22 subjects you need to teach your kids (because public schools won’t):
1) Competition
Competition and sport teaches valuable lessons including how to overcome adversity. Not all playing fields are even. People are born more talented, more athletic, more intelligent.
You can make up the difference through hard work and being more competitive.
2) Personal finance
Money can’t buy happiness, but you sell time for money. Learning the importance of spending less than you save at a young age sets a foundation for a life of creating versus consuming.
School encourages college debt, but education is basically free online.
3) Self care
Most people respond to adversity with copes. They make excuses, stop taking chances, turn to drugs or blame themselves.
Learning true self care techniques will help you bounce back from difficult times and keep your emotions in check during the grind of life.
4) Creative writing
School teaches you how to write for length versus attention. Attention spans are short. A ten page essay on a random topic doesn’t translate to the real world.
Keeping attention opens a million doors and skillful writers will thrive in a consumer economy.
5) Networking
Your network is your net worth. College is an excellent place to network but this is not something stressed to most 18 year olds.
Most spend their time playing video games without the wisdom to take advantage of this opportunity.
Fortunately, social media allows networking with anyone, anywhere.
You can connect with like-minded individuals who can help you, and vice versa.
Building a personal and online community will improve your life more than any degree.
6) Sales
Learning to sell and being a snake oil salesman are not the same. We sell our ideas, products and opinions everyday.
Learning this skill can get you a raise, side hustle, grow your business and increase your influence with friends.
7) The Bible
Even if you don’t believe, seeing how Jesus handled various situations in life provides an excellent foundation for how we should live our lives.
There are times to be caring. There are times to get angry. The Bible is an excellent foundation for gaining wisdom.
8) Basic tax code
Understanding simple tax rules and shortcuts can save $1000s in the short term and 100s of thousands over a lifetime.
Using the tax system to your advantage the way the wealthy do is critical for increasing your net worth and keeping the money you earn.
9) Emotional fortitude
Life is hard and never gets easier. You’ll learn to complain or learn to change. If you don’t adapt and push through challenges, it’s a tough game to play.
Learning to do hard things daily makes the unexpected challenges of life easier to overcome.
10) Nutrition 101
Understanding the basics of a high protein diet and doing the opposite of the food pyramid will set you ahead of 95% of the public.
A healthy diet cultivates a healthy mind and body. If you don’t have your health, the rest of the list is mostly irrelevant.
11) Public speaking
Learning to talk in front of others is a universal skill. It can be carried into any profession and will benefit you in individual and group settings.
It’s uncomfortable and a top fear for most but like anything, it gets easier with repetition.
12) Taking action
There are people less skilled and less intelligent than you making a-lot more money and living better lives because they took a leap.
Reading another book will only get you so far. Learning to act on the info you already have is what sets winners apart.
Modern fiat currencies fail in multiple of these areas due to the ability of corrupt governments to increase dollars on demand.
All fiat currencies eventually fail and placing asymmetrical bets on what comes next will put you ahead of the curve.
14) Self defense
Learning to defend yourself will teach you more about physical and mental fortitude than you can get anywhere else.
It will keep you in top shape, challenge your emotions and make you more confident of the uncertainty ahead.
Controlled violence is peace.
15) The art of learning
Learning new skills is a skill in itself. School is boring, slow, repetitive and teaches you to hate learning.
It teaches you to cram for a test versus retain the valuable information that you’ll need.
Learning through action and about things you are interested in will transform your life.
It requires you to be a beginner again which is challenging and uncomfortable.
But the love for learning returns naturally when you are learning what you love.
16) Strength training
It’s difficult to be strong and healthy without a strength program.
Lifting weights will help keep you pain free, a healthy weight and improve the quality and quantity of your years.
If you are looking for a fountain of youth, this is the next best thing.
17) Self confidence
Confidence is earned through completing things outside your comfort zone.
It’s another skill that carries over into every profession and your personal life.
Controlling your inputs, challenging yourself daily and starting with simple actions and small wins will help you build confidence in all areas of life.
But nothing will change until you start to act.
18) Learning to lose
Losing is a part of life. You’ll miss out on a promotion, get fired, make a bad investment or fail at a business.
If you’ve never lost before, you’ll sulk and give up. But when you understand losing is just learning, you get back up and go back to work.
19) Investing in yourself
Investing your money has great returns. Investing in yourself provides infinite upside.
You’ll be told that doing this is risky but that’s only because it makes others feel like they aren’t doing enough.
Investing time, money and energy into learning new skills or taking new direction in your life will yield the best pay out. It just may not be immediate.
Bet on yourself, then double down!
20) Investment basics
You don’t have to be a world class investor or need to manage your own money. You should be competent in it though.
Besides owning a business investing is the only serious way to grow your wealth.
Inflation destroys savings.
If you saved half of every dollar you ever earned, you still likely could never retire without investing.
Compound interest is the most powerful tool on the planet.
Not using it is financial suicide.
21) Passive income streams
Most people don’t love their job. They still need it though. Forming additional streams of income gives you leverage with your 9-5.
While not all extra income is passive, many other income streams exist.
Some include:
-Email lists
-Real estate
-Side hustle
-Flipping products
-Personal business
-Selling covered calls/secured puts
Be creative and find your strengths. They print it with a key stroke; money is everywhere.
22) Cooking
It’s impossible to be healthy if you don’t cook. Fortunately there are recipes online for simple, tasty meals.
There’s a learning curve to cooking but once you find the spices you enjoy, cooking from home is as simple as following instructions and having discipline.
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