2) The authors developed a mathematical model to examine the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 transmission between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations over time.
They previously found that vaccination reduces infection risk for both vaccinated individuals and the overall population..
3) ...even with imperfect vaccines. Risk to vaccinated individuals disproportionately comes from contact with unvaccinated individuals.
They updated their model to incorporate new understandings of waning vaccine immunity, boosters, and Omicron immune evasion.
4) Even with vaccine efficacy as low as 20% and waning immunity, vaccinated individuals had lower infection incidence over 10 years compared to unvaccinated.
Cumulative infection risk was 3-4 times higher for unvaccinated individuals. Unvaccinated individuals contributed ...
5) ...to vaccinated individuals' risk at twice the expected rate based on contacts.
Overall, the updated model supported their original conclusion - vaccination decreases infection risk for both individuals and populations, with disproportionate risk to vaccinated individuals...
6) ...coming from unvaccinated contacts.
In summary, the authors found that their previous conclusions about the protective effects of vaccination held even after accounting for evolving understandings of Omicron immunity and waning protection over time.
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2) The study developed a mathematical model combining wastewater surveillance data, seroprevalence surveys, and vaccination/hospitalization data to estimate the impact of vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 variants on disease prevalence and wastewater viral load in Kentucky.
3) Randomized community-wide seroprevalence surveys were done to estimate post-vaccine prevalence, avoiding biases of relying only on clinical testing data. A population-level SVI2RT model tracked prevalence longitudinally based on vaccination and variants.
2) Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) system play a crucial role in the immune response against infections, including SARS-CoV-2. HLA molecules are found on the surface of cells and are responsible for presenting fragments of viral proteins to the immune system.
3) This presentation helps to activate and guide the immune response against the virus.
The HLA system is highly diverse, with many different alleles. These alleles can influence the immune response by determining the ability of HLA molecules to present viral antigens effectively
2) The study investigated the dynamics of COVID-19 contacts and subsequent conversion to SARS-CoV-2 infection across three NHS hospital trusts in the UK between September 2020-December 2022. Of the over 5,000 contacts identified, 9.2% (476) tested positive within 14 days.
3) There was no significant difference in overall conversion proportions between Omicron and non-Omicron contacts (9.1% vs 9.4%).
However, Omicron contacts converted faster, with a median of 3 days compared to 4 days for non-Omicron. A higher proportion of Omicron contacts ...
Time and the SARS-CoV-2 virus do share some similarities in terms of how they affect our lives. Time, as a concept, cannot be eliminated ...
2) ...or stopped, it continues to pass and settle in our memories. Similarly, the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be eliminated from our bodies once we are infected, it can settle in our organs and cause long-lasting effects.
3) In this first study researchers showed that the virus can persist in the body more than a year after Infection. thelancet.com/journals/laninโฆ
2) The study examined long-term physical and mental health symptoms in a large population of American Red Cross blood donors with and without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Over 238,000 blood donors who were surveyed between February-April 2022 were included in the analysis
3) 29.6% reported new long-term symptoms lasting over 4 weeks since March 2020.ย
Those with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection by positive antibody test or self-report were more likely to report long-term symptoms (43.3%) compared to those without infection (22.1%).
2) The study investigated the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived brain microvascular endothelial-like cells (iPSC-BMELCs), which serve as an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier (BBB).
3) They showed that the original SARS-CoV-2 strain can directly infect iPSC-BMELCs via the ACE2 receptor. Infection caused a decrease in transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER), indicating compromised BBB integrity.