Brett Boettcher Profile picture
Doctor of Physical Therapy | Left traditional healthcare to focus on disease prevention. Helping 1000s of parents lead their families without Big Pharma.
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Aug 30 11 tweets 4 min read
I’ve treated over 1,000 people with neck, low back, and shoulder pain.

Many of them were limited by one common problem, poor thoracic mobility.

Here are 6 simple exercises I often used and you can do to alleviate pain and improve your posture: Image 1) Cobra/Prone Press Up

This position is great for resetting the spine after lots of sitting.

To do the exercise:

• Keep low back & hips in contact with the ground
• Only press up to where you’re comfortable
• Don’t worry about speed
• Repeat 10-15 times
• Breath deeply
Aug 28 14 tweets 5 min read
A 40-minute routine for guys over 40 to build muscle, lose weight, and prevent injuries.

Bookmark this for your next gym day: Image 1) Prone I's, Y's, T's

These are foundational movements for building shoulder strength and stability.

The key is pausing at the top of each movement.

Use these to warm up and you’ll experience less pain with overhead movements.
Aug 26 11 tweets 3 min read
The average man today lacks purpose.

Modern life breeds men who fall victim to cheap dopamine, cheap food, and shallow pleasures.

Here are 7 ways to reject average and take back control of your life: Image 1) Do Hard Things

Modern life breeds soft minds.

Embracing discomfort separates you from 99% of society.

• Sign up for a race
• Take daily cold showers
• Commit to daily exercise

The only way to develop a tough mind is by doing tough things.
Aug 23 23 tweets 4 min read
26 health cheat codes everyone should know:

1) The most demonized foods, like eggs and meat, are actually the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Image 2) Cut off food 3 hours before bed. Cut off fluids 2 hours before bed. Cut off screens 1 hour before bed. You’ll sleep twice as deep and wake up twice as energized.
Aug 21 16 tweets 3 min read
The Big Food industry spent billions teaching you what to think about food.

Everything you've been taught about eating is WRONG.

Here's 20 tips to educate yourself: Image 1) The inner aisles of a grocery store are engineered to taste good and keep you coming back for more. They are closer to drugs than REAL food.

2) Eating 5-7x a day is not the way to boost your metabolism but its a great way to create insulin resistance.
Aug 16 13 tweets 3 min read
If you can’t lose stubborn belly fat, this is why (thread): Image First, we need to understand the two types of fat:

Subcutaneous fat, and Visceral fat.

Subcutaneous fat lies beneath your skin, the kind you can pinch with your fingers.

Visceral fat is belly fat found deep within the abdomen, and is far more dangerous.

Here’s why:
Aug 14 11 tweets 3 min read
They demonized eggs, claiming cholesterol and fat were bad for your heart.

But that was a lie. Eggs are one of the most powerful superfoods on the planet.

Here’s why you should be eating them: Image 1) Nutrient Dense

Eggs are rich in a diverse array of nutrients.

• Protein
• Healthy fats
• Powerful antioxidants
• Vitamins B2, B12, A, D, E, K
• Minerals like iron, selenium, zinc, calcium, potassium

Eggs are Nature's multivitamin.
Aug 12 18 tweets 3 min read
Nutrition 101 in 25 sentences.

Trust me, you didn't take this class in school: 1) A relationship with a local farmer/rancher can do more for your nutrition and health than your doctor.

2) The fiber is removed in fruit juices speeding up digestion and your body can't tell the difference between the juice and a can of coke.
Aug 9 24 tweets 3 min read
Your doctor can’t do 10 pushups.

But yet you keep trusting them to take care of your health.

Here are 20 mind-blowing things they don’t want you to know about the “sick-care” system: Image 1) Big Pharma pays for most research.

You shouldn't be surprised when studies also support their products.
Aug 7 16 tweets 4 min read
50 years ago, Big Sugar quietly paid three scientists to point the blame for chronic disease at cholesterol and saturated fat.

Millions of Americans died as a result.

Here’s how Big Sugar has been lying to the American population since 1965: Image In 1967, a single scientific study revealed the true culprit of the diabetes and heart disease epidemic was sugar.

NOT saturated fat or cholesterol.

So why wasn’t this information made common knowledge?
Aug 5 13 tweets 3 min read
Your abdominal fat is destroying your organs and setting the stage for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Here's 5 ways you can shed that gut and take back control of your health: Image There are two types of fat: subcutaneous and visceral (abdominal) fat.

Subcutaneous fat is stored under the skin at the surface level.

Visceral fat is far more dangerous because it wraps around organs, releases inflammatory markers, and produces toxic chemicals and hormones.
Jul 29 10 tweets 2 min read
If your gut microbiome is off balance, it can cause serious problems like:

- Anxiety
- Heartburn
- Chronic inflammation

Here are 7 ways to fix your gut health: Image Try fasting

Fasting for 24 hours gives your gut a much-needed break.

This allows the gut lining to heal without continuous irritation from food.

Occasional fasts can significantly improve gut health and alleviate symptoms.
Jul 26 12 tweets 3 min read
Children consume over 1 TRILLION grams of sugar per year globally.

The foods they eat during development ruin their future health and behavior.

What started as corporate greed has become the largest threat to our nation's health and security: Image The baby food market is a $110 Billion industry.

It doubled last decade and will double again in the next one.

Newborns are given formula on day 1 and fed ultra processed foods through development.
-added sugars
-fruit juice

But it wasn’t always this way.. Image
Jul 24 12 tweets 3 min read
“I can’t afford to eat healthy” is the most common excuse for poor eating habits

Here are 23 reasons why it’s just a cope:

1) If you can afford to drink alcohol, you can afford to eat healthy. 2) You don’t have to eat organic to be healthy; start by focusing on real food.

3) You spend more on your sugared coffee and sodas in a week than it would cost for a year of filtered water.
Jul 22 12 tweets 3 min read
Visceral Fat is a giant risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, and various cancers.

Here’s your 8-step roadmap to lose the visceral fat, fix your health, and save your life: Image 1) Start Moving

You don’t need to run a marathon.

You need to walk.

Walking will burn calories, aid in digestion, and suppress appetite by lowering ghrelin (the hunger hormone).

It’s sustainable, low-effort, has a low-risk profile and can be done almost anywhere.
Jul 19 11 tweets 4 min read
A 40-minute routine for those over 40 to build muscle, lose weight, and prevent injuries.

Bookmark this for your next gym day: Image 1) Prone I's, Y's, T's

These are foundational movements for building shoulder strength and stability.

The key is a pause at the top of each movement.

Use these to warm up and you’ll experience less pain with overhead movements.
Jul 17 17 tweets 3 min read
You should never ice your injuries again.

Here’s why (and what to do instead): Image Ice can decrease pain in the short term.

But it’s ultimately slowing down your recovery.

Here’s why:
Jul 15 18 tweets 4 min read
There’s a war on testosterone and modern men are losing.

Here’s the story and 10 ways to fight back by naturally boosting your levels: Image Low testosterone is a problem that is becoming more of the norm than the exception.

Nearly 50% of men over 45 have low T and more young people are experiencing this every year.
Jul 12 15 tweets 4 min read
You don't have a slow metabolism, you just don't understand how it works.

Here's a full breakdown on calories and how anyone can overcome a "slow" metabolism: Image You don’t have to count calories to lose weight. But the calories still count.

The Law of Thermodynamics shows that for weight loss, calories in and calories out is important.

This is oversimplified, but true. Though we don't have to know these exact numbers to improve them.
Jul 10 19 tweets 4 min read
You hear a lot about eating more protein to lose weight

Here’s the science behind why it will actually work for you: Image Let’s start with the benefits of a high protein diet:

1) Increased thermogenic effect
2) Reduced caloric intake through improved satiety
3) Muscle repair and maintenance
4) Lifelong plan that tastes great
Jul 8 11 tweets 3 min read
The most effective method for sustainable weight loss:

• It’s not running
• It’s not Orange Theory
• It’s not hours on the elliptical

It’s walking.

Here’s why: Image 1) Pairs with Endless Activities

Calling a friend or family member?

Do it on a walk.

Need to answer emails for 30 minutes?

Do it while walking on the treadmill.

Want to listen to a podcast or audiobook?

Throw in headphones and do it on a walk.