it shall be. But not now.”


“Some day.” “What about a Membership Action Plan?”

“Not now.”


“We don’t want to antagonize Russia.”

“We don’t want to be invaded.”

“Don’t worry.”

“Russia has invaded us. Avoiding ‘provoking’ them didn’t work. Please help us!”

“Sorry, can’t.”


“You’re not a member.”
Jun 1 13 tweets 3 min read
Sweden & Finland were given NATO membership in recognition of the threat Russia poses to the 2 nations. They were brought under NATO's protective defensive umbrella. Ukraine & Georgia were not given the same protection before RU invaded despite pleas due to the RU threat. WHY?🧵 In 2008, at the NATO Summit in Bucharest, NATO declared that both Georgia and Ukraine would one day receive the NATO membership they should, but were not provided with the action plan to do so.
WHY? 🧵
May 2 22 tweets 3 min read
We need an international “Justice Coalition” for Russian genocide against Ukrainians.

From the *very* onset of Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine *in 2014*, its criminal actions went beyond a war of territorial conquest, and pursued a GENOCIDAL objective.
1/22 Russian political & military leadership, &ordinary Russians in uniform & without them, have been committing deliberate, organized, systemic, and conscious actions, directed by the Russian state, to exterminate Ukrainians as a group with a shared collective national identity.
Apr 29 14 tweets 5 min read
For anyone talking about Ukraine reaching a "negotiated settlement" of any kind, at any point in time, with Russia should recall that in Izyum, the genocidal Muscovite barbarians cut off the genitals of a BOY before EXECUTING him. His tortured body was exhumed from a mass grave. Image For anyone talking about Ukraine reaching a "negotiated settlement" of any kind, at any point in time, with Russia should recall that in Bucha, the genocidal Muscovite barbarians gang raped a SEVEN YEAR OLD girl before executing her.

Apr 27 12 tweets 2 min read
Ukrainian "victory" cannot be limited to the existence of some portion of Ukraine maintaining its sovereignty and statehood. A rump state is NOT victory. "As long as a piece of you exists" shouldn't be tolerated as a definition of victory because it nothing other than loss. Ukrainian "victory" cannot be the mere state of partial existence. Ukrainian "victory" cannot be defined by Russia not realizing its full genocidal goals to completely exterminate the Ukrainian nation and people. Any degree of genocidal success is not to be tolerated or accepted.
Apr 25 9 tweets 2 min read
Consider: Moscow of the USSR implemented this genocidal policy in Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, etc. Many of today's citizens of former Soviet captured nations are nothing other than Russian squatters who forcibly changed the national identities of these occupied nations. During the Soviet Union, ethnic Russians were sent to forcibly shape the identities of the occupied nations in Russia's image. Those who opposed the Russification of their nations - from language to culture - were criticized as being "ethno-nationalist" "extremists" and so on.
Apr 24 17 tweets 3 min read
Modern Russia is not just a captured state run by an authoritarian criminal mafia regime - it has also willingly become a true outlaw state, blatantly attacking the rule-based international order.

We should be doing everything to defeat Russia before it strikes militarily.
1/17 Putin’s Russia is a terrorist state whose menace eclipses any other rogue actor on the planet since the Second World War. Russia’s threats of unprovoked use of nuclear weapons endanger humanity.
Apr 23 24 tweets 4 min read
I'm sick to death of this. It is *revolting* beyond measure that the entire democratic world is not collectively pursuing Russia's demise. Total strategic defeat. NO NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENTS after "Russia's defeat on the battlefield" because it is total BULLSHIT.
1/23 Repelling Russian aggression on the battlefield and restoring Ukraine’s sovereignty over the whole territory within the internationally recognized borders as of 1991 is certainly the minimal condition for repairing international law broken by Moscow.
Apr 21 7 tweets 1 min read
We should chastise all who speak about "negotiations" with Russia "once Ukraine is in a position of strength". If Ukraine is in a position of strength, it needs to see that all the way through and DEFEAT Russia. TERMS OF DEFEAT should be imposed on Moscow. NO "win-wins". "But if Ukraine is in a position of strength, it can negotiate good terms!"

What "good terms" will Russia agree to? Changing its constitution re annexed Ukrainian territory? NO!
Negotiated settlement, by definition, means BOTH parties make concessions. Ukraine should make NONE.
Apr 14 4 tweets 1 min read
“We can’t shoot down Russian missiles in Ukrainian airspace.”

Why not?

“Risks direct conflict with Russia.”

Actually, it DOESN’T as you wouldn’t be attacking Russia, only missiles that have no business being in UA skies.

“Hmm. It’s not our war.”

Iran’s attack on Israel is? “No, it isn’t. But we care about peace and security in our world.”

WHOSE “world” exactly? Not the world in which Ukraine exists. Last time I checked, we’re on the same planet.

“Oh, umm, we DO care about Ukrainian peace and security. That is why we don’t want to provoke Russia.”
Apr 13 6 tweets 1 min read
In ‘91, the US reluctantly recognized Ukrainian independence from the USSR (a Russian imperial construct, led & controlled by Moscow)

In 1994, the US pressured UA to give up its nukes in exchange for assurances to protect UA territorial integrity against aggression, including RU In 2009, immediately after Russia illegally invaded Georgia in 2008, the US “reset” relations with Moscow. Part of GE remains occupied today.

In 2014, when RU invaded Ukraine, the US didn’t formally & officially declare RU as aggressor waging unlawful interstate war against UA.
Mar 30 12 tweets 2 min read
It should be more than clear by now to all that the U.S. is not pursuing the policy of Russian military & political defeat. It was never the plan. It should ALSO be crystal clear that DC never intended for Kyiv to achieve even military battlefield victory in Ukraine.
1/10 The United States has never created the conditions for Ukraine to retake and liberate all Ukrainian territory, never mind resounding battlefield victory. They have created the conditions for ongoing Russian extermination of the Ukrainian nation and people.
Mar 24 8 tweets 2 min read
Residents of Oserdów, Poland, near the Ukrainian border, report loud noises resembling jet aircraft.

A Russian missile crossed into Polish airspace. And not for the first time. These missiles are carefully programmed. Russia is deliberately sending them into EU airspace. Image Russia is DELIBERATELY sending their missiles which are used to kill innocent civilians and destroy critical civilian infrastructure, through EU airspace. Moscow is making sure to travel through the EU on its way to committing terror and genocide in Ukraine.
Mar 22 6 tweets 1 min read
There must be no illusion: sacrificing Ukraine will not buy time for the West to weaken Russia and prepare for confrontation. If we do not want to live in the dangerous and violent world of “might makes right,” there is no other option than Russian defeat.
Citizens of NATO countries may not have Russian bombs on their heads, but we should not mistake their absence for the illusion of peace – an illusion that can be shattered by Putin at any moment.
Mar 7 9 tweets 2 min read
Western governments are at a decisive moment in history. Do they take resolute action to finally stop Putin’s rogue regime, or do they stay under the optimistic assumption that limited containment will prevent direct military confrontation with Russia?
🧵 In order to answer this question, Western leaders need to be honest and straightforward with their nations about three key points:
Feb 27 11 tweets 2 min read
On the difference between Ukrainian and Russian culture:

When my son was born, we received an assortment of Ukrainian language children's books. Some were classics we knew well. But one book was totally alien to both my husband and me.

🧵 1/11 My husband and I both found the story to be absolutely awful, and completely out of character for Ukrainian children’s literature and Ukrainian folklore in general. It stuck out like a sore thumb.
Feb 4 8 tweets 2 min read
Our governments are failing us profoundly. Not only are they throwing Ukraine to the genocidal Russian wolves, but they are jeopardizing our national security. They are putting us at great risk.

It is a fact that Russia poses a direct threat to democracy and the rule of law. The upending of the democratic-led international security order is a stated Russian goal. Moscow, with Beijing, has made no secret that a primary goal is to destroy the current world order and replace it with one in their fascist, authoritarian, genocidal image.