Doctor of Physical Therapy | Left traditional healthcare to focus on disease prevention. Helping 1000s of parents lead their families without Big Pharma.
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Feb 3 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Knee pain after age 40 is common. But it doesn't have to be.
You can build strength at any age for strong, healthy joints.
Reverse years of knee pain and hours of sitting in a few minutes per day with this 7 exercise progression: 1) Sit to stand
Knee pain makes it hard to squat. Sit to stands unload your knee when it's under the most stress.
This allows you to strengthen without pain.
Add weight as it gets easier.
Jan 31 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
This overlooked biomarker is linked to a high risk of heart attack, early death and dementia.
The best part? You can check it without even getting out of bed.
It’s your resting heart rate.
Here are six ways to improve it while protecting your heart and brain:
Your resting heart rate (RHR) is the number of times your heart beats in a minute.
A weak, inefficient heart pumps less blood with each beat. It beats faster to compensate.
This makes a high RHR associated with worse health outcomes.
But a weaker heart is just the beginning…
Jan 27 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
This longevity cheat code is 2,000 years old.
But most people today aren't taking advantage of it.
The sauna. It decreases your risk of mortality, Alzheimer's and heart disease.
Here are 7 ways it can improve your health and how to use it safely. 1. Cardiovascular Health
The sauna restuls in heart rate increases, mimicking effects of cardiovascular exercise.
This becomes a tool for high level athletes to those injured or unable to exercise.
2+x/week sauna reduces heart disease risk by up to 40%
Jan 17 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
The only 8 exercises you need for the rest of your life: 1) Bulgarian Split Squat
These minimize the load on your spine while getting a great stimulus on the legs.
It requires minimal weight when done right and will erase knee pain over time.
Start with a bodyweight squat or lunge before progressing to these.
Jan 14 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
When kids eat sweets it gives them energy. But when you eat them you crash and feel terrible.
The truth? Your mitochondria are breaking down putting you at risk for chronic disease.
Here’s 7 ways to stop the damage and quit feeling tired all the time:
Mitochondria are tiny parts inside our cells. Think of them like little batteries that power the cell.
The main job of mitochondria is to turn the food we eat and the air we breathe into energy, called ATP, that our body can use for fuel.
Jan 5 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
What do the most addicting foods have in common?
-pizza, fries, ice cream
-potato chips, donuts, cookies
-Mac n cheese and chocolate
They are a combo of high fat and high carb and chemically engineered to hijack your brain and taste buds. Here's what you can do to break free in 2025:1) Evolutionary Wiring
Our brains are wired to crave energy-dense foods. Carbs and sugar give us quick energy, while fats provide longer-lasting fuel.
In ancient times, this combo would’ve been highly valuable for survival but doesn't really exist in nature in a single food source.
Now it's available in every aisle.
Jan 1 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
It's not your fault if you followed mainstream health advice:
-protein is bad for kidneys
-eggs are bad because cholesterol
But it is your fault if you repeat them.
Avoid these 7 mainstream health mistakes to thrive in 2025: 1) Stressing about cholesterol
Cholesterol is shown to have little impact on heart disease.
But insulin resistance and type II diabetes increase mortality risk by 6-10x.
Ironically statins to treat cholesterol worsen insulin resistance.
Dec 26, 2024 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
Too much sun can cause skin cancer.
But a lack of sunshine is an even bigger threat.
It wrecks your mood, immune system, and raises your risk of cancer and disease.
Here’s 12 truths about sun exposure and how it can save your life (even in winter):
1) The sun and skin cancer.
Not all sun exposure is the same. Morning and evening rays are primarily red and infrared.
These rays have huge health effects including recovery and preparing your skin for higher midday UV exposure.
Be smart and avoid burns but don't be fearful.
Dec 22, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Over a billion people worldwide experience anxiety or depression.
And doctors hand Xanax, Proloft and Lexapro out like candy.
Here are 5 natural methods proven more effective than drugs without all the side effects: 1) Exercise:
A common joke is that “men would rather lift weights than go to therapy” because it actually works.
A meta analysis showed that exercise including lifting weights for less than 25 minutes/day was 1.5x more effective at reducing depression than medications.
Dec 20, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Many people set running goals for the new year.
But 50% of new runners get hurt from a lack of baseline conditioning or overuse.
Use these 8 exercises to bulletproof your foot, ankle, hips and knees from common running injuries: 1) Standing Tibialis Raise
Your shin muscles contract eccentrically every time your foot hits the ground.
Lack of conditioning here results in shin splints.
Strengthening the muscles, tendons and bone itself is the best way to prevent it.
Dec 11, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Women have been lied to about strength training.
High reps and light weights don’t make you “toned”.
If you are a woman over 40, do these 7 exercises to get leaner, stronger and feel 10 years younger:
Again there is no such thing as “toning" exercises or becoming too bulky.
Nobody builds too much muscle on accident.
Use your nutrition and lifestyle to lose fat.
Use exercises like these to build muscle:
Dec 8, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
A low VO2 max puts you at 5x the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality
But most people have no idea what their current VO2 is.
Here are 5 simple tests to assess your own risk: 1) Rockport Walking Test
This is low level and anyone can do.
Walk 1 mile as fast as you can. Record the time it takes you to complete and your heart rate upon finishing the test.
The most important lab value that your doctor never checks:
Fasting insulin.
Here’s why testing for it today could save your life:
What is insulin?
When your food is broken down into glucose, this creates a natural rise in blood sugar.
Insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas. Like a key, it unlocks the doors of your muscle, fat and liver cells so glucose can enter.
Dec 2, 2024 • 22 tweets • 5 min read
40 sentences that will teach you more about nutrition than a $400,000 medical degree.
40) Meat, eggs and animal organs are the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. 39) Bone broth is loaded in collagen and helps repair the gut so you can heal from the inside out.
38) Saturated fat doesn’t cause heart disease, insulin resistance does.
37) Your ratio of triglycerides to HDL is a great indicator of mortality risk; the lower the better.
Dec 1, 2024 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Your back hurts because you have a weak core, tight hamstrings, and weak glutes.
Here are 10 exercises you can do in 10 minutes to undo hours of sitting at the desk: 1) Cobra/ Prone Press Up
This is a great exercise to reset the spine after a lot of sitting.
Keep your hips and legs in contact with the ground while extending through the mid-back.
Progress slowly. This should be pain free.
Nov 30, 2024 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
Heart disease is the leading cause of death
But it’s insulin resistance that causes heart disease, strokes, cancers and other inflammatory conditions
Since your doctor won’t help you avoid it, here are 40 sentences that will: 40) Insulin resistance occurs due to poor metabolic health
39) When you eat, your pancreas naturally releases insulin to absorb the sugar out of your bloodstream into the muscle, fat and liver cells
Nov 29, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Mainstream health advice is a recipe for inflammation, insulin resistance, and chronic disease.
Here are 7 lies they've told you:
1) Meat causes cancer
The studies that claim meat causes cancer forgot to take into account:
• The large fries
• The 32oz Coke
• The hyper-processed buns and condiments
The 4oz of meat isn’t what’s causing cancer.
They also fail to differentiate between a hot dog and quality beef.
Nov 28, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Do you have shoulder pain? Rotator cuff tears can happen to anybody.
Here’s a 7-step video exercise progression to prevent or reverse chronic shoulder pain: 1) Shoulder Active Assisted Motion
Goal #1 is to restore range of motion. Use assistance of a golf club or broom handle to work any movement that feels limited.
Let pain be your guide. If it hurts, don't work THROUGH it, but instead work TO it.
Progress as able.
Nov 27, 2024 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Falls don’t send people to nursing homes. Weaknesses do.
Every year after 30, you lose 1% of your muscle mass, and this loss accelerates in your 60s.
If you want to prevent losing strength as you age, read this:
The effects of aging are real. There is naturally:
-loss of muscle and bone density
-lower testosterone production
-a shift from type II (fast/powerful) to type I (endurance) muscle fibers
But just because you lose muscle, doesn’t mean you cannot still actively build it.
Nov 25, 2024 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Most people think the gut is only responsible for digestion.
But today the average gut is chronically inflamed leading to depression and chronic disease.
Here are 20 actionable sentences to help you reverse years of damage: 1) Your gut is connected to your brain through the enteric nervous system, and there's a strong correlation between processed food consumption and depression.
2) Too much Sugar reduces good bacteria and increases gut fungi resulting in systemic inflammation
Nov 22, 2024 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
If you work from a computer, your risk of neck pain and injury doubles.
Use this 3 step approach to prevent or undo years of neck pain with posture, strength and stretching (A Master Thread):
“Tech neck” is an overuse injury based on bad posture from looking forward and downward.
This results in Upper Cross Syndrome: the combination of:
-forward head
-rounded shoulders
-excessive thoracic kyphosis